Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/827

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INDEX. 2135 Indian Reservations-Continued. hre- Indian Schools, havappropriation for irrigation, Ganado appropriation for support, etc .. 404, 1155 project, Navajo, Ariz ... 401, 1152 provisions for the deaf and dumb for irrigation, San Xavier, Aria-- 401, 1152 or blind or mentally deficient- 404, 1155 for irrigation, San Carlos, Ariz--- 401, 1152 amount for Alabama and Cou- · for irrigation, Fort Apache, Ariz 402 shatta Indians in Texas . 404, 1155 for irrigation, Yuma Calif . 1152 Pueblo and Hopi Indians .,.. 1155 for irrigation, Fort Hall, Idaho-- 402, 1152 full blood Choctaws of Minissippi- 1155 for irrigation, Fort Belknap, Mont- - 402, discontinuance of boardigg schools- 1153 with less than specifi pupilr for irrigation, Flathead, Mont--- 402, 1153 transfer of pupils ---------. 404, 1155 for irrigation, Fort Peck, Mont- - 402, 1153 discontinuance o day schools with for irrigation, Blackfeet, Mont--- 402, 1153 less than specified pupils -.-- 404, 1155 for irrigation, Crow, Mont --..-. 402, 1153 transfers directed; retum of monfor irrigation, Pyramid Lake, Nev-- 402, eys appropriated--- -..- 404, 1155 1153 maintenance in public schools-- 404, 1155 for irrigation Hogback project, not to be used for schools specifi- Navajo, N!. Mex ---..--.-.. 403, 1153 cally appropriated for -.. 404, 1155 for irrigation, Klamath, Oreg -.-- 403, 1154 for transporting etc., pupils ----. 404, 1155 for irrigation, Yakima, Wash .--- 403, 1154 employment for pupils; for irrigation, Shoshone., Wyo .-.. 403, 1154 etc ---------.. - ...-..--. 5, 1155 for surveying, allotting, etc., addi- Alaska pupils ---- - ---..--..-- 405, 1156 tional, 1925 ...--..--.. --- 707 for constructing, etc., buildings; new for irrigation, etc., projects specified; construction restricted ...- -- 405, 1156 additional, 1925 ... 707 for designated boarding schools-- 405, 1156 for irrigation, Gila River, Ariz., ad- for buildings, additional, 1925 ----.. 707 ditional, 1925 -..-- 707 for support, etc., additional, 1925--- 707 for irrigation, Colorado River, Ariz., deficiency appropriations for support-- 56 additional 1925 --.---.- - .----. 707 759, 1348 for irrigation, San Xavier, Ariz., ad- per capita cost of pupils at, increased--- 958 ditional, 1925 --.---.-. 707 Indian Service (see Indian Aifairs Bureau, for irrigation, Fort Hall, Idaho, ad- Interior Department). ditional, 1925 ---.- 707 Indian Supplies, for irrigation, Fort Belknap, Mont., appropriation for purchase, transportadditional, 1925 -..------.. 707 ing, etc ---- - -------------. 396, 1146 for irrigation, Flathead, Mont., ad- warehouses restricted to three- 396, 1146 ditional, 1925 --.-. 707 time limitation for payment, etc--- 1146 for irrigation, Blackfeet, Mont., ad- for purchase and transportation, additional, 1925 --.---.--.-..-.-. 707 ditional, 1925 --------.------ -- 706 for irrigation, Crow, Mont., addi- deficiency appropriation for purchase tional, 1925 ----------.---.-... 707 transportation, etc ---- 42, 56, 698, 759 for Hogback project, Navajo, N. Indian Tribes in Washington, Mex., additional, 1925 --.------ 707 claims of, excegt S’Klallams, against · for irrigation, Yakima, Wash., ad- United tates, submitted to ditional, 1925 ---...---.------. 707 Court of Claims; ------------ 886 for irrigation, Shoshone, Wyo., ad- procedure, etc ----- V --------------- 886 ditional, 1925 -.-----------.-.. 707 Indiana, for irrigation, Ganado project, Illinois and, may bridge Wabash River, Navajo, Ariz., additional, 1925- - 707 at Mount Carmel, Ill -------..- 1131 deficiency appropriation for irrigation, Vincennes ------------------------ 935 Yakima, Wash ---.-.-.------ . - 56 Kentucky and, may bridge Ohio River, Fort Hall, Idaho; lands to be acquired Vanderburgh County, to Henfrom, for American Falls reser- derson County, Ky ----------- 662 voir in Minidoka irrigation proj- time extended for bridging Ohio River ect --------- - --..-----.--... 117 by Kentucky and ------------ 1132 amount authorized for, from reser- Indiana Harbor, Ind., ‘ voir construction money ------. 117 plans for improvement of, modified ---- 1188 to be credited to Indians, etc ..-.- 117 Indiana Judicial District, oil and gas leases on unallotted lands, constitution of-- -------------------- 751 authorized for ten years ------ -- 244 counties included in Indianapolis divi- Five Civilized Tribes and Osages sion ------------------------- 751 lands excepted -.-.-...-..--... 244 Fort Wayne division -------------- 751 consent of Indians re uired .-----.-. 244 South Bend division ------ - ------__ 751 production subject toqState taxation- 244 Hammond division ---------- - ----- 751 no lien on Indian owners -.------- 244 Terre Haute division --------_-____ 751 Omaha, Nebr. ; disposal of all unallotted Evansville division --------- - -_-__- 751 lands --.-..--.------.-------- 726 New Albany division -------------- 751 Pyramid Lake, Nev.; sale of lands to terms of court, at Evansville --------- 751 settlers on, etc ---------------- 596 Fort Wayne- ---------------_---__ 751 Quinaielt, Wash.; lands in, set aside Hammond ------- - ---------------- 751 for lighthouse purposes -------- 247 Indianapolis --------------------_ 751