Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1224

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§ 356 ~ TITLE 38.--PENSIONS, Boyz V 0: more in the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps of the Unite< _ ’ States, during the war with Spain or the Philippine insur " rcction, between April- 21, 1898, and July 4, 1902, inclusive Q service to be computed §·0m_ date of enlistment to date

 . of discharge, or any cificer or enlisted man cot the Regulaa

`%Estab1ishment wllb rendered 'ninety days pr Lmore actxia military or naval service in the; United States Army, Navy _0r Hqriixe COl°[)§* in the war iaith Spain`01·`the Philippine _ insmirécticiz bgtviseen `April 21, 1898, and July .4, 1902; in elusive, `ar as 21 participaxxt in the Chinese Boxer rebellicn campaign Between June 16, 1900, and October 1, 1900; am who has been honorably discharged therefrom, has died 0: shall hereafter die leaving a wiclow without means of supp0’ ` other than her daily labor, apd an actual het income no __ exceeding $250 per`yea1·, or leaving a,minor child or chi1dre1 under. the age of sixteen years, such_ widow shall except aq . otherwise provided in this title jupqn due. proof of her bus ·band’s ‘“death,_ without proving his death to be the result ofhiz » ·· Army or: §avy service, be placed on the pension ro1l`,fr0m th date of the ming of her application therefor undef this section aftl;e rate of $12 per mouth during her widowliood, and slnal also be paid _$2 per mouth for each `chilel qi? such officer 01 enlisted man under sixteezi years of age, and in case of the death or remarriage of the widow, leaving a child` orschildre1 of such emcer or enlisted man under the age of sixteen-years such pension shall be paid such child.or_.children until the age of sixteen: Provided, That in- case a minor child is- insahe idiotic, or otherwise permanently helpless, the pensihn `shal continue during the life of said child, cr during the period or such disability. and shall commence from the date of applica tioajtherefer after July 16, 1918: Provided further, That sail

 widmv shall here married said officer or €l1u8t€(l_m&l1`DIO¥lO'¤I

to thatdate. (July 16, 1918, é. 153; § 1, 40 Statl 903;) ‘ ' 358. Same; from and after Scbtchber 1, 1922;···-4The widovn of any cmcer cr enlisted man who served ninety. days pr more in tile Army, Nawjy, or Marine Corps tytthe United Statics Qur ing the war with Spain, the Chiuese_B0ier rebellion, wir the Philippine insurrection, between April 2®1893, and July 4 1902, inclusive, service to be compute;} from hate of erilistmem ta date et discharge, and was honorabiyl discharged from `sucli service, or, regardless of length of service, was discl:1¤rge15 icc or, died , in"lnersiice git a disability incurred in the service . and llac of dutyfsucb willow hmfing" married such! soldier sailor, er` marine prior te: September 1, 1922, shall, upon due proof ot her husbands dcatbj without proc. lng his death to be · the result of his _;A:·mi or Nasy service, be `gilacecl umm thi pension mil {rom the date lol - the filing of her application therefor under this section, at_tl1e rate of $20 per[m0nth during her vrmiowhead. Ami this section shall appl;} td a fcrmex mildew at any ,0mcer_ or enlisted man who rendered service as bereixzbctore described, and who was hoacrabiy discharged, ' cr died in service due be disability or disease incearred lh the

 such widow having remarried. either 0BC8,__,01f more
 than ence after the deaf}: of the soldier, sailor, or marine, ii

i. it shown that such subsequent cr. successive marriage has er have been dissolved, either by the death at the husband er husbands, of by xlivcrce wit.l,10ut_ mult on the part jet the wife; and ai1y°such·far1¤er_wld0wLshall beaentitled _ ta, and be paid n peusiexrat the rate of $20 mouth; and my svidosv as {eraser widow gs" .m.e¤tic¤e§` la this section shall also paid $4 per mouth for each cliild of such alice: cr enlisted 'maa antler the wg at sixteen years, and ln, case ci &e dam or r=emarr·is.¢e· of the wider: leavin: aschild or chH—

 at meh cme: br ealintod map under the age at sixteen

years, .mch“° pcasiea shall be init! such chl1a‘ér`&lldre¤ anti] the nge of slxteea jeans. In éue n mise: ehila l•· inane, idiotic, ar etherwiss mentally or mydenlly the pm- ·s.i0¤” shall camtziaue dark; the lite of ncl: chil; ¤!"d\I!§` W i period cx nach disability; and this pmyiae indy t¤ V all

JSES, AND VETERANS RELIEE 1210 ' 1 pensions heretofore granted or hereafter to be granted. In l- case of any widow whose name has been dropped trom the pen- - », sion roll because of her remarringe, it the pension has been e granted; to an insane; idiotic; or otherwise helpless child or r to °a childor children under the age of sixteen yearsgshe shall I not be entitled to renewal of pension nndcrthis section until Q the pension to such child or children terminates, unless such e child or children be s member or members of her family and o- cared for by her, ind upon°1•enewsl‘ot pension to such widow- 1 payment of pension to such child or children shelllceese- (Sept. 1 1, 1922, ct 302, 5 1, 42 Stat. 834.) . . · r , 357. Rate to widows of.o§cers or enlisted. men of Army t serving in war with Spain of the Philippine insurrection; pen; t sion laws not sfected.-·eFrom and after October 6, 1917, the

1 rate of pension ·for a widow of an/_o$cei or enlisted men ots the Army, Navy, or Mnrine Corps of the eUnited States who

at, seryed gn the war with Spain, or the Phidwine lnsurrertion. g .on the pension roll at that date or thereafter to he placed on e the pension ‘roll, under` thenv cxistlng law and entitled to reg, ceire a less rate than, hereinafter provided, shall be per 1 month ;` and nothing herein shall be construed to meet the r additional allowance provided by existing pension laws on B account of a helpless child or child under sixtew yang ot age. g _This section shall not be so construed as to reduce ani-pension

,_ under any Act; public onprivntc. The provisions of this sec-l

g tion. shnll be administered, executed, end. enforced by the p, Comnnissioner·of.I¥ensions. (Sept. 2, 1914, c. @3, { 314; Oct. 1 6, 1917, e. 105, §—'4, 40 Stet; 408.~)’ ~ ,; _ ‘ 2 r _ 358. Contrntt nurses ol wor with Spain; dependent parents - of officers or enlistcdnén serving in war _¤rith‘ Smh, Chinese 1 Boxer rebellion, or Philipihe insurrection-¤The benefits of g sections 351 to 353, and 382 oflthis title shall include sn; Woman who served honornbly ns an Army nurse, ch1eI_pnurse.‘

or superlntendentoi the Nurse Corps, under contrect for ninety ‘
days or more between the beglnnlng of the wer with Spain endo

t February 2, _1901”,·_when the Nnrse`Corps (female) was declared 5 by law a component pesto! the Army, and any sneh nnrse who ,_ {vas, released from service before the expiretton of ninetyAnys_ r because-ot disability contracted in llnefot duty in mid service. { The release from service of any nurse, chlefnnrse, or superin- L tendent shall operate as it she. had received an honorable dis- ` 3 charge,. it being the intent end purpose togive to uid nurses. , chief nurses, and superintendents ot the Nnrse_Corps (female)

the same stetns Jin nll respects as members ot said corps

g who served after February 2, 1901. All dependent `pnrentsf 5 of any omcer ·or_ enlisted man who served in the war with

Smin, the Philippine insurrection, or the Cinlnwe Boxer reg bellion, whose neznes were, on September 1,-19Q2, ontbelpension

e roll, or who -were, on that {Inte, entitled to pension under any

` exlstinglnw, shsli ¤e‘en
1¢1eo:o and shall be pnidh pension at

, the rate of $20 per nnonth. (Sept. 1, 1%, e. $@2, { 2. 42 5 ·Sl9.€. _ l 1 D · H -· ·` _ e e 359, Commencement of pension to speciled pcrsons.¥————Tne fi pension or increase ot `pension provided for in mtions -354, 356* 5 and 358 of this title ss to nil persons. wnosenomes were on ` - the pcnsion roll on September 1, 1922, orwho were nt that

· (Inte in receipt of a pensionjundert then existing law shrill

I commence et the rates provided in snld nbove mentioned sect tions tron: September 1, 1922, end as to persons whose names _ x_ were not on the pension roll on that date or who were not-then` ' r ln receipt of pension under then existing laws but who may be j· 5 entitled to spennon under the prorisions of sections 854. 356 ¤ and 368 of this title such pension shall from the n date ot Bling nwllcntion thssetor in the Bnregn ot Pensions l as snch torn:] as may be prescribed so by the Secrctnry ot the , Interior. . (Sept. ·1;‘18¤, c. 392, { 4, 42 Stat @5) · » smsin Gems! orders.-exe the eoguumnm or claims Ly I1‘$!$B(·\l¤dé1' section 56 of this title, and claims nrlslngjunder
