Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1386

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§ 622 marsh 4.s.--·1=·c relating to the organisation, government, and regulation of irrigation districts for the reclamation aud irrigation of arid lands for agricultural purposes, to the same extent and —i¤ the same manner in which the lands of a like Character held- undef private ownership are or may be subject to said laws; Provides, That the United States and all persons legally holding unpatented lands under entry made ur1der·the_ public laugi laws of the United States are accorded all the rights, privileges, benehts, and exemptions given by said State laws to persons holding lahds of a like character under private ownership, except as hereinafter otherwise provided: Provided further, That this chapter shall not apply to any irrigation district comprising a majority acreage of unentercd land. (Aug. 11, 1916, c. 319, § 1, 89 Stat.` 596.) . - . · » I » . 622. Cost of mastructiou and maintenance of irrigation project as charge on laud.1——The cost of constructing, acquiring, pdrchaslugg, or maintaining the canals, ditches, reservoirs,- roseryolr sites, water, water right, rights of way, or other y property incurred in connection with any irrigation project under said i1'1'Ig8HOB_di8t1'lCt laws shall be ‘ equitably apportioned among lands held under private ownership, lands .legally» covered by \lB@t£Ht6d entries, and uuentered public · lands includetl in said irrigation district, Oillcially certified lists ·of_ the amounts of charges assessed against the smallest legal subdivision ot saicl lands? shall be furnished to the register and receiver of the land district within which { the lands aiected O are located as soon as such charges are assessed; but nothing ln this chapter shall be construed as · creating any ouugauosgt against the United States to pay; any . of said charges, assess- l ments, or debts incurrod.° _ ‘ · " , ‘ · j All charges legally assessed shall be a lien upon unentered loads and uoon lands covered. by » uupatented entries included in said trrigatloh district. (Aug. 11, -1916, c. 819, § 2, 39 Stat. 507.) _ { . Q , _· I .J 623. Mapof district and plan of irrigation project; approval by Secretary.·———No t1¤e;1tered.,1a¤ds and ho entered for which no Hoa! cortihcstw have been l¤ued_ shall be _ subject to lthelleh or liens herein contemplated until there shall have been submitted by said lrrl@tlo¤_d1strict to the Secretary ot the Inaatgerlor, and approved by him, at map or plat of said district andwmclent aetlaeo engineering data to demonstrate to the satisfactioh oi the Secretary ot the II1t€l°l01‘··th3 ·su@clehcy ot . the water supply and the ieasihlllty ot the project,. and which shall, explain the plan or mode ot irrigation in jthose irrigation districts where the lrrlgatioh works have not been constructed, and which plan shall he lent .to thoroughly lrrlgate aild meclaim salil land and ptepare it to ralse`ordinary‘agric11ltura1`, crops; sad which shall also show the source `ot water to be used for irrigation of land included lh` mid distracf: Provided; {that in those irrigation. districts orga¤im“ grlor `to August _; 11,. 1916, and whose irrigatfozr works have constructed and are lh operation as soon as a satisfactory map, plat,. aud plea shall have bun approved by the Secretary of tm Imterior, as in this chapter providw, such ehteredantl uncatercd lands shall be subject to all district taxes and am@ehts therotofore actually levied. 8@lB8¢ the loads ’ in laid; district and ih the same manner in which lands of a like character hold under private oa·eaorship are sahject to and amssmeate. (Aug. 11, 1916, c. 819, { 8, 89 Stat. 567.) _ · 624. Entry of approval on land records.-··—·Upoh tho approval of the ‘ district . map or plat as h£I`Qi 0$Q ptjoviéad by the soqsetary ot the Interior the register and rewtvcr will note sa‘i¤r approval apoa their reeorfds where my uaentered or emored. and anpatmted lands are (Aug. 11, 1918, c. 319, $,4, 89 Stat. EN.) _ l 3 625. Release of land from Bw on §@¢$P!B$iQB of irrigation project.~·=Th¤·Se¤·etary M the Interior may, upon

nemo LANDS 1372 the expiration of ten years from the date of his approval of said map and plan of any irrigation district, release from the lien nuthorized by this chgpter any nnentered land 0;- lands upon which Hnal certihcate has not issixed, tor. which irrigation works have not been constructed and water ot sinch district made available for the land. (Aug, 11, 1916, c. 319, I 8, 89 Staf507.) - _ Y v ‘ · · o 626. Enforcement cf. lien `agalnét entered but tmpatented land.—Said' lien upon said lendlcovered by onnpatented entries may be- enforced upon said nnpatented lends bye the seeker thereof in the. name manner and under the name preeeeding whereby said assessments are enforced against lands held .under' private ownership :‘ Provided, That in the case of entered unpatented . lands the title or interest which such irrigation district may `convcy by tax snlep tax deed; or as a result of any tax proceeding shall be subject to the following conditions and limitations: It snch tmpatented land be withdrawn under xchapter 12 of this title, or sumgct to the `pro= V visions of said chapter, then the interest which" the dimrlct may convey b’y' such tax procéedingé or tn; deed shall he subject to c prior lien} reserved to; the United rSta€?es`for all the unpa1d` charges authormed by the said chapter, _ but 'the holder of such tax deed or tax titleeresnlting from snch dietrict tai {shall he entitled to all the. rights —and"privileges in the land included c in such tex title or tax deed ot. eh designee under the provisions of section 441 of said chapter, and upon submission to —“the United States land owe of the district ln which the land is located of ntiéieetory proof ot rsuch tax title, the name of the mlder tmxéof ehall he in? v dorsed upon the records of such land omce as entitled to the rights of one holding ·s complete and valid asdgnment nn®r said section 441, and such. person may at any- time thereafter receive patent npon submitting satisfactory proof of the reclamation and irrlgétion required by the sold chapter. (Ang. 11, 1916, c. 819, Q 2, 89 Stnt. 507.) _· e .— " ‘ Y ` 627; Sale of nmpetented and unentered land prol1iNtc¢l; enspension of entry.-—·No public lends which were nnentered at

 time any tax or eeseement was levied against mme by ench

jrricntion district ehall be sold for ench taxes er ~ ents, but such ‘ tax or ae enf shall m· and contlnne n lien npon such lands, and not more than hundred and dxty a8re¤ of auch land shall he entered by nny one person`; e and when such lands` shall be applied tor, said approval by the · Secretary; of the Interior; under the homeéteed or l deeertilend laws of the United `States ° the iappllcetion sm!} be snemmed tor a period ot thirty days to enable the applicant to present s eertihcate from the proper district `or county omcer showing

 thxt. no unpaid district charges are dne and delinquent against
said land._‘j (Ang., I1, 1918, ca 319, { 5,89 Stat. 50%) · -

l · 628. Patents `to catered but . nnpatentcd land.-;-Any entered but nnpntented linda not subject to reclamation lew, chapter t 12 of this title; sold in the manner and for the men-_

 tioned in this chapter may he patented to the pnrcheser thereof
 or his assignee at any time utter the expiration of the period
 of ‘ redemption allowed by law under which itgmny heve been

sold (no redemption having been made) upon the payment to · the receiver ot the Inca! lend owce of the minimum price ot ` $1.25 per acre, or snch other price as inaybe nxed by law for such lends, together with the usnnly fees and commissions charged in entries of like lands under the hemestead laws; and upon a satisfactory showing that the irrigation works have been conétrncted and that water ot the district is available for such land; but the purchaser or his amlmee éhell,. et the time ot ippllcntion for patent, have the qnelihcntion or n homestead entrymnn or dwtéend entrymnn, and not more than one

 and dit] acres of amid land ehnll be patented tc any

one pnrchaeer provisions ot this chapter.