Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1104

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§‘ 203 r1:1~;¤_&s.4-lvl1v1al4\ri;>zr x ‘ 1 \ iu any, other State dr levee dlstr thexcept "with tho apgircva of the Qutbwitics of the State sp céutributtngf -‘ Impmnmwcuta bétséccit {feud of Pasxéa and.; (c!) Any Qftmds which maya be appropriated under galultgoritz pf this section and which may bc allotted to éworks ot jloba ·— ’c@tr0l{ may be eipénded `¤p9¤‘·_any» part of the Hississipp ·River between thel Héad cf; the Passesland Rock Island, Illinois _ · `uxid up0£ the tributaries a;;d_0utlcfs.;_-oflsald river in so {nr xi: · thvy may be affected by the 86041, vjatérsr of Said river. - _‘ E:·pcn8it•u·e· `ot apwdprictiom for 'rigkts of amy.-~·(d)_ N< money appruprlated under authority _0f this sqctioui shall tm expeudpd in payment for any" right oflway t0r'any levee which may he constructed in cooperation with ani . Staté Qr late district under qqti10rity·`0f$tl1is section, but" all such right: oft way shall be-i$r6vided‘fi·ee bf cost to the United- States Provided, That ho mimqy paid or expcuse incurred by au; State qi; leyec district in securing such rights · of way, _.0r i1 - any teéaporgry- works of emergency during, an impcudiug tlbod or for .thé’maii1tenqncc of any icueédiue, shall bebomputéd .114 a part 0£tlié4·Qttj§1iti0u of _9€\l(3h‘; State or levee distri¢t_tpward tha` construction or repair .of_ any lev§é within·'the— lmeqniuq ' of paragraph (lv) of this section. _ ‘ j ‘ ‘·

   Allotmgnhs fqlrdmprbvciowést of__watei·c0urses cooiricctcd wit}

M?s3issi;1pi· River.-—'I‘he` wateréoursés connected with tlié Mis sisslppi River to such extent as may. bé necessary- to exclude the Good waters gfrum the 'upper limits _· df. auyi delta basin together with `the Ohio River from its mouth tb the.m0ut1 of the Cache Rlyer, may; in thvdiscrétion of saidY?`¢0mmission receive allotments for improvements u1_1_dcr_wuy March _1,`.191°Z 0I' th€r®fter to} undertaken; '· · - .‘ _ n " "Ma£»le:·urmée' of levees ·O07l~8t_1'1l(?fGd for flobd ’con¢r0l.-—Up01 . the completion of any levee 'coustructed .forF¤i100d control unda: tguthigrity of this! sectlo£,· said levee shall bé'turu_ed qverte the levee district protected thereby for maintenance thereafter but for all otheipurposes the United States shzillretaiu suc! control over the samelus itinay liave-the;_ right toléxeréisc up01 such completion. . (Mar. 1, 1917, c, 144, 5 1, 39 Stat.'948; Mar 4, 19%, c. 277,42 Stut.a1505.)‘ ‘ _> ‘ ‘ ; 793. Sacramerito River, C•lifomia.g¥—F’lo0'd-pm: trol kporka au thorizcd.-—¥Iv"0r‘ contmlling the Aootls, rempvlng the débris, am continuing the improvement of the Sacramento River, vfqruis, 111 accordance with the-, plans ot the California Débril Cqrhnuissicn, thé Secretary of Wm; Ls authqrizpeq and directed ta cnrry_ on umtinixously, by hirgd labor or ptherwlsa, the- pim 9; commission, écutaliséd, ln _ its report l suun1itted_.Augus‘ _ 19,1910, and printed lu H0uzse‘D0cu;ucut Nunxberecl 81, Sixty second Qcgrws, ilrxscsslpu, as modttléd by the report ot sale gk commission submitted February 8, 1913; approved by the Cblé: ot Engiueerqot the United States Army_ani1_tbe, Boagrd10t En giugers fur Rlvcm and Harbors, and u printed- ln Rivers but iinrbmii Committee Document Numbered 5,‘_ Sixty-third Con ` greés; Arst passion, lu so turns sam plan provldus for the rectl ucatlcu and- enlargement bt rirer channels and ‘th‘e construction at weirs, to be paid °fm· as appropriations- may from tc

 be éuédé by law, nut to eicoed 'in the aggregate $5,600,000.

Provided, That not more than $1,000,004) sl1al1- be lexpoudat themfbr durlui nity one iskzal year. ` - ; . Lliazitationbn earpcndttuliw of appr0i»*iatl0m_ yvne=rdlly.—-(a)

 All money appropriated vumlcr authority ot tbl; sectlgn shallbc

·’ expezadad under the direction of the Secretary at ·War, in ad cbrdance with the plans, ppeciécutiéus, and rcéqmmendatium of the California Débria Cbml11IS8i0Il• ni apm·ovéd_ by thé Chim _ at Engineers, for the control at Boqds, remg?g,l` qt délirls, and the geueral_ impriqvcmcut ot the. 8a1g:rament¤·River< Provided That uq mouey slmllbe expended under authority ot· `tiou until ‘assui·au‘ces lmvé becu·‘éiveu satlsfactbry to the _Secretaxy of War (a)_ thu!.-the State 0£.Califor¤ip,,wlll contribute · annually t9r`such‘_work.‘a sumiqual to sucl; sum as may be

AND. AVIGJZBLE - 1090 .1. éxporidedggnnualljr therefor by the United Btatos `ululor 3 1 1 ·m°ority· of. tkiig Section: (b.) that, Qlwhl GQQM Cslntfillutions - than Stoto or Callfomi§.wil1»c0¤tintwe‘ aunualfy mam me mj, y aqua! shan of ·thoh cost ot- such york shall bays boob coil 3. tributed! said State"; and (C) tbl! U18 PNG! lévew commu; ,4.. ’§Iatod fn the nzapoyt 0{ the C8lifo¥¤i¤ Débfis Cbwmiwiou, aggw

, i August 10, 1910, will constfuctéd t0.8\10h Sridé had section

s anti within Quoh tlme gs may be required by said c0mmis.sion· ‘_ Pro>vidcdl1;trth0r,,That Said Suite ¤0t'_be·requi;·€q to ég; og pond for such_ work, £or·any"ono your, s sum larger than that g ,eipo¤ded` tlnetcmi. by the United States ‘d¤!i¤i tho ¤mé.ycor· [1 Ang! f•¢rther,`Th¢t/Ythé‘fo£il·¢0§1¢!ib¤1ti0¥1¤ m` requsm; B inf .t,he_ State or Calltornls 'shall hot exceed in the aggregate s * ‘_ 7/ , .. », - f. Efxppnditure of contribtrtivna bi SEM of 6’¤¢€fo7*iia; acqui. Y aition. of `sitos, Bnsémenta, eto.—b(b) All money 'conttibutotl hy ¤ tho. State of Calitorxjia, as herein provided, Shall be oxpeniled L under the direction of · the Cdlifofnia *Débris Commiwlotx and = in iuich niaxmor as it may require or- np§·ovo, and no money i ap;5ropriatéd.l¤ndor auttlority of this soctioti shall be expended Z in' the purchasé ot or bnymont-for any right of yay, easement, . ot land alcqulrod for the pixrposos of this imgmwmeht. but all smell ’t. tights of way, éasements. and lands shall be moyided treo or a- ‘ acost to the United States-:. -P·rovidod. That. no money paid or M 2. _ expense- incurred thorefoi· shall be computed com pnruof the L, contribution of! the State of Qalifofuit toinlrd the· work of 1. improvement l;o1‘éin_pr0§idod for within tho megning ot para- ¤,; graplfia) of th·ig_seotion.° `_ Q _ -. . . . ’· Mdintenanci: of eborks_ fof, {load control -_ by Stqto·‘of._ Ceili- , forn.ia.y-—(c) Upon fthe tcomplotiotx ot all works for Hood mu- ¤ Itxiql hereiu·al1thorized the said works shall be turned over to F ithé _Stat¢ of California for 'maintenance thereafter; bot for 9 all othoy purposes the United States shall retain such control § over the same as ‘it_may have the right to_e?arciso upon;su<·h 1‘ completion. (Mar. 1, 1917, c. 144, § 2, 39 Sta . 949.) ‘



, Sec, " v Y . f " ~ _ _

1 -711.. Establishment of Bureau ,of _Li§ht¤ouso•; personnel; salaries: annual»reports.· ‘ _ - ‘ ° ' ‘ ‘°_ 712. lActl¤g commissioner. _ ·_ * " _ .’ 9 713. Réglllntlolns for Lighthouse Service generally. . " rp "714._ Transfer otjlatlos ot Llkhthousa Board. I 715. '1fran•for`_of employees. · _. - t' »716.·Empl0yment ot tokupomrgpdrsftsmen. . _717. Dotnil of Ariny engineers u oouztruction. aids. . • 718., Travellnggéxpengés ot Army andjinvy oécen. _ -· l 1 719. Additional compepsatlop_to.‘—.clvll, military; or nant smears prog. J- blbltod.7 ‘ ·._* _ .

_ '720. General control by Commissioner ot Llghthouqe Sefvlce.
 ..721. 1'o|ve!·“o! éommlasioner to settto cloths for dgmageo.

I 722. Necessity for coutnot for oxpwdlturo of appropriations. — 723. Proposals for ropnl;·"‘o¢gvé••el¤; spoclqcntions. . · _ ._ 724. Contracts for lI‘l§t€¥`lll8$ neoesslty for puhltc letting. ~ . . . i 725. Prohibition agalnst QSCBIS ind employees _ belng interested i¤- ‘ · contracts foimatorials, etc. -· " , . . · _ ) .726. Furnishing nupplleé.·ct<;.. foripeclnl works from general ntock. ¥ 727. Llghthousg unl other sltoo; uoooaoity for ooonloa by State ¤f· ‘_ Jurisdiction. _ . _ `- ”_ A 728. Sumciemfy *0f &s• State; oorvlce of Stqte pgiocoss in ltwdi ’ 729. Purolmue by comminlomr ot pltos for llghthoumn. _. B 730. Purchase of ndhltionnl land for lighthouseqsnd depot!. , 731. Lease ·ot_¤l‘tes for temporary llkhts. ‘ E 732. Exchgngo of right ot way porulnlug to Llghthoqse,-Service. 733- évvwvni by Attorney Ge¤ersl.ot_tltlo· to sito begoro oxpondlturt F . ot‘mo¤ey;.- ·‘ = . · I 734. Coloring ondfgumberlog tguoys. · , 785. Ligntkiné plezhéadn in certgin lakes.

786. Plqclng warnings ove-r obstructlouq. l .

’737.—Mzlinterlnnco ot inchorago bboys lin New York ond Philadelphia '· '.Hirbors.·‘ ‘ ‘ _ · ‘ _ o _ _ _ ’ -738.’C00por¤tiq¤ with Cont Gland lnjxiarking qnchorngerroundé in l. Noir York and Hampton Bogds Harbors.- - ‘