Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1253

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1239 _ TITLE ss.-mm 4 8,,;gm·—d wits proper class ma July 1, tbllowing, and the salary t Kg.; ;1¤·‘,¤»¢msster Hxcd according to the receipts., »_‘(May 18,

916,.c. 1% § 16, 39 Stat. .163; July 28; 1916, 1
,261; § 1, 39

staf. 418; Feb. 28,,1925, @368, §‘ 1, 43 Stat. 1055.) . M , . 6G;_AdY81\¢l¤¥¥\ l*th-¢]8@»0@¢£S té xppmpriate class { · ° §;jfi1=§r_\t¤p$¤8l _ 1titms;Treducfim1 to appropriate class.-=-— it W-i¤·ua—.vcr‘ tmuspal co¤diti<ms_ prevail.- the P<g}stma$ter 'Gem {*l`2ll,=i1} his discreti<m,_ may advance auypcst omce from the wurtlnl class to this appropriate claés indicaterlby the receiiwts tg the pnwdiug riimfter, 110twithstandihg·th¢ provisionsdot see` a gw; 59`qi this title. · - When the Postmaster General has emit-` fixed the guth0»rity"-hc1*ci~n` granted, he shall,‘wl1enevér` the ifcwiiats b are Tm: limgcr sizmtzient to justify retaining such post ‘<;§l*it·£> in the class to. whicl; it hgs becuaclvauccd,. reduce tht-; grmle of such 015cc to the? appropriate ‘ classlindiczitcd by its l,;·._·t·t·ipts for the lagt preceding quarter. (Feb. 28, ” @925, `c. 368, §.1,43Stat.1055.) · '· 1 . _ · 61[ Sala,ries_; orders relating to.-The _Pqstmhster General shall make all orders rclati·ve.·t0j the salaries of postmasters; { zmtf may clmngé made tu. such salaries §l1al1 not take effect xmtil the drst day of the quartet next following-the order.; and l ._ the General Acc0u11tit1g`0@cé_Sh_f111 be pgitihed of any and’·al1.l 4;-hangés of wlatiéé. —: Q(Ma1·.‘ ,3, 1883, c`.,1;12,‘-§ 3, 22 Stat. 602.; l June 10, 1921, c. 304, _42 Stat. 24.) W · · · . I ·’ X 62; Same; limit of pay.——¢N0 p0stm9stcr.,_slx;1ll,~11¤der tiny pre-, lteme “’ll8{€T€1f, h&Y§, `reccive,. or ” retain for- himself, in the W a;:g:·¤·gate,_mé a than the amount of his salary and his commis-L sim; Qon the msdhey-0rder_busi11css as provided by mw;) (R. _S. ‘ 63. Snlatics of gctitfé p0stmastcrs;—;3ny"pc1·$on performing the dutlcs_ iQf.'p¢>~stm1ist¢1=, by authority cfsthe President, ataily ~· twsst dilicé where there is a vacancy fpr any"-cause! shall receivtz ' fur the tctm for Awbich the daity is performed the same gompén- . smimat td whikzh he would have been6c'11titlcd`if_regul°1irly ap- "-pminlted. and c<m_iirx;1°1:d—*as_$11qh‘,},>0strria$te`r.__ (Main:. 3,» 1879, <·. 180,,§ 31, 20 S _ . _ { ;_ , _ ` 64. Past "cméés": Lhscs.-—-—'1"he. Postmaster Gohcral ..I1l8.y allow Ito thé postmtasmrs at 6tI`§cqs‘ of the first and secdhd _ ;·l:4sses, out of the surplus rmtenues _0f tl1cl1·§.1?e§p@ctivéY offices, · V that is tcpay, the éxceég of .b0x‘ £·énts* and `commissions over and ·ab0ve the salary- assigned to the ‘0tHce,__a reasonable rs;umfor the necessary cost of rent, fuel, light—s,·" fmmiture, stationery, · printing, and necessary ixgcideutals to bésdjnzéntcd <$¤`}s»»t~is; · factory exhibit of the facts, and no _S\1€l1 allowance :~;ha1l_” be made except upon theorder of the Postmaster .G&}1ei·a.l. _ S. 65. D@BCti0BS out of rcceipts.——The salary' of a postmaster, · annelwuch other expenses of lthe Postal Service. authorized `by law as m.ay_ bé lmfxarred by him, and for which appropriations have began made, may be deducted out bt the receipts of his office, under the direétion 10t__tl1e Postmaster General, '(R. S. §3%61..) · · A _ ¢=»~ . _ · l 66. Samé; éudit af. v0\nchcrs.~\’o1uchei·s `for all deductions · 'lllr1(;{}§b§’..8,· postmaster outa! the ieceipts, of l1ls`otllce,g0n ac? mmntcf the expenses of than Postal Service, .·éhall_ be stxbmltted for exa$ix;ati<m td the Burma of 'Accmmts in the ¥POSt Omce lmmrtmeut, wu¤.¤1m11 transmit them°for settlément to {the Gemrai Accomiting Omcc, and no such deduction. shall M valid _ unleyss fbmid to be in ckmformlty with law. ,( R. S. § 3862 ;· J dba 10, 1921, c. 18, §· 304, 42 Stat.A24.) ‘  » _. ~ · Chapta: 3.--ASSISTANT POSTMASIERS, ,4,52 CLERKS AND Emrmymus. #‘ ‘ ‘ · ‘· `; EQQ. _ ° . "`T . '· · I . ' S1. Amwuuee for clerk hire at third-clan post ¤&cm. 82. Distributing cwcesb allowance tciclcrt him. V\_ · 83. Clerk-hire allavauces tcrpostmagters nt §n~?€¤nd,,-and third class; vhgt tar cover. ‘ _ - .

POSTAL`SERVICE § 66 · Sec. , · · · _ _ · _84. Clerk blre torcthird-class postniosters on leave without imy for - ·‘military purposes. _ _ . . ` 85, Appointment and assignment 0t_ clerks. `

86.;Snlaries of employees other than in automatic grades at ofllcce

— of first class; computation`. _ » , _ _ ‘ " - 87. Number ot assistentjpostmasters at certain flrsbclass post officee. 88; Assistant postma teroat second-class offices; snlarlee; compu- _‘ tation. I A · ·' · 89. ‘Ass‘i_stant,postmnstcrsgnt certain thirdclass offices, " 90. Salaries of supervisory employees et Washington post omce. 91.`Numbei· ot assistant onperlnten&nts ot gmails, delivery, registry, _ . and assistant, cashiers to be paid maximum salaries. ’ 92. Employees ini charge of records and adjustment of accounts in ” .: Stntedépositorlee for surplus. postal tends and central account-. , ?_ 1 lng otllces; increased salaries. _ ~ 1 — “ · $$3. Sugerintendentrs ot classlned stations; salaries; beets. 94. Same; ealnries"; rates. ~ .- * ‘ · . · ‘ _ 95. Asslstant superintendents of classined stations; salaries. ‘ r `96_. Superintendents ofdel1very and assistant sumrintendents of de-» llveryet certain post omces; eateries. f . — 97. Promotion of supervisory employees on advancement of office to · _ _.bigher grade. _ __ _ . .· 08. Minlxpum of salaries of employees in i@pervls»ory grades. —_ 99. Egpenses of supcrvisory\ employees. * f' ‘100. _.Grndes of certain employees designated by titles for which niore ,‘ tlgnn one grade of s ary is prov··lded._ . . -101. Messengers, watchme laborers .111 ilrst and second class - post otllces; grades; . s ries; promotion; zaubstltute vvntclef ·_ men, etcL; pay; . . _ ‘_ " _ 102. Excess of number of clerks ngiproprlatcd rfor, for particular gmdee. 103. Clerks in first and secondcloss post o¤ces and letter carriersln ‘·‘_ Cy;. Delivery Service ;“ grades; salaries; rcedjustment ei " gr:ldes. - ‘ . ~_ - . $104. Substitute clerks in tlrst and second class o§cca` and sulxstltute letter carriers nppoiotcdrregnler clerks or cegriersycrcdit or _ time served os substitutes. _ Y _. . - ` · _ 105. Substitute clerks at other tlxaniirst and second class oQces`;, other ~

 j tcmi>orary_employees.. ·   _ _ ,, . _ . L

106. Salaries of carriers and substitutes 1% Village pelivery Service. 107.`Credit_ to p\»e%¥‘ cmp°loyees*nn`d.substitute postal employees for `— Ztime served military, naval, or marine service; 108. Promotion o_t—cl.erks in first aud_second class odlcea and letter ‘ ‘ . carriers ln- Clty Delivery Service. ‘ `_ · · ` 109. Snri1e._- —_ ‘ . _ ‘ ._ {_ - _· v_ . l 110.~Spcci:1l clerks; grudcs;` salaries; adjustment of grndcsi pro?. _ motion. _ · » °‘ ·" · _ I ‘ __ _ ” _ 111; Special clerics; executive, Ennnce;. money-ordér, postnl=snvlngs,“ _. " registry, rnalling, end other divisions` ot Erst-class omccs. `· 112. Auxiliary and substitute employees. · ~ _

  • ,113. Pay of substitute, tcmporary, or auxlllztry` `clerkafat first and ,

second closes. otiiccs nod substitute, letter carriers in City `De· f A llvery Service. ,-· _ T K _ . . . ‘ No distinction in salary bcttvecnj carriers assigned to rollcction ‘ \\\and‘to deliveryduty., ‘~ - _ · ` . ·115. `S:;Iarl_cs»_o(_ marine jcnrriers assigned to `Detrolt River lhfarirne ' Service. _ 3 _ , 116. Employees in ’ll0{0l’—·V0hiCl& service; classldcation; salaries; · . grades; ncodjnstunent; promotion; nay of substitutes.; hours ot work of certain Tcmployecs.; overtime pny. ‘ , _ 117. Hours ot work foxispeclnl clerks, clerks, and lnborerejn mst and . second close oillccs, and carriers rin Clg Delivery Service;. · . overtime grey. T` ·_ _ ., ‘ ` · 118. Compcnsatory time to toretnen, special clerks, carrlers,~1mtcla·_ ` · men, messengers, or laborers, at tiret end eecond class omccé ‘ for work on Sundays or holidays; overtime inlien thereof. 119. Holidays in'1’ostal Servicer “ f _ l- 120. Cbmpensntory time to supervisory employees; , _ 121. Beduction in aalnryfrestoration to former grade or advnnce· . · ment to intermediate grade. V A _ 122. Pronnotion regardless oftlncrcoae of pay. _ . 1% 123. Promotion of employee whoeepromotion withheld. . . . 124. Substitutes for clerks; first or second class nest omoes, or.'car· · rlers in Clty_Free·Dellv.ery Service. . ` 12d. Some; etnployment..to_ prevent overtime. . 126. Some; clerks subncenaed oe witnesses. i B2?. Some; carriers on anime} Elegxve. 123. Assignment of clerks to duty. r. . 129. Transfer of clerks, cnrrlere, ctc. ~ G 130. Computation of service on—transfer.~ ‘ 131. No redu“ctlo@n raérk. · ‘ _ { . . l 132.·Bonds of assistant postmasterf and cashiers at nrst, second, and third close onlne;. - · — · » l