Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1244

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§ ·6()2 TITLE .28.-Pmvsrozvs, BONUE

in the military or neva! forces of the United States after April “

5, 1917, and before July 1, 1919, as shown Lby the service or other record of the vetertm: $1.25 for each clay of oversee service, and $1 for each day of Home service; but the rumount of the credit of a veteran who performed no oversee service shall not exceed $500, and the lzmount, of the credit 0t_ a veteran who performed any oversee service shall · not exceed $625; , (May 19, 1924, c. 157 VI 201, 43 Stat. 122.) * l -· _ · 602. Persons to whom allowances shall not be .made.——-In computing the adjusted service credit zfo gllowauce shall be made to-—· _. 1 ‘ ` “ ‘ (a) Any cémmissioued officep above the grade bf captain in the Army or Marine Corps, lieutenant in the Navy, iirst lieuteuavt or tlrst lieutenant ot engineers in the 5 Coast Guard, ip1·_ mused assistant surgeon in the Public-Health Service,_0r l1av·‘ ing the pay and allowaueest- it_ not the rank, oi any otllcer superior in rank tp any of such gt·ndes——iu`each case fo; the period of servicevns such; · .§ ‘· _. ‘. , 4 “ · _ (la) Any individual holding s. permanent or provisional cqmmissicn or permanent or acting _ warm nt in any branch of the 'mllitary ot: naval forces, ore (while holding such commission `er warrant) Qsepving under: temporary, commission ·in a higher gradee-in each case for the period of Service under such commission Of warrant or in such higher grade alter. the accrgml of the right, to pay th€I"€llll(]¢l‘.·’ This subdivision- shall not apply to any uoncommissioned officer; l l (c) .Auy` civilian oiilcer, or employee =0f any branch of the military or naval forces,'b011tract surgeon, cadet of the United States Military Academy, midchipman, cadet»or`c§det engineer ef the Geist Guard, meuiber of the·Reserve OtHcers’ 'lfrainlug Corps, member of the Students" Ayuay Training Corps (except an enlisted man detailed thereto), Philippine“Sc0ut, mamma , of the Philippine Guard, member of the Philippine Conét/eQbi1—· lary, member of the National Guard of Hawaii: member oftHéi insular force ot the-Navy, membei of» the Samoan native ¥guar_d.

 and mind of the Navy, or Iu¢li‘an_Sc·out-——in each cz1se`for· the

period of service as Such; ‘° · ~ _ " (cl; Any individual entering the .militziry-01·_ naval forcee after N0veml>c·;· 11,‘1918·——fo1·_zmy period- after such. entrance.; ·(e) Any; ceuitxiiseioned or waryaut officer performing heme service uotwith troops and receiving commutation-dt qniartem "or of S1lhSiS{€llC($—·foP¢( the period of such service; · Y (f) Any member ot, the Public Health' Service-—for any period during which he was not detailed fer duty with the Army ,0; thelblavy; ‘ ’ , ·» ~ ,. ' (g) Any individual granted Z1 farm or industrial fu1•l0ugh—·—·, t fer the period of such turl0ugh;‘ “ (ln) Any individual detailed fop work on reads mj 0tl{er cou- — struction or repair w§£·k~———for the [)€I'l0d· during which his pay was equalized tc c0n1bp·m_ to_the_compeus etl0u paid to civilian _e;upl0yees in the same or like employment, pursuant tb the provisions of section 47 of Title 23; or ' ‘_ (U Any individual who was discharged or otherwise re· `_le:1>=el1 from the draft-—-—tm· theperiod of service termlnating wiitll »~:ut·h dlezchargecr release. (May 19, 1924, c.—15‘{, .5 202, ,43 Stet.·1@,)`V ‘ » X l · 603.~Allowam:e to commissioned or warrant omcer perform-‘ ing heme service not with troops; manner of computing credit to veteran; part pverua and part heme service} computaticn nf excluded sixty-day period; 'computation `of service of meme bers of National Guard or Natbnsl Guard Reserve.--(a) The .pes·_i4»ds refereed te int sul·ulivision (e) of scctl<m‘_602 of thistltle may he included intthe.ca1sc‘0f any lndivldual tt and to the extent that the Sevx—e tary of War :md_the‘Se<·retm·y of the Navy jclntly and thet such service subjected Such individual .tb e·x<·eptimml hnzarq, A 'full statement of all acticmgumlerl this eubeliviz-:i¢»u sshull be included in the reports of~the Secretiny of Wm· and the Secreturyy of the Ravymequiresl by·S·ecti<m` `6l7 of this title. " r · ‘ __;

IES, AND VETERANS RELIEF , 1230 (b) In computing the credit to any veteran under this titleeffect shall be given. to all subdivisions of section 602 of this title which are applicable. · l \_ , (c) lf part of the service is eversm service and part is heme service, the home service shall first be used in computing? the sixty days' period referred to in section, 601 of this titled (d),For the purpose ct computing the sixty days' period rcterred to in section 601 of this title, any period qt service after April 5, 1917, and before July 1, 1919, `in the military or naval tdrces in any capacity may be included, notwithstanding allowance of credit for such period; er a part the1—eet,.is prohibited .~under the provisions otsectlcn ·602 of this title, except that the periods referred to hi subdivisions (b), (c), 'aud (d) get that ‘· section shall hotbe included. - ‘ _ . ( ‘ (te) For the. purposes of section 601_ of "tbistitle, as the ease of members otfthe, National Guard erect the National Guard Reserve called into service by the proclamation of the . President dated July- 3, 1917, the time; et service between the date cot ca1l_ii1t0 the service as specltied in such proclamation and August} 5, 19l7, both dates inclusive, shall be deemed te he ( active service in the military or naval forces. et the United States; (May 10, 1924, c. 151, S 203, 43 Stat. 123.) ' PAM III.—GENEB4L PROVISIONS 611. Adjusted service pay; adjusted service certiBcate.—— Each veteraushall be entitled: '- .· · Q (1) To receive " adjusted service pay " as provided in Fart IV' of this chapterif the amount of his adjusted service credit ·is$500rless; [ h , t · e " (2) T0, receive, an "adj1isted service certiflcate_" as pm-, vided in Part V of this chapter if the anieant of his adjusted servicecredit is more than $50. (May 19, 1924, c. 157, § 301, " 43StatI123.)t¥. , ·. . I. i 612. Application for bem~6ts;f time for makirig; by whom made; regulations as t0.——·(‘a) A yeterxm may receive thebeae- `iits to,-which lieis entitledby Bling an, application claiming the benehtsw of this chapter with the Stecretary of War, ·if_he is { serving iu, or his last service was with, the._mi1itary_.fort·es: crawith the»Secz·etary 'of the Navyjit he is serving ing or `hi·s‘ _ lastservlce njas with, the naval forces. · _ ; . f (b) Suclfapplicatien shall he made-on or before January 1,, 1928, apd lt not made on er before suchdate shall be held void] _ (c) An', applicaticn shell be made (1) personally by veteran; or (2) ·ix1 case physical or mental incapacity prevexits the making of--a personal applicatiea, thenlhy stick represent- `. atlve ct the veteran 'axfdin such manner as the Secretary of ( War and the Secretary qt the Navy shalt jdietly hy regulation prescribe. _An applicatioxf madeby a` representative other than one authorised by any such)*regulatie»x} shall be held veid. " ' _ td) The Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy shall jelntlyfmake any regulations necessary tot the efficicnt admiinlstratltm of the provisions ·0t this section. (May 19. 1924; c. (157, { 302, 43 Stat. 123.) _ gl _ . 613.. 'I‘t’anamittal of applicatimi te Director of United States. Veteran? Bureau; certi6cate accompanying.-(a) As secu as practicable after the receipt et a_ validmapplicatiea the Seérc-` tary tl¥._W3l‘—Q1‘ the Secretary of the Navy, as the case may he. shall transmitte the Director et! the United States Veterans — Bureau` (hereinafter in this chapter refcz;{~date as the " directer ") the application. and ix certificate setting forth·—-· (1) That theapplicarit is a veteran; ( · A ' (2). His name apd address; . ’ _ _ (3) The date and place et his birth; end _ X _ (4) The amount of his adjusted service credit tngctherjwith __th‘e. facts of record in his department upon which such ahevc ` coacluslcgxs areebased. a A , ‘ . - M L `(b) Upon receipt of such certificate the director shall pre-· ceed to extend to theiveteran the benefits proridcd for in P8l;t '¤¤·¤»\