Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1875

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·CONS'I’1TUTlON·QF THE UNITE hereby declared to be a part of the Constitution of the United States, and it shall be duly promulgated as such by the Secretary of Slate? The Secretary of State accordingly issued a proclamation, dated tm: 28th ot July, 1868, declaring that the proposed fourteenth amendment had been rati0cd, in the manner hereafter mentioned, by the legislatures ot thirty of ‘th`e thirty-six States, viz: Connecticut, June 30, 1866; New, Hampshire, July 7, 1866;’Tennessee, July 19, 1866; New Jersey, September 11, 1866, (and the legislature of the same State passed a resolution in April,. 1868, to withdraw its consent to it ;-) Oregon, September 19, 1866; Vermont, Novemner 9, 1866; Georgia rejected it November 13,- 1866, and ratified it July 21, 1868; North Carolina rejectedlt December 4, 1866, and ratincd it July `4, 1868; South Carolina rejected it; December 20; 1866, and.rati8ed it July 6, 1868; New York ratfiled it January 10, 1867; Ohio ratified it January 11, 1867, (and the legislature of the same State passed a resolution ln·J'anuary, .1868, to withdraw itsconaent to it ;) Illinois rati9ed” it January'15, 1867; ‘West Virginia, January 16, 1867; Kanms, January 18; 1867; Maine,n January 19, 1867; Nevada, January 22, 1867; Missouri, January “ 26, 1867 ; Indiana, January 29, 1867 ; Minnesota, February 1, 1867; Rhode Island, February 7; 1867; Wisconsin, February 13, 1867; Pennsylvania, February 13,*1867; Michigan, February 15,..1867 ; Massachusetts, March 20, 1867; Nebraska, June 15, 1867; Iowa, April 3, 1868; Arkansas, April 6, 1868; Florida, June 9, 1868; Louisiana, July`9, 1868; and /Alahama, July. 13, 1868. Georgia again rattéed the amendment" February 2, 1870. ·Texas rejected it_November 1, .1866, and ratlded it February 18, 1870. Virginia rejected it January 19, 1867, and ratified it October 8,, 1869. The amendment was rejected by Kentucky January 10, .1867; by Dela-l ware February 8, 1867; by Maryland March 23, 1867; and was not afterward ratified by either State. · Awmcm XV. Srzcrros 1. The right, ot citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account ot race, color, or _ previous condition ot servitude; ‘ - _ ` ·Smc·r1on 2Q The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation; . . » _ The tlfteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States was proposed to the legislatures of the several` States hy the Fortleth Congress, on the 27th of `February, 1869, and was declared, ln a proclamation of the Secretary of _8tate,. dated March 30, 1870, to have- been ratmed by the legislatures oftwentyinine of the thirty-seven States, _The daterot these ratification! (arranged in 'the order of their reception at the Department of State) were :· from North Carolina, March 5, 1869;; West Virginia., March ‘3, 1869; Massachusetts, March 9-12, 1869; Wisconsin, March. 9, 1869; Malne,_1iarchg1-2,- 1869; Louisiana, March 5, 1869; Michigan, March 8, 1869; South Caroli¤8· March 16, 1869; Pennsylvania. March, 26, 1869; Arkansas, March 30, 1869; Connecticut, May 19, 1869; Florida, June 15, 1869; Illinois,. March 5, 1869; indiana, May 13-14, 1869; New York, March `17-April 14, 1869, land the nwsxatoreortne same State passed a resolution January _5, 1870, to wltlmragv its consent to_lt;) New Hampshire, July 7, 1869; Nevada,. March 1, 1869 -; Vermont, October 21, 1869; Virginia, October 8, 1869; Missouri, January 10, 1870; Mississippi, January V15-17, 1870; Ohio, January 27, 1870; Iowa, February 3. 1870; ‘ Kansas, January ,18-19, 1870; Minnesota, February 19, 1870; Rho-de Island; January 18, 1870; Nebraska, February 17, 1870; Texas, Fehruary_18, 1870. The State of Georgia also ratined the amendment February 2, 1870. Axucm XVI. ” The Congex shall have power to· lay and collect taxes on incomes,-from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several Statw, and without regard to any census or enumeration. . _ = · The sixteenth amendment to the- Constitution of the United Statusraapmpoaedtothalegialatureaotsthoaevzsral States by the · Sixty-mat Coupes: `an the 12th at July, °1809,·and was declared in a proclamation oi Secretary ol State, datw tha 25th oi February, 191:3,1:0 have bow ratiéed by the Leiislaturaa oi the States ot Alabama, Km-tucky, South Carolma, Illinois, Mlaslaslppi Oklahoma, Maryland, Georgia, Texan, Ohio, Idaho, Oregon,. Wash lngton, California, ilontana., Indiana, Harada; North Carolina

 Kansas, Colorado, North Dakota, liiéizin, lows, Kia¤ri, llama, Tennessee, Arianna, Wlaoonaln, Nu York, Bout! Dakota, Minnesota, Louisiana, Deéawaré, and Wyoming . in all, thirtralx; _ "

VD STATES OF AMERICA-·178'7 [Amtqnn XVII.] The Senate of the United·‘States shall be composed of two —· Senators from each State, eleoted by the people thereof, for six years ·; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors l of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures. t _When vacancies happen in the reprewntation of any State lin the Senate, theexecutive authority of lsueh State shall issue vrrnts of election to till such vaean<·ies: Provided, That the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people iill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct. ‘ This amendment shall not be so construed as to affect the election or term of any Senator chosen before- it becomes valid as part of the—Constitntion. _ ` A _ — The seventeenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States was proposed to thelegislatures of the severatstates by the _ Sixty-second Congress on the 16th ot·May, 1912, and waskle; clared, in· a proclamation ot the Secretary of the State, dated the .31st of May, 1913, to have been ratitled by the- legislatures of the ` States ‘ot Massachusetts, Arizona, Min_nesota,_ New York, Kansas, Oregon, North Carolina, California, Michigan, Idaho, West Virginia, Nebraska, Iowa, Montana, Texas, Washington, Wyoming. , Colorado, Illinois, North Dakota, Nevada, Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire,. Qklahoma, Ohio, South` Dakota, Indiana, Missouri, New Mexico, New Jersey; Tennessee, Arkansas, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. ‘ ‘ _ -


Section 1. After one year froin the ratilieation of this article the manufacturehsale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors ` within, the importation thereof into,. or the exportation thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the jnrisdiction thereot for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited} ` . Sec. 2. The Congress and the several States shallf have con- ` current power to enforce. this article bylappgropriate legislation. ` Sec. 3. This article shall be inoperative unless if Shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of the `several States, as provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submlssion hereof to the ' States by the Congress. ` ~ U The elghteenth amendment to the~,Constitution ot the United States was proposed to the legislatures of the several States by ‘ the Sixtyytlfth Congress, on the 3rd of December, 1917, and was declared, in a proc·lamation" of the Secretary of State, dated the , 29th of January, 1919, to have been ratified by the Legislatnres of the States of Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, * - Floridaj Georgia, Idaho; Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisi- _` ana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mlchipn; Minnesota, Mis sissippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina. · ` North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, South Caro l `llna, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, T and Wyoming. . .= _ ` ‘ -#AB'1‘ICLE [XIX.] l" The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not _ l" be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on

acconntofsexi " , _ ‘ Z \

l Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appro- _ _`_p1'l!1t€ legislation. ‘ · · I ·» The nineteenth amendment to the Constltntton of the United s States was proposed to the legislatures of the several States by , the Sixty-sixth Congress, on the 19th of May, 1919, and was I , declared, in a. proclamation of the Secretary of State, dated the e . 26t,h rot August, 1920, to have been ratihed by. the Legielatureo , . ot the States or Arlsona, Arkansas, Caligornla, Colorado, mano, - illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, , Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New - - Hampshire, New Jersey, New_ Mextco, North Dakota, New York, 1 · Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon; Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Da-

.kot¤, Tennessee, Texas, Utah; Washington, West Virginia, Wiscou—

_ sin and Wyoxniht;