Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1579

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El565 TITLE 48.-—TERRITORIE8 AJ nees, and-· entered upon its journal.- Es*ery‘bil1`,, when ` by me house ig; which it originated or in which amendments _ thereto shall have originated, ,§h&l1‘ immediately be enrolled ` and cenrtmed by_ the preSiding'o@cér "aud the elerk end, sent to me otlnerghouee for consideration. (Aug. 24, 1912,* e. 387, 5113, 37Stat."516.)' z , ._ _` 2 V ·‘ _. _' 86. Vete pewer.—Exqept as herein. provided, `all bills passed by the legislature shall,. iu’0rgler to be valid, be sighed by the .. governor. “Every bi11— jwhich slinll have passed _ the legislature Shall be certliied by. the presiding omcers and clerks ot bout hmiées, and shall thereupon be -presented=to· me governor. 'line approves it, he shell sign ittmd it shall beéome a lnw at the expiration of ninety days thereafter, unless sooner given effect by n two-thirds vote 'ot said legislature. lf the-.g0vernor·_does . not approve such bill, he uiey return it, »wl·th` his objections, t0_ tl1c‘I0g’lSl&hll:€. He may yetoany specidc item oi·‘ items in any mu which npproprietm money for speqitlc V-purposes; but shall roto other bills, it at all, onlyas a whole. Upon the receipt of ` tl veto message hom` the governor each house of the `legislziture Shall enter`the_mme at largenpon its journal and proceed to reconsider such bill, or part rot a bill, and again vote · upon it by eyes and noes, · whioli shall be entered dbon its journal. It, efter such reconsideration, such bill or port of a bill shall`- be ‘ approvedby a two-thirds tpte of Hall the meuibers to which- `eaclr house is entitled, it shalt thereby become 0. law. It _ the »gov· A €l'I101'·`¤8i{h€* signs not vetoes a twill within three daye (Sundays excepted) after ·_it is delivered to hixn, -it shall become a lqw without his signature, unless the legislature adjourns sine _die prior to the expiration ot such three days. It any bill- shall not be returned by the governor within three. days (Sundays excepted) ntter it éshall have been presented to him, the same shall be n law in like manner na it he had signed lt, imlees the Wegiélature, by its adjournment, prevents the return of the bill,] in which case ttshall not be a law. `( Atig. 24; 1912, c.` 387, $214,, a·rsm.·s1e;) _ , - ? - .- _ . ‘ 87. Legislative expenses.-There. shall be annually approprinted by Conkreea a sum' suwcient to tpey the eulerlee of meinbers and anthorlmd employees of the Legislature of Alaska, the printlngot the laws, and other incidental expenses thereof ;' the. said sums wall be disbursed py the Governo •a Alaska, under sole! instruction; from the Secretary ot = reasury, and he shall eeeotmt quarterly to the, Secretary for the manner in which the bald fund; shall-have been expended; and no expenditure, to be paid out ot money. appropriated by Congress, shall ble ’made by the governor or by tile legislature for objects not authorized by tlie Aéts _ ot Gougrm making the appropriations, nor beyond the same time appropriated for sueh , objects. (Aug. 24, 1912, e; 887, l 15, 37·8tat.·516.) , · 88. Transmission at mples of law to Preddent and l Secretary ot State.-·-The Governor- ot Alaska shall, within ninety days etter the close of each swim ot the L¤KiS1&ture of the · Territory ot Alaska, transmit eycorreet copy ot all the laws and resolutions pasaw ‘by.. the said legislature, certided to by the meretery of the Territory, with. the seal of the {Territory at-—· tevhed; one copy to the President ot the United States, and one t to the Secretary of State of the United Staten. '(Auz. -24, 1912, js. 387. § ,16, 37 Sint. 517.) U ‘ ‘ ._ — ' 89. Prlntinj of laws and é§trlb¤tion, la the Territory.-+ The legislature shell make provision for printing the eeaelon laws and ruoluttons within nlmty days after the closaot each session and for- their distribution ·to pnblic e¤cia1s and sale to the people ot the Territory. {Kaus. 24, 1913, o. 887, [ 16, 87 Stat. 517.) " w _ " W. Lava aubmittel to C•ngreaa.——-All laws pained by Legislature {ei the Territory ot Alaska shall be to Congress by the ot the United States, Jud, it dlaavvroved by ther ehall he null anti of no elect. 1(M18. 24. 1912. ¢· $7• I W. 87 Stat. 618.). `

\‘ ._ . No rzvsvnm POSSESSION8 § 101 ” 91.— Poyvers of eourts and legislature.-Nothing an this Subchapter or in section 23 ot this title shall be so construed as to Prevent the courts of Alaska from enforcing within their .re·_ Svéétive jurisdictions all lnwspussed by! the legislature within the,_powe1··coi1ierred upon it, the same as if such laws were passed by Congress, nor to prevent the legislature passing laws imposing additional duties, not inconsistent with the present duties of- their respective officee, upon the ‘ governor, marshals, deputy. -marshals, clerks of the district courts, and United States commissioners acting as justices ot the peaeeyjudgee of probate courts, recorders, and `coroners, and providing the necessary expenses of performing such duties. (Aug. 29, 1914, c. 292, 38 Sto.t._710.) Q , n . ‘ ~ ` THE ·JUDiCIARY " ’ 101. District court; judgeq; diVi8i0!\8»——ThB'1’¢ is e$tabllshed` a district court for the Territory of Alaska, with the jnrisdic-· _ tion of district courts of the United- States =and·w{th general ` jurisdiction in. civil, criminal, equity, and edrniralty· causes; and four district judges shall be amolnted for the district,] each` at an 'annual salary " of $7,500, who shall during their terms of 0Hlce reside in the divisions of the district to which they may be respectively`assigned by the President. The court shell consist of four divisions, which shall also `be recording ,dlvlsionsQ · Q _ ° `A ‘ ·

 Diyision numbered V1 shall coneistt of all that part of the

Territory of Alaska lying east of the one hundred and forty- urea meridian or west longitude. t _ . _ Division fnumbered 2 shall consist of all that territory lying _west of °a line commencing on lthe Arctic coast it the one hundred and tortyyelghth‘merldian; thence extending south along ° the easterly watershed ‘o!_ the Colville River to n point on·the ’ Q,R0cky Mountain divide between the headwaters of Colville River on the north end west and the waters of the Chandlar River on. the south; thence southwesterly along the divide between the waters of the Colville River, Kotwebue Sound; end Norton Sound on the north and west and the waters ot the Yukon on the south to the one hundred and ‘$lxty-nrst meridian ot west jongttiide, thence along said meridian .to a point midway between the Yukon River . `and the Kuekokwlnx River; thence · southwesterly to the point of intersection ot they slitrnrst parallel of north [latitude with the shore. ot Bering Sea`; the sold division to include all the islands lying north ot the nftyeighth , parallel of north latitude and wat off the one hundred and forty-eighth meridian ot weet··‘ longitude, ekceptlng Nelson Island, all islands `in Knskokwlnx Bay, all islands in Brietol Bay, and all islends-in thehG\1li0f Alaska, north of the nity- elghth parallel tot north latitude, X s " Division numbered 3 shall consist of all that territory lying south and west of the line. starting on the coast of the Gulf oi Alaska at the one hundred. and forty-first meridian of west longitude; thence northerly along said meridian to e point due `east from Mount Kimball; thence west to the sumniit ot Mount Kimball; thence southweeterly along the southerly watershed ot me heudwatereot Tenana River; thence westerly along the divide betwwn the watereof the Gulf of Alaskan on the south and the waters of the Yukon on the north to the summit of Mount McKinley.; thence continuing southwesterly along the divide between the waters ot the Knskokwlm River and Bay on the north and west end the .Gult_of Alaska end Bristol Bay on the south to the westerly point ot `Ce.perNewenham`; the said dlylsion to include the Alaska Peninsula, the Aleutian end Pribllof Islands, and ell ielends along end off the cont of this division, between Cape Newenhem and the point when the onehundred and forty-flrst meridian, west longitude, intersects the northern line of the territory. . Division numbered 4 shall consist of that part of- the Territory of Alaska lying ent ot the second division and north ot