Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1218

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§ 241, , TITLE 35,-—~—PENSI03'S, noxvsm handling aircraft, the amount of pension allowed shall be w double that authorized to be paid should death or the disability [ have by reason of an injury received or jisease con- 2 tracted in linevof duty, not the result if au aviatioxraecldént. t (Mar. 3,1915, c. 83, `38 Stat; ${40; Aug. 29,1916, .c.'-417, 39 s sm¢.{sss.·> ‘ · W v » _ ·. . pt enamel- s.-Awnsxcran LIMBS AND mrwssms. , 241. Artificial llmb¤;' furnished every live years. . - ·` { 242. Samei veterans- of the Civil War every three years. 243. Same; cozssautation rates in mohey value for limb. . 1 24,4. Same; payment of mosey commptation ;d' {ee to agent or attorney. r, 245, Same; transportation for Bttirig. __ · , ‘ _ _ · — 24.6..Same; transportation for Civil War veterans to whom limbs are _ i Q ’- i’umi8hed._ · __ , ` 247. Trusses; to whom i’urnished._ ‘ . l 248. Same; application tor. 4 249, Same; purchase ot._ _ , 250. Same: naval service. · -_ _ _

 Section 241. Artiiioial limbs; furnished everyaive yum.-- ·

3; Every o¤cer, soldier, and marine, who, in the line or duty, ln_ the military or naval service of the United States, shall have lost a limb, or sustained bodily injuries, depriving t him of the use of any or his lirnbs,»_shnll receive once every— `, five years, iexcept as provided in section 242 of this title, an F artmeial limb or appliance, or commutation therefor, ”as.»pro· J `vfided limited by law, under auch regulation; as the ( S\1}‘§€0*¤ General oi the Army may prescribe; and the period of ive years shall be held to commence with illing ot the first applleationi (Aug. 15, *1876, c. ooo, Q 1, ’19_ N3;) J L 242. Sane; veterans of the Civil·'W•r every three years.-- '_ Every ollleer, soldier, seaman, and who was- disabled- _ Enduring the Civil War, in · the iullltnry or. naval service, and in the line of duty, Qor in` consequence ot wounds received or disease `contracted therein, and who · was furnished by the War Department since the 17th day of June, 1870, with an i artidcinl limb or apparatus for " remctlom, or who was_.eutltled to receive each limb or apparatus since said date, shall be entitled to receive a new limb or apparatus at the eipiration of every three years thereatter, iunder such regulations . as - have been or may be prescribed by the Surgeon General of the Arm?. Who is authorized to pay not exceeding $125 for Q each artidcial limb or apparatus . for resection furnished in ‘ kind. (R. S. § 4787; Aug, 15, 1876, c. 300, 5 1,· 19 Stat. 203:° __ Feb. 27, 1877, c. 69, 5 1, 19 Stat. 252; Mar. 3, 1891, c. 562, 26 Stat. 1103; June 5, 1920, cQ 235, $.1, 41 Stat. 901.) ' 2H. Sane; commutation rates poaey value for limb.-- Every peraomentitled . to the veneers of the preceding section including every such person whoqfrom the nature of his inj ury · is hot able to use an artificial limb may, if he so elects, receive, instead of such limb or apparatus, the money _ value thereof. Eat the following rates,. namely fj For artltlcial legs, $75; °for arm, $5Qi; for feet, $50; for apparatus for resection, $50f (R. S. N 4788, 4799; Feb. 27, 1877, c. 69, I 1,_ 19 Stat.'252.) J , 244. Same; payment of, money mutntioh; fee to agent ser: attorney.--In case of commutation, as provided hereinbe-·_ fore, the money shall °& paid directly to the soldier, sailor, or marine, and no tee or compensation shall be allowed or paid to any agent or attorney, he (Mar. 3, 1891, c. 542,_% `Stat. 979.) 245., Sane; transportation for §tting.——-Except as provided in section 246 of Y this title, necessary transportation to have artificial limbs dtted shall be furnished by the Quarternnaster General of the Amiy, tlnqcost of which shall be out of “ any money appropriated for thepurchase ot artltlcial limbs. (Au§._#15, mo, c. soo, 5 2, 19 sm. 204.) » v 246. Smeg transportation for Civil War veterans to whom limbs are fumialned.————·The &cretary ot War shall furnish to the persons embraced by the provisions of section 242 ot this title, transportation to and from their homes and gre place

S; AND'. VETER4NB’ RELIBK _ 1204 when the5{ 1t;·gy‘bc required t0_ gv to obtain artificial Hmm yrovidgd "1'01·_, them under ailthofity of law., Tlié ttdugpggatih. Ll]0wed` for having artmcial limbs Htted shall be tumishm bg ° · ghe Quartermastcr Geuexjal of the Army, the mst of whim _ _

hal1_ be réfxnnclqzd from the &DDl‘0D1'i&tiG¤$ fo1‘ ihvélid pg·¤S3(,N “Z

(B. S. S 4791;`F¢b. 27,·1877_,—c. @, §· 1, 19 St&t,‘%2,) N ` 247; Trusses; to Whos! futhiéed.-—¥EYcry soldier nf mg Union Army; og- petty 0Bcer,_ seamen,. or marine in the mm service, who was ruptured While ih the like ct duty during me » F Zivil War, O1? who shall be·_s0 1'HDt\Il'@· therea.fterii¤ mi, wm. shall be entitled to receive si single or dQt;b1e·t;i1ss;0f sutg Style` as may be designated bi 'the S¤rs<—>¤n— Gemma or fhg United. States Army as best suited for sinch disability; and whenever the Said t1‘¤$S or -t1‘¤S@ S0 f\11’¤l8hed`bha;l1 bemmg-i usglesg from vycar, destruction, qr loss, sué soldier, pcuv ¤@cer,_ seaman, or Shall be Silpplkd Wii¢h·&uother`tmgS. on making application as provided.-for in; nectfcn 248 A; mg, t title: Provider}, That Suqh application shall npt bé ma<1e\m m·e than pnce in` twb 1€lI8»`HI1d".8iX'lBODth8- (Hay 28, 1872, c, 22};, I 1, 17· Stat. 164i Har.; 3, 1879, c. 173, 2} But. 353.) · —

 Same; tpgliétticn f91’.+-5ApDli€l1tion I0! _ truss as mpg.

ti0t1ed—in’_ section 247 of this title shgll be nude bi the rughxréd s0}d_ier,t to nn .8lii’§€0li; for pcndons, whose duty it shall be to. examine the applicant, and wha foxmd to have a rupture or hernia, topycpurc Ind fcfwlrd to the Surgeon'. Generat an application for such tru& without charge to the soidiéf. (R? S. I 1177.) v · u __ _ ' 249. Sane; patches of.-—'1‘hg Surgeon is authorized and directed to purchase the trusses required for ·such.soldiers, at wholesale prices, and the cost of tm same shall bepaid upon the requisition of the Surgeon General cut of gnymcneys in _ the Treasury nctptherwise npprbpriated. (B. 8. I 1178.) · 250. Sage; naval service.--Sections 248 and 249 ct thi$»g1:}e shall be construedsc qs to_ apply to petty-oQce:·s, gamer}, and maripes at the navalpervida. (May 28, 1872, cg. %, 5 1, 1'&' Stat. Mar. 8, 1879, c. 173, Z) SQL 353.) Chapter Bt-CIVIL WAR, WAR ” MEXICO, AND BEVOLUTIONARY WAR-SERVICE AN D DISABILITY _PENSION8 OF VETERANS; WH)0WS. CHILDREN; DEPENDENT RELATIVE8: P E NB 1*0 N T 0 A R M Y VETERANS Sec. _ E Y · t 261. Mexican war survivors placed on pension roll; widows. 262. Same; rate. _ 264. Same: iucreaoc. 'j 265. Much B, 1903; rate of pension, 266. Civil Wm- service and disability pension from and after Jam ` 27, _1a90. V _ 267. Civil War and war with Mexico; pémion oa account ot snrvice ` and nge from and alter February 6, .1907. _ 288. Same; peniton from and atterjiay 11, 1912; commencement or . pension, . ` . ‘ _ 269. Service pension Civil War; period June 10, 1918, to May 1, `E; 1920 ; jncrease on account of nge. · . 270. Service pensions to persons ncrviug in Army, Navy, or Marine · Corps during Civil War or war with Megico: pension from and I after May]., 1920. ` 271. Same; persons helplezm or blind; amount. 272. Civil War pension law construed; limitation. _ W1DOWS,·CHILDREN, AND DEPENDENT REIQATXVES 281*. Widows of Civil War veterans; children; pension from and gmx X June 27,-1890. ° — _ ·2$·Q2. Same; from and after April 19, 1*308; incpmapxvdeperxd»m·;— — immaterial, . J 9 283. Same; pension éxtacudcd widows marrying soldiers or nilcrs przw _ _ · to June 21;,1905. 284. Widows of veterans of Cixi! War, war with Mexico, and War of 18I2; pension from and aftnr September 8, 1916; agents. 285. Remarried widows of Civil War restored to ml! on termina- ` tion of marriage. _ j286. Same; claim agents or atmmeyg; limitation of tees under.