Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1250

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ti- I . §La W4 .. Q; TITLE 39.·———-THE .13. Restrictions on allowances fo-r_ Trent" for thirdsclas: oHicos.—·—The zzggregzrite lallowmnce for rent of thirdrlass pos ollices made in {my your slmll not excred the amount ap _ propriziterl for such purpose., , (July 24, 1888, e. 702, §~ 1,

 Strat. 345..) ’ ‘ ’ ‘

(‘l1:1pte1**2.——PGSTbiAST¤;{S. l -31. Apqiointment-,:i¤d removal; tenure <>f_0fllce. 32. Rrsideziee. ‘v_- · _` · _ 33. Cmtlisfto expensefaecouuts. . 34. Bond. _‘ _ 35. Approval of bonds`. —_ J ‘_ 36. New bonds: application of payments. . Z5`?. lleiieieuey in accomits; 1iot§.ce‘·to· sureties. 33. Time oi suretiesf liability. = · ‘ J. 39. Vsxcsneiesz ad interim- appointments; bonds of appointees gregulu . — appointments to dll vacancies. - I i 4*9. Release of suretles on bond. " _ ~41.`Record§' at post o@ees.· " 42. Quarterly accounts or receipts. ¢ _ -43. Ssme;·to_be sworn to. » ’

  1. 14. Neglect to render accounts. ’.

15. Withholding cmmissicus raised on talsc"_returns;<lm·it t returmi · ». “ ” . v " 48. Money to be safely kept. · , » 47. Cust_0d:»* of, money ln, hands of postmzxsters. Q 48. Frequent deposits of rcveriuesr . _ _ _ .· 49. Adjustment of claims ot postxiiaoters and Navy mall · clerks; fo - losses by burglary and tire. ·, ‘ ’ 50.. Postmasters as disbursing odlcers. V 7-51. Report of deliiiquencles. - 52. Postmaster; n?of,tc l; contrnctorsi · _ . _ ~ _ . · 53. Classidcation `of pbs masters and rinployeesoi Postal Service. an I adjgustuient oi? salaries and compensation. _ _· __ ‘ 64,. Same; compensation 01"postt1lasters of tlrst, second, and this- — .. classes to annual saléiries payable semlmonthly: computntl¢» ` of `snlaries ,01* respective classes; transfer of tliirclwlnss o¥lle»· itcéourth class; clerk-hire allowances to postmastexs of `thir . cls. s. W _ _ I . · ‘ ` _.55. Salary of postymoster at Washington. ~ _ . ‘_ 56. PfTiSi'!i1llSt{!lT8: salaries; certain rules of stamps not i!lCllld€d'.' 57.·Co;spoiisstion ofpostmasters ot. fourth class. - . ‘ — 58. Additional compensation to t0m·tl:1~class postmasters for s¢>pamtin., ~ _ services audjer unusual eonditimrspdniring portion of year., · 59. Assignment 0i' foifijth·—eliis:s ofliccs to · cl:1ss__' on inex·_ease_0 _ ‘re<*r·ipts. - .~ i . ‘ 60, Advancement of tourtlvclzlss otllces tolmproprlate class uudg—r un

 usual conditions :,_reductlou_·t0 oppropria_te·.ela“ss. ·
  • 61: Salaries; orders relating to. · .

` 62. Slime; llmit__o£ ps;·._ ~ _ _ O —% 63. Salaries of trctiug postxiizisters. 64. Post oQ·é<~s; expenses. ' Dcducti<pras_ out of receipts; 66. Same; susiit o§ vouchers. _’ ” Section 31. Appointment and removal; torture t of olllce.—·· Postmasters of the Hirst; seeoml,__ and third <·lg1ss<·sj.slmll bl appointed and mag be removed by the Bresident by. and witl _~—·+— the advice and e nsem; of the .Senate., mid shall hold thel ' ofdeos for four yours unless sooner removed or suspolncledo oc cordiiig to lory; argl postmasters of the fourth class -shall[b· spgirilzitml sod may he removed by the Pos sister Ge_m>ral,· b; wlldm all sigipcitiitszeeiits and remov notided to Gen eral A(3(30llllilll`g 01%:9. (Juily 12, 1876, -179, `§ 6, lll ’Stat. 80 Jmio 10, 1921, 0.,18, 5 30-4, 42 Stat. 24.) ` » ‘ , r 32. Rosideiice.—~Es·ery postmaster shall reside witlxlrrthe cle llreryef tile oiilce to wlnlc·h· he is appointed- or withinxhe tow1 or city whom the same is situated. (Aprv 28, 1904, c. 1759 §8,33Stat.4~ll.) A l - · 33.oOaths to experise 3¢¢0llIltS.*·j···POStH1llSl0PS' and waseslstrm po.sl11gust1*i·s are rcqi1ired,,— £}lll{¥0W€*X‘4€*d’, slid atxtho!*iz€·<l,· @110} requested, to administer o;1tlis,`ret;uirgd bylaw or otlzcrwise, tu accounts for travel or other expenses against the Urzltecl Stétes. with. like foree and eilwet as omcers having a seal.; for sup! services when so rtvidelltvd, of when retitlemd on déménd bg notnrlrs public, who at the timiitliie also szllrlrlsd- offlcers 01 employees of the unite; States, no elmrge shall. be. made; am

I POST4.L SE'RV1C‘E ; 112% sl 'no feéhr money paid .fm·" tho :==m·vi¢·4~s hswéin <l<~séril>e~<`i slmll ll 1; paid or minllmrécd by the I'l1itc~<l States. - (Aug. 24,-1E`}}Q4 »· 355,,% 8, 37 Stat§.5i87¢)' ·. . Q 5 434; Bond;-Ex=g1·3j pc»stmaster.‘ l>e·f<>re> gxxmring umm, thp mlggl l at his viiice, shall givq·b0nd. with goéd mul zxppmwved m;m·;;\· mld in si1ch_p€11al`ty as the Poslmastér General shall d9(’IIl- @$*3 ·· fxcjgent, c0nditionv;·dZ for tiuelfaithful disrxhargc of all duties mn}? _ tméts imposed on-him eitl1e1··by law or_t·he rules and 1‘€‘§3,`lll:;- _tions,0f the dep{1rfment,‘ On the deqth; resignation, or 1·0xm»x·;lz _ bf a postmaster, his bond shall be deljgferéd to the Béyeing nf `Accqunts, in-the Post Ofxcé Dcmrtment. The bond of any may- ried wmmm (who may be appointed postmaster shéll be l>ludiz;; ‘l1D0ll_·}lQ1‘_}1Ild her suréfies, and she shall bc-liable: fmt 1x1i>¤¤·i.;;- duct in office as if she were sole. (R.- S. § 3834; Marnl. Isles; r c. 232; 35 Stat. 670 ;· (gx, 10, 1921, c. 18; §_ vi? Stat. 24.) _ · Y35. Approval of b0`_ s.-—-The Ibomls of all ;wstnm:s={m·>= ;'§§;,· A by the dii‘9Cti0§l' of théfP0stmaster Gcueaml;be»&pprove&lM qnellwc·ef»ted;I:i¥rd· the apprév&1 Qaml h<•<:€2pta¤ce_'¤l¤u~ed by"ths· lfimg Aésistmnt Postmaster Géneral or`by the Fourth ·A¤¤==i¤tar:t I`*mg-, nmsfér Gélléflll in the 11:1111+2 Qi tlxe_P0stmag$,er Gcuerzxlfl (Rim. = 0 3,*1877, @,103, § 2, 19·Stzlt.'335; Dec. 21, IW3. c. 6. 28 Stzlt..;¥.}· ' 36. Néw bonds; appligation of §&]!m€R$&+W!hé§X§\`ttl‘ zmgs »p0stnms¤ter· is required to execute` of Anéw bond; -aH._£1`“?ayn;e·m;· “ rrmdc byhim after the ezkucufion nfsnch new bond, méy, if tm r P•)§Yll1flST§I‘ General" or the Cfomptrollcr General deem it inst bv A applied iirstfo (li>¤cl1a.fge· axnybalimce which may be due fi·¤m_ _ su?·l1»p0stn1éster ,Ull(]Pl‘f his`01gl bogus]. (R. S. ‘§ 3835;, Feb. ll, A 1879, ce. 45:20 Stat._2S1iEj · I ,°_. ‘ { A E = 37. De§cieu¢y in accounts; noticé to SHI€l€i€&é—W}}€H :1 mv A ffcieuéy shall be discovered in the aqcpunts of.m1y_ p0st1n’a»m·, ¤ who after tl1(§”8djllStiilQH·t éf his acéounts fails, to make; ;;¢ml “

 such deficiency, if shall bk lthégiufy of the General Accniinzm;

Otlice glo- notify the P0$lm&$I.€P` Gememl at such lmilure, aw _’ upon receiving.such,n0tigee the Postmaster General shall fem}:-` J il with deposit a` notice infile past office at Washington, I)ist:··i<·a 01** 'Cclumbia; ·§clclwssq<l 'tp the sm·et.ies` rcSpec!;ivgel y lripon nhl? gn bonds L0f ~saicl` postmaster, lat- the dflicc where he or they mag.; , g re·sid9, ‘if 'kI1(lW!l,§ but a failure t0___giyc oixpail such ,1mzi··e·l shall nm discharge §m·l1,sxirety mi? sa1mtie—zg_u;m1} l»¢>wl.· lj (R.2_S..;_l§ 3835; Feb.‘4_. 1879, c, .45, 20 Slut. 281; June 10, lfmi, <:.18,§_304,42 Stat. 24.) _’ · A . ‘ ‘ ’ _ . 38. Time bf sm$etics’ ligbility.¤Ex·l·11~ p<»stmas»t§;·_. mul his §i1rct;ies shall .'bE!"l'€S[¥();l1Sibi§ umlcx theeir bemgl fuxytilm $:zfé-- ` kevpinng df the public pfopeity of the post ·_éfli<:é, and the llmy _pe·x·for11u1ucel of the duficé; the1?cof,‘ until the expir&€icuY•¤f xlzv c0mf¤is.si011, drt until wa suegcmséar luis luxe:} duly `agppoimcxl am! 7 ql1aliHcd,_axjd,1¥as t&l§£>1g Qg1<»>3.sézs.5i;>n· afi the mime; exéept tlézel 9 in cams Wl}'C1’6 there is :1 de·lu3¥`<>f sixty sixnsqpplyillg li W vacancy, the sqregties may ter1uimatc·itl:&ir rezsponlsibilitg Ly

 givin'g notice, iu»_3·§itix1g,”tq` the Pogztruaster Geneml,`—si{·l·l~: wf-

’· miuatlun to tuké éffect tcxmlnysl after suflkgientr time shaliyhzme l` elapsed "to receive ll reply.frumFtlxe; ]{’q$£u¤aster· Gemeré,1. ·\\'he>z}’ Y gz, person designated xtc get gé postxnastezr under section 321 of l· this title slmll`l1ave-mkmx e·hm·ge of sixch poait ufiivér the ·1iai. bility 0‘f_t11;:,su1;u~fics ui the foxzmer gncétmustear shall- <·m¤a—1 (R. si 5 assi;.) 1 _ l

  • · 39. Vacancies; ad interim a~pmi¤tme¤ts;_ bonds of appointll ws; regular appointments to EH lvaea¤cées.~—\\*lie:1ex·eé1·Wmiw

L ,0Hlcc· of a postmzlster becomes vacant through death, 1`€}.5i§.;'·l!l{l·· tipn, 01- rg»ximva1,· t1l<;%P0stm:l_>=t<er General shall llesiguzxtc éunley t pQr§0n°‘ lo act h$· gldxtnxlustécer imtil va ~re~gular*app0iutme11t {wl

1 lla made by the Pmsidém;~‘iu case: tshé omce iws ii: me iimt.

0 mzcoxxd, or t_l1$1:d claws; and by ·tllc Pustxnazstir Génerm whgrn

,_ the éimse is an the: fcmpth class; and; the Postmégier Qciluzmi

11* slmll u€1tify,tl1c: Gcnzgbal; Accmipting Omcc `of the élmnge, ’1‘hcgr giolstnmster $0 appuiutlcd shall be re>spml>;ll1lé uzgndcv his bond; r for the>ésnf<;~—keoping of the public proylerty p<>l·tz1in`ing” t0—·the;· 1 » post 0$ce m1d"tlm· pérformmxcc of the duties of his cihcg lmtil