Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1499

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` 1485 » 1*1TLs 4a ,,_ residing at the port where she may arrive, if there be one otherwise. to the collector or surveyor in the district compte bending such poet, as the one or the other may reside neares thereto, if the collector or surveyor reside at a distance not ex eoo<1ihg~ Qve miles, within twentyieur hours, or, it at a greate distance,. within forty-eight hour. next after his arrival, am previous to the tmlhding an? of thejoods brought in suc] véssel, the manifest of the cargo, it there be any, certided b; the eollector or surveyop of the district from whence she lgs soiled; and shall make oath, before the collector or _é\}1‘VE§%1 that there was not won he sailed from the dist_gict where hi manifest was certlded, and has not. been since, and is not ther ami? more or , other merchandise of foreign growth or mam feature, other than sea stores, on board such yessel, than A therein mentioned rand lf there be none such, he shall so swear om! if there be no. Cargo on board, he sha)! giroduce the lcertit gate of the cel1ector_or·sux·vey<ir of the district from whence sh lest sailed that such is the case. · Thereupon such collector 0 szmwoyor shall grant a permit for zmlading the- whole or parte Swéh cargo, if théfc be ani within his district, as the-masterma mqiiest; and where be oxlly of the merchandise ot. forelg growth or manufacture, broughtyiu such vessel, is lutexidéd- to b iaoded, the collector or surveyor shall make an lnddrsement tx such vert on the back of the mai1ifest,.§[;>ecifyin*g the article to he landed; i and shall return suéh itzauifest to the- mustea lndotsiug also thereon his permission fof such vessel to procee to the place of her destination. (-R,·S. { 4355.) _ ·_ · 301. Penalty for pot delivering msxnifestshof vessels tradiin between remote districts.--elf the master of such vessel, lade and destined as mentioned in the preceding section, shall neg loot or refuse to deliver the manifest, or, if she has rio qargc the certi§eate,.·with1¤ the time directed in the preceding sec tion, he shall be liable to s penalty of-$100, and the merchaudls Aoi foreign growth or manufacture found ori board, or laude fl’Gm‘?Sl1§€h· ship ord vessel, not being certided as required, sha] he forfeited; and it the some shell amount , to the value .0 $S00,`s:.1ch· ship or ywel, iwith her tackle, apparel, and fumf lure shall be nlm forfeited, (R. S. S 4 _ 362., Exemption of vmsels navigating Mississippi River? fron _ requirements-as to permlta.·=-—-’1'he provisions of sectiom 2951 t i A 301, lecluslve, `requiring the `master of every vessel License to worry on me coasting `trado, laden in. part- with _ torelg morehoe c r oto p¢ i; at permit from the mrtlst which his was laden, authorizing him to pr: eoed to his port lot ·destimtioh, and also to procure ·s permi from the port ot destination for the umadiug of his cs.x·g¤ shell not be held to include so is engaged in the navigotio of the Mlmlsslppl BIYQI; or tributaries, above the port of Nw Grimes, (July 12, 187d, @185, 19 Stat. 90.) . I o · _· ‘ t ‘ *303. Exemption of vessels in coasting trade from require ments as to msnifests and permits.·g·—-·Nothing in this ehapte shell m so " as to oblige the mister ot any, vases of lws than twenty tous hurdeh. Deemed for mxrylug Ollfhh eeestleg trade, hound from u district in one State to, s dlstrk , io the or as Qfljoéiliglhg State QR the seeeoest, or ori · navigable river, or of any vowel ot the burden of twenty ton or upward, honed from ‘s district within. one of the great di: trlcts to n Withlh the, mule district, or within State adjoining meh greet district, hdfihg on board mox ehhhdlso of the product, hr, manufacture of fthe Unite States Qomy, exeept auger in or boxes not mo:·e[»the,¤ thm thousand pom:ds,` or toéolgn merchandise, io, peckoees, t as in

 ported, ot mt more mine than $400, or   erehsodise  

_ of sueh edomergted or other srdcles ot foreign growth sox? mem fecturo, or of both, whose ate value shell be not mo: than- 5%, , to delivmr { or ohtnin he previous to her departure, or, QB. he: strive.! such dis - mot, to make nn; report thereof abut such he pm

r.--s11‘1P1¤11v0 § 308

,· vided with a manifest, by him subscribed, of the lading, ef

s- v what kind scevexj, which was on beard such veesel at the time t of his departure from the district from which she lastsailetl,

- and it the same, or- any part of suchladiag, consists of merchanr dise of foreign growth or manufacture, with the marks and

d numbers ofeach cask, bag, box, chest, or package containing I1 the same, with the name of theshippm: and censignee et each. y Such manifest Shall be by him exl;ibifedQ for the inspection et at Pm? omccr of the revenue, when required by such omeer; aud r, he shall. also inform such omcer from whence such veaeel last .s sailed, and how long-she has been in port, when by him ae x, interrogated; “ (Il, S. 5 4359.) ` ' 1- 304.. Penalties for not exhibiting ‘ maaifeat.—Whenever the as master ‘0f such vessel, laden ami klestiued as deaéribed in the ~; preceding section; is not provided; eu his arrival vvithih aa; I- sixch district, with aj manifest; and does not exhibit the same, as he required in the preceding section; if the lading of each veseel

r `i consists wholly "ot merchandise the produce or manufacture at

»£ - the United' States, he shall be liable to alpeaalty of $20, 0: if there y bQ·II1é1°§3h&I1’dlS€ of foreign `grcwth or manufacture, be beard, xx excepting what E may be `sumcient for sea stores, he shall be ge liable to a penalty of $-10; or if he shall refuse to aeavver the »_f intcfrogatories truly, as is herein required, he shall be liable to as a penalty of $100. If_ any of the -merc:haadlse laden ea beard r,. auch vessel be of foreign growth .01* manufacture, se mach et the d same as may be found on board such vessel,. and net included · 'ii1_tl1e manifest exhibited by such aeaater, shall be forfeited. g_ <»R._s. 5 4360; Feb. 18, 1875, c. 80, I 1, 18 Stat; 329.) , n 305. Trade between Leng Island and Rhede Island.-—Cease

- ing vessels, going frbm Long Island, in the State of New Yeah, Q

>, to the State of Rhede Island, 0{frem the State at Bhedelelaad 3. · to Long Island, shall have the same privileges as are allevveé g to vessels under the like circumstances gelag from a district · 5 ie one State tos ai distriét in the semen: an adjoining State. 11 (Rl S; Q 4357.) . v · ”` v the uf , 306. Ttade between Alaska sad ether diatrictat—»·—·The weatl- ing trade, between the Territory of Alaska and any other perjtién of- the United States {shall be regulated `in taceezdaaea R `with the " prbvlsieas cp} law applicable to auch trade betvveea _

¤ any two great distrlcta .(R. S. 5 $358; Aug. 24, 1312, é. 387. ?

d §` 1, 37 Stat. 512,) E. t .» ‘? g ’ ¤ l3Q7. Regulations as `te registeied ressela ia iatertliatrict

  jgjggg,;;—;YV#henever any vesael .-ef the United Statw, registered

y. lib law, `ll§Wéigiiiil5ye%d"YI§tTij§§lag ~f¤emia¤y ieee eietriet lt in the United States to any other clistriet, auch veeael; aaa ag, the master `theiteet, · with the mes she may have ee beard It previeaxs te her` Aeparture from the district where aha may t be, sv _ and also upon her arrival in aav ethe; district, shall he subject, . except aa to the payment at ieee, to the aame regalaties, pm a- visions} penalties, and fezfeitaréa, aad the like duties are ita—· er posed. en like embers, as are pmvideé ter veaaelalieeaeed fe.: al ‘car·rylng ea the ceasting trade. Nethlag herein ceataiaed ehall le beceaatrued te extend te reglsterw vmelset the United States gt; having on board merphaadiae of tereiga grevvth er manataeture, at hreaght inte the United Stateat in auch vessel, from a fereiga es Qport, and cm which the duties have net been paid according te a- law. ·(R. sg 5 4361:) _ _ , { ° a 308. Permit fe: lnlaizd tn1xspertatlea.——The eellecter of the r- l district of Philadelphia may gram: permits fer the J transporta- 41 _ tion tl merchandise ei 'ferelgh growth er manafaetare aeresa i te the$State et New Jersey to the district ae New Yerk, or across g- the State e!`·Delavvare to any district in the State et Maryland lg. er Virginia; aacl the collector at the district of New York may `

· great like permits ter tranapextatlen aereaa the State et New

·e o` Jersey :· and the collector of any district et Maryland er Vlry. t, glma may gram like permits for transportation aemas the State ‘ s; at Delaware to the district of Philadelphia. Every auch pea- 5· mit shall expreea tlie name et the owner, er peraea aemliug the