Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1002

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_ {2 @4 I ‘ ~ {TITLE 31.·-——¥0NBT

  • 6 . . , x » “

brent of ·peet—omce· quarters made by to { duly 1 euthotiied agentspf the leewrs; (B. S. { 3477; lay 27,519w, y .- e.268,35Stnt._411.) _ 3 - _ · A, — ·294.e Oath· prosecuting elnids.——¢Any percent U pzmecutlng claims, aeattéreey or ea` his own; ncco1g:ht,` l . befeie any of the departments or bureaus ot the United States, U shell be required to tgke the oath ot alleglepce, end to support the Gmtiietloa of the United Stntesyas required of pqeom in theeiviieervlce. (R.S.§3478.) ., _ _ ` , 2%. Sime; wm shy oath provided tor` in section %{ ot this title my be taken before any justice ot the peace; notéy public} or other person who `ls U-lega.1ly_aethori¤e<ij ’ p to ewlmtu eh earth lh the State or district where the ume I may be administered. (RQ. S. Q 3479.) .. · · ‘~

  • %. of - disby:sliets.--It shall .be·`un1awf¤l for any

encer to §8]_8Il! ecceupt,·claim,,o;· `tlegnend against-the United States which eeoreeal or existed prior to 13th day of April,. ‘ 1861, excepf claims jet servicw in- the Army, Navy; md Harine Corps of the United Statm prior to etch in favor of any

 who promoted,   chin any manner éustniped.

~ the late rebellion; or in favor- of may person who dpring such lrebdliop was not hewn to be opposed thereto, and distinctly-. in 1'aior ot its su ion; and ‘ no` pardon granted shall authorise payment of meh account; claim, og demgnd, ¢ util this semen; is or repeeled.· section isball not ,b9,l90§1S£lT¤€d th prohibit the payment of chime} founded fepon made by any of the departments, wherejoch y . claims were J or contracted to prior to the lst day ot April,"1861,._t0’ creqltors of snob contgnetors, l loyal eltinens of loyal States; ln payment of debts `incurred piles- to thef day of Merch, 1861, nor to require proof of U loyhlty quxing the lete war of the irebellloh as u pterequlsltel lla any e lldticm for' bopnty land where the proof otlxetwlse show; " at the epéicant is enfltledl thereto? — (R, S;. Q. 3480; Har. 1; ,_1&8, e._57, 39 Stat. 274; July'6, 1914, c. -16, 38 Stat. A5~i:Feb. 13,1923,c.71,42Stat.1¤6.) · .· P gy, "f. ' Q 207. of money due States "in def•ult.»Wher»ever {ee; Ststeis imdefahlt in the Pvmept ot intefwt or. principal on ixweetmeuta lp stock; o1’bo¤ds·lséued_ or guaranteed by such State and held by the United' Santee ln trust, the-Secretary of the Treasury 'elmll retain the vqholé, or so mugzh - theféof aegmey be necemary, of any moneys due on `hxiy account from the United State; to such State, and Apply tlie gme to the U epeymezat of · such prluclpgl en}! litereet, or either, or to the mlmbéismeut, sith interest thereon,] ot moneys advanced by the Qtntm on account ot interest due on such stocks or poem. lm. $1248;.). , `· ‘ ·· , ~ » ' me faygeat to o$ee;—s for horses `loet.——-Exeept. as pro- vided in section 218 ot 'tbie tmc, eny Held, or stud, or other omeer, mounted milmemnn, volunteer, revies, or cafvulryluan, t engaged le the military `aervlee of the United States, who mins. tales dxmge without any fault or inegllgepce ou his part, iyhiklm tim service, by the less ofa.h0m§i§ battle, or by the Joes ot a horse wounded ip mtitle, which dm of the pound, or which, being so woupded, is ebandorled by &der ofgglsi omcer . and lmt, or who sustains Mmege by the of any horse by death or abandonment because ot the uueirolileble of themes, when on boarqe United Stetes trnrispoi·4;.m$el,_4or bempse the United Stateé tulle to supply trausportatloiietor to the horse, end the ojvmer is compelled by the order ot his

 omeer to embark md leave bim, eg ln eonseqmnce

_ ot ¢e Uuitm States failing` to supply su&clwt form, of bee muse rider tis dismounted end sepretml from his hoise and ordered to de dtlty on `tootp at n `statloq detached from his horse, or ewbee the__oMcer in we lmedlnte eo@¤d oi·ders· the hofee turned out to graze in the jkvoods, prairie; or commons, bwauee the United 'Btatee tells to supply mmclent forage, end the loss is consequent U1&l‘€0£,.0I for the lose ot

r {ND FINA2{_C'B l _ 988 n 1-y `equipage, `ln €0¤S€§\¥®§B of the Joss ct his lmte, shall be nlloyved and palclthe value thereof, not .to_ exceed $200, .1;;;: auypayment which is mcée t¤ M! 099 fw the use mm risk, or for forage, of tcr the loss; or ammlonhgnt of his horse, shall pe deducted from the value thereof, puless he satisiles the pnyménster atthe tiqe, be mhkes the payment, or thereafter shows, by proof, that he- was hl which case the deduction shell only extend, to the. tmc he owes on toot. And any payment made ·t.0` any ibvvel me¤tionm_ on accotnixt oi clothing to wbi@` he lsuot mtltled by law; shall

 deducted From" the value , of his horse or Mxcotitcrmemgt
 S. v§ 3482; June   1874,6. 395,18 Stat. 153; Jun. 9, 185:;,*

c. 15, 22 $tgtQ 401; Aug; .13; .1%, c. 8%, % Bt•tQ 437.) t. . _ 299, Payenem to¤·_p¤·opmy,‘k¤ while in urvieé.; Except as_»p1‘Qvidegl in section ;218_ M this) Htleg every perse;} who sustain; gdandge by. the euptére or °•]¤$(if¤¢ti0!1 by an ‘e1gemy, or by' the _-abandonment or by the order of the eommandini. g,eperal,‘ the commenmng Meer, or ouerm, master, of ariy horse, mule, ox, wuou, cart, sleigh, hu-neeg ·

 Of   Y%@1,€     {Q}   _ Util',.

jvhlle such property is in the service, ·" either by .o1mp¢¤¤;¤gt¤¤¢ or contract; or who sustains ddmage by the death or abandonment end loss of my mule; or ex, vvhile in the service, i¤·cq¤sequc¤ce‘of the {Mime on the. pnrtof the K United. Ststqsj to furnish the mma with ambient forego,. or whose- horse, mule, ox, waxes), cart, boat, deixh, EMM. résvel. railroad engine, or railroad car istlost or by unavoidable accident while such property `lp in sewtee, shell be allowed and paid the value thereof at the time .w5ei: spelt property was taker: linto tlne service, exeem in casa where the risk ”toZ which the property vvohld be eipoacd win to be by the ovmerzfroeiddd, It ippegrs that meh losis, captqre, abandonment, destruction, or deith was without any _ _ fault, or negligence onjthe part of the owner oi the property, ’ and while the property was actually Ymployod in the service of the `Unitéd States; (R. S. § 3483.), ‘ ~ [ ,4 _` 2l0. Payment for horses but by c•pt¤rc.——·Sectio¤s*\208 and ” 209 of this. title shell extmd- te all cnnegof the ®-ofhorses by any o$cer, uoncommissioned ctheer, or private ln the" military eorvice ot the United States, (while in `thellorie étihis duty vin such service, by capture by the enemy, whenever it appear that such omcer, uoncom ;¤is¤ioned omcer, or private was ordered by his spperior omcer to mrrender to the enemy, and such capture .wes‘mede in pursuance of mclrsnrreuéer. (R. S. 211.] Payment for condemned hordes and eq¤ip•ge.-——-#When— exe; any horse. is condemned by n board of oméé, on goeozmt of his mmtness for eerviee, ui consequence of the Geveixment failing to supply forage; such hom and his equipnée shall be allowed a.pd.· paid lor: Provided, It, algal! be preven, by entire factory evidence;. 'wbetber oral o`r written, that the condemned horse and the oqulpego were térned over to s qeartermaxer of the Army; whether any receipt therefor wes given and pro- ` dueedyor not. (R.·8. Q 34%.) ‘ t ` 212. Payment to g¤qr&g¤ fox'l;o~rne lest by mmr in milie tary eerviéée-¥·Whe¤` any minor engegedpm the military service of the United States, spd provided with A hdrse og. oénipmemts, or with mxuury sccoutérments, by his pdrent or gusrdiani les, withoutfymyipg for theproperty, end the snroe·_is_Iost. t$ptured, destroyed, or ghandoned ini the manner before mmtionedt meh parent er guardian; slum be hllowed pay therefor, [ cir mehng satisfactory proof, gs in other cesm, and th! further

 proof that be is entitled thereto by having furnished the same.

%(B~S-13486-) ‘ ‘ , ’_ .· Q ` { `2¢3. Payment to om1¢rtfor”herpe—f¤rni¤hed •¤d'l¤¢

   "aervice.-·——·—Whe¤ any permn other than d minor, en- _

’ Kwd in the mlutary service, is providw with`1 horse or equip-,

  • ments, or with military accouterments, by eny person, being toe