Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1030

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§ 619 - TITLE 31.-MONEY June 25, 1910, c. 384, Q 1, 36 Stat. 755; June 10, 1921, c. 18, I § 20:1, 42 Stat. 21.) 5 _ e 619. Same; for o§cers and employees for Bureau of Fish- 4 erica.--The Comniissioner of Fisheries shall embrace in the 1 estimates of appropriations for tho, Bureau of Figlnerigs for each Hscal yeéar estimates for all officers, clerks, and‘ other employees whose services are permanent and., continuous in theiry chafacter and doemedfto be necessary for an éiiiciént 1 and economical execution of theeapproprfhtious for, the Bureau `€ of Fisheries. (Aug. 5, 1892, c. 380,} _1, 27. Stott 362.) _ `~ w 629. Same;’for‘ expgnscyof regulating imnnigrationre-There. * shall be submitted, following the estimates under uppropria- 4 tion for expenses of regulating immigration, statements show- »: ing the amoufnt required for each- objéct of expenditure men- a tioned iur said estimates, together with a statement of the 3 expenditures undef each ..of such objects for thej fisczil year 1 terminated next prc,ceding the {period of submitting said ostsi- e mates. (Juno 25, 191(Lc; 384,··§ 1, 36 Stat. 764;) `. . _ ‘ · 621. Sgmc; for Panama` Canal.-4The estimatcsof appropriu- j tions for` tho Panama Canal shall be- submitted annually in · detail, showin:. the amounts required for personal services and» z the amounts jrequired for matlerial including all supplies; uu-` ¤ der the heads of construction, maintenance, operation, Sami- ; tation, and civil government, aud, following each therewshau · be submitted noteé iiving in.` parallel columns, information 3 which will show the number, b$* grade or. qlassesgwof officers, · employees, and Skilled and unskilled laborers proposed to be paid undef each of ‘·said· appropriations foi· the ensuing Hsclal 1 year and those paid at the close of the iiscal year next pre-. cediizg thé period when said estimates gre prepared and nsuii- 4 `mittéd; `also, in cougaectiorf with eachjtom Y-for material and * miscellaneous purposes othef othau salaries o1·_ pay fox: per- _~ _ aonal services, thé amounts actually expended or obligated, 1 quzmtities·purchased, and prices paid for material or supplies during the entire hscal " year pext preceding the preparation and submission ot said estimates; ‘ . / , . · There shall also be submitted in conneqtion with, the fore- I going information-, statements of actual {nit cost- of all com *1

 work hdouo, am of estimated unit cost of work` pro-.

posed to be done, {ortho Bsouliyears included ih the. hates sol required to be {submitted with tho annual estimatem. (Aug; 1, 1914, ¢·— 223» $8. 38 Stat. 679.) ’ 1* - . n 622. Sosa; compiling and .printi11g.——Estimat¢s of- approe printioug in Budget or transmitted under section. 151 ot this titlé, @114111 be-[properly clawed, compiled, indexed, Band printed, by. the Bureau of the Bi¤lget.· (J¤1y~7, 1884, c. S-34; | 1, %'Stat. 54; .J—u¤o”10,_1921, c. 18, H 204,.211, 42_ Stat..21,22;) , f' ’ . 623, Same; oliaination of uhnecmary ‘words.—==—'1‘he Burwu { of the Budget shall, as xzmrlyos may be practicable, eliminate from all such mtlmdtos unnecessary yards and make uniform . theglaugungo commonly used in' oxprxing purposes or condimm; ~ot appropriations. o (Ju¤a»%, 1913, o,. 8, § 3, 38· Stat. “ 75; June 10, 195.11, q. 18, H 204, 207, 42 Stat. 21, 22;) " 624. Sane; dpteacuts ac¤onp•nyi¤g.·--The_ Burm\1g:;» the} Budget abou annex to. the annual wtimatos ot the ap optio- __ tions ioquirod for tho public gentoo, · ZL statement of me appro- 1 priations Io: the Service ot thai year, which may kno been ( _mndé by tormer·Act1, and submit, as on part of thoQ appendix , to tho estimntw, ‘¤uch`extrscts,trom the annual of the. _ several bmdsjof ‘departm@u bureaus uv relate to onti-· ggatw for apoioprintions, andthe neoosétios thémtor, (Mar. 3, 1875, ¢. 1%, _§ 3, 18 Stat. 370; Juno 10,1921, o. 18, H wei; — 201,42 sc¤¢L 21,22.) Q ‘ r · - ~ ii. _. “ 625. Stitemeat of prooezds. ot ade! of old msterigl.-·A dotailed atatemmt of the proceeds of all anla of old materin1, condemned stores, supplies; or other public properti ot guy kiuiil except matetials, stores, or! supplies sold to omcers mid ,

AND zuylzvoa 1016 soldiers of the Army, or to exploring or surveying expedition authorized by law shall bc submitted to Congress at the bogiul ning of each regular session thereof as a separate communica. tion hot included i"11~tho annual estimates. (R. 367;:; Feb. 27, 1877,, c. 69, 5 »1·, 19 Stat. 249; Jana 25, 1910, c. gal, § 6, 36 Stat. 773.) _ · · , ‘ ~ 626. Statements of money received from proceeds of. puh. lie property or other sources, and of payment; iberéfropmpe- , The Secretary of the Treasury shall require, wand itaahall be the". duty of the head` of each executive department or om-1- Government establishment to furnish him, within thirty clays after the close of each fiscal yeas, a statement of all money arising from proceeds of public property of {ny kind or from any source other than the-- Postal Service, rcceiied by sam head of department or other Goyerhmcat . establishment elmlng the previous fiscal year for or , on account of the public service, or in, any other manner W in the discharge ot his omcialw duties other than as salary or compehmtiou, which wsa not paid- into the general Treasury qi the United States, together. with a` detailed jaccouut ot allapayments, it any, made {from such funds during such year: Provi40d,"iso¢weocr·, That this shall not apply to tac Quartermaster GorpsQ as s¤c&r to the Subsistence =Department. All auch statexacnbr together __ with a similar statement applylg; to the Treasury Departa ment, ismnn be oy _ e Secretary oi’ the Trmsury a to Congress at the beginning of each regular June 30, 1006, e. 3o1g1,·5 5, .z4 sm. vw; Aa;. 24, 1912,"c.·_3Q1, it 1, 21, 37·Stat. 579, 591.) _ . Q_ " . _ 621.; Construction of appropriation — Acta.--No Act of Congress shall be, construed to make an appropriatioa oat of_·tl1c Treasury of the United States, or to authorize the execution of a cointract infolvlng tlie payment of money in crew of appropriations made by law, `unlus such Act ia mecitic ‘ terms. declare axrappropriatloir to be made or that a' contract may be executed; (J‘¤.H8~30, 1906; c. 39l4,_| 9, 34 Stat. 764.) 628. Application of imoncya -appropriated.¢—Except as othev wise` provided 'by claw, appropriated for the various branches of expeaditurein the public service shall be applied solely to the objecta for which they are rmpcctively made, and for11o·otller¤, (R..S.$86fT8.) ‘ _ · »· I — _ 629. Lumpgsqm available farincreasede saIari”ea.——·Except as otherwise pmvl®d by. lay, m part ot any money appropriated in lamp sum ehall be availahle. for the paymciat of personal "aerv*ices at la rate obcompewtioq liz excess ot. that paid for the same orjslmilirlaervicm dud!} the preceding fiscal year.; nor slmll person employed. at a specihc salary be transferred and paid from a lumpmm a‘p· proprlation a rate of compensation puter than meh ppeemc salary, and the heads of, departments shall cause this D¥<>· vialozf to be enforced: Provided, That this _¤cétioh_ aballu not apply to mecllanica. ardsans, their helpers udatmts; laborers; or aixy other Jémpnoyees whx datiu; similar character and_’reqi1ired* in carrying an th•‘varto¤s‘ manufacturing or constructing operations ot com at wt. :=._(Aug. 26, 1912. 0. 408, 5 7. 87 Stat,  : Mu, 4, 9 42. § 4. 8‘¥j.8tat. 630. Sade; salaries of acieatiée and t dl. eiployeea et

 of Azrinkarerg-—Secd¢.m’ ¤ oftbli tltle_&¤ll

not apply to the"-payment, out of moneys appropriated in lamp sum lor the Departhirt ot atgrlcaltare; for peraoaal aervices ot employee; engaged in strictly acieatino orptechaieal .work·: Provided, That nothing eoutaineé aereln shall be construed to authorise the transfer ot my perm employed at a. apeciic salary antbthe payment ofcoiiponaatloa ·trom’jlamp·sum;•pproprlatioas at axrate greater than maid speclhc salary. (Mart 4, 191B,_ c, 145, 37 Stat. $4.) `¥ _ _ » ‘ 681. Draft! far War and Navy €Q;ap•rt¤¤ts.—-All moneys appropriatéd for tho um of tl1é· War and Navy Departments