Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/888

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2196 mnsx. North Texas Compan , Pen Northern Pacific Railroad Company— P¤¢9- may bridge Red giver, Illinois Bend, Continued. Tex . 664 assistance of courts, etc.; punishment Northampton, Mass., Chamber of Com- for willful default in answers, snerce, etc - .. 462 reimbursement to ... 1558 amount authorized to be appro- Northern and Northwestern Lakes, etc.; printed - . 462 apgropriation for survey of . 515, 930 Northern Pacijic Railway Company, de ciency appropriation for survey,etc. 762 patent to, in exchailife for lands re- Northern Pacijic Halibut Act, linquished in innesota ... 1594 deficiency appropriation for expenses of Norton, Eva (widow), commission t . 756 pension 1500 title of Act .. - .. 648 Nmway, ‘ me%¤i¤8 of terms ———--—·-—-——-·--—-— 648 appropriation for minister to .. 206, 1015 clicking d\1|'i¤8 010% season. 649 degciency appropriation forlingcmnitly 13 9

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nninsentiensuyt while iessiiy fishins egreem;(l{t°Ie;t°lL°;§¤ieg° grlgtatioxsiteon- 3 _ fer ether sneeies. errentei ----- 649 yentien with . 1746 giekvery fs enthermes: se1e,_et<=-_--- 649 convention w1tn,te preyentsmn ling er “sm8 MW Pers t:tP'ePe*'e fe" V*°1et*°¤» intoxicating liquors intogilnited ets-. nnls nl ----- _ ---·-------- 64 9 stetee . . I 1772 entry of vessels with hskbnt sn besrd treaty with associated Powers renting Iefunghtgln vrnietren of Ast ets-, 649 the} sovegeiiglntyl er, ever Spitz- 1892 _ W ——_ ———— _ -————--————-—-- r en cipeao pnnnhment fer mistress ------------ 649 payment ge, as ineemnit ter collision msmfengcnee of vlessegg ¢<;1>:tr¤1w¤fers. 649 damages go eteeineinp *‘Heeee1," 955 e . or e or m n .. th · ___________________ entnenty ren search, in territorial N,,,,,,,,,,,,,°‘§u,,°},‘?°Z,,,,e,,,,,), waters ------------ 4 --------~- 649 pension increased ... 1529 of American craft on high seas 649 Nomgeg publgc, p_ gw B€i.Z\1I'B of C8D8»diB»Il I]8tIOD&].B Bild appointment of residents 38, the vessels found violating, and de- President _______ _ ____________ 821 lézery to sntherired <>6i¤is1 of 649 my represent clients eerere eepere 821

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fo1'feit¤¥’e» ets-, 9f emerieen vessel !‘6BtI'1!:§§g1],’I?i$1 Government employ- 821 _ _ sewed fer vwlsnens ----------- 650 ir interested in case, een net ta e J\1!'1Sd10l>10¤ of Fedeml ¤0¤!'$¤-_ -—-— _—- 650 acknowledgments, etc., for . 821 exemptgwon of International Fisheries 650 HNWM8 ,, Steamship mmission . · . ’ l · - · ePPT°P;i;’·gg‘;1*Ptl;;’;iz°d f°" °XP°°s°“ 650 Owner3§m1;1gt;,?;1%is€;i;2f:g1uri:?{1isl?Ij 1589 . . ‘‘‘”‘‘‘‘'"‘‘‘ 1" Nuisance; D. . immediate effect of Act and duration ’ - ’ until termin§tion’ of convention 6 0 Ngggrggggtlzgizréggzgfut of '` 562 N-·».-»»'s‘2e~‘»i'?-“!-b·?¢*9-site-es ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 5 eebmtzgzepsystzestssseases; °°°v°°;i_?,t;R§;h0?r°°t Britain fer pres` 1841 be in lieu of that for injuries to Northern pete ree read eemeeey, _ Gevszsnsei siglslsyses ———————— 623 deficiency appropriation for mvestigat- NW86 C0*‘P·*»_IWvtI (fem 6). f 193 872 ing respective rights, etc 673, 1314 ¤PF¤'°P¤'¤¤t¤9¤ fer P¤·Y» etc-- 0 —-——-- 193» 872 balance of appropriation for investigat- °¥‘ Tent of Q}4¤·!`te!'s for---- —--——- » ing, my covered in ___________ 1146 f<>r_tr¤nsp<>rtms, etc-. remsrns ef-- 197. 875 im *4* b°,;"“*§°"‘ °‘,§“,’§"°' ***4** .,,6, ‘“““”“‘£Zt§‘L'?”§,?“£72€e‘};t§$?‘n§?e§‘3.°‘?s te .• . . . ¤ invesltnigationulily gogirgrxess to be made be in lieu of that for mjuries to of respective rights, etc ._,,___ eL_M,461 I Government employees ..., 623 no claims under general land laws Nurser1es,_Plan¢ and Tree, _ _ _ atiected _______________ _ __.___ 461 appropriation for cooperative investigainhibition to terminate March 1, tions, etc 442 1926, unless court proceedings Nunery plan", pending sdindwstren ---------- 461 n ropriation ret cooperative studies in PP _ status of land grants,_ and recom- 1,,-(,;,,,,8,;,1,,,8, etc ________ ____ 442, 332 mendagonggor adjustngexglt tolbe Nursery Slack, umd. ° y °"°f'°ry ° ° °' 461 appropriation for enforcing quarantine, . . "°"°’: —·---------—--—-------- ete _______,______,_________ 456, 847 Jomt committee of Congress created , to make complete investigation i N14'8¢¤» A{m1{» 482 896 ‘ of the lang grants £f, teat;--.tég£_- 462 1 v;PPY;§i2?etl0¤‘w' -—--—--——---—- » e 1- i . r. , pOrY1?Jrr?y,c:d:1imswr oaths, etc--- 462 l appropriation for investigating, etc., assistance of courts to subpoenas is- growinghmarketing, etc.,_ of-- 442, 832 sued by ___.,.._..._...__, 462 for investigating insects affecting,- 448, 839 punishment as contempt of court ,4 Nutt, Mary O:s(w:2iow), on refusal to obey, etc . nsion ..,. ---- 1457