Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1208

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§ 51`_ ri" TITLE 38.-—PEN»S’IONS, BON the death or_ remmjriage of the pensioner shall be cancele (Mar. 14, 1898, c. 60, 30 St_z1t.` 276; Aug. 17, 1912, c. 301, S ·37 `Stat. 312. )" A _ _ ` 51. Same; payable moifthly.——P:1ymeut of penéions shz1ll`~I made monthly, on the 4th day`6f. each- month. _ The proiisiox ef this section- shall not apply to civjl pensions. (Aug. 1 _ 1912, c. 301, §` 2, 37 Stat. 312; May 3, 1922, c.°.177, §`1, 42 Sta “ 52. Same; payment to inmates of · the National Home fe Disabled] Volunteer Soldiers unaiected.-—N0t'hiug in- sectipj 50 nude 128 of this ti_tle shall be construed as amending J repealing section 138 of‘_Tit1e 24 bf °this\ Opdeyconcexyuiug tl pnyment of pensions due inmates of the National Home fe Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. (Aug, 17, 1912, c. 301, 57 6,_E Stat. 313.) - . ,- _ ~ · ` a 53; Unclaimed pensi0¤s.—The failure of any pensioner 1 clnim·his pension for three years after the same shall haw become due shall 'be deemed presumptive evidence that ·$uc "pension has legally terminated by reason of the pensioner - death, remarriage, ;·ec0ve1jy_fr0m the disability, 0; otherwis and the pensiouefs name shall be stricken from the list e pensioners, subject to the iight of restqratiun to the sa\me on new application by the pensioner, er, if the pensioner is dew by the widow or minor éhildreu entitled to receive the accrue pension; accompanied by evidence satisfactorily accpnnting fc e the failure to claim suchpensiou, and by_médi(‘al evidence 1 · cases! of inyalids who were nef exempt from biennial e: anxinmtions as to the continuance 0t_ the disability. (R. t § 4719.) _ · » ~ · · ~ h 54. Attachment, levy, br seizure of moneysdue `pénsionen pr0hibited;·——No.sum of m0ney_ due, br to become dne, town pensioner shall` be liable to attachment, levy, Vor seizure by ( under any legal or equitable prqcesé whatever, whether °tla szune xemaxus with tgxe Pensiqn_0Hice, or any 0iHcef·0r age} thereof, or is in course of transmission to ‘the.pehsioner en titled thereto; but shall inure wholly to the heneiif of suc pensioner. '(R.‘S. 5 4747.) . n _ _ , " 55., Withholding pension pr0hibitedZ—¥——The provisions of -lne which allow the withholding nf the compensation of any [ie1 son who isb in»arrearsQ shall not .be construed to authorize th pension of any pensioner-of the‘United States- to be withhelc (11. s. 5 4724.; _ L . · · ‘

  • 56.‘S•me;‘ nxice and henringe-—Any pension granted .t0 an

'npplimnt therefor under any law of the·United°`Stntes authm izing thegranting and payment of pensions, on appliqatie made and adjudicated `up0n,‘slial1_ be deemed and held by al bimeers- of the United States `to be a vestediiglnt in tbengrnnte gte that extent that payment thereof shall not jbe withlneldyj suspended until, ufte'x· due notice to the grantee of n0t lea than thixfty days, the Commissioner 0£‘Pensions, after beam: all tlie evl§iée, shall decide to annul, vacate, médity, or se aside the ecisieu upon which such .penéi0u_ was granted Such notice -t0_ grantee must contain n_ full and fame stsitemen _ofa.ny charges or gllegatiené upon which such decision grant ing such pension shall be sought to, bein any manner dis turned 017 modified. (Dec. 21, 1883, c. 3, 28 Stat. 18.) ‘ ‘ ' · 51. Snipe; increase or df pcnsiem.-·——The Oommis sieve; of Penuibns shall have power t0·`i!}01‘ or reduce pen sjons according to right and justice; but in no Erase shall a pen ~sion be withdrawn or reduced ex¢:ep€· npen notice to the pen sinner and a hearing upon sworn testimony, except as to th— »,, A certlncute of —the examining surgeon. (June. 21, 1879, c; 34

 $3, 21 seq:. 30.); M — e ·  

{S8. Increase bf pension from date of examiner': cengtié

  • cate.—#·>Except in cases of permanent. wecmc disabilities, ne- in

. crease et pension shall be allowed to `cemmeuce prior to ~th¤ date of the examining~_surge6n’s certi&cate,est;•b1ishi¤g the name made under the pending enqnm mr increase; and in this ns wel} an ell other cases, the ceffificate nt an yexamininz sur

USES, AND VETERANS RELIER Hm d. geon, or of a board of examining surgeons, shall be eulljlmt. 3, the approval of the Commissioner ot Pen, { t° 5 ts ons. (ll, S S 4698%.) . ‘ . * · be . _ CROSS QIEFERENCE as For further provisi0¤`S regarding =Df¥¤Bl0¤éi‘ iDm&t€8 of s¢»·m;p;~,_· ,7, ¤see ch. 2 ot Title 24, Hosrxmne, Asxnnxs, Asn Cnusrrreuze, UM LL EUEAMINATION OF CLAIMANTS AND PENSIONERS`; l~‘l-‘l~‘< M- "7l. Boards ofexamininnz surgeons.; reviewing beams; 9,, gs aminntions; experf surgeons; feesnfor examination of lmmyr \ residents.—4I'he Commissioner of Pensions is authorized in lm. 1e point. surgeons who, under his cnntroland direction shell nmlle gu- sue}; ·exnmi_nat;ion of pensioners and elaimtmts for po¤e$.,‘n`ér

7 increased pension lss he shell require; and_he Shall orsemze

boards of surgeons, td consist ot three nnembers each, `ut smh . to points in each State as `he shall deem ¤Q(?€Si8l‘}f, audull examire nstions, so far as practicable, shall be made by the bosrds, sm rl; no examination shall be xnsde by one surgeon excepting under ·’s such circumstances as rpske it imprsecablekgsr sclsiment te ‘ e, present himself before ‘a board. The c0mmissiener»n1s5·. when at in his opinion the exigencies of the service require it, organizes . a board of three surgeons who, tmderx his directitwnl shall rovipw t rl, the work of any regularly appointed b0nrd‘0r sur§eou.· Au ed examinations shall be thorough and seerchlng. When &*u1;;§m- xr ant is so disabled ss not to be able tp present himself m 8 in b‘oard of surgeons for examination, the tsomcxniseioner may ·»rd,~; 1:- n surgeon to make the examination at the clslmanfs resillexw, S. The commissioner may,. when in his judgment the degree nf disability jean not `be determined truthfully or sstlsfaemrilr rs excepting by expert examination, employ an expert, not s reguly lnrly appointed surgeon, to make the examination.; and the >r fee fdr such examination shall be $5. _The fee ferns expert 8 ne examinnntion shell not be paid. to any regularly appointed exxt aminnlng surgeon, Thefee for the examiiustion of clnixin-mrs rl-" who reside out of the United Statesshsll not exceed Sm, rh` which shall be paid, upon the presentation of setisfemory e voucherswout. of the -ap;3ropristion for the myment of, me sv examining surgeons, and through the United Stateswmsulete r- nearest to the elulmuntsplace of residence. (July 25. l¤<2.‘ le` c. 349;, 5 4, 22 Stat. ,175; Sept. 22, 1922, c. 417, S `I, 42 Stat. 1; 1030,) . · - _` J I ; ` .72. .S¤me; fees; miledgcr;-Each dulydesignrxted examining y surgwn cekcept expert and foreign surgeons. and each member r- ut ll beard of examining surgeons, appointed by the Gornnlis- 11 stoner ot `Pensions for the egnmlnstion et pensioners and claimll ants for pension or increased pension, shell receive the sem ef le $3 for each examination and satisfactory report thereof. The »r fee for each examination made bygan examining surgeon at ar we claimants residence for use in n pension elem; shell be $5, elfii: Qt in lleuot actual il-¤ve11¤·g,expe¤eee there slfnll be mid the sum ‘ et edt 20 cents. per, mile. for the distance nctnslly and necesserilr . l._ traveled, not exceeding the distance by the usually traveled ‘ lt route from the surgeexfs omce to the clelmnnth heme and L- return. No tee shall be paid to any memberet an examining

· board unless he is persennlly present and pssists in the examination oi the claimant. The remrtxshnll spedhcally and so-
-· curntely set 'ferth the- physical condltiqn of the claimant and

n- include :1 full dmcription lot every existing dlsawlty. — (Ms? n- 28, 1908, e. 208, 35 Stat. 419;.Msr. 8, @17, c. 170, & Stat. 1132: · lv Séllt. 22, 19%, c. 417, { 1, 42 Stat. 1030.) _ _ , e_ 73. uSnme;·report‘; insmctiw by cki¤nnt.———·Tl1e report of e L, exsmining surgeons when Bled lrrthe ·Pensien Ofilce shall he _ enen to the exnnilnntion and inspection et the claimant erhis et- . - torney, under suclr resnensble rules " end regulations as the l- Secretary ot the lnterler may `provlde. (July 18, 1894, e. 141, e 28Stnt.l18.) . »· · · _·i‘ T e , 74. !Qedi¢al_`referee and . exsminlng snrgeens.-41*he · Se<*l‘¢*· · n, tary of tbelnterlor is authorized to nppoint a duly qlialitleil “·· Surgeon us medical referee who, under the control, and dil‘0¤·