Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/127

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H3 _ tTlTL1G 7.¥—AG $08. Reportsby State governors of sale of scrip.-—-The gov- l t·;·m»:~s.o£ the eeveml Statesrto which ·scrip shall be issued m¢h—¤· tiheforcgoing provisions of this chapter shall be required

2 report; annually to Congress all sales made of such scrip

until the rwholc shall be disposed of, the amount received for

 eamc, a;m1_what appropriation has been made-of the pro-
 (July 2, 1862, c. 130, § 8, 12 Stat. 505.)

`(1()L1.E(;E-A11) ANNUAL APPROL’RIATION S21. Secretary of Interior to administer anuualrollcge-aid _ 3;,;»mpriation.——The Secretary of the interior is hereby clmrggd ·..;~?h tlw proper administration of acctions 322 to 328 inclusive

 me qlmiptcxn (Aug, 30, 1890, c. 841, §—4, 26 Stat. 419.) . "
322. Annual appropriation generallye-—There is annxpally ap-

Il‘,llI°i2H£’d, outtof any money in the Treasury not-otherwise ,,;,].;·.»;u·intc¢i, to be paid as provided in scction‘324 of this ,·.5m;»:or, to each State and 'Ieri·i_tory for the more.c0mplete_ e;admv1ue11t and maintenance of colleges for the boneiit of agt riQ·ul!11re and the mechanic arts. established an accordance-_withT_ me provisions of sections 301 to 308 and sections`323, to- 328, _ im·l¤z¤ive, of this chapter, $50,000 to be applied only to instruc- * tion in agrit·ulture, the mechanic arts, the English language mm the_v:u·ious branches of mnthe1naticul,Tphysical, natural, md economic science, with special reference to thelr applicaq liuxxs in the `i‘ndustrieS‘of life, and to the facilities for such i{.¤mictiox1:.I’ro£>£d<·d, That nai;} colleges may use_a portion of this money for provlding courses for the special preparation ofjinstructors for teaching thé elements ·of agriculture and tlioinec·h:‘inic arts. (Aug. -30, 1890, c; 841, § 1, 26 Stat. 417 ;-Mar. ·-1, 1907, c. 2907, 34- Stat. 1281.) · » 323. Racial discrimination by colleges restrictede-——No money $2:::11 he paidout under sections,321 to 328,·inclusi-ve, of this _— ehnptcr to any' State or Territory for the support or main¥ czémulce of a college where a distlnct_tnon_g{_gg_ce__,_or__golggjs,]{ nmdo Aiiiwttlie ”z‘YdY§f§§lB-H'Y>_fwVétutlenta, but the establishment and mztizntoennnce of such col_lcges`separatel-y for white a,nd_coloreg1 emdentsl shall be held to be a compliance with t11e·provisi·ons ot_ ewsions S21! to 328; iucluslsyc, of this chapter it the funds rer·,·iv¤·¢l in such State or Territory be equitably divided as here-, imsftver set £orth:.I’r0vided, That in any State in. which there ]l2IS.‘)(¥{‘I1 one college eetablished ju pursuance otséctions 301 to {mx inclusive, of this chapter, and also ·iH·W]liCh an educational iemitntton ot like character hu been established, or may be lwrczuftcr established, and is on August 30, 1890, aided by such Mate from its own revenue, for the education of colored stu{ dum; in agriculture and the mechanic arts, however named or ’ styled. or whether or not it has received money prior to August 2:0, 1890, under sections *301 to 308, inclusive,‘of this chapter, the legislature ot such State may propose and report to the Sec-g·.etary_ or the Interior a just and equitable division of the food to be. received under sections 321 to 328, inclusive, of this ¢.·h::pter’ between one college for white students and one institution for coloredlstudenta established aa aforesaid, which shall l·<· cdivirled into two parte, undypaid accordingly, and thereupon >,u¤·h institution for colored students shall be entitled to the __ _1.··m·tits"ot sections 321 to 328,- inclusive, ot this chapter and ¤`_¤Ej“c·ct to its provisions, us much as it would have been it··it

 had been included“under”sectious 301 to 308 of this chapter,

and the fulfillment of the foregoing provisions shall 'be taken as :1 t compliance with; the provision in reference to separate,

·¤»}loges for white and ‘color_od students, (Augl 30, 1890, c. 841,

§1,·26 smt.411) “ * . a ‘ _— . 324. Time, manner, etc.,`of annual pnymenta.···-·—The sums up- ~ 1¤r<>priatod‘ by- sections 322 to 328, inclusive, of this chapter to 0 the States and Territories for the` further endowment and mpport ot colleges shall be annually} paid on or before the 81st l- riuy or July of each year, by the Secretary ot the Treasury, upon the warrant of the Secretary qt the Interior, out ct the s027o~·,-26-—-~a ‘ · `

RICULTURIQ § 327 Treasury of the United States, to the State or '1‘em·itm·i;nl treasurer, or to such officer as shall be designated by the laws of such State 01* Territory to receive the same, who shall. upon the order of the trustees _0f the college, , or the institution for colored students, immediately pay over said sums to the trt——nsuyrs of the respective colleges or other instiz,utions'ent1tl<·el·to receive the same, and such treasnrers Sllflll_ll€LI‘=€‘22jliQ(l to report `t0 the Secretary of `Agriculture and to tll(?té%€l*f;”éT¥il’)’ of the Interior, on or before the lst day of _Septmnber of am·l1 year, a detailed statement of the amount so received and of its disbursement} The grants of moneys authorllz~ed_ hy sections 322 to 328, inclusive, of this chapter are made subject to the lcgislative assent of the several States and Territories to the purpose of_`said grants: Provided, That payments of such installments- of the appropriation made bysections 322 td 328, inclusive, of this chapter, as shall become due to any Statebefore the adjournment of the regular session of legislature meeting next after Augusf30, 1890, shall he made upon the assent of the governor thereof, duly certified to the Secretary of. the Treasury. ‘ (Aug. 30, 1890, c.‘841, § 2, 26 Stat. 418,) · . ` 325. State to replace- funds misapplied, etc.; restrictions on use of funds; reports by collegess-—It any portion of the moneys received by the—designafed officer of the State 0l".T€l‘1ilt01'¥ for the further- and more complete endowment, support, and~·maintenance of colleges, or not in_stitutions for *colored‘ students. as provided insections 322 to 328, inclusive, of this chapter, shall, by any action or contingency, be diminished or lost, or nbc misapplied, it shall; be replaced by the State or Territory to which ·it belongs, and until so replaced no subsequent appropriation shall be apportioned or` paid to such State or Territory; and no portion of said moneys shall be applied, directly or indi- N rectli, under any pretense whatever, to` the purchase, erection, preservation, or_ repair of any building or buildings. Aneannual I‘€D0i't- by the g}‘e§i§lent__g£ teach of said celleges shall be made toi*thewS`ecMretary of Agriculture, as well as tepe Secretary * pt the. Interior, regarding the condition and progress of each college, including statistical information in relation to its recemts and expenditures; its library; the humber .0t its students and professors, and. also as to any improvements and experiments xnade under the direction of any experiment stations attached to said colleges, with their cost and results, and such other industrial and economical statistics as may be regarded as _ useful, one copy ot which shall be transmitted by mail free to · , all other colleges further endowed undexf sections 3E `to 328; , inclusive, Of_·tl1lS chapter; (Aug. 30, 1890, cl 841, 5 3, 26 Stat.418.)_ _ - “ _ ,_ ‘· 326. Ascertainrnent and certiHcation_ of amounts due States; certi6cat,es withheld from States; appeal to Cengress.———0n or before the 1st day otiuly in-· each year, the Swretary of the Interior shall ascertain and certify to_the_ Secretary of the j Treasury as to each State and Territory whethe it is_cntitled` to receive its share of the annual appropriation for colleges, or ot institutions for colored students, under sections 322 to 328 `inclusive of this chapter, and the amount which thereupon each isieutitled, respectively, to receive. If the Secretary of the Interior shall withhold a certiiieatefrom any State nr Territory of its appziopriation the facts and reasons therefor shall be reposted to the President, and the amount involved shall be kept separate in the Treasury until the close oi the_uext· Congress, in order that the State qi Terl·it0ry_may,,· if it should so desire. QDPQBI to Congress from the determination at the Secretary of the Interior. It the next ongress shall not direct suvh sum to be paid it shall be cover tate the _’l`reasury’. - (Aug. 30, _ 1890, c. 84}, I 4, 26 Stat. 419.) _- _ I a 327. Reports by Secretary Interior of disbursements and tertihcates withheld.-#-‘1*l1e S mtary at- the Interior shall anna-. ally report to Congress the sburseinents which have been made in all the Statea and Territories, and also whether the V