Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/780

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2088 INDEX. Field Glasses, PM10- Finch, Maggie M. (widow), P*¤K¤· excise tax on, ~uld, etc., by dealer; pension _________________ _ __________ 1522 GXGBPUUH .. .. . 324 Fine Arts, Commission of (see also Com- Field Scrvicc Additional Appropriations mission of Fine Arts), for Fiscal Year 1.925, appropriation for expenses of .. 523, 1201 for Executive Ofhce . 705 for printing and binding for . 524, 1201 for Civil Service Commission- - .. .. 705 Finland, for Interstate Commerce C0mmission-- 705 appropriation for minister to .. 206, 1015 for National Advisory Committee for settlement of indebtedness of, made by Aeronautics .. . ... 705 Foreign Debt Commission, apfor Tariff Commission .._._..._.. 705 proved ___________ _ _________ 20 for United States Veterans’ Bureau 705 amount of indebtedness stated ... - - 20 for Department of Agriculture 705 bonds to be issued therefor- 2*) for Department of Commerce 706 principal payable in annual infor Interior Department . 706 stallments; progressive increase Indian Affairs Bureau . 706 until 62d year ______________,_ 20 for Department of Justice ... - 709 payment of additional amounts alfor Department of Labor 709 lowed .__._._.______________ r_ 20 for Navy Department ..` 709 interest rate to 1932; thereafter,- _ 20 for State Department .-.--.-.----... 710 for first five years half of interest for Treasury Department ...-.--...-. 710 may be deferred, and added to for War Department- ..-..-.----...- 711 principal; bonds to be issued for District of Columbia --..--...-.-- 712 therefor .----------.- - --.----- 20 proportional payments from the payment in United States bonds Treasury and District revenues- 712 accepted ----------.-------- - _ 20 amounts herein may be used irre- Finley, William H. spective of salary requirements pension increased .-..-----..---. 1396 for 1925 -.-..---.-..-.-..-.-- 712 Finley’s Ferry, Ark., for expenses of Alaska salmon Esheries- 713‘ bridge authorized across Current River Field Service, Civilian, at .--.--- - ---.--.-..--.---.--- 26 limitation for Escal year 1926, on pay Fire Control Installations, Army, allowed in all executive depart- appropriation for operating, etc., seaments, etc., for ...----.-.. 764 coast defenses -..---.-.. 491, 905 Field Surveying Service, Public Lands, for operating, etc., insular possesactivities, etc., of surveyors general sions --.. - -----.-.- 491, 906 transferred to, on July 1, 1925-- 1144 for operating, etc., Panama Canal- 491, 906 Fields, Bettie (widow), for construction, etc., of, seacoast depension increased- .---.. 1449 fenses -...--.- - - ----.--...-- 502,-917 Fields, Louisa (widow), for construction, etc., Hawaiian Ispension increased ..-.-...---.---.-.- 1471 lands ---------.-.--.------- 502, 918 Fifteenth Street NE., D. C., for construction, etc., Panama Caappropriatiou for paving, B to E nal- ---------.------.------ 503, 918 Streets; from gasoline-tax fund- 549 for maintenance, additional, 1925--- 711 Fifteenth Street NW., D. C., for insular possessions, additional, appropriation for, paving, Varnum to 1925 ------------.---.---.--- 711 Webster Streets ..-. - .---...--. 547 for Panama Canal, additional, 1925- 711 for halt covering, Euclid to Irving deficiency apprcgniation for ----- 59, 701, 762 Bgltreets; from gasoline-tax fund- 1225 Fire Department, . C., Fifteenth Street SE., D. C., appropriation for relief fund allowances, appropriation forpaving, B to E Streets; etc --.-..-..-. 560, 1236 from oline-tax fund -.--... - - - 549 deductions from salaries increased- 560 Fifth Street N E., D. C., for salaries, officers, etc -.----..- 561, 1236 appropriation for paving, T to W for personal services .--..--.. - --... 1236 Streets ----------------.----- 548 for repairs to houses, apparatus, etc- 1236 Films, Photographic, fori1?]provements, etc., engine house excise tax on other than m0ving·picture 0. 16; former appropriations and X-ray, sold by producer- - - 323 available ..-..-... 561 Finance Department, Army, construction at repair shop --.. 561, 1236 appropriation for pay of the Army- - 481, 895 for repairs, etc., to fire boat ----- 561, 1236 for clerks, etc- -. 482, 897 for supplies- . -- 561, 1236 amount for auditing World War for contingent expenses --------- 561, 1236 contracts ---------.---- ---- 483, 897 for new apparatus, etc -.---- 561, 1236 allowance for personal services in for house, etc., for truck company in Department -_-------------- 483, 897 northeast section near 12th` and for civilian personnel in Department H Streets ...- .. ... 561 (Mice ______ _ --------------- 483, 898 for house, etc. for engine company on for pay of the Army, additional, 1925- 711 Conduit hoad .--..-.- 561 for finance service, additional, 1925- 711 deficiency appropriation for increase of for citizens' military training camps, compensation - 676 additional, 1925 ________------ 711 additional force ----------_-----_ 676 dericienc appropriation for pay, etc., for repairs to apparatus ... - 676 ofythe Army _________ , __.. 62, 701, 761 for contingent expenses - 679 - for temporary services, Office of 761 basic salaries of chief engineer, deputy Chief of, to have rank, etc., of a major and battalion engineers 175 genera} ________,_..,,.. - - 970 fire marshal, deputy, inspectors . 175