Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1152

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§ 831 _T1TLE se the Naval _Reaerve 0tfic:ers’ Training Corps shall be eligible for appointment as Naval Reserve officers under the same conditions as provided by law for the appointment of Naval Reserve o$cérs from other citizens of- the United States, and when so appainted sshall have the same status and be entitled to the same benefits, in all respects us` provided, by law for other membe‘r§ of the Naval Reserve: had provided further, That the word " naval " wherever used in this section shall be construed to include Marine Corps; _Pro·z;Med fewtlwr, That the total per.- `somael of the Naval Reserve _Officers’ Training Corps shall not exceegl at any one tirine more than twelve hundred. - (Mar. 4, 1925, c. 536, § 22, 43 Stat. 1276.), I ' MARINE CORPS TRAINING CAMPS " 831. Establishment, maintenance, _ and `regulation.=——The‘ Secretary of the Navy is author' to establish and maintain at such places as he may designate, aml prescribe regulations for the government thereof, Marine Corps, training camps for the instruction of citizens of the United States who make applica! tion and are designated for such training; no such camps to be in existence for a period longer than six weeks in each ilseal year, except in timeofactual orthreateued war; to use Marine Coma and such other Government `property`. as he may deem necessary for · the military training of- such_ cltigens while gin attendance at such camps. The Quartermlastefa Department. United States Marine Corps, is aathorized to sell suclx articles of uniform clothing as may be prescribed at cost price to the volunteer citizens who are designated to participate- in these instructions: Provided, That these citizens shallabe required tc furnish at their own- expense transportation and subsistence to and from jtheee campa, and subsistence while undergoing training therein; (Aug, 29, 1916, E:. 417,39 St/at. 611.) _ NAVAL MILITIA. T · $41. Adéiesion of o§cers or enlisted ‘mc11!i¤ Fleet Naval Repervc; rank and rating.; exemmioas; use of facilities of Navy.--Ot tlie Organized Militia, as provided by law, such part aa may be "duly prescribed in any State, Territory, or the

 .ef Columbia shall constitute a Naval Militia. Any officer

or ‘en1.lated · man of each Naval Militia may, in the discretion of Qthe Secretary ot the Navy, be appoiatedor enlisted in the _F3 t‘ Sara? Reserve ln the grade, rank, or rating not above

   oi lieutenant for which he may; Be {mind qualihed in

an rélanee with auch special regalationa as may be prescribed · by Smretary of the Navy: Provided, That each ommr and ea! y maa of the Naval Militia appointed or enlisted ui the Fl _ Naval Reserve be required within one lyear after thaidate et his apbelatment or enlistment in the Fleet Naval Beaizrve te. quality for the rank or rating he may hold in ae- C0lE3§3<38 with the general regulations governing the Fleet _ Natal Reserve': _Pro§v5ded further, That omcera Qnugil men of the 2~:a§»,¤1 Reserve 'wlnolare memlrers of the Naval. Militia of any State, 'Iferrltory, or the District of Columbia shall 'atand re- Jiesgged from all aeryiee or dpty in ·aaid· Nayal Militia when on actlive duty in time et war or national emergency: Provided ' farther, Thaitaueh vessels, material, armament, equipment, and other tacllitlea et; me regular Navy as are or may he- made avagzllable ter the Flmt Nava1»B.eaerve shall also be available lu _ he discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, for issue or loan jto the eeveral Btatm, ·'1‘erritoriee, pr the Dietrich oi Geltxmbiar for the administration. ned training of units ot the · Iiagal Billitinr hat ee sguclxtacilitlea ot the regular Nagy shall ae @i1f‘l1i ter use by any portion or unit not . the Naval Militia unless at least 95 ot ltsipersonnd has been appointed: er TEalistw· lu the Fleet Naval Rmrve and unless its ergaaiaatlorn administration, and training coaierxia to the stamlard prescribed` by Secretary et the {levy for mel: unlta. (Feb. %, 1%5,' c. 874, { %, 43 Stat. 1%) ‘ —

$.·—-—-NAVY Egg ` ELIGIBLE LIST FOR REGULAR AND RESERVE FORHZS `· 851. Civilians commissioned in regular Navy iuétime of worreappointment of. former 0§ccrs.———-1+*or the purpose of s.···¤m¤.·; a list of pcrsoxls especially qualiéell to lrold éommissiolls in sh; [ Navy any reserve or volunteer naval force whim mv hereafter bc called- for and organized under the authorizy of Congress. other than. a force composed of ;O1jganize<l Nzmll Militia, the Secretary of the Navy is authorized from time to

 time to convene examining boards at suitable and csozxewéoxlt I

·» places in different pzlrtsoif the .United"_States, who shall mom. inc as to their qualifications im- naval ddliw all applicants mo I shall] have served in thé regular Navy of the_ United States or in {the (Jrganized _Nova1- Militia of any State ¥>r·Terrim;w;- ur rh.,

 District of Columbia. · Such. examination shall be under rules

. 3 and regulations prescribed by the Secretarycf the_Navy. The . l record of previous services of‘tl1e·appllcd¤t— shall be consillewll P asnpart of the examination. Tomgfapplicants who pass such _ (examinations shall to their muses for nom} , duties and rarlk, and shall, subject to S physical exnminatioo or { any time. constituto an _ eligible class for commissiogng, pm. J _ rsusint to such certification'. in any volunteer naval Iorco lm-.; E Q after called for and organized under the authority ot Conrress I. other lhslu,21 force composed ot Orgsmiped Naval Militia; and » the President is hereby- further authorized, upon the outbreak Q of war, oiilwhen, in his oplriion, vrar is immihcnt, to commisrilm _ in tbé regular Navydor the exigeucy of such war such ot the Q persons whose names have been certmed as above provide·d` og ` L he rxiay select: Provided, That no one shall be commissioned ro] _ a higher rank than the mink for which he may have been r<-e·<>m-

 mended by said examining boarglz Ami providoé fi¢rtkcr,· Tout

` the President maylalso commigsicm or warrorit és of the higm·st·_ rank formerly held by him, or the present equivalent of smh tortgier rank in casio the nomenclature or aomeot toe `sporirlc l‘ dutia of the sélné may havé been changed, my person who , having. béen formerly a commimloned or warrint omccr ot the Q United States Navy shall hgve begn lmnornbly di&rged from ' W tho sérvlw: And provided hortbcr. That persons may be. com-

 misslo¤e<l in the Navy, for engineer dpt  for all hoe

L duties 0ulB_l'.th&11 engineer dptim, and __ so commisoiomd , Qhau hm fhgfllii mill l¤!'._Dl‘€¢€d%¤¢é. RM so forth. of the Q ling grade'?0_r which thaylre commlmionod. ‘ (Feb. 16, 1914. L. o. 21, § 21; xasm. 289.) ·` l · l·· Chapter 16£·PKY{EMQLUMENTS, a@NB ALLO\\’ANCl~lS I OF OF NAVY AND MARINE CORPS. I l . _ ·_ · I ,


l°Sec.. . _ ‘ ,_‘ i l _ _- 862, Commencement of pay of o$¤¢r on original entry into serylre. _ 863. Pay of graduates ot Naval Aademy. - _

  • $64. Pay otlmlxhlral and Vice Admlral. » ’

’ 865. Allowances; commlwoned 0§c¤r• generally.

  • .866. Allowance; ot Admiral and Vice Admiral.

. 887, Additional my of aids to ren admiral:. ' 868. Pay ot superfotomicwt. Naval Acngemy. . I 869. Pay ot commandant, Marr Island Nav; Yard. . » I 870. Pagy anclallownnoes ot omcors gdmncod in gmgiol and rank aftvf I ‘Marcb8, 1899.— , _ _ `_· _· y V8? 1. Psy and allowances of omoer of Navy or Marine Corps olr l¢·=¤'° Q! 8.bMI1L‘B` and engaged in service other than thm; of G¤V•·:¥¤· ’· 8?2..Po?c:;ll lallzwonceo of omcers of Navy ood Mariné Corps `while T · Serving on duty ini coordinzntlorr of business,. of Government. , 873. Foy, and. allownncea ot acting chaplain:. · L 874..,Poy and nllovrpnoes •t4 de¤t¤.l mmm. · . • » 875.. Advances to o&cer¤_ordered to and from sea jo: shore duty bel youd kms. I · · l' 876. Ps; of persons acting ag pgymgster when cage vacant ln skill o nn. · · ,

SN. 1*éyt d.lloiv'a;1cor,_a.od `bancdtp of electricians and radlcr olcctriclans. ,

878. Pay and allowances of reserve nurses. · · I _ -

  • 879.‘ Longevity pay; credit for monica in Coun Gggrd ud jfcrméf

- Barexlueriluttor Beryloo. l ’ ‘