Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1079

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‘ é , . . _ ‘ phi,} ¢ TITLE 33,5-A(4VIG4T1ON ..,,;· W; more than` 0BQ`!Ki!1¤t€· Steam vessels, when towing v~}A.:i;`s<»11s)ki_ three`blas£s.0f’quicl; sui:c%0n éepcatéd _&t inter

 Ur mn, mcmihan caxeminute. · — · _ — ‘

~ $@3, Sail ve$su1s under. way shall sound —a fcghorn) at inter ·,_ · ui- nop mqfe than one xuizgutgg ·~ I _ = _

 .= Htoam vessels hud sai} vessels, when not under. way

u ; wurul ai bell at intervals ot riot more than twtfminutcs 2*;, mm boats, tmding boats, produce boats, cz1u·urbgatg ,,_ X ;· {mats, fishing boatsg rafts, 01*. 0tba1·”_ water graft M, __;.4:iug amy bay, harpor, or-river, by l1zmd‘p0wer, horse _;· »· in suii, ur by ·the‘cu1jrcut of that riyent, cr ;mch0red_·_01

 AM: in my near timchaanel canfairway éf guy bayyharbor
  • 4- ;·iv`¢·r§ aud`-not in`any¢pgr¢, shall —soqnd'a fogh0r¤,` 01·_equiva·

‘;, dsixal, whivh shall make a sound equal @0 a stbam whistle nz *·;m·val,s of I10{°_,§]0l'0_‘th3B two minutes- (‘R. S. § 4233 33;;:-, S2, ISUY, c. 389, ‘$ 12,-29 Stat; 696{Feb. 19, 1895, c...102 .‘::> mst. GT2.") W " l —S’1‘EERING_ SAILING 3 I1. Suggestion for asccrtaihmcixt of risk of ccllisich;4-Rage ,w:,Jiui¤k_ of collision cam, when citcumsmrncmsf wrmit, °bc`as· 4-4·¤·x:Qiz¤ed` by chreful1y.wntchi¤g.the comrmsé bearingt oi aiu

4e-lniug Yessel. If they bearing docs not appréciably

aahsmgv-sagch risk_ should be deemed! fogexistg (Mar. 3, .1897, c.· :;>v,.§ 12, 29 Stat. 690; Feb.’_ 19, 1895, cg. 102,.28 Stat. 672.)

 .342. Sailing .vesqds,app;qa¢hi¤g _¢1w·i¤¢ther.—+Rulc 17.-—

\x‘n~u_ mo sailing vessels are approaching one another, so as _ t.»_mv•»1»·e risk ofcoliisiong one of xhezp shall keep 0uf»0£ the x—,_;»_€.··_q{ theather, as·fo1I0ws,_·nau$c1y: v _A _ _ " ‘ { _ me A vessel which is running free `"shnll keep but of the \\;ij,‘ UIVH VGSS/(Bl . 1 , · _ (M A vessel which is élosedmaulqd on the port taqk shall kt-.»;» out of the way of a vessel which —isZ'c10Sé-hauled on the _ »m:·h<»::x;<l't:1<?k. . _ · -. » . r \ cv; \\'hei1—b0th are running free, with the wind on} different >i<!»¤~<, me ve=xs4>l which has ifha wind on thej port side shall A ke ··;» · .»ut_•»f the way of théother. l ‘ ·. ‘ " h f M; Whmgn bbth vessels am running free, with the wind Olli _ sx.? r~1l!Il(;§'§id(f, the vessel which is` to the wiudward shall keep MM; __»»¤' the way of the vessel? which is tu. thé lecward. . ~ .:0} A vessel which has the windjaft shall kéep dnt of ;hé =v.»§;°¤»:‘ xm} cme: versgelj (Mar. 3, 1897, c. 389, 5 12, -29 Stat: . ¢2:•<>; l·`4jh.19, 1835,4. 102, 28·S£at.*‘§72.)_ ‘ - - ~ ia, 313. Steam Jute}; meeting` end aq.-——~··Rulq 18.-—-It two ics- ~<·i< under steam are meeting endxm, or_~Iiear§y end on, S0

 :q izivnivc risk o£_c¤11isio,n;"the heim of `both Shall be put
., ;.i·¤·
,-s<i .t1iat.each_may pass the pori side at the other.

<1i.1~<'. § 4233; Feb. 19, 1895, 9. 102, 28`Stat. .672.) * ,, ··.

41; ,Steam, vessels crossing.-—-Rats 19.-——1t two vessels under

¤ z.»¤m areujossihg so as td involve risk pfqollision, the vessel

.·.·m··1¤ has the other on her own starboard side shall keep cnf

gf me way 01 the other. ~(B; `S. 5 4233;, Feb. _19, 1895, .c. 102, ~L2>·~ $mt..{37;..?E) .. = ` 3:35. Steam and sailin: vmeli meeting.-···RuIe` 29.-éIt two x·_¢··~<<=l:—s; one bt which is g sail vessel and theléther a. steam · =;¢..N·1, are proceeding iamch directions as to involve risk of ¤···i&2»im;,· the steam vessel shall keep out otythe wai ot the

 vessel. _(I{, `S. §_ 4233; Fel}; 19, 1%5, c. 102. 28' Stat.

·¤‘• ' · _ ' _ ’ limi Ditty of dum mud to slackcnl speed; fogl-—¥-Rule 81 Q--· ? ‘j‘¤‘b‘ Steam vcmél, when gpprcachjm qncfher v®ssélg’ so as to

M‘<·ive nigh 6: muigkm; gQj,cke¤·h$1•` speed, or,_ii'. ¤é<%4;

_ `¤1;I•’. .st0p gm} 'reversg; md evgrybteaxu wml shall, 'WKIBH m` _¤»n»;;, go qt 1 moderate Speed, » (R. 8, I 4%3; Féb. 19, 1M5,·

  • ¤ 102, 28`Stm, 672,) , . _.

{gu- 9¥§!’tlki¤g vumq to kup gt at tha `i;y,y-—-Ru}; l . ery vessel overtaking my calm- vmgl shall keep out of the 1

· .wp.3mv1¤,4BLE vmmas § 362 Z, waylof the Iastarxentioned vessel, (R. S. ‘§ 4233 ;_Feb, 19, .1895,; ·· c. 102, 28 Stat. 672.) . · · . _ `

  • — 348. Ves@ having rightrof way to keep coarse.-—1cu£e 2";?.`——-

’- Whom, by rules;17,` 19, 20, and 22, one of two vessels shall ·eep out of theway, the other Shall. keep her course, eubjecrt ’, to the qualitlcations of rule 24. (R. S. § 4233; Feb. 19, itsm,. ¤. cp 102, 28 Stat. 672.) . _ · _ _ ; » 349.- Special circumstance requiring departure from r¤les~.—v·` 7» Role 24,--113 colistruing and ·ot_ne§ing these rulesj duet regard

  • '__must be had to =ull_cb1Hgers of navigation, and to may special

P 'eircukistancee which may exist if: any particular cese_rex1e‘lerir.g` »_ a departqre from them necessary in order to avoid immegiato z, danger; .(R. S, § 4233; Feb. 19, 1895, c. 102, % Stat;672.) ` · 350. Overthkeni soiling vessel to show light.———IguIe 25.-—-A ?_· sail vessel which is; being overtaken by another veséel Ndxlxringr .· the night shall show from her sterujto such last—memioned jossel a_ torch or` a Hare·up light. (Mer. 3, lwi', c. § 13, ·29 Stet. @0f Feb. 19,-1%, c. 102; % Stat. 612.) . - _ 1, _· 351. Usual oddictioxul precautions requireé.·#RuIe 26.4No»thr lng `ih _ these rules. shall ejcoxrerate any ship, or the ovmer, or I master, or crew thereof, 1'romtho consequen&o of eny neglect k- to ehrry lights onysignals, or of any neglect to. keepa proper — V- lookout, or·__0f thepeglect of any preceutlo¤"which_may re—· , ·quired Yby the ordinary practice of seamen or by the ctréumétances ofjthecose. (Mar. 3, 1@7, e. 389, § ·13,`@ State` , *690; Feb. 19, 1895, e. 102, 28 Stnt.”672.)-U ·` ‘ _" K ·


_ AM) owmms AFTER comjxsnon on crush Accr- DENT, ‘ ` · ·- Secf _} l _ - . 361. Reports ot accidents generally; penalty. 362; Report of probable loss of vessel; penalty. · _ _ - 363, €l‘mnsmissio_u by collectors of mrstoms of reports to $ecretary. of Commerce. _ ‘ , ’ I364. .ROh]lSSluH and recovery of penalties. Q 365. Reports,by·owherS, etc., of barges in tow. 366, Reports .by‘Secretery_ of Commerce to {Congress., · _ _ _ _ 367. Duty ‘0f master of vessel in collision to give aid", rmme of his _ vessel, ctc. ' . ‘ " , "` h368.· Pemllty for failure to give gid, etc. ·' Section »361. Reports of, acciclente general; pehalty.5-¥\’he:1— `evef"u;1y vessel of the United States has` sustained or ceuwd

boy accident involving `the loss of life; the materiel less, of

' pmpér.ty, ·_0r mlyserlops injury to any person, or received * ‘any material damage effecting her eeaworthiuese or her ethelency, the managing owner, égeht, or master ot_ such gessel, shalkwithln five days attexythe happening of such accident or daumge; or es soon thereafter. as possible, send, by letteryto . the collector of ctistoms of the glistrict wherein such vessel belongs or of that within which such, accident or damage oc- ` curred, n—. report thereof, signed by such owner, agent, or lIl&St€l’_,_ statini; th(§_I1&I\\6`8Jlq"QHii?i&l'HH!I1b€I (if any) of the vessel, the port to-which she belongs, the place where Soho was, ‘ fthe inatpre and probeble_occasiouwot the casimlty, the number and names of those lost, andthe eStlmoted.émouot of lose or . damage to the vessel or cargo; end sl1all‘fumiéh,. upon tho request of eitherz of such collectors of eustoms, such other" _ ihfommtlou coglcernlué the,.veseel,;her cargo, and the casualty as may be celled tor; and if he neglect refoéo to comply with the foregoing requirements after ‘a· reasonable time, he shall incur a. penalty of $109., {June 20, 1874,,e.. 344, `§ 10, 18Stat.128.) ~ ‘ N3. Report of probable loss of vessel; penalty.-—-\Vhe¤z¢éveri the managlng owner or agent of ohy vessel of the United States has reason, owing to the nooeppeemnce of such vessel, or to any other circumstance, to apprehend that such vesselfhas been loot, hesshsll, as Boop as couvehiehtly may be, send rrotice, in writing, to the collector of customs of the port to which sold