Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1062

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\ § 4 TITLE 33.-——NAYIG:LT10N AN conferred shell be so exercised as not unreasonably to interfere i with or restriét the feed fishing industry, gend the· regulations 1 _;,rescribe<l in pursuance hereof shall prqvide for the use of < eugzh waters by food fishermen operating under permité granted w by the War Department. c - I}?’f!ffl of vessels to enforce regulctimw.-$1*0 enforce the regu· w latinas pyescribedepursuant to this section, the Secretary of c War may detail any publicv vessel iu_the service of ·‘the -War w Department., cr, upon the request of the Secretaryef War, xhe t head of any other department may enforce, end the head of z eey such clepertmeeet is hereby mgthorized to ergferce, such regu· s latiens by means of any public vessel of such department. 1 Peetieeg end mlation of ,T6§¤»lG“09$8.——-Thé-YEQUIHUOBS made ; by the Secretary of Wai pursuant to this section shall be 1 posted in cpnépicuous and appropriate ‘ places, designated by { mm, for the iuformatien of the public; and every person who' I1 and every eerperatipu which shall willfully violate hny i’¢g\i·‘ z ` latiees made by the · said Secretary pursuant tb uthis section s shell be deemed guilty qt afmis’demee.¤0r,· and upon conviction w thereéf ae any court éfeompetent jniriédictfloushall be punished "i by a Hue not exceedii1g_$500, crby imprisonment (in the`ce‘se '1 " of e natural person) not exceeding six months, in the discretion. ; eftheeeurt. -_, _ `· I 1 ` =Ve»•wc mae ieriadicgion of effenaes; pr0cede••re.—O1Tenses _1

 the provisions of this sectioi, cir any regulation imade  

·- yursuaut thereto, committed in any Territory or other place »_; subject to the jmsdieticn of the United Statesf where there `I }s no court having geizeml jurisdiction of crimes ageinetthey 5 United States, shaivbe mguimhle in- any court 6f su<2l{"place ‘.e:3"1‘érrit0ry havizagerigixial jmrisdietion ufcriuiiual cases in e ’ the place or Territory in y`$hieh—'tbe offense has been committed, I wiih thesnme right of appeal in all "gases asia given, in` other : ‘e:·im1m1 cases where imprisonment notr éxéeediug six . months ie we a peri: of the penalty, and jurisdiction, is hereby conferred 1 Queen meh courts and such courts *·ehal1 egerélse the same for I

 mrpeees;._a¤d in caw any such bqenmf be écmmittéd be- i
 me territeriai iegisdictieu of eniy court hevingjurisdictien z
   the deemed and heldy te heve been z
 within the jpriedictien in which the eReader may be `

iemiq er tem which me is met brought, gud shall lbe tried by g iwe mmf; having jurimletieu wereef. · (Juli 9,1918, c. 143, mb- 4

 X¥X,§§ 1-54,408mt.  ’     " ° “ s

3. gauges en md tribmnrie¤.--·—

 e  of War is hereby §\#b0i’i2i0d‘ and directed to 1
   geugw eetebliwedyand deiiy `cymnetieue made {

‘ of the rise fel! of the Himimwi River and dm I ,-Fer me of eeeurieg riuintemzpted eadsiex ef

 Awafem of   Mieeimippi River and its fributarfes,   ié
of se e {     ietf? this written, umm thefepplieatiou of the Chief u
  e   the Secretary efgwar is hereby authorized to E

may this W$3'1'$!l¢‘j63’ requisition, from time te etimewvpen the _1

 of   fer such mms as may be nemery z

ie smh week, not te exceed in the aggregate foeeeeéh year s ism sum cf.$,mQ: ‘Preeided, kmeeeer, That me itemized state t

 of edd expenses elm! aceemmny the eimual repert of the a
  eers, (B. S. { 5252;*.hme 13,'1w2, c.i10’|'9,_§ 9,· s

&8f¤x.g374.> ’ - y · ‘ ‘ 1 3 54 of me Gevegummt eannh rivers, M -z

   of eteratiw. iepnirn · te   reeenstmethn efv 4
   Puma Gam! exeemcd.-·-·Ne tells or qeratinis t
 ~qv1ieteve:·_s~hei1 be levied upon et eeffecteq; frm any 4
 dredge, er: ether water craft for msdn; through my f (

Met, camel, eeeelieed river, er ~ other week fer the HS! and s heeem eff navigation, ee)! b6}9¤Si¤S to the United Sfaetes `er e

 my be   acquired e1·` eemtrueted;’ and. for .<
   ef_.prm=i·ving gud eeutizmiug the   a.ed.1mvii ·1

mms? of . mid canals and etbenr public geeks wfthem ingeti mmimy the Secremry of Wu; apes the..r&memént§u¤ at ·1 {hi Chief of §¤gi¤eers, United WSte§;es Army, ip hereby author- 1

  • 11 N.·1v10A1zw wnmms _ 1043

zed to dmw his warfant or requisition, from tixne to time mptm the/Secretary of the Treasury to pay the actual expena Q JI operating, maintaining, land keeping said works in repzm; which warrants or requisitiqns shall be paid by the Secretuz at the Cllreasnry out of any money in the Tgeasury not 0t1¤Q·- wise appropriated: Provided, That whenever, ln the judgxfwné _ mt the Secretary of War, the condition of any of the aforesaid ‘ ° works is such thatrits entire reconstruction is absolutely esm.

ial to its. eflleieut and economical maintenance and eperatim

as hefeiu provlded fer, the reeonatructien thereof may inclznm mah modifications in plan and location as may be necessary r.. provide adequate `facilities fdr. existing amageuoue Provi4z»=»2_ Further, That the rnodidcations. are necessary to make til.-’ reconstructed work conform to similar work:. previously sm ihorized by Congress and forming a part of the same imprmw. ment, and that such mnediflcatiana shall be considered am; approved by the Board of Engineers for Rivera and ’Harbm»e l md be recuxmnended by the Obie; of Engineers before the ssjqrk of reccméfmcticn is c<;$mmeh§;·ed:.i"rd1}ided farther, em, 1‘11at_au itemized statement `of said expenses s!1aIl_ace€>m;·m¤y ' ihe annual report of the Chief of Hngineem: had p»·m>eat»4z ` Further, That nothing herein contained shall be held to apply " to the Panaina Canal. (Jtzly 5, 1884, c. 229} § 4, 23 Stat. 147 ; Mar. 3,1909,c.261,§Q,35Stat.81S.)._  » ‘ ` 6,- Free passage to harbor of Michigan City, IMisa•.———T1_xe passagenof vessels to and ftoxn the harbor of Michigan City, in Indiana, lehali be free and not subject to toll or charge. (R. J 5 5247.) l ·, _ , ‘ ~ 7. Use bf Government iron pier i¤‘D¤1¤wam Bay.-—-·'1`he Gov- . Srnmeut iron pier in Delaware Bay near Lewes, Demware, shall be open to public use under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary-0f‘War_. (July 27, 1916, e. 260, 1, 39 Stat. 394.) . 8. Toll-free rivers in A.lal:axaa.—¥—·The Temxesaee, s . a s Oaaawba, and Black Warrior `RlV€£l‘§,'Withi1l gthe State et Alammn, shall` be forever tree from toll Jer all property beleng— ng tp the United States, and for all persons tn. their service, md 1*01-, all citizens pf_the·_United States, eicept as to auch tells ta may be allowed by Act of Congrens. (R. 8.} _5.‘H4.)‘ 9. Des Meinq River aa tdl·free.—·--Tl1e Des Holm Rive: shall fogevek remain free fmm any tell, er ether c%ar¢a whataver, for any property- of the United States, or persons intbeir serviee, passing along the mma. ‘ (RZ3. § 5246.) · F _ ,10.` Waters in Louisiana as pablic higlnq··ays.··.¢-All me navigable rivers and waters in theftenmer Terrlterns at 3x·leann_ and Louisiana shall femver remain pnblic Highways. (R. S. § 5%I.) _ * Q · _ _ , · ` ll., Authority for compact batwem Middle States as te jurisdiction of eienmeannitted ea h@¤ry waters,-—·The consent of the Ocngreu is _ hereby EWW ta thea States ex Nerth; Dak0ta,"S0nth~ Dakota,} Mlnmaem,. Wisconsin. [awa, and Nebraska, or any tyéa or more of »= ~. by nach zgreement or coxnpaet _ an they may deem desirable ar necesmry, or as may. be evidenced by 1e@slati%e acts enacted by atl! mso or morepf said States, not in eendlct with the Qenatitne · jen ol the United Staten- or any law thereof, te'—detu·mim and _. .. ‘ aettle the jmrisdietion to he exerelmd by mid $9%%

ively, gver offenses uiéng out et the ytolaticn of thelawa V0!

my of said Statea upén any of the waters femlng the bound- . try lines mtnteeri any two er mere of. wid Staté. or waters . . mrengh which such benndary line extends, and that the con-· sent' qt, the Congress be, and the mma ts hereby, given- to the vencnrrent juriadiéttén a@d to by the States et Mtnnmcta md Baath Daketa, as evtdmeed by the act of the Le:i¤l_atiu·e nt the ante at ltinneeeti appreved April @, 191‘¥, andthe act it the mtslatnre of the State dt l sent};. Dakota approved ;_‘ E‘ebraanj·13, 1917. (Mar. 4, 1921, c. 158, 41‘8t¤t. 1366.) .% " 12. Part Atthar $69 Cans!.--·-·After there shall be conveyed ; En the United Staten, fren of east, a ivslid title to the line ot water eqmmunieatlcn between Taylors Bayou and Sabine Pass, . e