Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1349

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` 1335 s·1r1.e 4,:.-·-we i¥9.’~Eelar§e•I entries of certnla nenmlacral. 1$eulrrlge!:le· lands in _ Idelsa. . _ . . -::29. Applicetlens fc; entry of lend; net deslgxaeted as ¤ubject‘ to _ A` 1~wtr3_ and for additional! entry of contlgixeus land. 223. le':-·nvlstem; ixlended to South Dekete. » — 2:5:3. Aildltiesaal entries by homestead eutgymen in lands in national Iureeli. - . _ . . . ‘— . “_ . W

;. §‘refs=_u·
¤ee_ of settler tc! entry antler -Enl_prged· !_lem<=·sten;l Act. "··e `
2%.§mtlea—¢•i' entries wit_hl:: e<·rtein_ tmmndaries in Nebraska

‘ exteedeth •·xc§us§0¤`ot‘_:irrlgable lantls. _ l " · ;.¥i\’§l·;S Oli _.¢\BSE_Xf?l·Z AND I·ZXi‘I*SI2S will NGNRESIDENCE OR " NONCi§L'1`lVA'1`l0N W ‘ · $::3;`(s;»t§emul l·•·avés el absence; pmef on goulxgaututicu. .

  1. 1:.*. Svttlem en umsuiwvyed lends. \ _ · - _ ·

e 2::::. 1*.=n~em re<·<·l—:ir€lg vocational rehabilitation or_ treetmeiat . for wpumls. _ _ _ . _ _ · · j Sm, ¥`st~stru{·tien or failure elf crepe, sic·km·ss.·0r unavoidable casualty. 2:23, Destmctlcn or injury re rmps by grasshoppers,. ‘ 2

6.: Alsssmce to perform farm labor during World War.

Sit?. lkegied ct Hmuglat in 1913. . ._ - '_ · 238, .R<~sid·em~e and cfiftlvatlen. ctc.; by gllsablod veterans excused.

2:::;, Service in Army my Navy. etc., as equivalent to residence. _ `

Bu`; Service lp time of war as equivalent, to xjesldeuce had cultivation.

-34.1. Military, mwal. or ether service; contest: discharge for disability;

deétla. — - , Z —. _ · _ 24::.- Widows and miner children of applicdnts for<·steads dying _ iz; illtar} ur_ naval servlev. _ J _ . . ‘· " _ ‘ l e FXNAL i"*R(`»iiF GE$EK.·iLL'x"` · _ $.31. Notice of intention to-make Dual proof; _ 25;%. 'fime 01 taking testimony for final proof in puse qhpnavcldable delay. · _ . » . '_ ` 553. E'<4>tic·e of ceatest'; publication. 1/-_ _ · . 254. Ouicers before whom :1@devits orproofs may be made; pcxjjury; t 255. Ilerseus lnjmllitary eg tiaval service; ndldhvite taken by com- _ man-diag emcer; _ . · _ _ _ ‘ . 256; l·Z1e;·tl0¤ as to law under which to maltcrhnal proof. `· ‘- .· » PAYMENTS 4ND REFUNDS i l · i.’Gi.'Time for payments; extension of-time of payment. 202. Repayment of excess on ttlnal proof or commutqtlou.

363. Cancellation, of entries; repayment, "° " _ _

‘ SOLfilERS’ AND SAlLQRS’ _HOHESTEAD 2*71j Soldiers am} sailcrsientltled t0.make etntrfgenerally. __ 272. Deductionief military and pavel service from time required to . · · perfect title; rights of widows and children of veterans. ` 273. -V§$rme receiving compeinsntiea for wounds or‘__ disability. - 274. A tional veteran. _ ., . ` ‘ · 275. Aeditleael ent:-les invalid; commutation. 276. Additional. homestead ceztlticates; sale. 277. Entry by agent. _ - · — .— . _ 278. Right et wldmrot veteran t0_ make entry: rights ct children on ` laeardeath. ‘ _‘ r ._ - n U STOCILBAISING HOSIESTEAD 291. l’ensmhs‘e¤tltled te make entry; numbeg of acres.! .. '292. Desilamatitm et lands subject M entry ;_ nppllcatloun. 293. Pemens entitled te make try; elect of eutrlesa _ 294. Additleaal entries; eminent. _ · , 295. Additional entries; person entitled generizlly.

 Additional eatrles; léeede of famtllm, etc. `

297, Cemmutatien. ‘ ‘ * M Z WS. ltddltlcmel entries; pre1'erentlal.rlghts. 299.* Reservation at gee! and mineral rights:.

 Beservntlee at land eonteluing water, helen; cattle_d;·1veways.

301. Rules end regulations. · ‘ · 302. Additional cattle! by eutrymen eu hella ia `eatleuel forests. " GENERAL PBOVISIGNS I ' Sectiee 161. Wha mai eater ungppreprlated public lands genemlly.·—--l<§very person whe is the lmd of a temilg, dr who has arrived at the agent .t"§Y€Bt)’—01l€ ymrs, and lea citizen of · the United States, or who has med his decl ai·atim1_et intention to become axle; ae required by the naturalization laws, shall be entitled to enter one-quarter section; er a quantity, ot amuppmprlated public lands, to- be located in a ini conformity to the legal sgbdlvlelmxs of the public lands: but no person who is the pgeprletor °e£ more than ene hundred I and

121.10 LANDS " § {64 • _ I 2* . sixty nceee. et lend ln any Stnte er Territwy, shell acquire any right under the hpmcetend law. And every person owning and residing on land may, under the p;·evisie`ns of this setrtieu, » enter other lend lying eontignens te his lend, which shall net, with the land so already owned and e—et·upied, exceed in the . egssregate cme hundred and sixty neree. (R; S.“§ w ie! ; Binr. 3, _lR3J, c.f_561, § 5, 26 Stat. 1097.) ~ , V · ` {G2; "Appl»icati<lfm· entry; s§éavit.-—Any ;m·ee—e_ eeplylng te enter land- under the gireeeding segtien shall Exet rnake and subscribe before the proper eiiieer and me in the preper lam! omec an atlldavit that he or she is thelientl of a £ami1y,·er is over twenty-me yeare et age, and that enclxrepplimtioen is henestly-aud"in good faith made. {mj the purw-et actual settle ment and cultivation, and not fer 'mnent of any ether per-— Sen, pei·s0ns' crt corporation, end that he er sne wlH`feithf1iIly` . and lneineetly endeavor td eemply `witn ell thee rettniwents ct law" as to settlement, residence, and caltlvetiea nee%ry te acquire title to thef land npplwd for; that he er she is not actlx1g‘as»_agent* of; any person, cerporatlgm, or syndicate in making such entry, nor in collusion with any person, eerperatidn or syndicate te give then; the benefit of the lend entered,·_ dr any paft thereof, or thetlmber thereon ; that he elf slwdeee not apply to enter the mme fer the ei epeenlatiea, but judgeod faith tc ebtain a home for hinxeelf, er hereelf, and that he gr she" has pot direetlyi et indirectly ma®,, and will not · _makc,·_eny agreement 0; eeatmct in any wa `er·mnnne1·,“ with any person or peiseus, corporation or syndlcxe whatmver, by which the title which he er she might acquire frm the Government of the United States should {mare, in whole 0: ia pnrt, to the benefit of any person, except himself, er herself, and upon tiling such: adldavit with the register ee my-mwt-et $$3 when the entry is et more than- eighty acres, and ea pay- méut of $19 when theentry la fer mere then eighty acres, he or Qshe shall thereupon permitted te` enter the nmeént ef, land specihed.`, (R. 3. 52290; Mar. 3, 1@1, c. 561, _§ 5,% Stat. . ” 163. Record at applicatiaun returns tc. Land register ’ of the land` emce shall note all npplicaticne nnder tm girdvlsions of this chapter, on the tract meks end plats of his 0&ce, and keep a register of all such entries, had make e thereof, to the General Land 0§ee,_ tegther with thefpmef npoal which they have been feuaded., (R. S. { @5} 1 _ _* ` 164. _C¢Pti§¢§t¢ 'er generally; general requmtea te isauaaec:-·N0 lcertiflcate shall be given er patent leenw therefor until the expiration "ef three yeeks from the of nneh entry: and lf ~at_ the expiration et such time, or et any time ujvjithiu two years thereafter, the person nxekiug such entry., er lf he be dead his· widow, or lu eee of her death his heirs erdevisee, or in case eta widow making sneh entry her heirs or devisee, in case of her. death, proves by himselt and by twe credible witneesee that he, she, oi? they have a habitable house upon the land and have actually resided upon and euktiveted ¢he same fc: the term et three tears succeeding the et Ellug the adldiavit and makes. andavit that ue part et snch land has been slieuéted, except. as provided in sectIe~¤°174`·ef this division of, and that 'he,. elle, er they will bear true `allegiance to the Geeemment of the United States,. then in suchease he, ehe, or thm?. if gt that time citlxene et the United States, shell "be entitled te a petept, as in other cases provided bylaw: Provided, 'l‘hafupcu filing in the ieee] land emce notice of the Nginning of such absence the entryménn shall be entitled te a eentlnueue lcnve, ct absence fremythe land for a pérlcd not exceeding Eve months, in each year etter establishing residence, and upon the tenglnatiea of sueh ab- l sence the eutiyninn shall Glen notice of such termination in the local land emee, but in. cuee of commntatieh the fearteeq mouthzf actual reeidenee required by law must be shown, and thepersou ,ce1nmutiug must be at the time a citizen et the