Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1706

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.· \ .‘ ‘ L \ Z. § gg *` . TITLE .4 uncle? chapter 36 of Titlc`10 ancfchaptcr 12 of '1fit1c`38. (Juno ·- 15,1917, c. 30,_.Titlc I, _§ .7, Stat. 219.) _ { · _ 39; Jurisdiction of ~ courts of Canal Zone and Philippine Islands of ofenscs on high sca;.-——'1‘hc` several courts lot ilrst; instance in the Philippine Islands and the district C0\i1‘t_ of the Canal Zone · shall hawc jurisdiction ot__ offcnscs undo; this chapter and chapter l2 of 1gl1is ititlc committed, within their ~ respcctiyc_-clistticts, and concurrént jurisdiction with Jthé dfstrict C0l1I‘tS\QfitIlB United States of otenscs under this clmptclf and chapter 12 of this `titlc committed upon. the hlgh· seas, and of conspiracies ‘t0 commit snch offenses, fas d€Hl1¢d by sccfiou 88 of Title *18;,. and the provisions `ot said Section, fop the ° purpose of this `chaptet and chapter 12 ot this title, arcfherclyy extendcilfto the Philippine Islands, and to the Canal Zone. _ In such cases the district attorney; of the Elillppinc Islands and of the Canal Zone shall luufc the powers andpcrtoxtm the duties proyidcd in this chapter fof Uiiltcd States attorney . (June 15, 191.7,`c. 30, Title XIII, §f2, 40 Stat. 231.) O ·- _ - 40. “United States " de§ncd.—Thc term- “United States ” as used in this. chapter and chapter 12Zot-`this tltlé includes tho Canal Zone and ; all territory and watcrs, continental or insular, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.-- (J unc ` 15, 19.17, c. 30, Title XHI,_§‘l, Stat.'231.)-_ ._ `_ i °_ .· 41. “Foreign gorcrmncnt " ;lc§ncd.·-—'1‘hc worda. *‘ foreign gov7crnment," as `nscd in this chapter lot (his` title, shall _ be dcémcd to include any g0vci·nment,· faction, ·or body of insurgents within a country with which the United States is at peace, which govcxjnment, faction,,or body · of insurgents may or may nQt have been recognized by the United States aa a government. ° (Junc_15, 1917, c. 30,_Titlo VIII_,_·§ 4,.40 Stat. 226-) . · . ‘ - . t . 42. Efcclg of partial invalidity of chaptcr.——1t any clausc; sentence,-*·‘paragraph," .·01° part; of this cl1aptc1·_?`01·—- of chapter 12 . of this title shall 1'or any reason- bc adjudged byany court of <·ompctent_jnrisdlction to be invalid, snch judgmentshall not atfcct, impair, or invalidate the remainder. llxcrcot but;. shall bc confined in. its operation to the clause, sentence, paragrayfh, — or par; thereof directly lnvolvcd `in the controversy in which snob judgment shallhavc been xjcndcrcd. (Juno 15, 1917, c-. 30, ’Tltlc XIIIQ § 4,.40 Stat. 231.). _ _ , . ‘ I _ . · i l Chaptcif 5.--1-ARSENALS, ABMOBIES, ARMS. AND WAR MATQRIAL. GENERALLY. · "` ‘ » ` Sec. _ the _ I ` 51. Pai of master nzrmorr at ‘Spx·lng‘Hcld A`rmory. — 52. Pay of clerks nt"SpringBcld Armory. 53: Annual accounts of arms made and repaired. " 54. Account of cost of `typc and experimental manufacture of (uno, and so forth. . L . . V _ 55. 'Abolitjon otjnsclcsg. or‘unncécssa;·y arsenals. . ·· 56. Misconducpof workmen ln arnmorics. _ » .57. Exemption of workmen from ;|ury` service. __ 58. Rewards for suggcstions by cn1pl0y9cs.· . 59. Tcsilng rlilcd cannon for Navy. - y ‘ 60. Transfer ot Qnaval ordnnncc to War Department. · til. Arms and ammunition lsaucdlo protcot public property; _ . . oz:. l.oau· ot ritlos to organizations ofhonorably discharged soldiers, _ and so forthL* ‘ ·` . 62a.j Loans of ordnance to Acliools and State homes for vetcmns' K orphans. . . _ ‘ ‘ ~ · 03. Ealcs. of ordnance px·opcr1:y·t0 uchools ang! State homes for vet· · crane? orphan;. . , 64. Salou! olosolctc small arms to patriotic. organizations; _ 65. Sale of ordnance to dcalzncm. · -· . " 60. Issue jot condemned ordnanco to qoldlcri homes. . · 67. Loan-or gin of condonmcd ordnance to soldlcrf monument um- `claliuns. · t . · 68. Salc of u1»xulct¢"0rdn:1un·0 for pulallc park!. ` 89, _Salo of imiivlclual picccs of armament, _ · _ _ 70. Sale ot ox·d‘nancc_pa§operty to Navi and Marine Uorbs oéccrs. _ 7:1. sale ot ordnance scores to Red Cross ind civilian employees ot Army. _ " ` · . ‘° 72. Halo of ordnance and stores to Cuba, _ _ __ 73. Disposal at procccds of sales of servlccabk ordnance and storés. `

s0.»-wuz 1692 * . 74. pisposal ofpzoqeeds ofbeles of useless ordnance material. ` 75. Pdymenu for transfers of oi·dmmce‘ or spares- to buteglue or gepnrtments. 3 · °' · · 7Q. Private use of maohiné for testing iron and steel. ‘ _ _ _ . 71; Tests of iron, etc., to1·_ industrial purposes regulated; reports my _ » Congress. _ _ _. _. — ._ ‘ A . — 78.` Gaugw, dies, and` tools for manufacture otherms. 79; N1u·¤;e_p1a¤ts; 1 , · _. _ _ 80. Procurement ot wir material;. mobilization of industries. $1. Militery surveys andmaps. ·- _ · _ . · _ CROSS REFERENCE Acquisition of sltes for armorles, nigmte, plimts, and so forth ;' see section 171 ot_thii title.  » . . " Y . Seetion 51. Pay of masier armorer at Springdeld Armo1·$r.——= _ In addition toz the eoxnpensetion now allowed and paid to fha. ·` master nrinorei at the notional-. armory in Springdeld, Massachusetts, thereshall be paid to him; from and after_`the"pos.=sa;:e of this Act, further compensation kr the rate of $1,000.pe1t an- : _num`·d_iu·ing such time as_ he shall pertoim the duties of-masler machinist af 'said armory "in addition to ihose ot master ar? mo1‘ei·.` (Aug. .5; 1882, o.`_395, 22 Stat. 299.) ‘ · _ . 52. Pay of `clerks at Sprlngfeld Armoi·y.—-On and after June 23, 1874,·iu lieu°of t;he_compei1sation then allowed to the clerks at the United. States armory--in Springdeld, Maseakzlmsetts,. including fuel and quarters, _. there sbalk be pgid to each of said clerks an annual salary ot $1,wO. (Plone 23; 1874, c.

 18 Sm. 282;) j ·. . _   _ `

53. Annual accounts of sums made and rep•ired.——An sm`- nnal account of the expenses of- the national arinories shall he ` laid before Cohsress, together with an account of the`amis mode and repaired therein. _ (R. ·S. I 1%.) * » ‘ g_ " . 54. Account of icost of type and experimental mexmfncmre of gims, Ind so forth.——eFull—.¤nd accurate accounts shall be kept,. showing the cost" of all type and — experimental mann- _factu1?e"_ot guns, and-otherenrticles, and the average goat of the ~se€·era.l classes of guns and the other articles manufactured `by the Government a statement ofwhich account shall be laid before' Congress annually in the same manner as is` required . from nationalormorles under section @56 of this title. (Augf 18, 1890, c. 797, 5 2:26 Stat. 320.) ,` — ‘ ‘ Q d 55. Abolition of `_u¤eless` or unnecessary _ arsenal§.{·¥·'1‘he Soc- i retary of War is authorized to abolishsuch of the arsenals .of the United States as, infhiq judgment; méy be useless or unnecessary.__`(R;_·S. { 1066.) _ ·· _ _ » 56.·Mlscondnct of viotkmen in armoriesl-—-It any urtlfloor or ·_ i `workman, hiljed, retained, or employed in any publle arsenal or armory, wantonly and carelessly. breaks, impairs; or destroys any implements, tools; or utensils, or any St0(3k,:01; materials for making gulls, the property of the United States, or willfully and obstinalely srefuseé to perform the services lawfully _:1s§ signedto him, pursuant to his contract, ihe shall forfeit a éum ‘ not exceeding $20 !or`e%·ery such act otidlsobedienee ot°bm~a<*lr ‘ot gonitract, to be. _1•eeovered ln any eourt having competent jurisdiction thereof, (R. S. § 1669.) _- _ °· , ' ~ ,57. -Exen1pti on of workmenfrom fury service.—>—All ertit’rem·s_ and workxnen employed in_ the armoriesi and arsenals of the · United §Sta·tes shall M e;empted," during their time of service, ’ from service as jurors ln·any`com·t.` (R, S. § IST!.) ° ‘ ‘ 58. Rewards for puggestione by emp1oyecs,———-·’1The Secretary of·War is hereby au§horlzed· to offer periodically at snob of the V establishments of the Ordnance Department nsbe may select a · F cash rewatd for the suggestion, or series of suggestions, for an . lmbiovement or economy An mexmfactuqng probesses or plant,` submitted wlihin the period by one or more employeesfof-the establishment izvhich shell be deemed the mostmelnnble of tlmsw T submitted and adopted for use: Provided, That to obtain ghiq ` reward the winning "s@stion must be one that will ,¢°·le—u_rly d effect a— material ·(?0I10My‘1D production or lnereaée &eleucy