Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1370

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§ 371 TITLE Is.-1·U1 Soc. . 475. Ammo! installments on entries and contracts prior to“Angust 18, 1 1914. · ‘ - . 476. To whom construction charges paid. _ . , _ I ·iTT.·¤\ssociation oxyirrigatiou district as tiscal agent ot Government. o -173. Pocianiary penalty for nonpayment of installments of construction ·\_4 `C'hH!`§("S. · J _ 475*. Shuxting oft water for nonpnj·me`nt_ot constructiorfcharic. _ ‘4$o. Vzancollotion ot water right or entry for nonpayment of construc- 4 Q tioxi charge. · “V · ` 4SI. Action to ·reco_ver construction charges and penalties. l\1.uN'1‘E.N.-\NCE AND 0PERATION_0F WORKS GENERALLY éijr. Authority of Sccretary to operate works. ‘ 49;:. ·uperation‘ and mainténancc chargeh generally. · .. -193. zlporation charges; when pgyablo. _ ‘ _. 494. Pocuniary pennlty for nonpayment of operation cnarge. 1 495. Sjmtting o! water torvnoupayment ot operation chars; 496. vanceiiotion `of entry or watertight fof nonpayment ot? operation phafgé. n · _ ,_ _ · ‘ · U · $$:37. Action to rcc00·cr opcpation charge and pcualty. ·· . ‘ ‘ -1*:*38. Transfer ~o£ management and operation of works to water users “ generally. y A ‘ — "_ _ 499. Discretionary pow?er' ·to transfer management. · $580. Duty ot association or {strict to take over management. _ 501. Disposition ot- pgroilts @&q>jcct taken over by watcrluscr . , · CONTRACTS _WITH STATE IRRIGATION DISTRICTS FOR PAY-. » MEN']? OFCHARGES ° I · ‘ 511. Authority to contract with irrigatY6`n·,district. . - 512. Release of Gofcmment liens attér contract with- irrigattion districts, · ‘ . _ 513. Lzznds in' project subject to provisions ot chapter; after contract _ with irrigation district. ’ . — ‘ SALE ORLEASE OE SURPLUS WATERS, WATER POWER, STOR-° AGE CAP.·\CI'I'l_, 'AND WAf1`ER—TRANSPORTA'FION FA(QIL·ITIES [ 1 5:21. Sole of surplus waters gcncrgilly. `- ` ` 522. Lease of water power. ` . · 523. Storage and transportation of water for iryigution districts, ctc. 524. c.>¤pemu¤¤` with `irrigation districts, etc., in construction of » _ reservoirs and csmgig. " , · - 5*2,5. (`¤vori1rg"p1oUocds Into reclamation {und. - · · 526. Credit of proceeds to pn1*ticular‘projcct. PATENTS AND FINAL W·4TEIi-RIGHT CI·lRTIFICA'1‘ES· .541- When patentor final certificate issued. ·. 54*3. liosorvotion of I{cu.`for charges; enforcement of lien; tcdcmption. ‘ 543. Cortiticate ot Hnal payment and release of lien. _ · 544. Limitation as to hoidings prior to Html payment of chnrgcsijor- - foitnro of excess holding. - · " `_ . ‘ 545. Appointment `ofngonts. to receive payments; iocord of Payments and_•mounts‘owi¤g. _ I · ‘ . 546. Jurisdiction of district court tor` enforcement- of preceding sections. 517. Patent to dcscrt-lsuid cntrymcn. _ I _ · _ _ ·_ . . '1‘0\\’N SITES, PARKS, PLAYGROUNIJS, AND SCHOOIQSITES .561. \\'imdrn$a1 of _1and for town sites; reservation tor, public pur- ' , P°8€¤» · `I ‘ . " . 56:3. Appraisal and sale ot town lots: 563. Dlspusal ot town sites act apart prior to June 27, 1906. _ 564. Reappmisal o£_ town lots for sale. M · · - 56.5. Terms of tmc of town Iota: installments ot price. . V 560. Maintenance ·-_ot· public re¤erv•tion¤.nnd co¤vcy•uc• to munici- ‘ polity. , . n 567. Wzateriights for towns and cities; charges. - - . `· _ ‘ 56§·¢. [Iso of reclaézation fund for oxpcnscn of and disposal of px·o~ . oootis of solo of town sites. ‘ - _ 569. Reservation of land for park, playground, or community "ceqtcr. 570. <'o¤v4•yo.ncc of loud to achooI district. _ · I ·_BEFUND T0 WAR VETERANS 681. Doouition; "vctcrao." ·_ · ‘ . _ . _ 582. Gcm·raI'author1qntion for refund to Wo1·Id'Wnr`veternn. `. 583. Right of cltato of $;€t(.’}'31ll. _ . - 584.,Rel1~nquishmc¤t ot_x·lgbt.s on acceptance of nefund. _ 585. thnoellotion ot.`·watonj·right application. ‘ . 586. Regulations by Secretary as torefunds. t 1*. LEGISLATION APPLICABLE TO PAR'1‘ICULAR‘_PROJ-ECT! “ -_ , ° 1 QENERALLY '_ _- 591. Home projotet, Idaho; extension, ot time for payment_-cl charges. ” 592. Uustlc Peak project, Utah; loayo of absence to eatrjmen. 593. l·`luthe·ud irrigation project, Montana. · ’ .

smc LANDS T 1356 Sec. I _ 594. Heyburn and Rupert project, Idaho; rights ot settlers en town site; size of town site. 595. King Hill project, Idaho. _ 596._N0rth Platte girrigatten project, Nebraske»W5·qmlng; aid et pxservice men whose entries were defeated. 597. Riverton project, Wyoming. . 598. Salt River project,' Arizona: sale of water power. - 599. Yuma. project, Arizona; entries by residents dn lands withdrawn .t0r project. ‘ , ’ KLAMATH PROJECT, OREGON·CALIl`0I£Nl.\ 601. Change ot level of lakes and subjectien et lands te 1°B(‘]2.$1Hfltié9I`i · law. " . ·. - " e. 602; Notice 'of lands subjecftxto `§§`{;.cenditiens of and rcbcrx·atiene in patents., _ { _ 603. Assessment ef/past e;penditt1re_£0r_beneBt ot reclamation fund. 604. Survey andppenin lot lands to entry. - ` 605. Additional pay s; instnllmentp; forfeiture for nenpayment; _ intereet; cover g proceeds into reclatuetien fund. 606. Preference right of W rld War veterans. 607. Squatter’ right nettgcognizetl`; time of entry en land; penalty ` t for premature entry, _ ‘ » _ 608. Lands in Klamath Lake Bird Reservation; reservation ct lake ‘ ·_ shore; easement for canal ditches. . ' 609. Powers of Secretary in relation te project. . ‘ ,_g? GENERAL PROVISIONS ; Section 371. -De6nitiens;_ ‘?"Secretery,” “reclamatien l2w,"— " i0n fund," " project} and " divisienef a projcct,"—— When _ d in this chaptere-· “O ’ _ (a)`_ The word “Secretary_"_ xnenns the Sec1·<·t:1ry of the Interlmf o · - - .. _ · · _ (b`) The words "reclnnmtion _1aw" menu the yrtwens et this chapter; . .' i _ ° · " , I ` (0) The words " rcclanmtiéou fUI1(1?’lI}1Q&Ul the f\1Ild_])l'0\'i¤t€‘ti* by the reclanmtion law. l _ · (d) The word "pr0j€*Ct" means a Federal irrigation prujeet angnerizea by the reclamngiqnlaw. ` `· , ‘ (e) words _"divjsion of a project " mean n substantial irriga1b1e.nren of a project designated us a division by enter ot the Secretary. (Dec. 5;—192—I, c. 4, 5 _4,’ subsec. A, 43 Stat. 101; * Feb. 21, 1925, e. 277, § 1, ;4;3 St-ut. 958.) V ` t ·372. Water right as appurtenant tecland and extent of right;-——The riglit to thefnse of weter acquired under the pr0·· visions- ot the reclamation law shall be Alillurtenant to the land irrigated; and benetlciul · use shall be the basis, the measure, and the limit of the right.· (June U. 1902, c. 10:*3.- §‘ 8. 32 Stat. 390.) g · — . _ 373. Generhl authority of Secretnrypf Interier.—-The_ Secretary of the Inteivior is hereby authorized to ’perfcrm any an Anil nets end to make Such rules and regufntions ue may M ry and proper for the. purpose et carrying the provist s of,t11is chapter into full force and effect. (Ang. 13, 1914, 24 15,38Stnt.690.) ” w` t ‘ “ ‘ J ·_ 374. e of lands acquired in connection with irrigation prcj`ect.—When‘ex·er in the —bpinien‘ of the Secretary of the Interior any lands which have been acquired under the previsteps of this chepter, fer any irrigation wcrks contemplated by the reclamation. law are net needed for the purposes for whlch they were 'acquired, scid Secretary et the _Interi0r_may cause said lands, together with 'Ee improvements thereenfto be appraised by three disinterested persons, te M appointed byt him, and thereafter te sell the same for not less than the appraised value et publtc auction to the highest bidder, after c· giving public notice et the time and place or sale by pmting` upon thelnnd and by publication fer net less than thirty days in A newspaper of general circulation in the. vicinity of the lend. _ ‘ · ·_,€ `. ~ Y ·‘ Upon payment of the purchase price, the Secretary tot the Interior is authorized by npprepriate deed `to convey all the right, title, and interest of the United States ot,tin, and to said lends to the purchnser htpsaid sale, subject, however; to such 1