Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1683

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1669 X) _ ’ TITLE, 4,9,--—TRAN, ocmtinue to·be.iu»defm1lt with respectthereto. J The commis- c. sion shall a1s0.have`apthority_by general or special orders to ! cl ·l`t‘¢]llil‘0 said cairriers, or any of them} to me monthly reports of rtl Earnings- and expenses and to ille periodical or`special,'o15· both ‘q ` p.—;·1qdiée1~ sind special, reports. `concerniog any. matters about ·.r~ Jeyyieh the commission iskuthorlzed or required, by this- or guy L ' other law to inquire or `to keep? itself informed orwhlch {Lis required to eoforoe; and such periofficol or special reports e Shen beundér oath whenever the commission so requireeyhud, a if any suohearrler shell tall to make and tile any such periodi· 0 ·· minor @lal report within the time__,tlxet1;by`-the commission, s { it shell be suhject to the forfeltures,`lust_above provided. o ° il ‘(3) R/ecofsers of forfeitures.¤—Said forfeitures shall be ?re·· `9 covered in the manner provided for the-recovery ot iorfeltures ‘¤ made: the provisions of this chapter, — _ . I e · ” _ Q (4) —Adm i;z£.strotion of oatlm-———'1‘he, oath required by this sec· F you may be taker: before aizy person authorized to `administer ° on oath by the laws of the State in whlchthe szime is taken, _(:s) Forms of accounts, and records;. depreciation charges; B _ _ m@cess_ to records, {ctc., by C01*&9?“8Ifi0Qt.-Thé commission may, E liu its discretion, brescrllk the forms of amy, aug} a11,·ae;· `$ counts, records, Amd `memoranda h to he kept: by carriers yl' ·>·ul»ject to the provisions of this chapter, including the acy U counts, records, ° and memorandar , ot the _ movement ot `traihc; .i’ or; well es of the réoeipts sud exgieudltures of moneys. The ° i;ommisslo¤' shall, as soon he iracticahle, prescribe, for car- s, riers sulgjeet toithis chapter; the of property toxgwhich stqeeeiatiou eharges mei properly he included onder 0pere.t· b lng expenses, end the percentages of depreciation which shell . he charged with respect to each of such classes of- property, ' (‘}:l>§lf)'l!1gV{h8 oerrlers as i"f—m&y’déem properfor this_pm•poseL ‘“ "fm- éorumissioo {nay, when it édeems , necessary, modify ‘ the 9 ¤·§a~¢;=es and pexeentoges so prescribed. The carriers Vsubject P to this chagter shall notcharge to operating expenses any dei ° · .;‘·w¤·iz1tlori chnrgesoxn classes of property other than those pre- 5* el rilfod by the eomoilssioug or. charge with respect to any gloss ll of- property a percentage ot‘k1epreclatioxi other than that -pre·_ ‘ Nrilzecl therefor by the comuilssion; :No such carrier shall in ___xmy cose i¤clude`ln.,a¤y form under lts operating or other tj oxpeaises any depreciation or other charge or expenditure ln; I eluded elsewhere los s‘ depréoiation charge or otherwise under fl its operating, or other expenses, The cogomission shall at all ° ximes have neeess 'to all accounts, records, gud memoranda, i¤· 8 4-lading all documents`, papers, and eomspouoeneei oh Feb- ° rvmry E28,-,1920 or thereafter existing, and kept or required 5 ¤ he kept by carriers mbjeot to this chapter, and the provisions ¤ e of this section respecting the preservation and destruction, ot hooks, papers, angel documents shell apply thereto, and it shall S be unlawful for meh carriers to jkeep shy other Q.CC0lll1té,;_’.0 sooords, or aemornnda than those prescribed or approved by .¢ _lhe oovmroission, and it mhy emploi speelal agents or examiners, 0 `who hhell have Authoritymuder the order of the commission ` to lnspect ami examlueauysnd ell ncooimts, records, and mem- ‘ B oro nds, ieologzlieg all doouments; WW1?. and correspondence. 1: on February or thereafter existing, ands kept or·‘¤e— C quired to be kegt by meh eirriers.- This provision shall .1: _u_1·;>ly to receivers ot mrrlers and operitlng trustees. The pro· is Jlsions ot this neetlomsheli also apply to all accounts, reoorclsg e and memoranda, 1eelu&ixxg"•l1'tl»ocuments, pspern, and eorreg e Hvéuclenee oe) February %, 1920 or theseattef, existing; kept“ e .dm·i¤s the paied ot Federal eontrol, and- Qeced by the Presi·—· d dent in the custody of enrriers subject to this e (6) Failure to. Imp aoeouetn osu!. or esbintt www s · to ·mepea¢£q»; mnaliyg-·-I¤”· ease ot {allure or refiml ·-on the ¤ mrt ot any m® carrier, ‘reeelv_er,;, or uestee to keep such no- n °0*1¤¢8. lfecords, ded memoranda on the books hud in the e ner prescribed by the mmmlsaiou, or' te submit meh sceophts, li recoros, and memoranda as are kept to inspection of the h rl

spoamrzozz § 20 ommissioa or any of its authorized agents or examiners, such ` arrier, receiver, or trustee shall forfeit to the United States he sum of $500 for each such offense and for each and every ay of the continuance of stich oh'ense, such-torfeittxres to ,be - écoverable in the'- same maimer asfother `forfeitures provided V or in this chapter. I _ · . ·i » " · , ` · (.7) False entries; destruction of or fo·£lw·`e to make entries, $0.; penalty; prov£so.—A11y person who shall willfully make ny false entry in the aocounts of.ax1y book of__3CC0llDtS` r in any record on memoranda kept by a‘ carrier, · or who hall willfully destroy}; mutilate, alter, ·`o1·` by, airy - other Q- aeaus or devise falsity the repord of any _8\1Ch,&(ZCf)llllt, recrd, or memoranda, or who shall willfully neglect or tail to sake fu1l,’true, and- correct eatries in such accounts, records, r memoranda of all facts and traiiéactioas appertaluiugl to he carrier’s business, or shall keep any other accounts, recrds, or memoraudathau those vbrescribeel or approved by. the ommlssiou, . shall be deemed guilty ot a` mlsclemeauor and hall besubjéct, upoacouviction in apy- oourttof the olluited t _ - Itates of ·eompeteut_ jurisdiction, to a line of notless than ' 1,000 nor nioro thor: $5,000; or imprisonment for a term not ass than one year nor more than three years; or both such me arid imprisonment: frovtded, That the commission may ¥ n ~its_ discretion issue " orders specifying such operating; aootmtirig; or dhaxiciallpapers, records, books, blanks, tickets, tubs, or documents of carriers which "may, after a reasonable {me, be destroyed, and preycriblag the length of time such wks. vapors; or documents shall be preserved. _ ” .(8)·,Ewumla•er elivulging facts or informa-tion: pe“rwHy.—-· my; examiner who divulgw any faet or information which may como to his knowledge during the course of stxch examizatiou, except in so far- as he may be directed by the com-` olmiou or by a court or fudge thereof, shall be subject, upon onviction ja any eourt of the United 'States»_ot competent l1IiSdl(!u0D,' to a Hue of not more than $5,004) or lmprisoxxseat for a term notexceeding twchyears, or both. (9) Jurisdiction to cozéapol gompliaaca by_ man,damus.--,- The district- courts of the United States shall have jarisdie lon, upon. the application ot the Attorney General of the Inited State at the j request ot. the commission, alleging a allure, to comply with or a violation of any of the provisions 1' this chapter or of ._auy statutes supplementary thereto or ,meadatory thereof by any common carrier; to ‘issue_ a `xvrit r‘_ wrlts ot%_mandamus commanding such commoo carrier to omply with the provisions of this ghapter and said statutes, raxxyof them. — ‘ _ ° g — · (10) Spocwl ogeats or exermiaera;-—-Aatl for carry out , umd 1ve.eHect‘to theprovisions of this chapter aaelsaid statutes.- r· uhy- of them, the commission is authorized to employ spelal agents or examiners who shall have power to admiaister aths, examine wititemes, and receive evidence; A _ (11) Lfd-bility of initio} carrier for, loss; ‘l£mita‘!_£on. of lm »¢l£ty,•“not£co and Mil? of o{a»£m,,·-·~·A§1y common Qcarrler, rally ood, or transportation company subject to the provisions ot. his/cheater rocelvlna property for transportation from a point, n one State or Territory or the Dlstrlét ot Colombia to a polnt n another State, `Térrltory, Dlstriet of Columbia, or Jrom my point in the Uhltetl `States to a giolnt id an a<ljace_1;t forisn countryrshall issue a receipt or bill ot lading therefor, and hall · he liable to the lawtul holder thereof for any lossy lamage, or injury to such property, caused by' lt c·r_ by imy ommoh carrier, railroad, or transportation ~coi:npa_ny to a·hic•h· heh property may be delivered or overwwrhose liao or ·1ine·s‘ Mh progiérty may was withia the United States or within an édjaoent forelén couhtry Iwheu transported on a through, bill vt ladlnéf and `ao coatraot, recelpt, role, regulatlotr, or otlner Imitation of any character whatsoever, shall exempt a}l<:l1`comson mrrier, railroad, or, termportation company from the r o ‘ - *