Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1430

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» TITLE .$$.·-—»·PU.BLIC PEI.? e ~ ‘ smzh dciault. The Public Printer shall mepsrt every such

jA~ i default, with a full sftatameathei all the facts in tlmx case. tc me
 Sc1iaitm·` mt the Tmsury, wha shall pmwcuta the qietaultixag

cémtmctm and his sureties upon their band, in the circuit cuurt of tim fxaiicd Stétes in . we district in which such dafaulthzg {"`*§I3{1`§{*{(?;?S reside: (Jag. 3.2, 1 , 0. 23, § IB, 28 Stat. @2.) . 13. Purchase af paper ix: emu ma:·kct.·——·~Tha Joint Committae asm Pirimiug may m.1the;·i·za the Public Printer ta make pur·- hchams af ;m§—cr ia open rmxrkzzt Vs’h€I1P\'&I‘§ they may deem the Vqumaiitry rcqisiwd sa small 01- the wamz, so immediate as rmt: to §u$¤tify advertisement fg: proposals. (Jan. 122, 1%.5., c. 23, § 11,.

  1. 15..*8 Sim. SGS; Biar. 3, 191Y,—»c. 163, § 6,"3*;) Stat. 1121.)

14. Parchasc of ether ‘1§BtEl‘i3!S.··?·T{1€ Joint Comuxitisse is asthmimd is gigs .pe rmissi gu to the Public Primer to purchase: material atherggthsu paper in 0peu“markat, w§e1;éver in their égsiuiam it wxagfid act prcmcyg the publicjnterest to advettisc for. pmpqusais to make contracts fc: th~e same. furclaases ..hé;·¤eiz1 mztixérizcd $11311 not in` may term of si; mouths exceed th? sqm: $50 fcryizuy pm·ticula1·—artic1e mquircgl. (J xm. 12,_ 1S#3§, 0. § 12, 2§»” 602.) · · , A -· _ ‘ ’ 0 15. Lithaegraphjiig. and `cngraving; jcsntrhcts; bids.—X\’hgu $1:6 pmbabie- 150451 (cost of the mmis 0; plates écccmpapyiug QOH?. waxk m·—d<¤::.113»ez1t exceeds $1,200,_the lithographiug O1'.·éI1g1‘8.V-- ing tiwrwf siiall ba nwargied to the lowcsf and best `biddgr, after advertisement by the Public P;i11tcr,‘i1}1der the direction of me Jaint Committee, which may authorize him -t0 make im· ~meéiatge‘c0ntracts for iithographing or e1igrz1v§ng- wheneve1·—t1;e‘ exigvncies of the public S€1jVi·(.‘G do not jli.StifYrKdV€1;fiS€m€BC far praposals. (Jan.'12, 1895, c. 23, §· 15, 28 Stat. GQ3.) A 16. Sgzhcdule of materiaés mquiljcd; adveriisemems fof pm- , pasals; —cm1tracts.-———Th§_P11blié Primer shall prepare 5. schedule cf materials réquircxgl to be purehkgsed, sliowixgg the description, ` quantity, and qxmlity of éach 3_rti<·1e,·a11d shall invite proposals _for fmjaishiaag the same, eiYthe1··b"y· advéftisemeut 61* Circular, as ihe Juizat C<;mmit§<ac on Printing. may dire;gt, ai1d“sh;111_ make `cvntmcts fm: the same with the Iuwesf xesppzxsiblg bidder,. making a rgtum of the same to the Jciry Committee, showing ’{h€‘1113IIi¥}£2!." of "biddéfs; the RQGUIHZS of each bid, and the awards

  • ¤f the`c0i1i1·§ctS. (Jan. .12, 1895, *12. 23,. .ir‘ °§ 16, Smi;. 603.)

Chapter 2.-QGOVERNMENT .BPRIl§}’l‘ING OFFICE. W 31. }?ubiic Priter; appointment; sélayy; Yboud. . · _ , . . 22. Same; vacancy ia, o§cc1 I · $3. Same; duties. . . ·‘ 34. Smssge; ammal rvport. _ , J ” _ _ _ 0 ` 35. Aaammi report of cog; of printing, Jpaper, coutmcté and payments. · 35. Ammal es£im:ate$; ta;. paper; ‘ ‘ 32. Same; of exiiquses. _ »·/ . _ 3S.`1.Fmué-ci Public Printcxwt penalty. 39. Deputy `Public Priaten , I Y _ — 40. E@fiI¤$.}’1$£B{ by lzfkxblic I’z·i¤ter_ of employees; pay. 41. Exzspicymcut of skiiied wm·kme¤. . ‘ 42. Eiight wark. — " 43. §_Ei§h{·ii·B?.§i‘ law. 44. Ha1id;ays. K . 45. Icaves ctc absence. _ · 45. Same; gmymcuiz of employees receiving annual salaries. 432 Ugmils af s:mpi{>ge<:s ;0 executive depattmexxts 0: establishment!. i 4%%. Léast at empinycvs for Gmeia,1. Register. · · - . 49. EX§3.H}iI1iI@g beards. · ` 539. 1?is£ursiag @121*3:; duties. ·‘* . . 51. Soitimzsat of accounts. `

 5*3. Advaquccs to disimrsing clerk. .

. 53. Irstszzwcsi dat 9$€#*fS and §SSi·£{3.Bt84 in printing cgontmcts. $4. AQ£i3,13¥H21§J1u{§*' for mzd·iss1;e of materials. V 55. ·i’1arc11ase of press smspliéa. __ . 56. Sale ax exchange of ccndcmned m`atc·ria1s. _ 57. kkeccipts fmm sales to be cavered ima Trgasury. 53. sake at dupiisatxe pilates; copyright, . ~ " · . ‘ . ’ $9. §i,:·.chigery,_mgti*ri:11, ¢·, mr: sugiplieg from other depart- , · zmuts- ~ ‘ ‘ . = - x 69. C¤ns01i.dati0u.0`f d(+‘j3§f{-31QHt ‘p:·i¤t§.¤g..0§¢s*cs. I/F 61., Brahciafw of .px·inii11g u§cc in gxeciztivg depm·tnu&·nt1. X! /

vr11¢o¤ AND Docvyexrs 1416 Section 31.- Public Ptimer; ap£¥§tme¤t; salary; bo¤d.——l———T¤e _Preeident of theifoited States ehelleezeiixete end, by one with the advice elm consent; of the Senate, appoint} editable pereoe, Q who must be e practical printe1:‘emI’ve1*oeé in, the a:·t“o£»beokbinding, to take charge of and manage the Government P;ietimg; Omoo; The title of said; oféeer shell be Ptxbiie Prime; He shell receive a selery ot $6,099 per smmm, ood shell give bond in tlie `sum of $25,600 for the ieithiol perfexrmeeee of the Lduties of his omee, said bond to be épproved hy the Secreterf of thefpreasury. (Jen. 12, 1895,1:. 23, { 17, % Stat; 6%; Jeoe 12, 1917, ee 22, § 1, 40 Stat. 173; Keb, 28, 1?§,,e. Q3, 42 Stef.; 1278; Mar; 4, 1925, e. 549, ·§ 1, 43 Stat. 12%.) ~ i 32. Same; vacancy in o§ée.—-—-Io com of the death, reeigue-· tion,` eb;s,ence,, or sieki1ess_ of the Public Printer the Depot; I"ubli·: Printer shell perform the duties ot the Public Printers o until a succeséor is appointed or such izlwrtee or siekeese shalt cease ; ·bu,t the President may, 'in his disctetiotx, authorize eee direct any other oiheef of the Government, whose appointment is__vested in the Bresidexit byexxgi with the advice and eeeeeet of the.Sexmte,. to perform the duties of the veeant e§£je emit e successor is appointed, or the sickness of absence of the Public _· Printer shall grease. A veeahéy oeeesioixed by death or l’0Sig·· notion ·11mS.t dot. be‘tezi1porerily»mIed tmder ythe ptjovhsiwoes eg this section for a longer pepiod then ten 'éeye, em} ue tempo ‘roQry app0t11tme¤t,_degigmttion, or assignment of another e@eez toperform such duty shell be inode except; to Eli a veeeeeyheo l pe11ing'(1u17i11g a recess of the Seoefe. (Jeni 12, 1%%; e. %, 5 Ee, 28_ Stat. 6O6;ZM.·1y 27, 1908, c;_2€r0,'§ 1, 2§5 Stet. 3@;) · l 33, Same; dtztiese-·5It·slzell be the ·}uGfof the Public Brieter to pm·ch:1se_z1ll mttterialeand machinery `whielt ·mey··—·bo ’¤—eees»— · .sa1*5Qr ·the·Gow·e;·x1ment Printing Otliee;’to take charge of all matter which- is_t0_be printed, engraved, litloogrephed, or lioexzd; to keep an account thereof in the order in which it is received, ami to eimée the work to-be promptely executed; to sepefiuteed ell printing and bimling__done at the Government Printing 0§ee,_ l ond to see that. the sheets or volumes ere pro¤:£ptly_éells·ex·e¢I to the oilleer who ·-is authorized to` receiye them. The receipt ein Such omeer shall e stimeient veuplrer for tlxeii delivery. , _(;Tan. 12, 1895, c. 23, § 18, 28.Stet, 893;) » { (

 34. Same; annual repdrt§·-—-The Peblie Printer sb`! meke

o emngal report `to Congress, ded in it specify the mxmbe} of copies of each department report and document }»¢iii¤te¢I open requisition by me head of the depaxtmeot for wlxieli the print- , ing wosxlone, land he shaltalso specify in "seid report the exact `f xiumberof eopiee of lbookés, giving the titles of. the books, botmd }1po1i» requisition for Senators, Represetx tetives, Delegates, end other o$eers of the Govemment and the cost thereof. {Jae. 12, 1895, —c.`23, §_ 19, 28 Stat. @03.) . _ — __ · l 35. Anmml report of eost of printing, wiper, cergtracta, suc! '.payiue¤ts.—~——The l'*obIic_Prtx1ter`;él1eIl, on the Etst dey of each _ regulslr session, 1‘€i}0~I’t to Congrwsy the emet `coedition and the quantity and cost et all.pri¤itiszg,°bi1idi¤g, lithogrephiog, &I1d_’€llg7;§\’iIlg ;, the quantity and cost of ell poper_p:1rehese§ ifor the same; a detaxlled stetemexit of ell proposals and com tracts entered into for the porelmse of pep·er“en-d other meteriels, and for lithogrephiog ood e¤~gx‘eving; of all pejkmeots `made, clturing the pteeeding yeer,·under his direction}; of the quentit§ of work oxgdeiscd hind done, with 8. general <il&SSiii<>&ti¤¤ theregif, foreach kpexrtment, god a detailed. statement ofleeeh aceqxiut with the tiepertmexntspr public ‘omeers_;]a elessmed `detifiled statement of the number of hands egployekl and the, s s paid`to‘ each; end meh other information touching ella —;ft;ters com1etcted_with’ the printing omee es; may be in his I,/£1ossessio¤.` (Jen. 12, °1%5, el 23, {22, 28 Stat, 6%;.) “S .

 36. Ammali estimates; for;_pepe;·t-—-—'I’he Public »Prix1t_er shall:

at the beginning, of eeelreession_of C0o,·2:reSs,_s11t1mit to the Joint Committee on Prmtiog estimates of the- quauntity of papei