Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1641

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1627 l- TITLE 48.-~TERRITORIES A shall `be compelled in any criminal case t0_ »· be a witness 'ogeinst hiiuself, " * , All persons shell beforeconviction be bailable by sufficient sureties, except for capital offenses. - ·~ ’ I . “Q. No law in1pn—irli1g the obligation of£1l1°be euactcd. . . _ . - _ .- No person shall be ;imp1iisoned‘fo1• debt. » _ The privilege of the writ of ··habeas corpus shall not be. suspended, unless when in cases. of rebel1iou,_"ihsurrection, or invasion the public safety may require lt,. in either ot which events the same may be suspended by the President, or by ° the Goéemor General, wherever during such period the necessity for such suspension shall exist. _ . ` ‘ No ex post facto law or bill ot attaiuder shall be enactednor shall the law of primogeulture ever be._iu force in the} _1’hilippines. — _·»· . N _ ‘_ No. lz1W_g1‘£1I1ting a title of nobilitygsholl be enacted, auch no person holding any office of j$rofif·0r trust_.in_ said `islands shell, `without the consent of the Congress of, the Unitedt States, accept any present, emolumeut, office, ortitle of 'anyl kind whatever from any` king, queen, prince, or foreign. State. Excessive ball shall not be required, nor excessive ilhes imposed, nor cruel sud unusual'-punishmentindicted. $ J The right to be secure against unreasonable searcheshaudh seizures shall not be yiolated.- _· h · — . - -· Slavery shall riot exist ·ix1 said islands; nor shall im:oluu· tary servitude exist therein. except as a punishmeutfor crime l whereof the portyshall have been duly convicted. " Q No law shall be passed abridgiug the freedom of· speech or- of the press, or the right of the people peaceubly to as-, semble and petition the Government for redress of- grievances. No law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, hud that the fx·ee_exerc;lse aud enjoymentof, religious profession dnd-`w0r- Ship, without discrimination or preference, shall forever be ·si1owed;` and norellglous test shall be required for the exerciw of civil or `political rights, No·public money or property shell ever beappropriated, applied, donated, dif used, directly t or indirectly, for the use, benefit, or support of any sect, church, denomination, sectarian __ lnstltutiou, or system of re- i ligicu, or for the use, beneilt, or support ot any priest, preacher, l miirlster, or other religious teacher ot dignitary as such. Contracting of polygtmousor plural marrlaées is prohibited. No law shall be construed to permit polygamous or *p1m·¤1 _ marriages. " . - I . ‘ - j" -` ·¤ey field out of the treasury except in purs suauce ot axr”approprlntion by law. .— ° ‘ . . The role ot thxntion in said islands shall be uulforgn. _. . , No billwhich may beeuacted Into law shall embrace more than one subject, sud that subject shall be expressed in the title of the bill. W °‘ ,, 3 _ _. Q . No warrant shall lssue but upon probable cause, supvqtted by oathor a&rmatiou, and particularly describing the placeto besearchedoud the or things. to be seized. ° - All money collected ou, any ia; levied or ésseesed for a special purpm shall be treated as n special fund in the treasury ood pnixl out for such purpose only. (Aug. 29, 1916, c.`416, § 3, 39 Stat. 546.} 1999. Evidence of treasoxie-···No' person in the Philippine Islands shall, uhder the sjuthority of the United States, be convicted ot treason by any trlbuuol, clvll or milit8§ry,`uu1ess . on the twtlmony ot two witnesses to the same overt act, or ou coufesslou lu opeul court. (Mar. 8, 1902, c. 140, l 9, 32 SYNC. 55.)' ‘ . I` ;_. _. ·

 ,1910. Export duties prohibited} hxstioo {ml amMa1ueut•.·-—-·

No export duties shall jbe levied or collected on exports from the-Phlllppiue·Ie1uods, but taxes and a.s@meuts on property E and license fees for franchises, aud privileges, and internal J

ND INSULAR POSSESSIONS § 1015 T taxes, direct or indirect, mny”be imposed for the pnrposes of i tlxes Philippine government and the provincial and municipal lgovernments thereof; respectively, as may be provided and 'deflned by actsof the Philippine Legislature, (Aug. 29, 1916, c. 416, § 11, 39 Stat. 548; July 21, 1921, c. 51,-42 Stat. 145; May

  • 31, 1922, c. 2(I3, 42_Stat. 599.) V

1011. Laws relating to shipping, customs duties, seamen, `henIth.—-The laws. relating to entry, clearance, and manifest ot steamships and other vessels arriving from or going to foreign ports shall apply to voyages ench way between the, Philippine Islands and the United States and the possessions thereof, and ell laws relating to the collection and protection ot customs duties not inconsistent with section _1162 of Title 26 and sec- ·-tions 15221, ‘152b, and 577 of Title 19,ehall apply in the case of vessels —and goods. arriving from sdid Islands in the United States and its aforesaid possessions; r , i _ The laws relating to isenmen on foreign voyages shall apply to- seamen on vessels going from the United States and its possessions aforesaid to said Islands, the customsbmcers there being for this purpose substituted for consular onicers in foreign ports. = - · ~ l . The provisions of dchapterse 6; 7, 8, and `9 of Title 46, i Suipmne, of this Code and any amendments thereof, shall ' dpply to vessels making voyages either way between ports of the United States _01' its aforesaid possessions —and ports in I said Islands; and the provisions of law relating to the public health and ·quarnntine` shall apply the case of all vessels entering a port of the United States or its aforesaid posses? sions from said Islands, where the custornslofficers at the port of departure shall perform the duties required by such law of consular ofiicers ~in foreign ports. ,_ _ _ _ Section 353 of‘Title 19, Cvéroms °DUTIE8; and other existing A laws concerning the transit of merchandisctlirough the United » States, shall apply to merchandise arriving at nny port of the United States- défstined for any of its insular and continental - possessions, or aeemiea from any of them to foreign countries. Nothing .111.13118 chapter shall be heldto repeal or alter any part of section 1009 of this title and section 1162- of Title 26, ` and sections 152:1; 152b, and 577 of Title 19 aforesaid,;lpr to - apply to Gaim, Clfutnila, or Menun. "(Jnly 1, 1902, c. 1369, § 84, 32‘StatL· 711.) · ._ _ . _ _ I _ 1012. Rnilroad material admitted free of ‘dnty.-—·Material _ imported into Ythe. Philippine Islands for the constrngtion and equipment ot railroads therein rnny, in the discretion. of the general government ot said islands, nnder rules and regulations to be by"it· preagribed,_be ndxnited free ot duty. `(Feb. 6, 1905, C. 453, § 5, $3 Stat. 692.) l _ _ _. 1018. Administration of immigration lawn.-—'1‘he lmmigm·_ tion laws of th0.United States in force in the Philippine Islands shall be administered by the owcers of the general government thereof designated by appropriate legislation of said gorern— ment, and nll, moneys Qbollected under said laws es duty or . .hend tn; on allen immigrants coming into said islands shall snot be covered into the general fund of the Treasury of the °Unitéd States, but shnll`_Be phid into the treasury let said islands to be need and expended for the government and benetit `of said islands. (Feb. 6, 1906, c.~ 453. 5 6i 33 Stat. 692.) ‘ 1014. Administration of navigation lnws.—-—Such ot the navigation laws,-of the United States as nre in force in the Philippine Islands in regard to vessels nrrivingdn the Philippine Islands from the mainland territory end other insular poesessions 01 the United States-shall be administered by the . proper éweials of the government of the Philippine Islands. (Apr. w, 1908, c. 152, 5 5. 35 Stet._"i‘0.) · - .1015. Temporanry regulation of transportation of merchandisc `nnd ||lSI&i‘I§€l.’Iv······U§(Il·O0HgIl%$ shall have nuthorized the registry asvessels ot the United States of vessels ownegl in the `Philippine Islands, the government of the Philippine Is-