Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/843

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INDEX. 2151 Kittitas and Grant Counties, Wash., Paso- Koch, Mary (daughter), 1’¤8°· may bridge Columbia River, Vantage pension __._____.,., 1424 Ferry .. "' .. 660 Kohr, Herbert 0., purchase by the State authorized; _ pension increased ____._,..._...,._._ 1402 operation, etc 661 Kokusai Kisen Kabuahiki Kaisha, Klamath Agency, Oreg., may bring suit for collision damages to appropriation for support, etc., of steamer "Malta Maru" ... 1576 Indians at, from tribal funds; Kontner, Louesa (widow), amount for buildings ... 411, 1161 pension increased __,..,. 1534 deficiency appropriation for civilian em- Kootenai County, Idaho, ployees at 1329 public lands relinquished to, on pay- Klamath Indian Reservation Oreg. ment of specified price . 1284 appropriation for Modoc Point, Sand Koupal, V. J., Creek, etc., irrigation projects payment to - 1557 in 403, 1154 Kramer, Ellen J . (widow), unexpended balance of appropriations pension increased ... 1440 fordirrigation systems on, cov- 1155 Kramer, Izozgest J., 1561 ere in .. paymen - for Modoc Point irrigation project, Kramer, Jessie O. (daughter), » covered in ... 1155 pension increased .. . - 1442 Klamath Irrigation Project, Oreg.—Calif., Kranich, Charles A., appropriation for maintenance, etc.,418 1169 Kissue ¢1§l1}?m?stead patents to 810 0 .. - .. - ., , mus, ic ae , exchange of farm unit under, by pension 1409 ichard Walsh, authorized ..._ , 812 Krebs, Lizzie (daughter), Klamath River, Calif., pension 1487 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be Kresge, Julia A. (widow), made ,_...,._ 1196 pension increased ... 1526 Klepper, Rebecca J. (widow), Kuca, H. E., pension increased ... 1516 palyment to ._ 7 ... 1557 Kline, Amanda (widow), Kuh enschmidt, Elizabeth (widow), pension increased - .. 1461 pension increased ... 1452 Kline, Emma A. (widow), Kundinger, Mary E. (widow), pension 1444 pension ... - ..-- 1523 Klingle Road NW., D. C., Kuntz, Charles F. (son), appropriation for paving Thirty-second pension .. - .---- 1433 to Thirty-fourth étreets ... 547 Kyle, Lottie (widow), _ Klingle Street NW., D. C., pension . - -.-------- 1419 appropriation for paving, Tunlaw Road to Forty-fifth Street ... 1223 L, Klug, Eva G. (widow), La Fond Jouph P°¤¤1°¤1¤°1`°8·S°d -------------—-——-- 1522 issue 5; homestead patent to __,.. _ 810 Knappe, Annie (widow), La Grande 0,66 P°“Si°¤ —--—-———-—--—-——--—---—— ~-· - 1515 offices df rcgihtcr and receiver land Kmibenv A""“ M- <do··o'·¢·~r>· office at consolidated r - -- 395 P¢¤¤1°¤ ---—---—------———-·———-—---- 1502 Lulm and Vaué Desert Iridiohkiiefva- Koiolsla Sidooa . . ,666 mm, Mia., ctmm °f· refened t° dlsmct °°“'5 ····· reimbursement to certain purchasers of Knight, Isabella (widow), lands within _________________ 1586 pension increasedt .. 1516 La May, Fred JW ` Kmaht, Soroh E- (widow), land patent to ______________,.._ 1580 pension increased ... 1433 La Plum Rim., K"°b5.C1“k* N' Cm . b compact of Colorado and New Mexico prelnmgaggeexamination, etc., Of, to B 1193 26,,- use of waters, approved by 796 · · * 1 ‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘' ' 011 TCSS .. - ..

   (widow). 1423 tgring of gg]-ggujnf, _____ _ __________  

¤<»»··o»~. one o- <o·=~o·=~>» ’*“.i’,‘i{..€‘,;‘§i.i'ti.€*.?iZ;";°5z,.t ..1 at 1206 Pension ·-····· . ···········‘·‘‘‘·‘‘‘· 1489 Labor Disputes, Conciliation of, ---5-5 ’ Knut do M' (w°d°w)• appropriation for commissioners, etc. 230, pension .. - . - - - - 1475 1048 Kmrvills andcharlesmn Railway g°mp°my* for commissioners, etc., additional, bridge of, across Tennessee River to be 1925 _______ _ ___________ 709 gerated by Southern Railway 113 Labor O,.6a,,6z,;&6;,6’ °mP“¤Y ——-—----------~· · · · · exempt from income tax . 282 K"’°°wiu° I?w°¤ » Labor Or anizations etc granted mgm °f miy across Vgtcmns use og antitrust appropriations for Bureau hospital reservation at-- 792 to 8 ml forbidden 217 1027 Knoxville, Tenn., S cu . g' S 'T ` ’ maintenance of bridge authorized L*·1b°" S¤*#‘tW_D¢m¢¢8» P 08141 WWW, 89 787 across Tennessee River at .. 113 5·PP1`°P"&t1°¤ for- — -‘ ---······ · ···‘‘ ’ Knuckles, Wizztam 0., - Looor Sooioa Moohiooa . pgngign ______________ _ _________ -_-- 1387 appropriation for purchase, Supplies Ko·mo-dal-kiah, for, etc., Treasury Department- 66 allotment in Colville Indian Reserva- deficiency appropriation for, Treasury tion granted to _________ _ ___,_ 1563 Department, _____________ _ ____ 61