Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1443

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1429 .2·11·L¤ 44.-~1>U12L10 mw eighty copies`: to the Treasur? Dejmnrtment, including those for the use of omcers ot customs, three hundred copies; to the War Departinent, seventy-tive copies; to the Navy Department, @venty·§ve copies; to the Department ot the Interior, mciuding those Iorthe use of the United States Supervisor ot Surveys and registers of public land offices, two hundred and fifty copies; to the Post Ofiiee Department, fifty copies; to the Interstate Commerce Commission; ten copies; to the Civil service Commission, three copiee; to the Department of Justice, mciuding those for the use of the Chief. Justice and. Associate Justices cfithe Supreme Court, and the judges and 'theeiiicerst ef the United Stated and Territorial courts and to State sug preme court libraries, eight hundred and fifty copies; to the Department .0f Agriculture, fifty copies; to the Department ef (Q‘.m1merée‘and the Department 01 Labor. including those for the e@cers ot the Immigratioix Sexvjice, three-_ hundred copies; 49 the Smithsonian Institution, two copies; t0.· the Government Printing Odlce, one copy, and the Public Printer shall deliver as mary copies of the Statutw at Largeto the Superintendent V et Documents as may be required fqrdistribution- to State and Territorial libraries and to designated depositories. ’A1;d° the Seeretary of State is authorized 'to have as/mdny additional; copies printed and bgmnd as may in his opinion be `eeded,__fo1·" distributi0¤,and’sale at cost. thereof, not exceeding in any one year one thousand copies of the laws of any one Qongress. He shall also cause the Statutes at Large td be delivered td the Superiateudentof Documents, to supply demiencies; and to be scid by him under the pmvisipns, of section 71 of thistitle. {Jan. 12,"1%5, ci- E, § 73, 28 Stat.; 615,, Mar. 15, 1898, c. 68, § 4, 30'Stdt. 318; Mar.; 1901, N0. 16, § 1, 31 Stat. 1464; Apr. 28, 1%4, c. 1791, 83 Stat; 542; Mar}1, 190'Z, c. 2284, § -4, 34 Stat; 1914; ‘Ma1·. 4, 1907; N0. 29; 34 Stat. ,1426; Mar.- 3, 1925, c. 421, { 7, 43 Stat. 110Q; Mgr. 3, 1925. c., 462, 43 Stat. 1144,_ `_j·j II45.) ‘ ‘ I 9. ‘ . . .- ‘ 197. Same; marginal references.-—The Secretary of State is directed to include in the marginal references of the United States. Statutes at Ldrgé the number of the Senate bill, House rbi11,_Seua2te- joint resolution, or House joint resolution (desig- “1iH.{1iRg.S$.»E8 ds S._ for Senate bill, H,. R. for House bill, S. J.

 for Senate joint resolution and H. J. Res. for House

joint I`€§0ll.lt10i},_ as case may be) under which each Act was appreved dud became A law, said marginal reference to tg placed within jzmclrets immediately under. the margipal Q date et the dppruval ct each` Act at the begirtuingpf each ~ r.;·impter_ as the same is naw printed. (Apr; 12, 1904, N0.; 20, 33 Stat. 587.) ‘ · . " _ Chapter' 7.-Q-—EXECU'I#IVE AND DEPARTMENTAL PRINT- . EEG IN GENERAL. _ ’ ~ 211. Xfrirating and binding fer President. _ 212. Reports at departéentl. _ ‘ . . 213. Apprepridtieas fer priixting not to vbe exceeded: limitation ·o¤ ‘ number et reports; bureau reports. . · · 214. Apprepriatienetoi which cert otpridtiug and binding for execu- · five departmeinte, and bureaus te be charged. `

15. Departments te erder documents required
limit; bitlsg and

. ’ resoiutieas. _ . ~ ” `nx . 21% Form and style et work for departments. 2 , 217. ’Pub1icatiem Iér department er e¤cer. Q 218. Inserting. " eompiimeuts ” ierbidden. 219. Reetrictiens an printing for executive departments. J 229. Use by executive departments, §ix1»depe¤de¤t.¤t11ces, er establish- ‘ ments et appropriations fer printing at journals, mag:1zin&.·¤, dertcdicais, etc.; rureber printed; sake re public. 221. Rcmrt et pdblteatiens issued during preeeding decal year. 222. Anmrai report et exeeudtire eiheers; type. . · ‘ 223, Certain reperta not to be printed anim erdered. 3 224. Printing documents 111 hre. er Tmere editions; requisttieas:

 Qrinting et {ull number and dillotment of full quote. _ -   '

2.25. Paper 'drid euveiepw tar departments, eetahlishmerts, or services ct Governmertt. e

VTING AND DOCUMENTS § 214 Soc. W » 228. Franks for Department oi Agriculture for mailing seeds. 227. Supplies for executive departments. ‘ 228. Publications printed elsewhere than at Printing Qmce. Section 211. Printing and binding fore President.—The Public Printer shall execute such printing and binding for the ‘ Pfresident as he shall order and make requisitions for.- (Jan. 12, 1895, c. 23,,§ 88, 28 Stat. 622.) i r ` . 212. I{ep0rts·0f departments.—Of the annual reports of the departments to Congrees there shall be printed one thousand ~ copies for the. Senate and Ltwo thousand for the House, but of the reports of the Chief of Engineers of the Army, the Commissioner <0f Patents, the Commissioner ~ of Internal Revenue, the `report of the Chief [Signo1"OiIieer of the War Department, and of the {Chief of Ordnance,·the usual number only shall be printed. (Jan. ,12, 1895, c. 23, § 73, 28 Stat. 615.) . 213. -Appr0priations”fo1·, printing not to be exceeded; limitation on number of reports; bureau reports.——No printing shall S be done for the executive departments in any fiscal year in excess of. the amount of the appropriation, and none shall be done without a special requisition, signed by the chief of the department and jlled with the Publie Printer. 1 l Of the annual report ot the head of the department without ~appendlces»there mai beprinted in anyone fiscal year not to ’ ` exceed, five thousand copies, bound in pamphlet form; and ot the reports ot chiefs of bureaus `without appendices there may ‘be printed in any one iflseal year not to exceed two thousand , five hundred copies, bound in pamphlet form. The Secretary of Agriculture may print such number of copies of the rn-onthiy. , crop report, and or other reports and bnllgtins containing not to exceed one hundred poctavopagos, as he shall deem requisite; and this provision shall apply to the maps, charts, bulletins, X and minor reports of the; Weather Bureau, which shall be printed in such numbers as the Secretary of Agricnltureornay deem for the best interests or the Government The S»ecret~ary 0f_ the. Treasury, niay authorize the printing of ne annual report of the general superintendent of the Life saving &rviee, the Secretary of Commerce may authorize the printing of the notices to mariners, tide tables' coast, pilots, bulletins, and other epecial publications ‘ of the Coast} and Geodetic Snrveg and.01? the Bureau of Lightlgousemand the Secretary or the Navy may authorizethe printing of the eharts, maps, notices to mariners, tide tables, light lists, Sailing directions, bulletins, and other special publications of the Hydrographie Otiiee in such editions as the interests of the Government and of the pnblicmay require. '_ S . S Q _ Heads of executive departments shall direct whether reports made to them by bureau chiefs. and " chiefs of divisions shall be printed- or not. (Jan`., 12, 1895, c. 33, § 89, 28 Stat. 622; Mar. 13, 1896, N0,.-‘23, 29 Stat. 466; Feb. 14, 1803, c. 552, 5514, 10,832 Stat. 826, 829; June'17, 1910, e.‘30I,`§§ 4, 6, {E6? Stat. 537, 538; Mar. 3,1925. e. 421, 5 4, 43 Stat. 1106.). ~ 214. Appropriations to which cost Inf printing and binding for executire departngenta and bureaus to be charged.-·—In the printing and binding of docnmeuts or reports emanating from the executive departments, bureaus, and ixidependent offices of the Gorernrnent, the cost of wlnielr was, on March 30, 1906, charged to the allotment for printing and binding for flongmss, - . or to appropriations or allotments of appropriations other than those made to the executive departments, humans; or independent omeea of the Government, the cost of illustrations, composition`, etereoptyping, and other work involved in tbe.·aetual preparation for printing, apart from the creation of gnanuacript, y 'ehall bepbarged to the appropriation or allotment of appropria- % tion for the printing and binding of the department, bureau, or independent office of the Gorernmentin which such documents r or reports-originate: the balance of cost shall be charged to the