Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1057

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1043 ·— . _ T12·LE· 32...434 ‘ 4,5 {revel from auaitenrp hcmelstation. (Sept. 22, 1922, q, 423; s5.42Stet.*1G3§.).‘ _ i.J·`y " y _ F 147. Hay and allowanees for duty with Regular Army.-- Netioeel Guard owcers eselgned to duty with the regular Army shell, while so assigned, receive the pay and ellowaucee ooeherized ir! section 175 ot this title. (June 3, 1916, c. 134, e el. Stet.`203; _Jtme‘4, 1920,ic.‘227, subschepteri, § 44, 41 slot, 7%; Sept. E, 1922. e: 423,} 4, 42 Stat. 1034; Feb. 28, 1925, t·_$l‘l'1,§3,43St8tZ107T.) _ l _ K a _ · ly. Admihistratiye fhectieh psy ef_ e§eers.——¥Iu' addition to pa? l>revided,..ln section 143 of this title, ‘omcers‘c0mmat1din'g ergeeieetions lesg than awbrizade sod having administrative afzmetiens comzected therewith, —_ shell, Whether or not such `oelcers l>elo?¤g_ to such organizations, · receiie not more than ‘ N$2~i»() e yeaxnforl the feithfu1_performeuce_ot— such administrative functions under such. regulatiousz as the Secretary of \\"et·j may prescribe; and (or the purpose of determiulngdiow much shell be paid to such OECBQS so performing sixch functions, the Secretary of War may, froml time to time, divide them into cleseesmnd fi; the ·‘ amount payable t0·the oflicers in oooh class. Pay under the provisions of this section shall not `:1ccrue_t0“ any officer duripg a· period when he shall be entitled jmiader any provision to, the full rate of his lmse pey prescribed in se<vt_i0p'7 or sectiop 13`of-f1‘ltle— 37, als the

 wee may be.   (June·3, 1924, c. 244, § 3, 43.Stat. 364.)·_ _

149. Pay of ‘w;;·rant o§cers; in- addition to pay prescribed by S€(éti0Il.143•·····S€€ section 23 of Title 37. ·. 1 . . ` .l58._Additienal pay, for lyiugduty; travel allowance.-——See isevlinll 29 of 'I`i£I€‘ 37. " _ . _ o · I . _ ` 151. Querters `atid subsistence for olhcers hind warrant ellicers duringiestrstion and training.—See‘·sectio¤i 23_0f Title 37. ` 152. Armory drillpay ofe¤lieted·§ten of sixth and eeventh ,eredes.--4See section % of Title 3'l'.` 1 ‘ ·· _ ‘·-Y _ n -153. Payof specialist rating in sixth and seventh grades.·¤—— Enlisted men or the "slxtth and sevehth grades of the National · lllgmrel holding epeciellsts’ ratings "under the provisions of seclien 605 of Title 10, shall, lneaddltlou to the. pay proylded io section 23 jot Title 37, `be entitled to cme-thirtleth of the epeoiellsts’ pay provided in section _13 ol! Title _37 for each day of participation ih exercises provldedftor by sectionh 63, 64, and H5 of this title: Provkled, That payments ·m•Ae~prlor to June 3, 1924, to enlisted men pot the sixth and l seventh grades ot the Notioueil Guard holding spectal·ists’ ratings of ouethirtleth of the ‘epecinliets' my provided io said section ‘13 of Title 37 for each day spent in phrticipstglniiu `exercleee or performing the duties provided for by sections 63, 64, had 65 ot this title are lzereby-yelldntw. W (Jtine 3, 19%,4:, 244, “§ 6, 43 Stat. 365.) 154. Pay of collated men of grades other than sixth i md seventh.---Each- enlisted men belonging to an orgeuization, oi the National Guerd.`other.ths'u enlisted men of theesixth- end eovexnth grades, ehell receive compensation at the rate ol tmethirtleth ·o£ the initial monthly pay ot his grade . in the Regular Army; ziid each jot those ot the sixth end seventh · gl·eelee shell receive compensation as is proirlded ln- section ” ‘ 23% po! _'1`ltle 37, for e each drill orderedtor his organization ivhere he. is onlelolly present ood ini gvhleh he pertlcipetec for not less than one and ooeehelt hours, not exceeding eight in any one celetider month and not exceeding sixty drills im one year: Provided, Theta the proviso contained in section Gi of this title ehell not operate to prevent the payment of en listed men eetuelly present at exiy duly ordered drill or othex exeroise: Provided further, That periods ot any actual mill tory duty equivalent- to the drills herein preserlhed (except these periods ct service proyided for lneectione 63, 64, 65, and $2 oi this title, es amended) lmey he accepted ee eervlce in lieu or such drills when so peovtoéo by the Secretary, of War Aud provided further, That any enlisted men shell, under suck regulations as the Secretary ot War may lprmctlbe, receiw

TIONAL GUARD § compensation under `the `provisions of this section for any drill had in jaccordence . with such provisions where he is oflicislly present and in which he participates for not less than - one and one—helf hours with fa“ National Gyusrd orginizntion within. the. some State at a‘ station other than his own, upon presentation of a certincste in `form prescribed in said regulations from the organization commander to the commending r officer of the organization of which he is s. nxnember showing such drill participation. , h ‘ ‘ i All a-mounts appropriated for the purpose. of this section and section`·143_ otithis title shall be disbursed and accounted! for by theofficers and agents of the Finance Demrtment of the Army, and all disbursements under the foregoing provisions ot this section —she.ll_ be made as soon es practicable after the , 31st dey. of March, the 30th dey. of June, the__30thday of Sep¥ tember, und the 31st day or December ot each year upon pay rolls prep¤¤·eo_ and authenticated in the manner to be prescribed by " the Secretary of War :“ Provided, That stoppngess imay be made against the compensation payable to `sny o@cer` . or enlisted man hereunder tocover the cost of public property; . lost or destroyed by and chargeable to snch oqicer or enlisted ` man. -_ " ·... ·· _ s E ‘ " _ ·. Except as otherwise, specifically provided herein no money npproprinted under;-the provisions of»·~this section or section- ·. 143 of·this"title shall be paidto any person not on. the active _ list, nor ‘_·to `any person over sixty¥fonr years of nge, ·nor_.toany personwho shall fail to qualify as toriitness for military service `under such- regulations iss the Secretary of War shell prescribe, nor to any State, Te`rritory,`or_ District,·or officer or r enlisted mon in the National Guard thereof unless and untill - such State, Territory, or District provides by low that stef! ` officers, including o@cers of the Finance, Inspection, Quarter-*1 _ master, and Medical Departments hereafter ,eppointed_s1‘1nll . hnyje..had previous military experience and shall hold their _, positions `until they shall have reached the age of sixty-four . years, unless retired priorto that time by reason of resignation, I disability, or `for cause to befdeterni-ined by n courtemsrtiel , legally convened for that purpose, end that vacancies among- · said officers shall be _§Iled by . appointment from _, the [ omcers of, the mllitle of such State. Territory, or District. f , (Sept 22, 1922, c. 423, $,6, 42 Stat. 1035; June 6, 1924, c. 275, { 5 7, 43 StatQ`.471.~) _ - ( I { , ` y 155. Payment of men enlisted by State snthorit,ies.-—-——Noth- · ing. an this title shellfbe construed to prohibit the pnyingoi

men enlisted by,St¤te authorities of sny` State for militia or-

, , gnnizntion for the purpose 'of bringing seid orgnnizntionup to the minimum necessary to permit of tlxeunuster in of said or· [ ganizetion, from the..d&·te of · such enlistxnentsetio the date of { `muster in orrfromuste ot enlistment to dste`o`f rejection, after o [ physical examination. (Aug. 29, 1916, c. 418, § 1, 39 Stet.·62—i.) 5 156.. Uniforms, eeeouterrnents, and equipment furnished to , ,o&eers at cost.-J-Uniforms, sccouterments, end equipment sbou r on the request ot any officer ot? me Netionel Gnnrd and Ne· _ l tional Guerd Reserve, whether in State or, Federel service, be , furnished by the Government et cost for cosh on proper idienti§—

p cation and under suchyrules endregulntions as the Secretary
of War mayprescrlbc. (June 3, 1924, c. 244, § 3, 43 `Stot. 364,)

[ 1157. Commencement of pay in , Federal service.--—When, me 3 militia is cslledintol the nctuel serviceot the United States, . their. psy shell? commence from the deyhog their appearing nt - r the. piece of company rendezvous, butthis provision shall not - be construed to authorize nny species of expenditure previous t to errlving at such pieces obrendoevous which is not provided [ by existing laws to he paid after theirerrlvol at such ·plecos of r rendezvous. (May 27, 1908, c. 204,·§ 7, 355 Stat. 401.) · `

· *158. Time of payment for attendini encanirpments, etc.--

i >`When nny portion of the National Guerd shell participate in a, encaxnprnents, maneuvers, or other exercises, incluwling out-_