Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1100

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l §‘ 661 Txrw ss.-—1v4v10.4T101v A Chapter —1`4.—-CALIFORNIA DEBRIS COMMISSION. _ Sec. » · . 661. Creation of commission; appointment otmembers; vacancies; ¥ . QOWQPS §§€l’l€I‘i1U}’. ~ / 3 ` 662. Organizatiomr compensatioxi of members; rules and regulations of procedure; traveling expenses. - · _ 66;%. '1`erritmial jurisdiction over hydraulic mining; hydraulic-mining_ injurious to nayigation prohibited. · · . 664. (j€!1€f8lHdUtlQS_&B to plans for protection of navigation. ( " . 665. Survey .forYdéhris, reservoirs; study of methods ot mines and - minlpg. · ‘ ‘ `· _. . 666. N0t§ng‘ conditions of n:1vlga.bIe channels. ‘ 667- Amman reports. ‘ _ _ _ . 668. “Hydraulic u£ining"—and " ml¤iug'by hydraullc process " defined. 669. Petition` by_ hydraulic miners. ‘ _ e . [ _ . 870. Surrender to United States ot right to regulate G§bl;1S`0f mine.- 671. Petition for common dumping grounds, etc. . _ . 672. Notice ofpetition_for dumping groxguds, etc.; hearing. Gl'3. Orders bycommissiou directing method of minihgg etc.; expenses ot complying with order; exemptloxr from mining taxes., , 674. Plans for and supervision of york required hy order; permit to commence mining. _ .. _ __ ‘ g 675. Conditions precedent forcougmeuccrncnt of mtning operations. ' 676. Allotment of expenses for common dumping grounds; location ct _ lmpogzndingworks. » _, . · _ - __ ` » 677. Limitation as·t0·quautlty` of débris washed away. ·· `- 678. Modihcation and revocgtion at permit to mine. . · 679. Violation of permit to- mihe; genalty. ' 680. Examination of mines; repoijte. » . , _ o _ 681. Use of public lnnds`·a¤cl materials; withdrawal of lands required from sale of entry. , _ * 682..Mallclous'i¤j1:ry to works; injury to navigable waters by hy·_ f draulic mining; peualtyl f , · - ·‘ 683. Thx on gross. proceeds of hydraullc mines; "_débris f1md"‘; ad- . · vauces by"mi¤e owners. I _ - 684, Cooperation by commission with State authorities. 685. Construction. by comh1is`sion`of restrai¤iug.worké, cc.; uoc of ' débris fund. ‘ . . k . ~ ‘ 686. ffonstructioarof restraining work in conjunction yvith State. 687. Use of State dredge and appliances in river and harbor improveo ments. _ M 4 V Section 661. Creation: of commission; appointment of mflm. bersg vacancies; powers generally.-—·—A commission is creatéd, to be known us the Califorx1ia,Débris- Commission, c0nsistlng” of three members. The President of the United. States- Shall, by and with the advice and consent of the Serlateyappoint the commission from oillcers of the Corps of Engineers, United States Army. Vacancies occurring therein shall be filled in like manner. .It.slmll have the authority, and oxercisecthe powers hereinafter set foi·th,_ln this chapter, under thé. super- I . , " _ which of the Chief of Engmeers and- direction ot the Secretary of War. (Mar..1,1%3, G. 183, 5 1, 27 Stall. 507-) . “I 662. Orgwization; commnsation of pembers; rules a¤d·reguiatiom of yrocodureg travehng expense¤.·—·——·—Said comnilwiou shall organize hy the selection of such odlcers IS may be re~ qqlreddn the performance of lm duties, tho some to be selected iroxh the megnbers thereof. The mmbers ot said commission shall rece ive no greater ¢0mwB&t1011 than is new allowed · by law to caoh, rwgectlvely, as su; o§cer ot sqid‘ Corps, ot Ehgihoers. Ito shall glso hwlopf rules and . regulations, not ln- e eehslsteut with law; to govern its deliberations- audprescribe the method oi preceding uhder the éiovislohs of this chapter. · While. traveling on dutfthe officers of the commlsslou shall . receive to mileage allowcdfby law. (Mar. 1, 1893, c. 183, 5 _2,· 27 Stat.507; Jtmc 6, 1900, Q, 791, E1, 31'Stat. 631.} ‘ , 663. Territorial jhrisdictiop our hydraulic inning: hydraulic miR1Rgf’i§i!1i'i0§iS to havigatim prohibited.-—Thé·jurlsd1ction ‘ot shidcommlsswu, ih no for adalke aime éflects miami carried 1 _ on by the hydranilie·"proce§.s, shall extem to all meh- mining · in the ; territory dmiqgd by the Sacramento and San. Joaquin 3 River systems in the State of California. ·_Hyd1*aull¢ mlni¤g,- .+ as defined in section, 668 of this chabter, directly or indirectly 1 injuring therhavlgahility or wid river systms, www or

ND NAVIGABLE WATERS t @$6- said territory ,otlwr·tha11 as permitted under the provi$il»ur nf this chapter is hereby prohibited and`·declared uzxlmzm '(Mar. 1, 1893,, c. 183, 5 3, 27 Stat. 507.) · ` r 664. General duties as tqplzms for protection of u;a=.·ig,l. tiqn;-——It shall be the duty of said commission to lllltflllv wl adopt such plan or plgng, from exgmixmtions and mmm-·,-S made prior to March 1, 1893, gud from such adclitémmi tixaminations am} Surveys. as it may deem necessary, as wal; ; . prove the navigability of all thé rivers comprising said é5·~z·»§..; (t(§€DRL,{§éi1° channels, and protect their banks. Such pmzl p1:ms·Sh ll bematured with a view otmaking the sum rz'- fcctivg as against ··the»c;1cr0s1chmer1t qt and damage from li!-2—l·&# resulting from. mining operations, natural erosion, m--~2&;·r `causes, with a- view of restoring, is near ad practicable uml my necessities, of c01i1mcrce_and` navigation demand, the xm=.·i:;l- bility of said rivers t0_ the condition existing in 1860, and pq-. mltting mining by; the hydraulic process, its the term is U!l<lt·l‘-’ stood in said State, to bé carried 0n,_‘pr¤vided the sump (gym be agzcorimplishcd, without iriQii1ry· to the uaylgability of will rivers or the lands_adjacént_ thereto. (Mir. 1, 1893,Wc. 13::, 4, N Q 27,Stat.507»)‘ M _= ~ r “Y .

 665. Survey for débris resérvoirsrstudy of methods of xiiines

and minin·g.·—It shall fU‘l'(h€l'.€X8lDiB€, survey, aiad·detemmU the utility and practicability, for the ipurposes herei:mm·l>- · indicated,‘ot storage sites in the tributaries ot. éaid rivers am} ‘ in the respective branches of said trlbutdriés, cr hi the plains, basins., sl0ugh$,_and rtule_ and svirani‘p_ lands. adjacent to or along-the cdltnrse of said rivers, for thastdmge of délms my _· water or ais settling reservoirs, with the object of usinég the éame by either or; all ot these, methods to nid in the inlprnm ment and protection of said navigable rivers by prewilting deposits therein 'of débris resulting gfroirx mining qperatimw, ngtural erosion, or other causes, orjor a¤0rdiug relief therlqzu. iu -ii00d_tim"e and providing Psufdcicnt water t¤ maintain spam-- ing fforce therein ih the summer season; and in c0nnl···ri;r·n’ therewith to ·inve$tl_gatc such hydraulic and cthér mines as are or .mz1y‘have been workéd by methods intended to" restrain the débrls aud_ material mipved in operating such mines by impouudixrg daiué, settling r‘eserv0irs ,-`or otherwise; and in gsm eral to make. such study of sind researches iri; the hyglr:ml_i¤_ miuing· industry as science, experience, and engineering skill xiphy suggm as practicable and useful in dcvistng_a` metlml or methods whereby suc}; mining mary bgearried on as gfcr0~`:xi=ll. (Mar. 1, 1893, c 183, 5 5, 27 Stat. 508.) , " { · ° _ ` "$66. - Ncting cenditiéné af navig¤.b&e,‘chnnnels.—¤—'1‘hesale} Mm- Lmissioxr shall from time to' time note the.! nditiems ot the navigable channels of said river system, by§Bss—-section suvways or otherwise, in order to ascertain-the effect therein pf such hydraulic mining operations as may be permitt¢<i·~b5J its · w orders and nucl; is is caused by erosion, natural or qtherxxjisu. — (Mar. 1, 18*93, c. 1%, 5 8, 27 Stat. 508.) · _ ·° · 667. Annual rep0rt¤;r~Sai§1 commtsslcu shall sébmlt to 'thv Chléfl df Euginéers, for the information ot the Secretary MY t_ War, on or ‘bét¤rc¤ theltlth day of Norembér of each y·~n_r. n report of its lgbors and trazisactlems, with plans for the r·m· structibn, completidn, and pmsérvatlén of the public \\’fll‘kQ outlined 'in this chapter, together with estimates of tbewqss thereof, étating what amounts! énn be.-promably expendml thereon cinch year. »‘The Secretary of War Bhéll`, tlféretxpml subxixit same to `Cohgrem on `or bgforc the meetipg thé`n·coli. (Mar. 1, IM, c. 1§, 5 7,` 27 Stat. _ _ * ’ _ _ l 668·1"H,tdr•¤lic mining ”” and "‘mini¤g lnyénulic DVM- eh? deBnel.-····-E‘pr the ptlrpqma at this chapter “ hydmulw miniagwnnd “wining by the bydrgulic process" are ‘h€l`@?*Y declgréd tc have the méaning and npixliéqticn given. to said terms in t& Btaté of California. (Has'. _1, 1&8, ¢. 183, S 8, 27 l "