Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/991

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INDEX. 2299 Transportation and Recruiting, Navy, Y’**8¤· Treasury Qepartment—Continued. Paseappropriation for __ 186, 864 appropriation for personnel; transfers to transporting {dependents of en- anotherposition without reduction- 764 listed men-d A- -1- - .f. - {6 - - - 186 paynzcgiiss under higher rates per-64 764 t t' n en s 0 0 cers m1 e ... - ...,, . , Hhliilxzixlizgedegiiii-- ,..._..._... 865 limitation for fiscal year on pay deficiency appropriation for .. 57, allowed in all departments i or 61, 689, 698, 700, 760, 1349, 1351 civilian field service --- 764 Transportation, Army, for chief clerk, etc _.-. - - - -. - - - 64, 764 appropriation for, and supplies---; —-486, 900 chief clerk to be chief executive dependents of officers and cnllsled 6 901 officer; may sign official papers, 4 764 _ __________ _ ___,___ - .-.. 48 , etc _.__,...-.-. . .--.. - - - 6 , digxligrged prisoners, etc., to their for operating force, Liberty Loan and _ homes; restriction ...-.--..-. 486, 901 Register’s Annex --.-.--.- - -- 65, 764 boats, drayage, vehicles, etc ---. 486, 901 Internal Revenue buildings-. . - 65, 764 draft and pack animals ----.- - - 486, lguildiiiglsifog burcialiis .-.-.- . - . -- gg, t lallo *ance -.----.-.- . --.--- nnex a ison ace- ---- -- . . , for lggzgpgnggtion to land grant rail- garagei ---.-.---------.----.-- 65, 765 roads ------------.----------- 486 Annex, Fourteenth and B Streets- 65 for additional, 1925 _____------_---- 711 for contingent expenses ---- - - - - - - 65, 765 deficiency appropriation fol‘ -. 62, fo1‘ ffélght, 6130 .---- - - - - . - - - .-.-.. 65, 765 699, 762, 1350, 1352 for rent in the District-. .- ----..- 65, 765 Transportation, Diplomatic and Consular for giotor vehicles ---. . --------.. .-- gg, Officers Or cs --... , appropriationffor, to and from posts-- .. 209 for heating, lighting, etc., supplies-- 65, 765 deficiency appropriation for ------. 57, for miscellaneous supplies--. .----- 65, 765 61, 760, 1338, 1349 for labor saving machines, etc ----- 66, 765 expenses of Foreign Service officers and for carpets, furniture, etc ..---.--- 66, 765 families, allowed when ordered for operating expenses, Madison to United States on statutory 143 A PlaceFAnnex- -6 --.- --.--- 66, 725 - leave -----.-------------.-.-. nnex ourteent and treets-- 6 Transportation Facilities, Darby, Building .---- - ..-.--.-.- 66, 765 appropriation for operating, on inland, custody, etc., of designated, Buildcanal, and coastwise waterways- 516 ings transferred to Superintendfunctions of inland, canal, and coast- ent_ of State, etc., Department _ wise, transferred from Secretary Buildings ..-- - --.-...-.----.- 66 of War to Inland Waterways appropriations, equipment, etc., Corporation -.----------...-.. 361 therefor, transferred ---------. 66 Transportation, Foreign Service Officers, for stationery -----.----.-.---.-.. 66, 765 appropriation for, to and from posts, 1018 for General Suppl; Committee -.-- 66, 776 etc -------------------.------ or expenses trans erring surp us sup- Transportation Systcms, Federal Control of , plies, etc .--..-.-.---..--.. - - 66, 776 T balhanlef of apgpropriatipns for,coveredin- 1316 service continued until June 30, 6 ras ·, ary . (widow 19"‘5 ..--.-.---.-.-.--.-.--.. 6 T pension gncreased -.-.. I ----.--..- 1389 serviie continued until June 30, 7 6 raveling alesmen, 1926 ----..--..--..-..-...--- 6 convention facilitating work of, with issue of typewriters and comput- Costa Rica -----------.------ 1765 ing machines; repairs, etc .---- 67, 766 protocol ---- - --.-------------- 1g68 typewriting machine restrictions,67 76 with Peru- ------ - .--. --.-------- 1 02 etc -----..-.----.--...----.. , 6 protocol __-----------.--------- 1805 for Commissioner of Accounts and Treadzaell, Sadie L. (widow), 1621 f ]§)e;;3Eits,_and ofi§c%`persox1;1e1i5_ 67, 767 pension ---.-.---------------------- or oo eeping an arran s 1- Treasurer of the United States, vision -.-.-.---.- .- ..--.--.-- 67, 767 appropggion for, and personnel in7O 770 for contingent expenses, public68 767 ce of ------.-----.-----.. moneys --.-...-----.---.---- , for personal services, redemption of I for recoinage, gold and minor coins- 68, 767 Federal reserve and national for Division of Deposits --..-.--.. 68, 767 currency ----------.-----.--- 70, 770 for Public Debt Service, expenses-- 68, 767 for repairs to canceling machines ---- 70 for expenses imposed upon the Secredeficiency appropriation for salaries--- 57 tary under designated laws--- - 68, 768 Trggidgyapjgggrtrpemé t 64 764 for cilistinptive papentsecurities, na—69 768 r1 1 n or ecre ary --------.- , 1ona currency e c --..-- , for Undorsccretary -------.------- 64, 764 temporary employees ----------.- 69 appointment pay, and duty -----. 64 for World War 1l`oreign Debt Comfor Assistant Secretaries, and eiiice mission .------..------------- 69 personnel- ---------.---...-- 64, 764 for Appointments 'Division -------- 69, 768 S&18·l‘1€S limited to average rates for Printing Division .----------.. 69, 768 under Classification Act ------ 64, 764 for printing and binding for ----. - - 69, 768 p1‘0Vlsion lf only one position in a for postage ------------- - - .. -.---- 69, 768 grade ------------------------ 764 for bookbinding materials ---.---- . - 69 restriction not applicable to cleri- for Mail and Files Division -------- 69, 7.68 09-1-mécllnngcal Service- - ---... 64, 764 for disbursing clerk, etc ---- - --.--- 69, 768 ¤0 T¢d¤¤lG1<>¤ 111 Hxed Salanes ...- 64, 764 for Customs Service --.--------.-- 69, 769