Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1265

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1251 { _ TITLE 39.—-—-TI1E 1 240. Feurtlwclass matter; mixgimum weighty nonmailable muttexz.-—-·Mei1 matter df the fourth class shall weigh in excess of ¤ ight ounces, and shall include books, circulars, and- other mat-

.-1- whelly in print (except ncwspapefs and other periodicals

.mm·c»c1 as se—ce¤d·class matter); pmof sheets, corrected proof .:..·.·xs mgd xmmuscript copy amempzmying same, hxcrplxmgdise { zm·1udiz;g_`£arm and factory “preducts),‘ and all o;her maiilabm 1 wuaez mt included in the Hrs: or sec{md“c'lass; or in the third · wss as defined in section 235 of this tiyle, not exceeding eleven

made in weight, nor greater in size than seventy-two inches

we Magi}; and girth Cijiilbifléd,-DOI` in form` 013 ki11d.1ikely to . 5. jurc the ~pe}s<m of auy*p0sta1_ employee Ol.".d2iII18gB_ the mai1_

 '-_uig•;21€¥1£ or other mail `mattcr and not of la character perishuhiv wimin a pe1?i0d·reas0nab1y required for Eransportatiorg

and dsmvery. LR. S. § 3879; June 8, 1896, c. 370, 29;St&t. 262; 1 Am:. 24,.1912, c. 389, § 8, 37 Stat. 557; Feb, 28, 1925, c. 368, . $_ 207 (e), 43 Stet. 1067.) .· ‘ ‘ .· ; · g " 241. Same; experimental transpei·tatien of food ptoducts.—¢ * Imriug the twe1ve·*H1on·ths next succee<Iix1g.February_ 28,1925, . aim `Pestmaetexj General. is authorized to conduct experiments ; in T`}l€`0{?€1°8ti0i1 ct not more than Efty rural routes, in loéa-lities' ap be selected by him"; said experiments shall be designed -

·i1y te develop end.1:0 encourage- the transportation. of- 4

food giredueis directly from producers tojccusumers or 1V€1’1d01‘S; ; ' und, if the Postmaster General shall deem it necessary- O1" a ugivisahie during the progress bf said experiments, he is hereby : auther.ized,.1n hisdiseretion, on such number 01·`¤11 of said ·, mates as he my desire, to reduce 1:0 such an extent ae he may 4 deem gdviable the rate oi pmtage on food products mailed 1 hdigctly eu such routes for _ delivery- at the post oéces from : whiclgsuch 1'0i.l{& start, and to allow the rural carriers thereon : a ccmmimm eu the postage so received ut such ratens the »] Pestmw-._Ge¤eral. may presuibe, which commission shall be. 1 is addition to the ce.:·riers’ regular eeleiies. ( The amounts due s me eaujiem for commigione shalt be determined made: rules t ansi rmulqticns to be pr·mribed` by the Postmaster- General *1 . .1%:-eetiy from the posmi ereveums. The amount se paid shall _1 in ee cine exeeed the actual amcimt of l‘€Y&\18_ derived ffém _ ·< 't§is·eip&’1wti1®ice._ _ · . _ 1 2 _,A report on the 9r·@¤”et Unis experiment sheilbé made to e

M.;·=·¢ :— it the §l;BXf~ l&f mmm:. (July %, 1918, tz., 261,

§1,&S¤i;.1424;F&E,_1925,c.888,$207,(e),43Smt. 1068.) 4 24.2. Sine; paréue ¤·_rm£nl·¤f eqqipneat and supplies for 1 Parcel _P¤l$‘$!¢¢m.4—T1;e~Pestmster General ma? provide by i

m·®.ase,, or ethenviw, meh equipment and suppliw,

imciumug maps, hmmm, directorieé, and printed i¤~‘ 1 sirectwns, ss. may be @@1*7, to may amt the provisions of s

 &np¢u· yith   te -fourth-class mei! me.tte1·,`_ and z

apwiat and e0m;mm.té ®,m11m0yees ap my be.requix·éd. 1 xm;. 24, 1,912,*4:. aw, s s, av sm. ws; ua:. 4, 1913, ¢, 14s, sv ‘; Stat.9%§_‘.__-,__ ‘.’ c 243. Sante; of nmnailable g.a.tter.-*·Al1 matter i ef the iourth can shall gm subject to emminetien. lt_ any (

 excluded {rem the- mib by section 249 at this que, 1

exeept that smumaiiable by section of Title 18, (

 by   Béaxéhg the hmm of dwtixzetien, the same (

ehetl beddivered in aeecrdeluee with ith; add1··~e··... The party t gaerwm tumise me elem me aamem 6{f.d3Q swam- w ` the pcstmaaer at e@ce et delivery, wm shall i iately ·; nepcrt the {gets to t& 'P®®&S{£1' General. It the person ad·· w drmed refuse to gw the 1@¤i1'€d-iD$0fm& ,-t& I shaii held the packag=e·§11bjeet to the order at the Pemmaster x General.- All NQKQY wieclered xwnmailable by wma 834 or q _ Title 1Q, which mil reach the cme ofmieery, shell be held t by the pomsster. at t,he·eeid eww subjectfio the erder of the 1 Pestmaster (Bax-, 3, 1879,12. IU, U 21,. 29 Stat. 860; I Aug. 24, 1912, c. @,1 8, 37 Stat; M7.) · A 1

  • ’OSTAL SERVICE ’ -§ 249

244. Insurance ofwparcels and collectiqn of pestage.——¥The“ Postnméter Ge11eral.shz1l1_make provision b$ regulntioxrfur the indemnification of shippers of’arti<;1es sent by fourth-class mail or third-class domestic mail, for shipments injured or ,10st, by insurance or otherwise, and, when desired, for the eollectikm on delivery .0f the postage and price of the article shipped, iixing such chargss as ~1nn_y_be necessary tu phy the cost of such additiouzxlfsermccs; (Aug. 24, 1912, c. 389, §· 8, 37 Stat. 558; June 7, 1924, c. 347, 43 Butt. 652; Feb. 28, 1%;:25, e. SSS, § 211 (e), 43 Stat. 1009.) _ t _ " — ·` J 245. Same; `fee for insurance; receipt of de}ivery.-—Tne fee for insurance shall be 5 eeutsxfor intlemnihentinn net to exceed $5; 8 cents for imiemnificntion not to exeeetl $25; 10 cents for iHd€I11I1iiiC1lu0I1_BU[-U)`€XL‘€f.,’d $50; and 25 cents for indemnification 110t to exceed $199. Whenever the sender of nn insured article of ruail matter shall so request, and upon pnynxeut of n' fee of 3 cents, areceipt shall be takerron the delivery vi such insuredlrnnii matter, showing jto whom and when the same was delivered, which receigitehall be returned to the gender, and be received in the cqurts as prima facie-evidence of such clelivery. . (Feb. 2$, 1925, c. 368, `§ 211 (a),.43 Stnt. 1069.) { , _ 246. Same; colleetmn-delivery fee.é—'1‘he fee ter collect-ew delivery service shall be_12 cents fer collections net to exceed $10; 15 cents for collectitms not to exceed $50.; and 25 cents; for collections lI0t‘;t0 exceed $100; (-Feb. 28, 19%, c._ 368, § 211 (b), 43 Stat. 1069.).i ” ·_ · · _ ° .247. Reformation of classiécaticn, etcq-—If the Postmaster Genernl·s11`al; End on experience that the elaxmentiou of articles znailnble, the weight limit, the rates etpestnge, manor zones and other cqnditiens of mnilability ori any of them nrc such as to prevent rmt shipment ot articles desirable, or te perinsmently rénqer the cost" tz the Service greater than the receipts of. the revenue- therefrom, he shell, qnbject to the cnnsent of the Interstate Commhree Commission after invetiga-; tiqn, reform from time to time nach elnslsiflcationsy weight limit, fates, zone or urges or conditions, or either, in harder te promote the service- te be public nr insure the receim of rer· Bnue from such service‘_n¤lequate`to pay theeost thereof. (Jn}; Z8, 1916, c. 261,-§ 6, 39,Stnt. 431; Feb. %, 1925, c. 368, § 292* (nh}, as smc. 1067.)% . · - » k_,. e __ ‘ , E rf" 24§. .Address¢s an postal cards and _ minded circn}ars.·—-—Adiresses upon postal cards arid unsenled circulars msg either written, printed, or awxed thxete, at the pption nfthe mnder. (July 12, 187Q, c. 179, § 15,19 Stat; @.) · `- · 249. Permiaible nmrks ¤ in secnx, tEr€, and fwrth class matter.;-—·Mni1nhle metter ct the second rinse shall eentein no writing, print, er sign thereon or therein in ndditinn ter the original print, except , as herein previded, _,m svit: the name and address nf the person to whom the matter I shall be sent, index °m;nrm_p§;_,nuhscripti0¤* book either; printed ar written, the printed title ni" the npnblieutienantl the pLe<t·e nf ts pnb1ic:a.tien,·the printed unwritten name and sddre.s·:s withmt &ddit1'&1 of nglvertisement of the publisher or sender, er mth, and written- or ]$l‘il1[€€ vnrgrds. er hgures, or beth, imimting the date bn which the mhecripticn te such matter will md, the correction of.‘nny timmmicnl error, é nisrk except ry written nr printed werhn, te &w@te qword or mmége te whiehit ie deeired to call attention; the words “Snmpie copy ’* when the gnatter is nent as such, ‘the·pqords _“ Marked eepy " when the matter mntains R, mnrkeé item ·_0r article, and publshere or hewn agents ‘mny,tne1nse_in their puhlgicntiens bills; ·eeeip—te, and nrderu for snbeeriptienn thereto, but the enme _ MR he in suéu form he to cenvey no other infcrmntinn than ·.

 Mme, niece ot pnblientien; mhmripticn price of the pnh-· .

mma an amen may rem: me tm gnnmapuon une cnerenn. Jpen matter of the third nm {earth cl cr upon the vrsma mrmyelepe the nm cr the tn; or lnhel.