Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1236

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\ , ‘ _ X r ¢ ·‘ §. {482. rzrnn sa.-pnzvszozvs, nozvvsz i an institution fof any deserlption and who are without wife, _= child, or dependent parent, xehall not- exceed $40. (June 7} ? 1924,Me. 320,` { 202, 43 Stat. 618; Mar. 4, 1925, ct 553, §§ 8, 9, 43Stat.1308,1307.). ° _ t . . 482; ‘. Director I to prescribe regulation! for lnllevting appor-»· mmnent `of cempensatien of patients; depoeit of portien of eempensatien in Treasury invmwts.-E-The director . shall prescribe by regulation the conditions and rlimitatiousn , wherebvall~i>atients or henedclarlea otltm bureau who arere- _ ceiving treatment thrpugh the bureau aspauents in alhespltal may allot any proportion or proportions eriany Hxed amount or `amounts ‘ ot their monthly compensation for suchipurposes and · for. the benedtot euchpersch-.or_peraon• ¤.s.they may direct. · · ‘ In ecase such patient hot; three-fourths ot_ his monthly compensation and in case the director shall ind that

 yby   amipedtmihe iyretarding. his own progress to

movery, then regulations to be made- by the director may provide · that (except in the case of neuropsychlatrlc patients who are within the term of the first paragraph ot section 480 of this title) any unnllotted portion otsuch; threé·tourths compensation shall be deposited, to the- patienfs credit with the . Treasurer of the United States to accumulate ur such me of interest as the Seeretaryi ot the '1‘reasury’ may determine but at 1 rate never less than 3% per centurn per annum, and when such patient shall` be discharged by the bureau from hospital · care; thesaid Aeposft_anH interest shall be paid to such patient °- if living, otherwise.- to; any beneficiary or- benenciaries he may _ have designated, or it there be no such beneilciary, then to the executor or·’ administrator jets- the estate of such deceased per? . sou :‘ Provided, That this paragraph shall not be- so construed as, to prevent payment by the bureau from the amountsdué _ to the decedentfs estate ofyhis funeral expenses, expenses of last illness, rent, lodging, ornother household expenses for which the decedent is liable; provided a enum therefor` is presented by the creditors or .by the-person or persons who actually paid the same before 'settlement by the bureau. · . · V The Secretary of the 'lfreasury authorized to invest and reinvest the said allotments deposited wltlr him, or any part thereof, in intéresbbearing obligations ot the United: States and to sell the obligations fer the purposes of said funds; (June 7, 1924, e. 320, S 202, 43 Stat, 618; Mar. 4, -1925; c. 553, ` S5 8,_9,`43 $t•t."1306, 130'L) ‘ * W _` ° 483. Additional medical, surgical, and convalescent treat- .. inen»t.———·In addition _ to the care, treatment, and appliances otherwise authorized by law; said 'bureau ghall also provide, without euerge therefor; hospital, dental, medical; surgical, and convalescent care andtreatment and prosthetic appliancu (including such dental appliances as may be found;reasonahly_ ` necessary by the director) for any member of the military or naval forces of the United Statm, ·not dishonorably discharged, disabled by reason otj any wound · or injury received or 'disease contracted, oreby reeson of any aggravation of a preexisting injury or dieeage, epecidcally noted at exaxnlnation for entrance into or employment in the active mllitarv or naval service while ln ;t;he active mllitary or naval. service of ·the ·United States , on Eyfter April 6;-1917, and before July‘2, 1921,.provided the vre, c d or injury received- or disease contracted"or aggravation, ef ,a preexisting lujury or disease, for which such hospital, dental, wnedieal, surgical, and convalescent Dare and_ treatment . and prostheticappllances (including such dental anpllances as may he found reasonably necessary by the directo1§.)_ shall be furnished, was incurred in the military ornaval service and uotcaused byhis own willful misconduct. _ Where a beneilclary et thebureau suHers or has su¤ered an injury or contracted a ’ disease in service entltllng ghim to the ‘bene¤ts`of this section, and an emergency develops or has developed requiring immedlate treatment or Hospitalization on account of euch lnjuryor disease; and no bureau tacilltles arewor were then

  • A

rs, Ayn. VETERANS nnnrnr . 1222 teasibly avallable andlin the judgment ot-_the‘ director; delay would be or would have been hazard0¤¤Q· lhe, director is anthorized to neimburse such benedciary the reasonable l value ofo such service received from sources _ other than the bureau _‘(June'7, .1924, °c.`320, {202, 43 Stat.-618; Mar. 4, -1925, c. 553,1 S5 8, 9,_43 Stat. 1306, 1307.) · G ‘ ‘ ·, ‘ I 484. Hospitalizatimlor- veterans ofother wars; lwspitaliza- _ . tion in the ‘ possessions.-g¤—Al1. jhqspital facilities under the- control and jurisdlction of the ·mu·esu— shall be available _ tor every honorably discharged veteran ot the Spanlmdmerlcan War, the Bhillppine insurrection, the Boxer rebellion, or the - World _War suffering from neuropsychlatrlc or tubercular -ail- . mentsand paralysis agltans, e lltis lethargica or amtebic dysmtery, or thy los ot. siht- of both e regardless l whether such? ailments or disuses are due to service or otherwise; including traveling . expenses aamantecf to those receiving Y compensation and under this mapter. The director is further authorised, so tar) as he; at existing.Government facilities permit, ’to homltalizatlou and; necessary travelingfexpeusu to veterans of anyiwar, mill- . tary occupation; or. expedition since 1&7, not dis-, honorably discharged without regard to the or origin ot their disabilities. Preference to admission to any Govern- {ment hospital for hospitalization under the provisions ot this section shall. be given to those veterans who `0 are nnancially unable to pay for hospitalization and their traveling _ expenses. j In the insular possessions of the United 'States, the director is ·turther authorized to- furnish hosmtalisation in- other than Government hospitals; (June 7, 1924, c. 320, § 202, 43 Stat. 618; Mar._4, 1925, c. 553, §§ 8, 9, `43 Stat. 1306, . Sale of surplus supplies; sale .or’ dispmal of articles produced. by .patients.e-The director shall have the same power, 4 and‘shall be subject to the same-l‘ilnftations, in the sale of surplus or condemned supplies, material, and other personal-prop— erty as otherwise pertains to the Secretary off War. The director is authorized to make regulations governing the disl posal of artic1es_'produced_`by patients ot, such bureau in the course of their curatlve treatment, or to"~a1low the patients to sell or to retain such articles. (June 7,1924, c. 320, .5..202; 43 Stat. 618; Mar, .4, 1925,.c.. 653, 55 8, 9,43 Stat. 1306,1307.) · 486. Apportiening compensation.-Where the disabled- person- is a patient in a hospital or where for °any¤¤ther,reason the disabled. person. andr his wife. are not living together, or where thechlldren are not in. thecustody of the disabled person, — the amount ot the compgnsation shall be apportioned as may be prescribed by regulations; (June _7, 1924,1*:, 320, I 202. 43 sm. 618; mr. 4,.1925, c; 553,.lI .s, 0, 4s sm. mos, 1307.·)» . 487. Dednition; “wife"; “husband.”¢-The term "wlfe" as used- in sections 473 to 491 of this title shall include “ husband" .1t the husband is dependent upon the wife for ;sup·_ port. '(Juue 7, 1924, c. 820, § 202, 43 Stat. 618; Mar. 4, 1925, ·c. 553, 55 8, 9, 43 Stat; 1306, 1307.) _ _ - h .488. Discharged members of military or naval forces of allied Governments.-——The( bureau is authorized to furnish transportation, also the medical, surgical, and hospital services and the supplies and appliances provided by. section ,479 ot this titleto discharged members of the military or naval forces of those Governments which have been associated in war with the United States since April 6, 1917, and come within the provisions of laws; ot such Governments similar to this chapter. at such rates and under such regulations as the director may prescribe; and the bureau is authorized to utilize the similar. services, supplies, and appliances provided for the discharged members ot the military and naval torces ot those Governv ments which have {men associated in war with the United States since April 6, 1917, by the laws of such Governments. similar to this chapter, in furnishing the discharged membe7/ Q