Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/113

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gg TITLE 7;--AGR fmi ggrg am! Othéif S€¢d8 of flfilit Mid _¤!'¤1m'é¤tn1 ¤ee¢ oi! oi

 Sm;§»s. ai¥d other Fhnm wd Phat- Pigducu {GK P1'¤W¢!U·9¤, Q!

°` PWJ new, wgétlblé, SQGQEGWSI Ieedl, bedding pluzlh, and, 10 ww. gwvizaéccus plants, blllbsgtnd root;. __(Ang. M, 1912,. in €_;;,`_ eg, 3T.SfE£.'31'Z;) 4 _ q — 1;;;, Liability ¤f;¤ri¤¢i1¤¤i for 4 scent---Whan qongstru- 11 3; QI 4m? `0¤f<?I`€i¥¥€» the I’mViSi°¤8 of $1119 ¢h¤P¥36!»'» UIQ ¤¢t• 0mi8··‘ C Shia my f$1ih}1‘6 of 8!1X `Omfiifli, QI MOCIIBI Ittthlgt Y0} Gi, Fm;;i(.;,~;gQ by any ccrpdmtioxi, cempamy, sQ¢l¢ty,’ or aSs0c1a5 . *1x

i_,;;_ makin the 8<3&pé~{3·fhi8 Bmp}0yme1‘1t‘0r_ Qmire, shall in every dbq

,;,.1, by ¤_1s’o decmec1F¤c bc»th¢ •ct, omission, or tqilmte ot such »¤1 5.,-w·;¤i¤:n, ccmpmy, s<>cie}y,§ 0z· nssocistibnsd iwéll mmimt t1

 U; wm ;¤~r >=<>¤·   ( A¤S· 20. 1912.12. 3684 $.11, 37 Stan 319.)      o 

131. Genc1‘d i‘€8igl'i¢¥i6¤, Q01! iimpartatiq;1 of nafécry stock; _¤ {·;ce;»ti0RS·+¥$;··Sh¤i ¥ b€4·UU}$WYU} ¤¤? D€i'S011 ti) imD01’¢.61*~ ",E·y_.;~ M- mtty into the United States amy nurserwstock unless 2 ,%;,,4 im$il`a pefmit sha11`h¤€ve thetéfér By tlf¢‘_S§c-‘ is fmyy atxgricxxlture, under su¢11`"c¤ng11tiotL§ andjegqlatloxis as q gm said S€€l‘€t&¥Y of __AgYiC\llt¥1!?€ · BIGSGTIDB, “ 8l1d ‘\1hI€8S g Qgauia $!m!‘;S%‘I‘y Stéffk by of ‘ g

,$y»{·x&¤in1, i{r ‘m&,BB§§§.IBd form‘ !s$ requir—ed» by Secretary ig

of .x;nmiitu1·¢, bt theproperlcmcial of c<m1;t~i·y_ from wl;i¢h q tim ii1_1[%()I‘(8u0¥! is madé, to t§e e§e·ct that `tbe stock f’i1§B\*`b¢e1:1 S m`»r<»1¤g11I§¥ inspéctcd india to injuxflbusq g mma dis€a@ ·PrQQ¥ded;_;Thai the!.-Sécrétarj ‘ of Azricrulttirc imué the per mit°fdr ;anWy'·i1utf§cu1¢:Z.)im»p0r— 1 mmm of nursery .st0ck_whén_the»·c0¤`diti0hs nnd,regulati0¤s‘ as

¤~m·ribq»d_ in thix chapter shall haié been complied with j

» i’m:.·id€d feirmcr, mxmery gstbck may be imported tcp I mmwinzeutal ovsgientihc-purposei by thé.Depsrtmc¤t of Agri- 4 culture upqn ~`s1ich q¢m!_i§:icns nnd—·;1¤¢}er*su4:h regplkgtigm @5; ( me said Secretary of Agri¢ulfm·g`·mny+‘pm¤crib¢; Amlpmoided Yj fwiiwr, That BIH? b<:fH(k¤{{°{€·d `S\}£{\_ ESG WBQEP X i fisms SS ·w c~:;~» i, 1;. lj "19i2. xz.808, § 1 ,43'Z BtiL*$15Q)  » jj, `· · »» i


ciass of or ci §¤y` "0if.hg1• dam Gt £1·¤i@Q lj »·»g*·mu;€¤, ¢qm,=¤¤1¤¤; m·i¤¢m¢ pm: ¤: iwmg11 `j Nw iixiportatiaa my CGUQUI OI, Yi yahsairer the provisiéns cl Eh}s~·¢h§p¢G1*· 1 im; ¤gr t<—d. for ·D€P¤\°t¥ ti `nwnt-cf upon such 1 irxfiivhsés `Gf K Hifi?. 4,.1191%-cL‘i4§; __ ° 1 `• `* ¥5€· ht ¤¢I¤ ¤¥·. ¤m1 : f¤¤r¢M¤i ¤

 1: shallfbe   amy Gt     www   ‘ 

M Mfify . ¤£`i A¤·t¢¤1¤¤r¢. <»£ ¤;rx·iv¤1 Q ?·l’ any fnurgérj if of `catfxi _`

          • ?¤_ €€¤¢k~ at BBW Y6! ééfxr F

!<·f·,»r<2 such ®li¥cr1!d‘£¤1" S!xi®é¤¢_°91‘ i  ;£t0m i U-¤* port of-entry, advise t;hé wb! Agdééltuvé cf, Qt? ‘ }=?< directib¤, tm Stax, c¤¢i¤1‘ xvii me Stage 9: or the to which · +‘1A¤><·k is ‘“~’ l <·}<;s:£, jéi sud 'addrexs, 0£iQ_,§hc_ -¤. =·¤s ;» I ml q ¤m¤my _¤: t;heJstcclfit §§p1f@p®¢§ W sw;. ¤d”¤M_<¤¤F¤¤¢¥¥ yml iq<;ag1;y whey; my mma was ‘ péima ¤hs}1 ‘ ¢ M;» or mu- rm- mam: ·re¤-i+i1my wi ox tm u¤1¢&_ s;¤1:¢qj ;¤~:é_ ¤¤;r &t¤¢;·. $mg < District, any 11119 Uhihd _ $¤t¢E ` ““¤¤¤¤¢ · ¤¤¤¢v1¤é» ¢M ¢¤*·-_ it

  1. ¤?¤~<¤ ¤¤¤. M m·¤w S¢m, —¤¤¢rr¤¢m*w. wr ~ i .~ ¤¢ i
 rim smug ',01’_   er   ea        

1*6 déstiucdg dr M ikémediatelyvupcm tc! M  » ,

ICULTURE! § lgg lathe Mme and address ot thevconsignee, of the netnre and xantity of stock it is proposed to ship, and the country and cality where the same was grown, nnleee and until siren nported stock hs been inspected by the proper oilieinl of State, Territory, or District of the United States. l (Ang. 20, 312, c.,308, { 2,,87 Stat. 816.) · ‘ _ l _'157. Markinglpackages, etc., for entry.———No person shall im— 0rt·_or_ otfer for entry into the UnitedStates any nursery· stock nless the case, g box, package, crate,_bale, or bundle thereof shell e;-plainly ande_correctly" marked to ,Si1(iW the general nature nd quantity- of the oontents, the country and locality where he ezime was ·gnsw¤,o the A[18II1B’_·&D(1t.$}d(il'€S»€ ot the shipper, wner,·_ or person dripping or forwarding the same, and the ameand address or the eonsrgnee, (Ang. 29,,1912, c. 308, eg 37eStat. 316;) _ ;_ y ( · . , e oe t , 158.j_Marklng packages, y etc,,,.£or piazermae féipment; yin- `~ .pectionQ——~N0. person shall ship; or deliver for shipment from Q l me State or Territory or·District of the ionueo, States into any ~ »ther State or-Territory or "Districtany sngh imported nursery total: lthegcase, __box,.paekage, `·crate,Jbale,’or bundle whereof s not lplainlypmarked aoaspi to show the \general"natm·e and ` [nantity ·ot.;_tl1e contents, the `naine- and address jot. the .cen· ignee, and the _» country `_&Dd‘°t ’lecelity whereof meh stock was rrowmnnlesél and nntilesuch inspected >y. the_iproper`¥'ofHc1aI4 of ap- .l'Ilerritory,,or of the H Jnited States. , (Aug. 19}2,c. 308, { 4, 37~\Stat.316.) L _159._, Regulations »by importation of Hants; other `thinff ?k¢¤ri¤s` aefore of ea of rgncumm e_sha1l , ldeterndne t thet nnr$t;éie¤ed’.n;,impertanenh >t any} plants, roots, ’ helen, or `otherl *° plantprodnets.not·i¤cIudedabyathe as de-

in section .152 or   dispter     in the   into
helUnit& ,Stat& or`any;of its or not inju-
apleut       &m·-   

.eiQ¤&Li.s>.@n..@@.M¢.§£&$§;2?` W e

  mee of n*¤*¢¤ AMR be  rwwr llll El   lltl  

Locality., when they are grovsfn, md? smh t

 l               ‘ ¥¤·
 or   for fimpertltnto the    —n¤y_·of

M more

   "of       his ‘    n M.  

non tune me eel wie. ¥¤€¢t@b!€§» of ohh! not in-:

  the   "‘   stock " aa       et

thischhpter may the mto&e or. c o, mr of ¤¢ .i¤ft¤·*m t °!’ M Khlih QM! 6*3% {fw Atpubiie hwrieg,

 mch·jr\ii¤ — sndyrezeiations   he shaun   at

which any mir nappar and heard, ~

 or t byiettoruey. (Ang. m,_1912, c. ,3%, §“ 5,

37·8tit.816.) , e y t  » * l _ _ y l , ___ ,_., * 1W; bi fl§P0¤¢$i¤§"‘fT9l¤

 iéulity: berries   riremangaem set ¤·eg¤n-l
 whm;   '¢Heétiv&—·e···Wkéeer*er, in order to pre?

rent t.he·_introd¤¢Ho¤ into.; United States. or any free, plant, . ¤¥ ¤’¤i¢ dimw ttf! bf wi ieiérféeb insect. new to or.noe mem, tome `widdy prevgnenr er telmzrem wzzngpp ana. throughout e the Uniw1.Bt:nt$. Secretary or Agrienltnre °sn;».11\de:ermmes that .19 e¤§`€3 IfY·°¢Q.‘I0!'b}.d tkie.T1rnpért%tion*lnto tne.United _ Stete1*o£a¤y·e1a¤-o£ n¤rsery stock or Vofany. other elem or

    ‘  *r9ots§ bnlbs,   er. other l, plant
   A     where ¤¤€h”.di$we‘¤¤.'i¤- y
           auch determination,  
   .•Ml1o¢¤¤iyl•.nd the class-or=‘nurse*ry {ve
     or   vegesarxee, r¤o¤.»_zm¤¤s, ‘-
 or   opinion, should no ._