Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1343

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  • 1329 _— TITLE —~ 4.1.-1-m

ct the farmer surveyor L of Lcmsia¤nQ Buly cert1¤ed,' shall be admitted as evidame in all the courts gt the United States, mlwc Turlt¤d¤ thereof. (R. S. { &.) _ , - — 59. Olds! paperida bled of nrveysf @:11. in,C•1ifc1{- gia; goées-—¥AH 0®ci•! bogks, IMDBIS, iastruments ct writing, ducummm, il1>h1V&,`9GCiIl mats, stamps, ondiu, which have bees authorimd by law to be collected and deposited in the Surveys: ge¤énl‘s c§k·é·iu Califmfma, shgll be safely Vane] m- cureiy kept; by the Supervisor oi Surveys ih the archives qt his o$ce; and copies thereof, auth·énticated` by the Supervisor? at Surveys under his swf of 0£ce, mall be evidence in __§ll q;§¤sc·s www the cdgimls gmuld bg evidence. (R. ‘S._§ 2229; Mar. 3Q 1%, c. 4@, 43 Stat. 1144.) J . _ _ GQ. St%¤cry for rvcys.-—The st§ticx;ery · and — drnftiing {nst}um»euts puninsed for exclusive usé ot the Field

 Seryice in the prepnrgtiqu of plats and field notes

at mineral mrveys, as glso the` rent of jndditixmal quarters that may be mcemry »f¤1·_ the execution ict such work, 'éhall be wid 1*0: oqt of the fuixd wasted by deposits made by indi: viilualq to the credit of the United Sfatcs to cover the cost ·0f_ GQHWMI; cu such—mi11ei·a1 surveys. (Mau; 3, 1901,"c. 830, ·. S 1, Stat. 1003; 3, l9%, ‘c. 462, 43‘Stat. 1144.) f ‘ 61. Dcmty mrvcycr; bm<l.—·Every deputy surveyor shall' enter info bond, with suE(·iez1t‘security; for the faithful . per formauce ot all surveying cchtraects c0n§déd· to him; and the penalty of the. bond, in each dsa, shall be doublé the estimated ° amount cf; money •c¢ruing under `snich coutnyts; at the rate mr mile stimulated iq be paid therein. · ” The sutliéieucy df ‘the· - suretim to all such bands skill be- approved and certgfiled by the Supewiwr of Smi§cys.· (-B. S. { 2230; Mar. 3, 1925, c. 462, 43 Sta;. 1144;) l - F *·'’ _ . " . " 62. _%h.d déinty survcy¢r.—The.Su;i¢:ri·isbr of Survéysg in addition to oath authorized by law to be aklini;1istered.toj - deputies on their nmoiutmcqt to o$cé, sh¤l1`requirp°e11ch° of his on the return ho! his suréem to take iaud sublcribc. an oath that thoée surveys have been faithfully _8I1dV cwrrcctly Lemcuted,enccbrd1ug to_ law and the instructions of the Supervisor of Surveys. (R. S. 5 2231; Mar. 3, 1925,_· c. 462, 43 Stat. 1144;) ’ “ · _ · . - » 5. qa béhd af deputy.-—The district ·att0mey ot the United States, in whose district may false} erroneous, · or fraudulent surveys have been executed, shall; upéu the appli-. cation of the Supervisor & Surveys,. jmmbdintely institute éuit upoé the boind at such deputy ;' and the institutionrot `such ~ -3uit shall act msi lieu upon iny»pr0@rty owed or held’ by? _ such deputy, or his suretics, gt the `t%i§2su~ch Suit- was instituted. (B, S. §. W; Mar; 3, 1925, c. , 43.Stgt. 1144.) e ’ Chapter 4.-—BE§lS'1‘EBS. .. - m. . . _ y · 71. Omcek of register and feccivcr ccnéolldatod. .72. Appdatmeat of resbfer; dudes; beads. . . ‘ 73. Dtslirantioniof chief clerk to act in cane ot-daath{_ resignation, rqmonl, M disability or register. ‘ _ -· 74. 'I‘z·a¤sfe;·'oi duties ct register. ·· ' 75. Oath adgxqnisterep by, · ‘ . 76; Duration 0!_ 0Qce.» u 77. Ccstixmativs ot duties_after_cipirati01i of éommmsion. 78, Rusidwcg. * ‘ — ` 79. . . 89. Salary; maximum compensation. 81. (`agmeucemsnt ct. cq¤pc¤s¤tio¤." · 82. Feunnd commiawas. ‘ , » _ - - 83. ,l*‘e·;s€° for xguscrims at records; trn¤scripts” ot record! in 84. Fees for ccasolidatedlnud q§ces. _' 85. of fees covered Into Treasury. RSS. Accounting fm-. fees for xmtica ct cnuccllstmn or entries. ° - ‘ 87. Plata ¤,t;t;>¤·¤sA;!ps"aud list; of lauqi sold; c0mpcus a.tio¤.‘ 88. Iilvgn} fe·cs._ _. ·. "’ ‘ 89. Monthly and quarterly returns of rezistcri. _ Ma, Eagpmsvs incurred. _ _- 91. Deposit in Tr<~asm·y‘-of unoaruad fees and unotlchl emoaeyl, 80270‘v—26¥-·-84 * ‘

E \ \ ELIC LANDS <‘ § 92. Ligts tumlahed with deposits. . 93. Deposit ct moneys deposited by unkngswn parties. 94. Reimbursement of sum; disbursed by receivers as special disburning agents, . · · V95. Repayment ot purchase moneys paid under applications rejected. 96. Repayment or excese paymentn. ‘ ~ ' 97. Certthéaticn of nmount__ot· excess moneys and repayment. 98. Rules and regulations. " ‘ 99. Repayment oi moneys depositeé and covered {utc Treasury. 400. Disquallficatlcm. _ . I . 101. Report by register of dtsquallhcaticu; clesignation of omcer to - act in place dt. · 102. Attendance ot wttnesses. ' 103. Wjtuessed fees. ' 104. Disobedience to subpoena. _‘ . 105. Depositiouspt yvitnesses residing outside county. 106. Continuing taking ol depositions in behalf of opposite Party. 107. Penalty for false lpformaution by register. . . _ 71. Ohccd of register and receive:. msclwatede-i- The omces of register aud receiver of such land officea as may have two- omcials shall ~·be consolidated as of July 1, 1925; and the applicable provisions of the Act of October H, 1921, chapter 114; authorizing the President! to consolidate the omces of register and receive: lu auyj district land cféce and to appoint by and, with the*‘advice and consent of the Senate · a 1'€giSt€1‘_ for · such land omce and to abolish the 0Ece of receiver of such_ land 0&—ce shall be followed in effecting such cougolidaition.- (Mar. 3,_ 1925,13. 462, 43 _Stat._1145.) e 72..Appoi1nt¤mt af register; duties; Behés.-—The‘re~ shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and cou? seufof‘ the Senate, a register. of the land omce fer-each land district established by law, who shall have charge of smc} ’ attend to the sale of pub1ic=`aud Ipdiau laude within his district,`_aé provided by lava- and omcial 1’€§§.}8lj&,.—l¤d shall be accountable under ‘hiS.” 0Qcia1 bend fer the proceeds of such sales, and for alle tees, commission; or tether moneys reeeiveé by him under any provision, of law`01*-official regulntim. (R,. QS. § 2234;—.Ia·¤. 27, 1@8, c. 10; 30 Stat. 234.) . V ‘ · ‘ _73.Q Degigpatiuu oichief to act in case of tesig·* nation, xjemetd, ar £s•bility cfriggister.-Qin cm eta vacamy `iu the- omce of register by reason of dmth, reétgmatlcn, or remoial, prin case o£.*i1nabi1ity' to act,. the Secretary of the ·Iuterior may `designate ter the period ae auch vamncy or ini ability tocactthe chief clerk dt such o$ce, or any atm: qualiheq employee of the Department of the Interior to 'act as · register, -. subject R0 the · iiliug of such bond er bands as the '-Secretary `ot __the Iuterfier ‘ may prwibe, and ‘ the same authority is conferred. upon- the- persea so- dwigmted wbieh such register lawfully except that my ceritest or. protest shall be decided or disposed of by su&` ckrk or employee, but all. auch deciaiims shall the deferred until the appointment cfretum of the register. _(0ct.»28, 1921, c. 114,} 2,. 42.Stat.20S.)’· ° -— · · f 474, Transfer of duties ·¤frcgist¢r.—·->The President is authorized, in any case where he thinks the puhlic‘ iater§t may require it, to transfer the tluties of _ register in any district to _the Field Surveying Service, (RL S. §_ ‘&28;. Mar.}, 1925, c. 462, 43 Stat. 1144. 1145.). — » · ` '· 75.· Oatl?•S._ administered b_y.————The register is .autheriged,’ and it shall be his. duty; to administer any: auth required by law` or thewinstructibus of the. General Lund O&ce, in connection with the entry. or purchase of any tract qi the public lands; but he shall not charge or teceive, directly or indirectly, auy ° cmupeusntiou t0x·_ administering such oath. (R. "S. § 2246: Mar. 3, 19%,}. 4&, 43 Stat. 1145.) · _» _ — .76; DHl'e§ti0¤.0f Q@¢e.r-—All registers shall·_be‘upp0lnted fnr the YG1’I1l·0[' four yédm, but shall he —renmvul»le at 'plcasure. _(H. S. S `%44·;_Mar. 3, 1925, c. 462, 43_ Stat. 1145.) V t 7]. Cumixiuation of duties after expiration of commisdm.————Every`reglster, except where the I’re$ident sees cause otherwise to detefmiue, is qptlwrized t0` cohtiuue in the uuinl