Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1600

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§ 335 TITLE $8.—TERRITORIE8 All and shailexperfd it in location, construction, or repairs on the public roads and trails within his precinct; and — any money; p so received and not expended shall be paid over to A his mc-‘ cessor in o@ceg who shall expend the same as amye provided Q The `overseer of roads and trails ia each precinct shall give notice to persons rwding in his precinct liable to or charged with a road or trail tax of the time imd· place and the. kind of work expected to be performed on- the road or trallil and _ __may_ com-ect what implements such persons shall bring with which te jx-1rform.snch-work. ‘ # _ - . ~ - ` Whenever it shall happen, in _‘ consequence of sickness or s awence from home, or any other muse, · that the two days’. work aferesaid shall not performed within the time specl— hed, the overseer shall be authorized to require; the perform; ·¤ ance of such vjorlr at any time prior to’the lst ·da"y_§of _ October F then . next ensuing; and in case any person shall neglect or-.· refuse to do the two days work, or furnish a substitute, or . pay in money the pri fof two days' labor, as provided in this ‘ section; he shall begdgemed guilty ofa misdemeanor and shall be deed lun the of $10 for each day refusing so to work ` upon cenvictlpd before any justice., of the peace of the precinct. of . _ ‘ 4 7 _ ‘ ._.·. _ _` It any person shall appear at the proper timed and place as directed by the oversee: `and. neglectm or refuse to do a· reas0n—‘ aahle day’s work according to his ablllty, he shall be liable the same as if he had neglected or refused to appear, or_ furnish a_ substitute, or pay the sum of_·`m0ue3i as provided herein. Under the direction of the overseer, and at his. discretion; the above road tax may` be p€rformed_” hy one day’s work, together with an able-bodied 'many a twoghorse teanl with `wagon, or a deg teain consisting of not less than ilve dogs and a sleigh, o1·—a reindeer team of not less than tworelndeer andsleighorcart. . ~ ." E { ·_ _ It- shall be the duty of each roadoverseer to receipt `to each person who performs labor on the public roads and trails of his preclgct under the provisions cfthis section for the amount of labor so performed, and noeperson shall be compelled. to pay road tariexcept. Lu one- precinct in Alaska during one calendar year. (Apr;. 27, 1904, c. 1629,33 Stat. 392.) j o _ _ · . 335. Sametaunual repert.¥·5Each read overseer shall,·0n or before the lst day of April in each-year, report to the comnzissioner of the precinct thenames of all persons _ subject to l the two days' made-tax for the preceding year, the names of l those who have worked out said tax, the names of those who have. paid. the said tax in money, and the names of those delinquent, and also all moneys received by him from all · sources, and how expended, and the accolmtof said read overseer of the work performed by himself, which report shall be approved by said commlssione1·__·before any- tlnal settlement · shall he made with such road everseer. `(Apr. 27, 190·1, c. 1629, .33 SiatQ 393.) _ · · * { _ 336. Same; duties; neglect or refusale—-·Eac‘h and erery road overseer who shall neglect or refuse to perform the several duties enjoined upon him by sections 331 to 337 of this title, or who shall, under any pretense whatsoever, give or sign at reccipqor certidcate for: labor performed or money paid, unless the labor, shall have been performed or money paldprlor to~ the signing or Vglving of such receipts or certidcates, shall forfeitfor every, such offense not less than $5 nor more than $50, to be recovered bay an action before any justice of the peace within the precinct where siich overseer may reside; and `it is hereby made the duty ofevery United States attorneyor assistant to prwecute all offenses `agalnst the provisions of said sections not. otherwise provided for. (Apr. 27, 1904, c. 1629, 33 Stat._393.) _ [ ° 337. Same; compeautie¤.——-Road overseers shall be `allowed _$4 per day for all services reqiilred by @1 to @7 of this title and actually performed in their respective precincts;

d · / ( d m zzvazfnagz roasasazoys ,_ -].586 to/I »6e retained out ot money _ paid said road overaeere from H persons paying money or num in lieu of two days' labor, upon, . the certi§ed datement y ot the ovuseers, approved by the eom./ miaeioner ot precinct: Proo% That no ov ` eeive pay for moérecthan 'tcxrdays hn any one yur, and K until he has made the return aa provided in section 885 0 this title, -in».duplicate,‘on·e copy to be retained by the oner and `one copy Hled. with the clerk- otythe diatrict co in the division in which the said precinctis étnated. of _ ' Any oath reqnircd to be taken- by mid ovemer acknowledgi ment of Jbond, ortho ming or recording of an mixer or plat authorized ·by`l sections 331 to @7 of this htit bball be free .01 cost to said overseer, . < . ‘ / ` ,` I Upon application ofroad overseen itzéll be the duty of the gerk of the district court to tarnish pies of the provision; of secti0us`331 to 337 and blank of nodcu warning _ persons to perform road work, for road work, bond, and oath, and for voverseefs report commissioner, the expense of which shall be paid. out of fund for paying the incidental erpenses of the court. ·(A . 27, ’1994,`c. 1629, 83 8tat.`8%.) a P ‘ BUBL v LANDS IN

 GENERAL Paovrerona

351. Survey system extended to Alaska.—'1‘h• `aystem ot »public`1and‘»`surveys is extended to the Territory of Alaska. (Mar. 3, 1899,Tc._424, Q _1, 30 Stat. 1098.) _ _ _ - 352.. Surveys in Nome and Fairbanks districts.-The United States Supervisor of Surveys, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, shall rumseni the l‘egi%s of the land "biilcee at Nome and Fairbanks a remnant quantity of numbers to be used in the" different classm ot omcial Qenrveys that may be made in the Nomeand_ Fairbanks land dietrieté to meet the, requirements thereof, and upon application by any person desiro ing to have anomcial survey made the registers shall tarnish a l number or numbers for such snrvey or eurveys, together with an order directing a _ qualified deputy surveyor to make the came, and such application, order, and the feereqntred to be paid shall be tran_smitted to the United States Supervisor of Surveys. All surveys, thus made shall- be approved by the United States"Supervis0r’iot Surreys, (Mar. 2. 1907, c.- %37, .‘§l 4, 34 Stat. 1232;.Mar. 8, ’1925, or 462, 43 Stat. 1144, 1145.) i 358. Reservation `of land; for eaeeaamna p¤rp@.¢-——When the pnblic lands o£_the'Te·rritory of Alaska are surveyed, under direction of the Governinent—of·tl1e United: States, Taeetions numbered 16 and 36 ineach townehipjn éatd Territory; shall be reserved from sale. or settlement for the enbnort of common schools in the —_Terrltory ot Alaska; _ and ieection 33 in each `_ township in the Tanana Valley betwwn parallels; _ aixty-four and `sixty—Bve north latitude and bctweentth one hundred and torty—dfth and the one hundred and fltty-second depees ot west longitude (meridian of Greenwich) shall be reserved from _sale or settlement for thesnpport of a Territorlal·agricnltnral college andéchool ot\minea established by the Legislature of Alaska upon the tract granted in section 354 ot this title: Provided, That where settlement with a view to vhonxestead » entry has been made upon any part of- the sections reserved hereby before the survey thereof in the fleld, or where the same may have been sold or otherwise appropriated by or under the authority of) any Act' of Congress, or are wanting or i'raction_al in quantity, other lands may be designated and reserved ln lien thereof. in the manner provided byaoctiona 851 and 852 of Title 43: Provided farther, That the Territory may, by general law, provide for leasing 'aaid `Land in area not to " enceed one section to any one person, aaaoclntion, or corporation for not longer thanten y&ra at any one time: And provided, further, That it any of said sections, or any part- thereof} chalk be ot known character at the date ot acceptance