Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/964

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2272 mnsx. Second .,:]ss»i?ant dPostmaster General- P¤8¤- Secretary oférigrrlculture-—Continued. PNN- on inue . th ° t bl' li t t - approplrgiatgon fczr expenses of division87 7 5 au Oniggntttsggsesgrisgmlgglrggtiods ea quar ers 8 of f t ma emeut t' be for fuel, etc., Railway87’ 786 prodzrcgiign, etI£:i7----fti-;;?- -3 1108 V , re are ex 1 s 1 gg; pgcgzrig glrldhfable car service- - - 2;, P pforeztal prodgct:?o1?\Selil·ille Ez- 1257 . , osi ion ----- - ---.-----------_ aircragt service ..--...-. . .----. 87, 786 regort on qualities and standards B8&_p0St service-- -------.-- 87, 786 of cotton _____________________ 1257 assistant _ superintendent, New wheat and corn produced, uses, and Y01‘k City -.. T .. 87, 786 market standards ----.-----,-_ 1257 representative at Universal Postal character of American animal f Congress research committee- - - 786 products-- -- ------ _ ---.-.-- T-- 1257 or Universal Postal Congress, dole- to be ririnted in English, Spanish, gates expenses- ..-.-- 87 and ortu ese languages --.--- 1257 for travel and mlscellaneous ex-88 786 waive one-halgu of grazing fees in P€¤¤€6 ---------------------- , National forests 1925 --.------ 1259 Second Assistant Secretary of State, authority of in cooperation with States, title changed to Assistant Secretary of for {forest-fire prevention sys- State ________________________ 146 tems, timber production, etc- - _ 653 commission, etc., not impaired --.-.. 146 with existing State systems, etc .--- - 653 Second Class M ail (see also Postal Rates), amount expended net to exeeed rates or postage for -. 1066 in dthsg by §G¤¤ Sys, itc --—------ 653 S•·=¢~·d Dj{¢y¤,2y Ag¢,;975 {ggsngicisgv . €$,i,Z$p,Z’3ooii3Z, ,§o°i’}YY`}i*l'i° oss Sec d Sm;t·NE°“D yr 7 °°°“ )‘ amourxt dauthoriged to be appro- 53 °'” _ , - · · , priae annua y ,,_,_------.-- 6 ¤·PP!'0Pggtion_ 701étPn2;n8» Bryant to 546 for procuring forest tree seeds and Pnmng rss -—--—---——-—— plants, for timber growin ondefor pavingl, Channing Street to Crom— nuded cr ucnfcrestcd bm B _____ 654 S (md S:°"2t1N%‘;}`“‘i‘;—6 --—————-——---—— 1224 amourzltitnot to exceed State ex- 54 ee ’? , · · ·», pen ure _.--- t .,-..--------- 6 ¤PP1‘0P_§%ée;1Brfgi£ml;7;·g’ln8, Ullnhnr to 546 annual approprgagions authorized- 654 Secondary, eta, Education, mmslgi, grogglrli FI 654 appropriation for investigations, etc--- 1180 amount not to exceed State cx- Secret Servjce, Treasury Department, pccdgtu,-c_ _ _: _ I ______________ 6,54 ¤l>P1'°P¤¤tl0¤ fe? chief of dnnnlenr end annual appropriations authorized - 654 emee Pe¥`Sennel——_ ——~---—--—— y 745 773 for cooperation with State system of for e¥Penne$» nuPPreSSmS edunterfelb forest iiro protection _____ _ _____ 1127 ms, ew --—-------- _ ---—---——- 74, 774 consideration or forest isnds, xsi-- P1‘0l>¤¢1¤;0{1;-lf the President, etc-- 74, nishing twater for domestic use 2 Pe? Tee ne len --------- , -; ----- ·-— or irriga ion ----------- .. ------ 11 8 fo1‘ :l;iPdl};9¤$liiE1*;)<;lg¤t€Yf¤1tl¤8, ele, 710 duties for ipiroltectlng v¥ilde§a;ne, etc., 1 iona ---..-. - ----.- ‘ th Secretaries in_D·ipl¢;matic Service (see also Ecvcmc:%cf?T_iT ____ x;(ixi1___? 668 F:0!'§18¤ Se1’V1ee_Omee1`S)- duties of, relating to additional allotgP£1’9PF1¤t;<;)¤ fo¤‘;!£$g;>¤f-} --——-—-—-- 57 menzs ticlr agricultural experi- 971 e cienc pro o ..--.--.. I ________________ SW7 07071/ 0}'A0"‘i¢u71u"e» , undelrilgaska églizie Law -------- --- 740 ¤ppr¤pri¤ti<>¤ for Secretary, Assistant, under Upper Mississippi Rivsi- Wim and office personnel- -_ ------- 432, 822 Lifg and Fish Rcfugc Act ______ 550 for <>i¤g10y¤¢8 111 m¢·>¤h¤¤¤¢¤1 ¤h0P¤ to ascertain location of public lands, f 81; P0gY{·>1'}>1¤·¤t ------------ 433, clciieily valuable for stream flow,. 5 or au omo ie or ---..--- - -.-----. _ _________________________ 65 for Editorial and Distribution Work ygpgftayg Rgggrvatign CcmmjBSic¤__ 6,55 Qmqfi ..--.--. _ --- ------------- 823 findings, if favorable, to be sent to for pi-inrtsing and binding; Annual re;34 823 t Congiress by the Pr-gsident ______ 655 .---.------ , rese e t th d' - for Eliroperiment Stations Onice--- - 434, 823 O tilibutibnpgil r(ii$seriIa(l:l ets, {gr for Extension Service-----. -- 435,824 roads, etc., in national forests, for agricultural exhibits at State, etc., under Highway Act, and transfer airs--- -..--..--.-...-. 435, 825 them for use in national parks for raperation and management of and monuments -.----------_- 9(1 enter Market, D. Céunder- 459, 846 Secretary of Q'ommerceAs8_ _ area of Custer Park Game anctuary, appropriation for, ismant, and office S. Dak., néair be (Enlarged upon 632 personnel ___--.---.--- ---- 224, 1033 ‘ recommen a iono authon ed to a ie add't‘ 1 la d authorized to make advances to farmers fin site ofcSt1aiidmds1I;(i12:au-.Ii- 950 in drought-stricken areas of New convey to New York, Llo ds Harbor Mexico for purchase of secd, etc.; and Fire Island abandoned light- ¢0¤dltl0!lS 110 house reservations on Long appropriation for -...-.-.-.- 110 Island, N. Y ---------.--- ..--- 635