Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/857

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mnnx. 2165 Mecklenbzgg ;9?ag4ic;anten(§iialtComr£1ission, Pau- Medical Departrgent, ie/I1r:iny—i—&l}_ori(i;ir§1(;ed. P¤K¤· ni e 'ta es- on inue . a~`ditiona11an for e ica ie rvcstablished; composition . 1267 4 ice School, Carlisle Barracks, to amounmauigxorized for expenses outside 7 be acquired __,__. .. .,_,,__ 658 6 istrict .. 126 money available .. 658 for p:ei;·ti$:iiz:.tinIgI celglbragion at officersdexcepteg tfrom requirement of 470 ar 0 e . . 0 e eclara- uty wit roops ______________ tim of independence of Meek- Medical Department, Navy (see Bureau of lenburg County citizens of the _ Medicine and Surgery, Nang). English Crown 1D May, 1775--- 1267 Medical Inspectogs, Pglnlic Schools, . 1232 Medal, appropria 1on or* 1v1sion ----..-- , preparation at the mint of, to commem- Medical Musfull? C-: A’f’”?/r , Opatg first of Noysg 8·pp1`Op1'18lZ10I1 O1` PIBSBIVIDQ BPOCIIDBDS, grzirnigrants arriving in United 096 Medical Etc ---- 6--- --21 ----——--- ---- 494, 909 _______________________ 1 eserve orps rmy Medan andBD?corations, Fo-eign, pay, etc-, of ¤iHc<=¤$,¤¤<1 riurm c¤ri¤s acceptwze authoriggd of, tendered to f9!‘ _ Vetzfigls lb€¤€6· A- .· gi { cranes a rmy osp1 a s may - wolgig ai u-[angx1;iE}(;t_?__(i$r?_ _?f 979 _ be from allotments thereof -..-. 507 Medals of Honor, c., Army, M?d’·°¤·z Samet?/» D- C-, balances of ap pg-iationg for, covered 4 in(;JrP0!:·tt0I`8 9Jid --·- - ------ in ______ · ____________________ 93 _ rope y owncrsmfke c --.-.-...-.. W Medford Oreg. » _ Medicine Bow atw crest, Wyo, acceptance of land from, for Crater lands °utlt°m°d t° is ¤<’d*>d t° ······· 594 Lake Park _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 606 proclamation enlarging area of -------. 1964 Medical gud Hospital Services, Veterans’ admggrzcdwlgnawd as °‘ g°m° pm" 1965 8·PPY0pTl:l>'lg¢?Illé for, to be11cficiarigg_ _ 532, 1210 M 9di€‘l7¢€8,_ Afz'N»ll8TGl8d, etc., · deficiency appropriation fm, __________ 55, appropriatioii forfexpenses preventmgu 837

             iii------------- I

M ediml ¤,#;,·f1§~rw¢¤l (Mary of the WMM Meglproprmion:01-auvegsgsiam, ac-- 449,839 appropriation for preparing -------- 514, 929 gmigfoglglggggegl (wtdij) _ _ _:___ 1421 fmt additi°m"l> 1925 ——--—- - --- - 712 Mum, Cdhmm (w,d}Q); " " ' Medical Department, Army, pension increased ___________________ 1473 appropriation for contract surgeons-- 482, 896 Meek, Alexander K., §0r E11rS§i-i---£ .--.-------.-... Mde]§ic1'ency appropriation for services- 672, 1313 ` or ospi a ma rons ---.-. - ------ , e , . for medical and hospital supplies-- 493, 908 b(i·idge6g;%h0ri?gd across Pearl River at- 8 for Zmosquito destruction, Canallgg 908 Meeks, J ease L., one ..,... militar reco d co t d ---.. 1373 for veterinary supplies, etc .-----. 493; 909 M eerschaim, etli., Pigs; E for private treatment, etc.; excep;93 909 Mexcisz tail on, iold by producer. etc ---- 323 ion ----------.-----------. , " . . ., for preventing, etc., contagious dis£93 909 Mgzlyfsxignt tg? for loss of husband ------- 1578 eases .. elb Fl . ‘ for civilian employees, nurses, etc,. 493; 909 prélgiaaryaéxamination, etc., of harfor tuition of officers, etc -.----.-- 494, 909 bor and inlet, to be made -----. 1194 for supplies, Hot Springs Hospital- 494, 909 M ellander, Roxanna (widow), for miscellaneous expenses ---.--- 494, 909 pension increased ___________________ 1501 use for lg/l&dica1 aEdGSurgica1 Iélis- Meloy, Gertrude (daughter), tory 0 8.1* wit Grmafly Or- “ pension increased --------------- ---- 1435 bidder! . 1- - 494, 909 Members of the House of Representatives, for hospital care, Canal Zone garrzi)4 909 appropriation for compensation ---- sons . - . , or m` ea e .------------.-.-.-- 1 for Medical Museum ------.--.-- ,494, 909 for clerk iire _______________ I ___ 585; 1293 for Ogxary, Surgeon General 294 909 amount egaabgished fort clerk hire for; ce . mo e 0 paymen etc --------- 152 for civilian personnel, Officc of Sur- ’ compensation of,'after March 4, 1925-- 1301 gcon Gonoral L -- 494, 910 immediately available ----.--.-..-- 1313 for artificial limbs, etc--- .-.----- 514, 929 Memorial, for surgical appliances for disabled appropriation for completing Macdonf tsoldiers, etc ...-.-.. ongh, for victory on Lake Chamor russes . , in in 1814 .----.--.------.- 515 for 1%/gdipglvgnd Surgical History ogm 929 Memorialgvlgervice to former President or ar -.----.---.---.. , s n for supplies, additional, 1925 .-- 711 joint sesgiolii ,0f the two Houses of for ngeéiical anilgzlgospital services, 711 glfpnggs ;:>rdered for December 4 a i iona -------------- or __________________ 161 for Medical arid Surgical History of Memorial Sérvice tb late President Harding the World War, additional, 1925- 712 joint meeting of the two Houses oi deficiency appropriation for supplies--- 59, Congress ordered for February 60, 62, 699, 762 27, 1924, for ---.----.. J ------. 1609 45822°—voL 43—1>·r 21 55