Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1005

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\ gg; o K ·¤·i1·;;E ~s1.-mm he shell, upon oénigvem paid his fees therefor, serve any stx! pmims that may iS$¤€$i_ &_t the instance ot stick private pmt or parties. Aodthe said master may, in his discretion, appiin esti} other perso;rto_ serve any subpoena! »Such meeter s ei 0 have -f1i*11 power to administer oaths to witnesses, - end. th ammo power to issue attachments to compel the~a”ttendemce· c `witmmes and the production of books, papers and document: ` ge the district court of his`disttit·t .w0x1ld_hove ih a casejpéndin gwfqre it; end it shall be his duty to report the jcopduct o etteixmmcious witnesses- before him to the House of Qongres g;;p0{¤tit1g SuCh coxxmltteej The compensation of such rtxaete \§"i;1~ claemery, and t1;e tees; of marshats and depqty_marsho,Ia - ~ ged of any pérsgfn appointed to serve papers, shall be th Seine gas fo} like services in equity cases in. the district com of the United States; emithe compensation ot witnesses sha! he the some` as for like ezcettaeuee end trqvel of. wittresee $¤·;m·e° stgch district courts; and alt sineh feesend compense tion of officers ond witnesses -011 behalf of the United State: J eu?} other expenses of all investigations .whi<·h miiy be hit umh·:·I the provisionswof this section and' section 229 of thi tithe on the partQ”of·tl1e Ufgited States, shall be paid out of tl;

`tinge:1t fund of the branch of Congress appointing ‘su‘c

mmmitteei Said master, when the examitmtiou is °c0ncI{1dei ` shall nttach‘togethe1• all the depositiotnsjnd exhibits;. end at tzwh thereto his C€1‘tiHC8t€.S9ttiHg`folfth or referring to the at _;im·it;· by which they wereytaken, guy- notices he may hay giveia, the neges of theiwitgxesses for whom suhpoenas·0i· a‘ teetuuente wefe ieS¥¤€d· the na-mes of witnesses who ottendet with the time of attendance and mtleage and fees of each-wt at-se on hehe}! of the United Stateefwfnich he may require t 2»t·’stmwn· by etfidevit; his own fees, the {ees of the iuafsha his dvputiesxor other persons serving papers, giving the item: t _ {end éuoh other facts in relatioix. to the circumstances cox

 J W xzeoted ywttii the taking ot;. the depositions its he may {dee:

.nmteri:1l. He ehatl theo seal up suohj depositions and paper

<t»t·t;1*ely. direct them to the chairman of-such eommjttee B

Xkeezlainéton, stating briefly on the outside the nature of th t·qmfouts. and place the some in the post office, paying th

xge·thereou;_aud said package shall he opened only i

the·pt·e:se11ee of euclf committee. The cliaiifmmci of éuy con "' _ mittye ordering testimony to; be take':) under this eectio ·8§i(iy`;Si’§?t{4}§i % otjthis title shell; at leustjten days beto; the timeyiixed for such, examination, atxd within tyvo dey ofte·r~¥tlae adoption nf snob order, cause a copy. thereof t he dieeeted {md deli ed to the Attorney Genereli of th Fuited Stetes, of sent t him by mai1fat·the` Depaiftmen of Ju:~:tioe,"‘—§to "exmble hip;- ,_ " e such instructions as la _ may deemlxev to the,diet `_ e attorney ot· the district wher eubh twtimmx is to taken, who may, ond`, if yequire by vitae Attorn Genera , shell, though not requested by th mzmuittee, ap _ 1* for tie Unitéd_StateeQi”n~person or by assist A em, end take s in such examination as the Attome 4 Geneve} sha? dir (Feb. 3, 1879, c. 40, *5 2, 20 Stat. 279 Mer. 3, 1911Z0c;" 231, 'S 289, 36 Stat.-1167.) _ ‘ ”` " , ` 231. Liability of persons making false cls.im_e.g-·—Ai1y perse .,m7t in the,..mi1ito.ry!or xievol forces of the_U1iited State, O1'-.1 the militia called into or acttxo y employed in the service; tfio United States, who shim. do 1; comxm any of·the,;1ete·pr4

 hibited by any of the provision of secti S0 of Title 18, sha

forfeit and pay to the Unite _Stetee theysum ot $2,000, one J ineeddition, 'ldouble the &11)01l11t·0f·.dH·IIlE1géS which the Unite

  • States may have sustained by. reason of the doing or cou

mitting eueh ect, togetheat with the `eeete of emit; end sue forfeittare mid damegeeshell be sued for in the game sui ` ,(,R. S. `§ 3494).) j T » _ » 232. Same; suits.———··’1`he several dietriet [courtet of the Unite States, the supreme court of the District, of Qelumbio, the set eral `dietriet courts of the _Tem·ito1jtee of the United State

my ANDJFINANCE `» § 235 >· within whose jurisdictional limits the person dolng or c6mmity ~ting$.such act shall be found, shnll,‘·:vhere.e0ever sinch net may nt have been done o1·’committe§1,’ naive full power and jurisdiction ll t0‘ -henr, ·try, and determine such, suit:. Such suit may be e b1·0ugHt end carried on by any person, ree well for hlimselfns if- for the United·~ States; the same shall be et the sole cost and I s, charge of Such person, engl shall be in the name of the United .g_ States. but shall not bewithdrnwn or discontinued without the U »f- pouselxt, -111 writing, of the judge of the court and the `district =e `attqrney;._Hret_ theil in the chse, setting forth their :1‘€3S0}1S~ for er such consent. `/(R. S. § 3491.) ‘ ‘ ;Q __ — I · S. l 233. Duty of district attorney as te such caLses.$——It shall be le the. duty. or the severnldietriét att0rnéys·et~the United States rt for the resieective ‘dietri_e¢s—,,._for the Distrjct act éfelnmbia, and ll» for the several Térritqries, to be dil.igem: in inquiring. inte any as violation of tlxe mtovisaions .0f—secti01r 231 of this fitleby perl-’ Sons liable tb such suit, and found within their réeslféctive dfs· 5, tricts. or_"1‘e1;rit0ries,> and to cause them té'be proceeded against _ d in due form of law ¥fbr the recovery of sneh Ioxjfeitnre and ls' dain"a*ges. _ And such person may be arrested and iheld te bail. - pe in such sdm as the district judge may order, not exceedingthe h- bum of $2,000, and twiceylthe amount- of the damages swam te i. in the ntiidnvit bf the pérsdn i)1fillgillg"tb€ suit. `(R. S. 5 3492.) K·`" 234. Rights. of persons presenting ‘snch"sni'ts.-—The* person l- bringing said suit and prosecuting it to iinal judgment shall be ·e entitled to receive oneghelfihe nméunt of such forfeiture, as 1* t- well as·0ne·half the· amount of the damages he ebelt recover L and collect"; and `the other halithereof shall. belong. to and be t- paid ever to the United Statesiiund such ·person~ shall be entilb tied to. receive tb his own use -0.11 cqéts `tlle court may awerd lr ixgainst the- defendant, to bei allowed nniltaxed- according te $.` any prdvisionof lnw or rule oa! court ie force, for thef shall be ' r .·in force gin suits betweenprivate parties in said ceurt: Free 11 v[ided, That such person. shall be liable for all cestsjncnrred TS' by himselI- in the case, and shall have ne; claim t11e).·efer”` on the it United States. (R; S. § 3493.) r _ ‘ V _ _ { N3 ,235. Limitation of suit.-—-—Every such suit shall ne comle e menéed within slxoyenrs "fmmwthe c0mmissii>n_ of ithé ncl, raged »¤ not afterward. (R. S. ‘§ 3494.) · ‘ 4 ’ ` 1- · » , · Q ~» ua Chnpter 7.-QBUREAU ‘OF_ THE MlN'1‘,_ MZINTS, ANI} ·€ ASSAY OFFICES. , ‘ 1 _ · = ‘


L;. Bureau established ;_ director. e §§‘.;$§‘°Z.;;Z2{ 2".2§;‘.;2‘*"”“°“‘J v - -: * :- .· , ·€ /254. Acting inrabsence of director. l 3 o MINTYS ANDYASSAY OFFERS le 261. Mints and assay emeen enumerated. tu ggcmglzgngitesgnerge ot golf} end sliver nt,. ¤y 264. 'Supermtendents of certain mints to perform duties of trezzsuéer. y; 265. Salaries of 0tHeere_·ot_ eeinegermints. ( * 266. Appointment of assistants andemployees.

n 267. Duties pi coiner and gznelter and xeiiner perfernned by euperlnt_end·

· n .· M 11 ?.68.lS:1$nries of aséietnnts, clerks, and lnbe¤ers.em¤;>le3·e& in the mint . yf A269. Oath of oflice `of ofgieere, assistants, end 'clerks. Q_ _· ¤_ 270. Bonds ot eemcers. aeeistanrs, and clerks. · 271, Acting in absgence nt superintendent or other omcer. r u 272. Gehernl·dnties of eupexjlntendents of mints. ‘ 1, 273. Duties ot epperlntendents-as te coin and bullion. r ld. 274. Duties as to melting nnd·»_;eHning. · “

  • 275., Duties as-tcycoinln . _ “ e. . -

l; 276.-Duties ot engreeerg: dieeicr coins: new designs; L ‘ §;g;;s;g0?S;;;e;;S·emce at New York, _ T ` 2279. Ofhcereht New York asgny emce·;·nppéintm_ent. F d 2222 r3§’Z‘; 2,; §i‘.i§.'Zf”* n n e e V" 282, Salaries of assistants and employees; s,. 283. Business of assay omces. { .