Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/968

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2276 INDEX. Senate—Continued. Pale. Senate-—Continued. P•¢¤· appropriation for contingent expenses; positions and salaries established for stationery, etc . 581, 1289 clerks and assistant clerks to for postage stamps . 581, 1289 Senators not chairmen of specifor motor vehicles for mails, etc- - 581, 1289 Bed committees ... 148 for automobile for Vice President- 581, 1289 additional clerks 148 for folding materials; folding 581, 1289 Sergean.t at Arms and Doorkeeper, for fuel, etc - - - 581, 1289 assistants 148 for furniture, repairs, etc 581, 1289 messengers . 148 for packing boxes .. 581, 1289 clerk on Journal work for Confor rent of warehouse for documents- togrtisional lilggord-- - -----.-.- 1 s re eeper, rers, e c .----.-.- for miscellaneous items -----.--- 581, 1289 pages ..--.-- - .---------.--.---- 149 forinquiriesand investigations 16, 581, 1289 po `ee for Senate Office Building for reporting debates ----------- 581, 1289 under -..--.--------.--------- 149 for kitchens and restaurants .-... 581, 1289 postmaster, and employees in the deficienc appro riation for daughter ,P"¤t °iH°° ·----- ; -—---—·-—-——- 149 0€Kuute Edson ______________ 33 folding; room superintendent, and for heir of William P. Dillingham--- 33 . °mPI°Y°°¤ —-—-- q —·----- ; —--—-— 149 for children of Samuel D. Nicholson- 33 **PP°mt’P°m* Em W“}?m$t°“ ¥3*?°““’”' for tmitnen and gtsnstrmdten or 0101, Birthday. C¤mm¤¤¤¤¤_¤» of H In presiding officer of, e2 officio ---- 671 enry Cabot dge --------.-- 753 tot tmisttn and grandchildren of of *000 S0¤¤¤<>¤¤ ---------------·-- 671 Logorou Bradford Colt ________ 753 compensation of Senators after March for heirs at law of Frank B. Bran- . *%,1925 —-—— y —--—-—---—-—-——-— 1301 dogoo ________________________ 1313 immediate}? available __-- _ ---.---.. 1 313 for Hem.), G_ Tie an ______________ 33 Congression documents printed after for James R_ wici_ _______ __ ______ 33 expxratwn of term of Senator, for deputid Sergeant at Arms, etc., in- 33 b 1 t26b1;g;g£;dt0t°c;:§§€°;?Q§E-63 24 creas a - -----.------.---- . . v for oxpongeslj 1`bite President Hard- 33 téagiséirgsgor to convening of next 24 mg s unera ...--..-.-...-.-.- H *‘‘‘·· · · ·. ··‘‘‘·‘‘ I 1* ‘ for furniture ____ ________ ____ _ _____ 33 ve Senators to be appomted on omt to- ttttttttty .-...-----...-..-.- 33,1:114 00¤0¤gs¤*ig0N*gth¤000·;;·s0,g0 gd forinquiries and investigations 170,753,1314 » $*:3 C° 0 gm am ° 462 for miscellaneous items -...--.----- 672 f Sem to &mp°‘“Y· 1 ·£é‘i · · ·B· · { · rot John G. Hound, ji- .--...--.--- 672 °“’ *1%,**,,, msu b2°PPt*;*¤nia1°Q30 0** .0* for Ernest Hiun_______________ 672 sion ({1110811 I1 l.I\!111S· 1099 for Fred A. ckstein --.--.-.-----. 672 . ················ . ···· · ·:· · Lexin on—Concord Sesquicentennial Q3 5£§§§¥.§"ia.‘n;et::::::i:;tat, Mec,g1;·3¤g;;¤i§g,éG,cé ,1 ,33,,- 363; 700 or uns ose .-...-...-.. . . for U. G. Gordon .--..-... 672 -0, t ml?'°°· Y %B"i_i ····· ¥‘%"‘ 1267 rot James F. stunt ------------ 672, 1314 J D m°° ‘“$ ° ° °“°° ° 3;*** for Native Comme, 753 sentatives and, ordered for e- ‘‘‘‘``‘‘‘ cember 3 1923 -.--...-------- 1609 f°r I:5l°°g°’ St°t° m°SB°ng€r° °°n` for Februa ,27 1924 for memorial 02100 0*00*0*0* 00*0 --—·-—--—— 700 .mttJ€'..tttt rttsistntnststt ttm fm. °xp°“°°° °f hint C°mmm°° °n for December 15 1924 for memoriil Imugurd C'°r°m°ni°s’ 1925 ‘‘‘‘ 753 service to fol·mcr President Wilger Riargarlgt {McCulloch ---.- - - - Bon 1614 or gnes . c e .-----.-...- ’'‘`‘''“‘`‘ T" tt. 1..,tpt E. ttttttm -.-.. mt *0* {$3;,333 _},},;,1°20· *0* 000000¤ ,6,5 gg; @:11;**% ;: I I I 3 Z Z I I Z; proclauggtion convening special sessioni 1987 for wis . als .--- J .--.----.-- -· °' ‘¥ ’'‘”'''' F" for Hwy Waning _________________ 13,3 provmolozfgggggtgotgzmpt practices 1070 f°r J°‘m°° W' Mccinn ·‘‘‘·‘‘*·‘‘‘‘ 1313 salaries for December 1923-to be_aid for Richard Blunt -.-.-. - .--------- 1313 Decembcr 20 ’ ’ P 1 for Committee on Foreign Relations, 1313 for December, loo]; E; 3; m°0¤°¤8°' -—-————-—--·-—--——-— comm 20th --.---...-----.--. 718 positions and salaries established for Senate Manual, _ secretary, etc., in office of the appropriation for preparing -----. - 580-1288 C Vice President ----.. - --,------ preparaoigog oétthe, atuttélgorizeil by glerk ha lain ______ _ __,_____-___-_-___ e mmi on u es nen- Secrgtary of the Senate, assistant niallg -... 148 Henry M. Rose, and office per- 147 Senate Ojfigcf uigdingyl f 581 1288 sonnel ___________--__-_------ approgria non or (po ice orce ------ , librarian _______,__ _ -_---_---.-- 147 or itchens an restaurants, repairs, keeper of stationery .------.----- 147 supplies, etc .. - 581, 1289 document room, superintendent, for elevator conductors -------.- 587, 1295 assistant, etc ..--- - -----.----- 147 for care, etc., of grounds ---,.---.-- 587 clerks, assistant clerks to desig- for trees, etc., grounds of .---.----- 587 mted committees __,---,__ 147 for maintenance- - -..---.--.-.. 589, 1295