Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/960

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2268 INDEX. Saint Paul Fire and Marine Insurance P¤8°~ { Salvage, PSN- Company, suits allowed in admiralty against payment to, for property damages 1588 United States for services of, redemption of lost certijcates of in- to public vegge]s_ _____________ 1112 debtéduéss ... 1549, 1551 Samoa, American, Saint Paul, Minn., Swains Island added to jurisdiction of - 1357 appropriation for repairs, etc., post Samuelsen, Jens, office, etc ____, - .. 778 denoiency appropriation for paying may build temporary bridge across judgment of New York southern Mississippi River at Jackson district court to ._____ - .,._ 1347 Street __.__..._._,.._._., 173 San Carlos Agency, Ariz., removal after completion of bridge appropriation for support, etc., of at Roberts Street . 174 Indians at from tribal funds- 411, 1161 time extended for bridging Mississippi San Carlos Indian Reservation, Ariz., River by Minneapolis and __... 29 appropriation for pumping plants for Saint Tammany Parish, La., irrigation repayment ... 401, 1152 bridge authorized across Pearl River, San Carlos Irrigation Project, Ariz., between Hancock County, Miss., dam across Canyon of Gila River and .._.. 19 authorized ... 475 Saint Thomas (see also Virgin Islands), cost limited .. 475 appropriation for naval station, ex- to irrigate allotments to Pima Intending refrigerating plant . 198 dians on Gila River Reserva- Salamanca, N. Y., tion _ 475 appropriation for ground rent ... 82, 780 other public or private lands . 475 Salem, Mass., reimbursement of construction preliminary examination, etc., of har- charges; basis of .. 475 bor to be made ... 1192 surplus unallotted lands in Gila River Salem, Oreg., Reservation may be sold ... 475 appropriation for Chemawa Indian proceeds for reimbursing construcschool at - - 406, 1157 tion charges .. 475 for Indian school, additional, 1925- - 708 announcement of water available, deficiency appropriation for Indian charges, payments, etc ...--.--. 475 school at ...- - ..--------.- 56 operation and maintenance charges Salem River, N. J., to be paid annually- - .---..-.. 476 improvement of, authorized ..---- 1186 public notice when water actually Saling, Laura A. (widow), available .--.-..--- - --.-.----- 476 pension increased -.. 1442 no payment for construction, etc., until Salisbury, N. C., contract from irrigation district, terms of court at ..-...-. 662 providing no sale, etc., until Sally, Shiloh, charges paid, is approved by pension increased .-...--..--...-.-.- 1393 Secretary --.- - -.------.-.--.- 476 Salmon Fisheries, Alaska, on lands in private ownership until all appropriation for expenses, protection in excess of 160 acres conveyed of -..-.-. - .. 713 to United States, etc ---.-- 476 provisions for protection of, etc .-...- 464 to be sold as farm units .-.-.----- 476 Salmon Fisheries, North Pacific (see In- rules, etc., to be prescribed; money ternational Fisheries Commis- available for necessary expenses- 476 sion). San Diego, Calif., Salmon, William A., appropriation for maintenance, naval pension increased -...-.. 1413 training station -...-.-.. 187, 866 Salt Lake Basin Irrigation Project, Ulah, for naval station, public works --.- 198, 877 appropriation for construction of Echo for naval fuel depot ..-.-..-..- 198 Reservoir and Weber Provo additional buildings at naval hospital, Canal, etc .-...-.-.-.- 1170 authorized from naval hospital unexpended balance available ...- 1170 fund -.-.-.-...-. 196 contracts with water users for amount authorized for water front payments ------------.----... 1170 development, naval base at ---- 1276 deficiency appropriation for construe- improvement of harbor, authorized -.-- 1189 tion, etc. of -------,- - -.------ 685 preliminary examination, etc., of, har- Salt Lake Basin, Utah, bor to be made -...-.. 1196 deficiency appropriation for coopera- San Diego Calif. Consolidated Gas and tive investigations of irrigation Electric Company, projects in _-.-.--.-.-.-.----- 685 payment to, for pnzwrty damages . 1573 Salt Lake City, Utah, San Francisco Bay, alif., appropriation for assay office at 78, 777 preliminary examination, etc., to be for assay office at, additional, 1925-- 710 made, of channel from Redwood Salt River Agency, Ariz., City to .. 1196 appropriation for support, etc., of In- San Francisco, Calif., _ dians at, from tribal funds-- 411, 1161 appropriation for mint at ... 77, 776 Sal; River Irrigalion Project, Ariz., for quarantine station, ... 80, 778 appropriation for providing water for for airplane mail service, New York Indians from . 402 and - ... 87, 785 for examination of, and accounts- 416, 1166 for Marine Corps supply depot; Salvador, transfer of site for, from Treasappropriation for minister to .. 206, 1015 ury Department .---..-----..- 198