Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1087

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1073 __ TITLE 83.-—-NAYIGATION A1 ‘ / _ _ . · l,.Q,.q;_, gwxépieli for° ¤_nl!- qbfalu from - the mipcrxjisar . or. the . ~];;; 1‘l¤)‘f &{}p0iD·_tcde in SQTUOB Qhgptqéff QQ 1,,.;-4451; demiug the jpwcise limifs sjvlthin which the dischargg ' ;,;»S_444·u sccws 01* bmlts IHQY be made-; and}; shall not pg lawipi . fu,. 4;,;; Owner or masfer, or parsed acting in such capacity, qt _;,,,y·mg or towlw/at tu ww OT move any scow or boa/t QQ Ioadej, ,1 44-gm Quvh —forbi¥&lde¤’§1mtt<·>r until. Such permit shall have begn. » _,_,444;4s¤4;d;' and eivéfy iiqévwn iviclating the iofegoing p;·0visi0¤s_ _5 {,5 mi; section Shall d%¤1Qd~ guilty. of a 1;1isdcm0·an0l·,_ apd 0;. 4·4»m·ictl0u £hei·i+0f shall be punished byla mm ofigxog mogg ·;;;,m`$1,0iXJ HBP lkssi than $@00, umd in aiddiqion thereto the 4 §44;4~4:4~r gif any fllé QP wwbvut S0 Gffcudingslmll. have his` lieensg ,

,4·,—4.;;4~41 or su`sp0;sdedj for a term t0,bc‘ tixéd by ,the judge ,
...4·4,;~4— ·4.vh0x£1 tried ami! convicted. '(.M8Y`_28, 1008,.0.. 21.2,
§_ 8,— .·

.·*;,s14lt.,42£i.) _· _-_. .—; ‘ 1 0 444. Dumiiixig at other place than designated .dui¤pi¤¢` 4 g§4·4¤¤d s; penalty; pcrsén liable; cgcusezi for Aeviati4m;—-,¤my 44 ‘ 4i4·vizs1i4m f;·0;n, such giumplug ofdischargixrg -place;-2 spéciilegi_ii1` 4 ¤4;4·1z.;¤·rnait shall be a misdemeanor, and the owner and master, 4 ` M- ]¥(‘l`§UII acting in the capacity of master, ot any wows-0: boats e lllillllllllg or disctvargixig aqcll =forbiddéu.. matter an any place nl callw than` {hat specitied in sinch permit. chill be liable. fo 1 - p4mi»1mé4·x¤t therefor as provided in section 441'0t_ this·chnpte1·; 4 _4m41 the owner mastér, or person slctixlg Im *.116 cggpacity : of umsmr, of any tug mj towbimt towing such scows or bogfs s -sx;;4x1 be liable to equal pmxishmeut with the dwximz and master, 1 or gserspn mgtipg in the capacity of master; of °the scbws . 0;* 1 bolus; and, turthér, evéi? scowmau or other employee onboard · ‘ of tml: acmvs and tqwbcats shhll be deemed to have knggledge _'1 0f·tlz42 place of dumpllzgspéciflecl in such permit, and the=0wu·· : 4·i·.s and masters, or persons acfing in the capacity ot masters, 1 · Simi! be liable to punishment, as ¤_uforesaikl,.for _·•my unlanigl _] lllllllliiilg, within; lh€`>l!1€&lllllg_0f·'l1hlQ chapter, séctioqs 441 bo, ‘a ,··&-l9..ii¤;·111sis·0,_ yhlch may bmcaused by the negligence 01'·lg’l1()- 4 , 4r.m4·4.;—0f sud: sccwmnn or ctghcicmployce; aud, fmrtlnerj neither I l‘ _, -· · l>0aat:=`,`.x10r_u!1fu¥‘Gr&b1& watheg nor improper hgqdllng or mov- 1 mg of shows or boats 0i any kind ·wh¤tsiocver shall operate to s

·4»14ease Lheéwners wd méstciiand employees ct sc0ws·

bonu; from the penalties lgemiubcfbre mentioned.- (Hay. 28, 4 190S,c.212,$8,35Smt.j126.)- _ _ _ l` . ·| 445. Fquigmmt {nd ‘¤4¤·king -0f boats 01-. s00irs.—·—-Every 1 .S*?<#W,01' buf cugigegi in the tramspcrtgticu of. dmd§l¤g‘sQ Gdfth, A , Sfill(l,_¤I2Hld,§’ cellar dirt; garbage, 01- 0t1m· ·0t1'¢¤uive-material` 0t» gmy description shaliwluve itsqunme 0:* numlmr hind OOWIIQIDS. _* xs<::m·‘mix§t0d in 1ettérs`i1nd’,n;1mbcrs‘ at least tpurteen inches é 1434::. qu- hath sides ct the semi or boat; thesé namés dud umm ·1 {ww shall be llept mstiueuy legible at all umu, and D0 mclw 1 A 0: mm Il·0‘l, S0'D1£Z°kQd shall be used §0°t17¤ns150rt·0r__dump any- l _;<¤—·h material., Eueu such snow _0r boat shall ba equipped at i 4411 tilams wtitin g life lingo: :02:0 extending at.l0gg; "Ieugth il}. mad dame {get nbqva the deck themgf, Budil Jrbpg to b~0·_at· 1 ¤·.44·n4··i to the cumin: thereof, algo irith a lite pr0.s0rver_and 4 M jifv lmuy fo; each pcysou on board thetedf, also with 8L¤Ch€¤1‘ * 2 1.. wenigh nix lm than two Buudircd and 8£VBHCY·¤Y8.,D0\l£ldl%l, 1

        • 1,211 lengt aim llmiadrcd {wt; A0! (1&b[8'G£t&Ch¢d thereto: na W

live: 4»£ ghc names of alfmen employed my may suclr scow or 4 buzz! »<l1211l‘l10 kept. by G10 0w¤01*·0:.· master themof and the i ¤44241_ l·i¤.st.es1§all be open t.0 the mspecttlem 01 all partlé, Fniltuje 5 i*· pnxuply ivitu. any of- mg ioregqlng priiirislom shall mndct 1 Nw npvncr af jgueu aww drlboat liable upon cozivictiod thqieof i W ·li p0na1ty,0{_;;4;1; more. thm; $500: Rrcéwxzd, That thu N- /K‘]ml`l?iil(3Ht,S in regard talkie- lim QF 1‘0136`4¢0¥3{8i¤éd 1 »4·4·mm {shall not apply ta my .s00w or boat the vdeck outside 4 lllv 4;4·mqing 0: mil, of which. shall amt Wcxmed mt fcét in 4 .f*¤~iil¤_: And prouugg fnrthev, That such mb! CP bolt. i

  • 3 msuntc or numbarjnd owner}; `pduted £¤‘l8££€!¤ 1

·1i1Hn]>crs, atfleagt, fnurwcn £¤c§¤ lain; QB DGH! ·®d¤ M such I 86270`····r26··—·—--68 ‘

VD·Z\’AV1?(i.—1BLE whugzcs T .§‘4-18 scbw or boat, ‘shai1rbq ·a"chmplim1ca· with the pz·0i·isi<ms of this sectioh in rggard to 'namja, nruhher, am} osvnefs ll‘il}llC.` (May 28, 1908, c.`212, § S, 35 stat. 426; Feb. 16, 1909, c. 132, 35 Stat.’623.) ~ · U ', /. . c · 446. Iingpcctors; upxrbigxtment,-powers, amt drrties.>——The cu- · pcrvihor of the harbor or New Yérk, designated as provided in sécti9n·451 of this chapter, is authorized and di1’0€'t€t]{0-&D}}OiHt inspectors anddeputy inspectors, and,_for the purpose hi cn- ` forcing the provisions of hcctions 441 to +19, iricluzsive, of this chapter, hud of detecting and bringing to p»1mishmentoffenders agaffist the_samé,i_ the scid supervisor of the ·harbcr, ‘ and the inspectors and deputy inspectors so appéinted by him, shall have power and huthérity: N . ‘ . _ Q " - Firstc To a/ and- take iuté custodi, with or without process, any person _0r persons who mny_ cummitaarry of the " acts or offehsgs p1·0hib{ted·.by sections 441 tb H9, inclusive, of b this chapter, og {rho may violate guy of theiprcvisihxns of the same ; Provided, That no pcrsbx; Shall be arrested without. process for au; offeuscyuct committed in the p~rgse¤cc_0f the supervisor or his inspectors or gleputjr inspectors, or either, ct them: Anfproviicd further, Th&£‘Wh€BéY&l' any such arrest is; made the person cr persons so arrested phall be hroughtgfgrthwith before a ccmhissiopér, judge, or court of the United States for cxamiziatiqgrof the omzuscs alleged against him; and, such ccmmigéihner, judge, or jcdqrt shall prqcwd in respect Lherctnr as authorized by law in caéc of crimes hgéinst the, United- States. - _ ~· Y ‘ · - Second. To go oh boar:} of any. scow or toviboatengaged in unlawful dumping of prohibited material, `0r` in -rx10\*ing the same; without h permit, asmequircd irrscctiou 443 of this chapter, or otherwise violating. my fof ·the yircvisions of the threé preceding sgctlohs, and to seize mid holcl said Boats until they hre dischhrgcd by action of, the commissioner, judge, _01T court uf the United · Statcslgcforc whbm the hifchding persons, hre I broughtft V - ‘. _ `V· · Third; T0 drrestiand tékc with custody any witness Of witicsscs t0_g_uch uulaw = e pr0hibité·d‘ .mutrerigi, the mid wltncsscsic berclchscd urider` proper-bonds. a » " · ` Fourth. To gb 0:1 board of any towboat having in tow smws Jr boats loardcd with such prohibited material, ahd. accompany ahe same to the place of dumpi,rgg,:whcncver sgcli hcticin gppcars . to be necessary to secure complianccb with the requircmcutslot scctichs 4-11 to $53, inclusive, of this chziptcr. I _ Fifth], 'lfccntcr gu.s,aud_0}rworl:¤ ch;} all other-manufacturring works for the. purpose of discovering the qisphsitih _ ma¢ie ot, sludge, acid, dr étherhiinirious material, whengvcr tire is good rcacon to believe that `such sludge, icid,`: hr other injurious material is allcgvcd to mm iutci the tidcl waters of the. harbor ln violation of section 441 ot this. chapter. (May 28,31908, c. , 212,§8,35S_tat.428.) · , _ 447. Bribery, of inspector; penalty.-——Ey·cry person wlw, directly. or ·indircc`, gixcs/any sum of mchcj or other, bribe, prcécut, or reward, cr makes ¤ny.0t1'cr, bf thesame tc any iuspcctorh deputy iusbéctor, or other cmplhyéc ht the ofllce gf the cupcrvls¤r¥o£` the harbor with ihteht "to influence such Inspector, 'deprity inspcctqr, £>r` otheremploycc to permit nr nverlockjmy viulntiqu of the prorisiems of sections 441 to- 445), · lnclusivc; cftthis chahtcr; shall, oh convlctlcn thereof; bchhegrl , not 1css’than;$5® nor géérh thzu.1 {1,000, tam} he igupri.soue·d not less than sit fuhuths .,ucx·- marc than.; cmé ychr. (May 28, 1908, c. 212, { 8, 35 Stat.4265) · _ ,_i Y · , ‘ · . 448,.Bct¤m of pcrmitgjgcrgalty for failure to retum.~——Bvcry permit issued in acqcrdmce with the provisiohh of écctitwgr 413 ut this .cbnf;¤tcr, which may not taken up 'by an i11spr~<·t·»r or deputy lgspcctor, shall he returned within four clhys after

 to the. .0%::0 of-· the snipcrviscr oi, the harbor; ·sucIg°’

permit éha11.bcar'h¤ indomcmant by the mnstrir ot the tow? boat, qt the pcrwn actin: in such capacity, stating whether