Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1412

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QM 1*1 TLE 48.··-·-PU

 Snfvey; man*—·—-·—At any time after the eempietien et snch meerveirs, which shell be ennstmnted and com- pleied within une yearn einer ming nneh deelnr&tery emmmnnt, snnn nerenn, nnmpnny, ear enrmrntsien shall have the sense ennecnrnneiy enxrveyed, as hereinnfter nrnvided, and shell we in me » Enited Stnfee lane. n§ce in Qthe district in which ennn reeervnin is lnnnted a ine.? er nlnt nhewing the lecetien ni ennn resnexwnir, which map nr pint shell beutransmittéd by. the register ni enid United Staten lend e@ee in the Secretary nf the Inieein; end nnmnved by him, and thereafter such land ehnii he reserved fx·nm_w1e by the Secretary of the Interim: une énng; ns such f8&1"V0iI'}iS· kept in repair and water kept thnxnin. (J n. 13, 1897, rc. 11, § 3, 29 Stat. 484; Mer. 8, 1925, e,· 462, 43 Sint. 1145.) ° 9 95:3. Anaendxnenf — nr repe1l.—C<;•ngress may nt any time eanend, nlter, ex repeal sections 952 to @5, inclusive. (J an. 13, 1@Y, ::.11, »§ 4, % Stat. 484.) _ ' - _ 95§. Right nf way for tramnemds, canals, or reeex·veits.·-The Secnetnry Inf the Interim is nntherized and empowered, under generni regnintinns in be Exec; by him, to permit the use ot the iight nf way thrnngh the pubiie lends of the United Statges, not wiinin the limits ei any natienal forest, pnrk;'·mi1itary .0i· indian reservntinn,,fer tremrends, panels, or `reserveirs to the aaextent nf the ‘ grnnnd occupied by the water of the canals and -I'%€1'¥9iI`S and nity feet on each Side of the marginal limits thereef, nr- Efiy; feet on — each side of the center line of the trnmrend, by nny citizen or any assneiaiicn 01. citizens Of the `{Eniwd States. engaged in the business nf mining or quarrying nr 'nf cutting niznner nnd mnnnfactmving lumber or for the pur-

 nf fnfnisning wntercfcr domestic, public, and other bene-

” mini nees, (Jen. 21, 1895; c. 37, 28 Stat. 635; May 11, 1898, c, 292, § 1, 38 Sint, 404{ Feb. 15; 1901, c. 372, 31 Stat,. 790.) ` 957. Right nf way in eleet:·ic-wwe: cnmpanies.·——The Secretary ns the Interior is nnthorized and cmp0wered,Eunder geneynl regulations in be Exec! by him, to petmit the use of right ef wny to the extent of twenty—¤ve feet, together with the use nf necewnry ground, nnt·exc·eeding forty. ncres, upon the public lends nntinnnl fnresin nr the United States by any citizen er nsnndntinn of eitizeus ez the United States for the purposes `nf generating, mnnufnctnring, or distributing electric power. (Ling 14, 1396, .c_, 179, $,2, 29 Stat. -120.) ._ - I 958; Rights ·-nf_ way fer jwagen reads or rn.ilr9eds;·—-¥In the j term provided by lnw exintinglen, March 3, 1899,_ th€__S8C1‘ét8l'§7 ef the Interior may me and nppynve surveys nnd iplatis of any rignt et way for n wngnn ·mn,n,e rnilrond, or cyber highway oven ~ and agrees nny reservcir'siteewhen in his judgment the public ’.B{€1'&S'CS wiil nef be injnrienely ¤¤eéted t;heZreby." — (Mar: 8, 1899, c. 427,1 1,8QStnt. 1%3.) . _ D, - _ 959; · Rights of way fe:} electrical plants, etc.-—~€§.‘he‘ Secretary ei the Innerinr ,is authorized nné empcwered, under general 1 reguletienn te be lnxed by him, in permit the use et rights Vof 1 was `thmngh the nnblic lends and reeervatifms of the, United States ter electriml plants, pda, ann Hum for the- genemnonl and distribution of electrical pniwer, and tor; telephene and§ teiegraph nnrpesee, and for mnnls, ditches, pipes and pipe§ iinen, nmnee,1 tnnneing, nr ether water cendnits, and ici water plants, damn, §Bd_¥&@!Y0i1'S, in prnmnte irrigsticn cr? mining ex- qnnrryim, er the manufacturing or cntting of timber er innaber, er the supplying of nie: tnridemestslg, spzgbllti. ex

 any eynheij benencinl_     Q     of tm grnnnd ecvcnpiedf

by anon cnna1s, diu:hes, §nnaeeE;¤ne1n, xmfvnirs, et ether` water nr water plants, er electfienl nz- ether werkg

 nermitted. herenndexg and not to excwd Atty teeic ,en each  

of the mnrglmi limits thereni, nz- not to exceed lm wen. men side of me center line nt inch pim and pipe eleciricai, eelegrnnh, and telephone 1111%* and B! any eitizen; neennintinn, mv enrpnrntinn ei the United Stata, whxe it is intended by such to exerizise the hereunder

VBLIC LANB8 1398 tm- any one 012% mere qt the permm herein named: Pma,eZded,» t That such permits Shall he allewed within er through my military, Indian, ere ether e rvetieu only epea the apprevai et the chie; cmce; oi the demrtmeet under whm eupervteieh such reeservetiém tells and . upon e Ending hy him that the same ienot ixxcempetibie with the public interest: .e e e ferther, That all pexgmits given hereunder fe: tekneph end teiephehe ·pm·imses shall be subject to the , pwvmehe et sections 1 te 8, inclusive, and mation 8 of Title 47, Tmmsmse, Tumxeomze, Ann °RADIOTH»@B»&PH8Q and amendments therete, remletmg righte of way fdr telegraph cemmhiee eve: the pehiic écmeie: And provided f%$1’fh6f,'TB&t my permixieh givm hy the,Sécretary of the Interior under the previsiens et this wctism may ‘ be revoked by him or ehis i3 his Giscxweukend eheii not be held to confer any ri@t, er eéscmmt, ter ihtereet ie, te, or over any public laude or f&I"Y&('.i6R.· {Feb. -15, 1901, eL 372, 31 Stat. 190..) h Z z { _ 96l. Rights of way fer‘_e!ectx·icaI e ies md heeé ot the department having jmisdictiee vte: the kaede is authorized and emmésiereda, éukier regeIatices` te h

 Hxed by him, to gtent an essemeht fer rights ef, whey, far e

period mt, exceeding, hfty years {rem the date et the imeeeee of such grant, over, `aéress, had k hpéh the puhitc lwés tend reservation` of the United Statw fer eieetrtcal pehes ‘aud_1ine3 tor; the transmission end d£@hetiee ei electrics} pdwer, and for poles and lines te; telephone ._purp0ses, to the extent of twenty feet on meh éée et beater line of such electrical, teiegheee, 11:6 teigraph Rees and poles, te any citizen, amocietien, er cerperetioh et the Uziitéd States, where it is intended by meh to ¢xerc£m* the right of way herein granted for any eee or V mere et the pen poses herein named: Previéed, That right of way shaft be allowed within or thmughj any military, Indian, er thethx reservation only upon the approve} et the chief emcer es the department nhder whose supervisiea er. cehtrel such swarmtion ,,,_ fans, and upon- a¥B;1ding by him that the same his net incompetible with- the public intereétz Framed, That er zany part of such right of way may be ferteiteé me by declaration of the head of the &emrtmeht·havi¤g·jeriedietion over the lands fdr homme for "a period ur twe yeere es fer abandonment; — _ _` ‘_ t it ‘ L J ·e ‘ t Any citizen, `associatien, exacerporaticn et the United Smtes to whom there hea. been imued, prior to Merch 4, 1911, e permit Ihr any of the purposes specihed herein undef law existing Ion that date may qbtaih the beneht et eec¤e¤ epqe the same terms and c0x1ditions»es»ehaI1 M '- mquped of associations, er corporeticmst thereafter making epplicatien sm- _der the ptovisions df this sectient (Maz. 1911, c. 33 sm€1m.)— _‘ e_ _ __ e { '962, Right of way in Celende `md`Wymi¤g t¤¢pipe·linc cémpaniur-The right bt way threugh the pubiic lends at the United States hltriste in the State et Coleraée and in. me State t ect Wyoming cetside at the bohndery Iie& of the Yelleyeteee 'Netiouel Park is granted te my pipeéihe company er cerperei tion formed for the . purpese et etla, gmde ez renhed, which have med er may hermtter me with the Secretaxiy of the Interim a cepy of its extticlee of inéerpcretien, and dee pmcfs et its ergganizetien under the same, tb the extent ct the hound occupied hy held Pipe line and twenty-Eve {cet on each dee et the eehter .ef the same; nlm the · yight to e ptiblie lends adjacent? te Mee of www pipe. line xheheriel; ehd stone ¤eceesery_£¤x· tm ccnstmcticm ei (May 21, 1wS, c. 212, { 1,.29 Stat;. 121.)

‘ $3.   fer right of way.-—»-Any cempany caf eerparstien  t  °   ie; to secure the ebeeeéts ct sections 9% to @5.

imlusdve, shall, within twelve months the lomticp of tw ct the pipe line, it the same be upgm surveyed lands phd it The same be_`t1p餷 unsur}·eyed leeds; within; twelve:.