Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1877

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1863 ¤ANALY*TIC?AL INDEX ANALYTICAL INDEX TO THE t CONSTITUTI 5 AMENDMENT A 1 - ` _ . Art. Sec. CL Page -4€2r§d958. The privileges or immunities of citizens of the United = ‘ Sams shailnot gw. {Amendments} - .. - . --.- 14 1 - 1860. » Ailsrm naeméers, in such manner and umjer such penalties as it may pmvido. Each House is authorized-to compel the attendnncc of ---..-. --- . - - . - 1 5 1 1856 Arwuma oi receipts and expenditures of public money shall be _ , _ puhléslwd from time to-tune. A statement of\he--,‘-.,&u;; , ·1 8 7 'IS-57 Accnmtiou. In all criminal Jwrosecutions tbeaccuscd shall be in- _\ - fsnmnn ulithe muse hm nzgture oi the- lltmendmentsl; 6 -—- — 1859 Accused shell have n speedy public trial. In all criminal prosecuticns the. [Amendments]; ... Q ... --;--; . ;--- ¤ 6 ·- — 1859_ He shall be tried by an impartial jury of tho State and district whore the crime was committed; Amendments] -- ;,-;- 6 — —- 1859 He shall be informed of the nature of the-accusation. {A mend- - rmmrs} . - J .. - .. - ---- 6 ·- - 1859 He snail be confronted with the witnesses against bini. {Aruendments} . - ... ---;- .. ;--- - 6 ·-·— ;-— 1859 He shall have compulsory process for obtairgingwitnemcs in his tzwoi·T‘[.5mendments} ,.. --.-----s .  ;---- 6 -— ·- 1859 He shall hnvo the assistance of counsel for his &!cnse. [Amend- _ - ments}- -._- ~.;----- . -8 . · ... - . ;. - . 6_ — — 1859 .4 orion-e at common law involving over twenty dollars shell be tried V ~ by jury. {Amendments}-.- . Q .., 7 ·-· . —- 1859 Arie, records, and judicial occcdings of another State. Full faith . · andaeditshall beggeniueschstawtotbo ... 4 1 -1858 Aria. Cougrws $@11 mescribe the manner of proving such acts, ~ " records, and proceedings-; · .. , ... 4 1 -—· 1858 Adjeum from day toiday. ·A similar number than • quorum ci each House nmy - -- _ e ... _.-· . l-,-} 1 5. 1 1856 Adjoum for more than tbme days, nor to any other place than that - _ -· in which thy shall be sitting. Neither Houseshall, during ~ the swsion Congem, without theoonsent of the other ·1 5 4 1856 'Adjourmuent the President may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper: In case of disagreement between the '_ 4 two Hows as to .. ·--._...- .. .. .,,... _ ,--. 2 3 -— _ 1858 Admiflkv andgmeritime jurisdiction. The judicial pure: shall ex- ` teudtoailcaaesoi.--- ..,... -..-_ .. .. . 3 , 2 --· 1858 Admfud by the Qnnneeu into this Union, but no new States shell . ` be ionned or erected within the `inrisdiction of any other _ Stn-te. Ne5rSts-tesmnybe ... . 4 3»—1 1858 , Nor shall any State be formed by the junction of two or more _ ` States, or pens oi States, without the consent oi the legislaturmendo! Connw .. Z --- . · .---  ;-.. 4 *8 1 1858 Adowon of the Gowtution shallrbe valid. All debts and engage- ·’ _ · ment: cnntrncted by the confederation and before tho; Q ·e- 1 1858 _ Advice and consent ol the Seneto. · The Preddent shall h•v’e‘pni_er· » tonaeketrestleebyandwiththe . · . - . 4-. _2 2 2 1,857 To •, t-ambassadors or otheriysublic ministers and consul: by and with·the-..; ,. ·.. . ... ,--. ..,...,... - ... 2 I 2 1857 Toeppcints11otber¤¤eereo£th•United8tntesnotberei¤ otmwise psondal go: by and fith the,.-. . - 2_ 2 2 1857 Apirmdfes. Senators dtting totry lmpewhmenu shell be on ‘ . ‘ 1_ mth or- . . , .,... ; . ; ,._ 1 8 6 ‘ 1855 To be tetex: by the President of the United States. Form 01 theonth·or----.--.; .. L .. - ..,,. - . 2 1 ·7 1857 Nov ¤®a§be1esnedbntnpe¤|¤ob•bleoenz•es-ndon 1 oem or. [Ammdwm--- _. L . -- 4 ···· -·- -1859 To the Coxmitution. Senators and Representatives, — . menu of Stats )@h&, exeermve end judicial omorn, . bo¤:StsteendFeden1,sha11h•bou¤dbyo•thor..·. .. 6- 81858 Au. No person shall b•‘a Representative who shall not bane atta-med twontr··¤v• snare ol ... .,. -- ... -- - 1 2 2 1855. _ No pawn 5 bee Senator who shell not have ettnincd thirty “ yur: oi . ,.. ., ,.. - ,. , ,. ---- . ,.-.- ll 8 3 1855 Aareeawni or oomgact with enotner Bute without the consent of ‘~ · Congress. o&eterhe1lent¤·intoeny .. - ... .--.- 1 10 3 1857 Aid and emieu. 'rnnem egeinet the United Stetee shall consist `

  • iulevyinrmuageinstthnm, edheringto thelr enemies, and Q

. givin; them--- ... -. ... -.--4, ... - ..--. - . { 3 3 1 1858 Alliance or No State shall enter into my treaty of- . 1 10 1 1857 A J¤f3,¤!0¢·bH’®»b]iCmi¤$$IH$l¤d 1]I. ’l‘hePrn8i· _- ·» dentmnyepmint ..-..-..-.-..-.. . ..---... --. 2· I 2 1857 '1‘be3udleia1pover¤:!theU¤1ted8t•te•sh•l1oxte¤dtoeH. ‘ osmnnfiecting- ..-.-- _ -.-. - ...,.-- - - .--.-...-----.- ...‘--. 3 I 8 1 1858 Asn-evsga-east: `to the Cmgitntton. Whcenever two-thirds ol 5 1858* . 0i\&S y 1 ¤fY Q? WGFQO .-.. ·-··» ····· 1 To the Cons-itntion. On epplldion the leghletnres of two- · * thirds cl the States, Congress shall edi 8 convention to pro· ‘ iw PGM- -..--.---. - -.-...-...-...-... . . —- - · Shell he valid when rntimd by the legielaturm oi, or by non- _ ventione ln, three-tourthe ot the Sta-ue  ; ..-.. 5 -· ;;- 1858 Anewér {or. s capital or infamous mime unless on resentment or A . · grand jury. No Frson shall be held to. (pAmend¤nent.5].. 5 —— -—·- 1859 Except in cases in he land or naval {amos, or in the milma when ln actual eerviee. [Amendments] ... - -. 5..- 5 —-· --· 1859 Appellm Jurisdiction both an to law and tact. with such exceptions md under such l`0@JI$i&§§C¤D$!&8b8um8k!. In what _ eases the Supreme Court mall have-- ...-. . -...--.-... - .-... I 2 3 184%

TO UQl\`ks’7'ITL3Z‘IGN x ON l OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE S THERET0 f . _ _ — z Art. Soc. Cl. ?sgs Applmqzzgn otrthe legislature or the exebutive ol a Stale, The bmtcd States shall protect oaclr State against invasion Sud domostnc vxoleneo on the _______ l _____ r k___¢_____ _ _____ 4 4 gb"; Application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the States, Congress ` shall gall ga conveutxouior proposing amendments to sho Constrtutaon. Qu the ,... . ,___ T ,___ _ ___________L__________ , .5 .. ... lgggsz .4ppoirit·men£ of officers and authority to train the militia raorvcd to the States respectively __ __; ________ _ _,___________ ;_ __ _ ____ 1 3 gg; 1;,;;; Of such mfcnor ofllcers as the? ma? think grow! in the Presi- ~d6¤¥· 8l0¤6. Congress may bylaw-vest the r .,. , _____ 2 2 2 15;:: In the courts of law or m the hoods of departments. Congrxs may bylaw vest the . - ,,,.__J,__ 2 2 2 1;;; Apportionme12‘t of representation and direct taxation among the S®V6¤‘8l States: Provisions relating to the- .._,“,,__ _ , 1 l 2 3 uns, QI Represeutatwes among the several States. Provisions f6l8t_1¤g to the. {Amendments] . ; ..r...,.,,..,,, 14 2 - xsm Appropriate lrqislation, Pongress shall have power to make all .· lows {moossary and proper for .czm·yiug into erecutioia the · forcgogng powers, and all other powers Vestax! by the Vonstxtutnoum the Government of the Ynited States, or in soy department or ollicer thereof-;-- . - ,._...,..,_,,=_,_, t 3 18 xsl;-s l Congress shall have power to enforce the thirtoentlg article; prohibiting slavery by. [Ame¤dmentsi{° . ; 13 2 —·- lugs; Congress shall have power to enforce t provisions o! the fourteentlr artxcle hy. [Auxendmeutsl _,.. - ...i l - 14 5 —- 1F~r-is _Co¤gmss shall have power to enforce the provisionsm me ilfteeuth arucle by. [Amendments}- .. . ..., xs 2 -— he Appropriation of money for rsisiing and suppozwixsg nr@i¢s shell be for aloilger term than two years. But no ,... - ... I 8 Y2 lb? Appropriation; mode bylaw. No mono? sbs;] be drssrn from the , Tl’08Su[Ybl1ClB00¤$<]l1&B®0{.- . - . 1 9 7 mi? Approve and sign a bill before it shall become slew; The Fsessseus ‘ shall . - ... -- . - ... - .. - 1 r 2 use Heshall return it to the Home in whiczs it l zgimszscl, mth ins obiectxons, it he do ¤ot--- .. - ... . . - 1 7 2 was Armies, but no appropriation for that use for s lssgnr term than two y&rs. Congress shall have power torsxse sud support .. - . . 1 8 $2 zsoe Armies. Cougrem shall make rules for the gomumnt and regulation of the land and naval {meas- .. - .. 1 8 it $$.3-6 · Anna shall not be infringed. A well·r•zulstocl militia bam; use- _ ossary to the security ot n free State, the right d the people to keep and bear. [Ameudme¤ts}----- . . l. 2 ~·-— ·-- $@69 Arrest during their attendance st the session Q their respective Houses, and igugelug to md returning from the mms. Members shall in cases except treason, felony, and preach of the peace, beprivileged from - .l. ..r... M 1 6 I t?-66 Annuals. Pongres shall tgorcls exnlggive suthulty ova all

 places purclzmsed for erection of ... 4 ...e. 1 8 il lasfmb

Articles exported from any State. Nomxorduty $ell belaiéonl- 1 I 5 185 Arts by securing to authors and intentors their pstaat rights. . Conwess may promotetheprogresso{s¢h¤%¤dtbeus•t¤l,‘ 1 8 8 @56 Assistance otcounsel for his defonso. In all criminal prosecution the accused shall have the. [Amendments} ,-..- . 8 ·—· ·-· $559 Assumption of the debtor obligations lncumdin all of rebpllhn or _ insurrection agzunst the United States. Prowal•.s _ sgeinst the. (Amendments} - ... 14 4 - 1560 Attainderorexpoeljactolswéhanbepasad. Nobllld- .. 1 O 3 ESS? Auander, ex port fum law, or lsv lmpeirlug th• obligation etco-n- _ - tracts. ;~IoBtstesh•ll.pnmg¤yl1~illo£ .. , ... 1 10 1 IE6? Allaiznder ot treason shall not work eorruptlo:1 ol blood ortorfeiture, s except during the lite ol the parson nttalnted - ... ~ 8 I 9 18*58 Author: and inventors the oxchmivp right to their writiuv and inventions. Cougreesshsll h•v• powerto-aocuro to. . 1 I I 1856 g . Bail. Excessive bsilslmll not be required, nor exéesslve time mr ’ cruel and unusual punishments imposed,. [Amn¤¤ts}-- 8 ·-· .···· ism Ballot for President sud Vice-Pnsidout. The electors shall vets · `§ tt ,by. [Ame¤dms¤ts]-- - .. ., .. 12 -· -— IMO Ballot. I! no rierson lxsvc s mslorlwoi the electoral votes lor Presldeut and Vice-President, the House of Representstnva smll lmmedistely choosethn Presxdent by. [¤dments1...,-. 12 .-— -—- 1560 Bohkrupzclrs. Congress shell have power to pass uniform laws on · _; the subiect of - . N · i .l. 1 .8· 4 lim Bam ol representation among the several Sta-tee. Provlsxons re- _ latina; to the. [Amendments], . , . , ~.---- 14 2 ··· 1550 Bear arm; hall not be infringed. A well ated militia bein! · _ neeasgery-to the security ol a. free Btstfoglright ot the people ‘ to keep and. [Am·e¤dme¤t·sl.l..t l---·*·· --- ·-·-—·-· ? ··· ·· 1859 Bchwiorp The judgw oi the Supreme and lnferlor oourtssholl hold · 8 their omoes durinc goodu- ..~ ‘ . - ------· = -»-- ---· S S ·; :8;*} Bill I ttsi de or—e.·rpo·c¢/acre Iawshsllbe psssed. No-_ . cv Bill of gttslgder, ex post fectoluw, or law xmpsuring the obhgstion of ‘· I mw controots. NOSmteshs1lp¤$&¤y- . - ..---- - ----·-- - -·-· I W