Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/158

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§ 293 §TIT{;E s,--AL1E2»*s

  • da§né€ in the following 1é&£fi6{1»} 111;:3* (made: the gzoxxdiitimls
 hereinafter prescribed and s ubjéc_t ta Etha iimiiatiims prescribed

% in this subchapter mf rjegulqtimxs made thereunder as to the mxmbera of immigration visas which amy be issue;1\;{1>y such ¤;»®<#e1·) issue, to such immigram; an immigmtimxa viéa which shall <s0nsist10fi0_1;e”_cc;>y of the iapplicsticxx pmvided fo1·*i¤ swc¥1§a§a¢2{}7 of thix title, vis::1c1i‘b3* such cuxhsulgr 0@ccr. Such visa 1 shalli sp{—scify“ (1) the "imtiaxiality of the ixmuigraixt; (2§ whether hexis ·a quota immigmnt (as- def1md in scctimx 2{35 af this; ftitle) or Ea ‘11011qu<>t;1 iiximigrimt (Qs gletimzd in $ tic¤ 264 of this titlé) ;`(3) thedatga _0n whichiha validiiy of the i1mn§§rati01s visa shg11—éxp~ir·e`; and (4) such additi011_;11_ iufarmatifzxx necesséxi to the pmpcr €IlfOITCGI1.19ll1'#.()f the immi- `gratism lqws and the m1t;1ra1izz1tiour1aa5·s as mziy be by regulations pmsieriixgd. _· 1 A hl ‘ _ A . _ `_ E ‘ 1 (b) Phctcgraph of immigraiit.-Cl`hc i1111uigra11t‘s11a11 fmuxisl; two qcpies of his ph0mgmp11_L0··the;consular hofficer. Ona copj shall be pcrmammtly ”att4&éhed by t11c1c0nsi11a1‘ officér to, the immigration visa aml ihé 0§11e;·"cOpy_ shixll be disposed 10f .z1§ 1:4my) he by -i'€g_l11&ti 0l1S’.%1‘€SCi’ib€d[ 1. ‘ 1 · ? 1

 (c) Period af validity 0ifivis a.———T11e vixlidity of ‘11H`iH1U1igi’i}·
  • tiem visalshallexpire atflxeeuxd ofsuch- period, specifiéd in the

immigration rvisa; .1101Z Rexcbcding four mouthzé, as shall be by rc¤gu1ati<ms"presqri—bed. `In the °C{1S€V of mi immigfaut arriving

  • , A'i1lith€ United States bywater, O1"111°i’iYil}g.;by wate1"in_foreigu

4 mutigizoixs terr·it0ry` 0:1. a. c0i1tiuu0i1s voyage -t0_ the lfuited States, if thé vessel; before he expiraFT0n,0f1t11e va1idity___·0f gis jimmigraticm visa, departed fr Vthelast port 0utsid¢jtheV1§nitcd State and oiztsidc foreign oufigixous territory uyyvhich the ` immigrant embarked,·and_ii_,.t11e immigrant p1·0ceed's__0n ia cou- 1HI1i1{)_i.1S vgyage td the-_.United States, thou, regardlésépf fha time of his &I‘i‘iV&l_iI1 the United Sfafesg .t1xe,va1idity of his

i¥11H1i‘g'?&Ii0111Vi5£lA s11a1_1—n0t£b0 C0l1Sid€1‘€(1V[Q have cxpigcdg —  

· (d)‘ Nctdtiou 63 passport of number of visa.-—If an immigrant? is required by any 18.\\’,* or regulations or ordérs made °purs;1m1t to law, to sec111‘e»,t111¢: visa _0f his paéspcrt by, a cou- 1 siL1Ei*i5@LLE'?1"BiYf}3té1`15§iLB§“®¥iiiitféii im WE111§PT"Y1Té11`{UHiT€fY`*$tHtBS; U such iaximigra-ut shall not be fequircd td secure any other yisa of hispassp0r£·.t11a¤ thé immigmyionl visa jssuéd xgndcr this

s1Q1bc1g1aptér, b\1Cji1qfL*Cf)l1{1—Of;,thé ¥Y§ll11lb¥31`"811d date `Of his immigration visa shall bc_ noted OHV-11181 pm;s;»ptt"xvit1{0_ui- charge

1 f1mrcfo1·._ This sxibdiviesiuu S1u1‘r1‘11qt applf; to an imoxixigtzuxt . v?h0’is relievcdv, 1md<>r's11bi1ix*i¤;ic1n~ .(b) of section 213 of this , tit1e,‘fr0m·0bt;,ai1xiug anA_i~a_:1mig,·rati0u visa.} ._ 1 y "

 _ °(e) Entryrmz manifests or phssexiger lists bf ddta `éqixccming visas; siarreudcr df visas at portsof inspection mid transxazittal to Department of Labor.-——The: umuifesf 01·‘listl Of -])§lS—

1se:1gcx·s 1’(;‘(}‘£1iI°€(l_ by the ill-1IlligI‘{:1,1ii)11 laws shall cqnmiu- a place for exatcring tlzcxrcbu thé datie,'1 p1acc.of i:ssukmc·eQ mxd immbcr of uae i11“11I.I1i.gI‘3fi1>I1 visa of·c·é<:11‘·’i1x1n1igrzi1it.‘ 'The imhxigrzuxt sshéll sm‘rm1d0r immigration xfisu to t11lG`iII]D1i;_.{1‘{1ti(11l 0£11€:er at thai {wrt (1f,iIl2·5}}i‘Cfii)1lV,— $\'·].10 shall, utjtlxc time of i1.1spccti011 ~ i1nd;.1r:—;c· on the i!1lll..11§I'&'TiU]l' viéz:.1 tlzé-date), the 1141.1*1;, of entry, and the mmm of the vL·s¤sc1, $11`ay, Sou 1w11_ic_11 the immigrant arriwd. ’.l`_1·IQ·__i1]1H1i§§}°21»°Zii)ll'_\'iS{1 $11:111 be z;i1sA11xitt_cd fort11xyit11 by {1u:_i1u11zig1*&t_iQ1; <>x1§<:vr in cilmrgc at tpéimrt of inspection fu 111;; D¢=pmftx11€ut of Lu1m;·‘u11dcr régu1atiiou.~s» p1‘0.zs<;;1•i1x.>d 1.» y'111e

 S(5f‘1’(3{2lI‘}’ of Labor.   [   - _     _* `1 _- Y P

(f)1Visas fmt: to bc issued, when.-—··~··N¢§> ill1l111§.{1'£l1i()l'1.\’1Sil1 $11211] bo i»;.s·;u4=1l to &Il4iH11111;§1'2il1I if it zxppcarzs tudlw Vwxxsgxlar g»H1<:cr, fmm stx1f(·1m*nts in tho 2}.]1`])`11Q‘11l1_i€)Il, or in the impcrs`saub1111t·téd i1;.(·rms·it1a, 11;:112 nfhie i1i1l11i;.{1'11I1C'Vi;§4il1§1(111liSS;111]&311} the United 8131%;: iimdvr the 11111111/g‘1°111im1—]41\%’>4, mm :511:111 Buch immigmtion vi>sa‘»1>e` issued if ilu: ;1pplira¥i<m fails ·tn émxxply with-t1w pm- ”v1_s·=i<»ns at 111118:.E·5§11}(’1121]111*.1’, nin- :—:l§·a113su<·11 il11·Il1i§§`1’1l1iUl`1 visa bé issxwd if I]lQV;(‘(1}1H1l1{1I' c>@n·a:x? knows or lim; wzxgmx ·tu bc1'iGve 1122].1 1110 i11m112;.raut is ixzadnxissible to the Uuitcil St_H·t(3S·\1111]BE the ixumigrgatiou lmvs. 1 · “? . · · ‘

S F Y 1 ` M aa D (21:1 1zENaH1P ~ 1»iel` T (g) Visas gnat ta entitle ina-dmiaaibie aliens ta e;m·y,...,. bathing in this subchapter snail be canstrned te entitle qi ” irninigrant, to when: an imrnigratien visa nas been- issue-tl enterjtlcre United States, lit, upanharriral in the iinitea Slang

he is found tc be inadmissible ta the Unitea States &untlerWi§s;
 imrnigration laws. The substance at this subtlivisina stmt

be printed ctmspicuonsly upon every·’iinrnigratiaa visa, '(li)-· Fee for ivisa.5-——At fee ni. $9 shall be eliargetjl int the issuance- of each imrnigratien visa, which shall lie eareretl iran ._-the Treasury as iniscellaneous; receipts. (_ Si)- Reduction or abniliticli ?-iii ·$iiS~8 f€es.——Pic.>tn*itlist;rinl-ist; ex_1sting__laiv fitting the c 01lectetl far `saisas-t»i.i;e;;r,r. l parts of aliens and for exeeafing __apnlieatiana‘ far steel: eirras. the President is autheriaed, to the extent consistent-‘xx*itii »tlics public interest; to reduce such fees or toaabolisii ,thesi :;;;,5- gefficr. in the case oftany class; of aliens desiring to visit tlw- United Stattestwho fare not "ixmnigrants"’ as aaaaaa ixrthis .suh‘chapter, A and, who are citizens _, or__snbjects cf.- countries - _ vghich grant similar privilegesteeitizeensef the United States 1 l of a similar class visiting such ecuntries. (May 25, 192*t,. tg, ( ·§ 2, ,-13 Stat.`153§ Feb. 25;.1925, e. 316, 43 Staf,,‘3T6.} . ` -203} Vlmmigrant " defi—ned.—When uwd-in this sal:-t·li;t;·m» the tern; ‘f immigrant " means any alien departing `fram any ( place outside the United St&;{éS,md%3(iH€d`foF the United Sttilitegl except; (1) a g_Qrernmentg 0@cial; his family, attentiauts, ’aa»r¤,·- ants, and. empleyiees, _; (2),1lll (alien Visiting, the finiteti ss;gat-t- —_tex1ip0raril»y` as a tourist dr temp0rari_ly·forliusiness er plea;.

 ure, (3) air alien liu‘t·0ntix1ueus‘·trartsit-thrangli the .·l-'niiati

n States, (4) an alien lawfully adinittetl tojtlie United,Statt»s A it _ `who later transitwiirem one partef the United States tc another tlirougli fureignh contiguqns ·territ0ry, (5) la Irina tide alien se¤¤¤¤ii="sm·y1_¤,g-as suelren a vessel arriving at a i)()1‘t"()f‘th€ United States and,. .se·eking”`tp center temporarily I the Iinited States solely in -_the` pursuit- of his-ealling as ta i seaiiian, and `(G`) an alien entitled to enter the United S-mins

~sgl_el_g; td carry`- on trade- rider was ia   of the previ-

“ sions ot iii H”j§i¥i$§§ntlQi‘éxi§tiii}g¥ ti~¢·at§l`5E `&·‘£§r§iiii¢rt·ei°§aiI“iiii»*igaiii¢iiii‘

 (May 26,*,1924; c. 190; § 3; 43 Stat; 154;) V , '~ 1 . ,   ‘ gf

_. .204. “Nonq,u6ta·_in1`mi§rant " .d~ciined.——-—\\’lien used in this , sul»el1a`pter,tliet term -"n<i~nqu0ta iinmigraiit" means-- " , ; t (a) Ain iiumigraut who is the unmarried eliile-I Ufi(lt‘l‘·t‘l§lli_\’*‘il` b years cfjage, or the wife, of a citizen af the {Failed iétaees t `\Vh0‘V1‘€*Sld9SllYhél‘€ll1 at the time ef, the tiling of a petition under _ section 2tl9i0t'_-this title;- ; _ i ’_ _ ( i { _` "(b) All inunigran_t‘ prerieusly lawfully- admitted ta the .` United iState:s, who ·is`retu·rn`ing frern a, tetnpararyt risit, a-z»i—tniz ;, »` (C) An ignmigrant who wasaharn in the Duminiegm oftiaimeia.

 Nevffuuixdlaiid, the Republic, ntf ihlexice, the Renalrlie of Canal  
the ltelimbliel at Haiti; the Dqininiean Republic, the Uzmgil ·.

. Zone, 0‘1‘~·an intlepenelerit CtlIIIl[,E_y. at Lteutral nr SntttlrAriieréra, , and his Vwife, and his tuimarried children under ‘t»fai_»n»t·il·; yr·:¤·;*se , of age, if fiCCO1llD&l1§’i_llg`0l‘ ftililuwing to jeiu him; , i »

. . (tl) ,AH`llllllllgfH11C`\l’ll0 centiuttausk for at least. two years _

_ iimueiliately preceding thetima of his applicationferr-:1tlluir=§¤i·i¥1 ._ to fthe United States has Been, and w1i¤_st»eks. tafvnter the » linited States solely far the purpese ef, carrying an the yeitttj timrof minister of any reiigiims d'enmuinatiaa, er“-pt·n_ft·sser of j I ··‘&,‘€<¤llege_,' academy, seminary, lar university ;_ and his wife._:m¢i-" , hiattmiiarried children under eiglit-een`,years at-age, if acirtizi-

 panying jaln him`; or 1   ·` {_   ° $.

.' i (el Au-irnmigrant wine is ahuna title bsttalent at least- iif»!e¢*_¤_ L- yetllis Qf age mild \vl_i0. seeks taetitezr the `United States solely f¤*F · the mirtitise-at--—-st-trdy· at an aceretliterl sclmnl, cnllegxe, academyl »_ S€!_1I1i!l;t1l‘,)',·;0l’ university, particularly desigaatetl. le»y1_him tirgti e approvedlby the Secretary of Labor, which shall-`l1a¢e·aar<*i·¢i M · repvrt to the Secretary, of Labor the terrniiiationnt atttennlaiwif of each immigrant student, andaif any such 'instituticii of leaii‘¤· `