Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1902

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· TI TLE.5.—-EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS ANL 708:1. Exenptian frm: évecutién, ani sa fails.-;-None of thé mimeys mentioned i11_t11is Act ‘ shall be_assignhblc;_eitl1er~·in law mg equity,-or be subject. to gxecution, levy, or attaéhméih, gat-— iiishmeut, or other _1égal process. Z (July 3, 1926, c. 801,’§ 18, 44 sm. 913.) _ 7 { ° ‘ 7 ‘ ` Sec footnote to this chapter. _ - . _ ·_ _ 709; Eféctive dafg; _repcaLi~—This»Aét shall become effective as at July 1, 1926, and ill laws 'ordparts of laws inconf sisteat with thé. prqvisioxxs ot this Act ‘ age hereby repealed as · of said ciective date, (July_3, 1926; c. @1, § 19, 44‘_Stat._.913.) Sex footnote te this chapter. “ _ V · . Chapter 15.-COMPENSATION FOR INJURIES TO EM- _PLOYE*ES OF UNITED STATES; 7 739. Medical, surgical, and hospital service; t1·:msp0ftation_`eipensésQ Q 771. Physical examinations: refusal to supmi; to- ` 773: Same; physici¤¤s’ fees. = - · · · _ 759. Medial, surgical, and hospital service; transportation expénses¢——For any jinjury Sustained by an empl9yé¢_iwhilc_ in the performance of iiuty, whether or not disability has arisen; me 'UBit0(? _States_-shall. furnish to the employee all services, spplia11ccs,·.a¤d' supplim prescribed or recommended by duly qualimad pgiysicians which,A_ in tpg vopmioq of the commission, , are likely to or to give re1iét 01'·t§} the degree or éthe period of Gixbility 01; to aidjq lésseuing thé amount; of the gnonthly ccmpmsahon. Suchjsewicgs, app1ia;nges,·s,¤d supplies shall be iurni ·by, or upon the order of United States médical hmcers .angi.__h@im1s, but where is not practicable they wall bef furnished by 0;* upon the order ot-private physicians `and hospitals desigxmted qr hpprrcved by tl;e commissipu. For the securing bt meh services, amliancw, and the employee may be *t¤mis§ed __tra¤sp0rtaticn,- and may bq paid all expenses incident to théwecuring of such services, appliunwé, and supplies, which; ih the opiuima bf th0_cQ§nm1w0¤, are neceswry gud rumhble, All wgh jvhgn. authorized or approved ;by the q¤mmi$ion shall be paid from the m¤ipyees’ compensation fund; _ A¤y_ dwdrd heretofore mgde by the com- _ mission og accounts! expenses ihcmred mda secti0¤—9_" of the N Act qt September 7, 1916, pric1•'t0 of this Aqt.," shall be tfalid, it such mmm would be valid it made on account of expensw incurred under this section gfter the passage of this Act? (Sept. 7, 1916, ¢.‘458, Q 9, 39 Stat. 743; June 26, 1928, c.

 S.'1, 44 sm. 772,). * _ _ [ .

Bastien 78 if Titb 5 ·•¤m¤I§b·-·-The provision of Ac} ot Sépt. 7, 191S, ::.458, 5 9,.% Stht. 743, constituting { 759 ot 'Htlg 5· of _. 1;; (Ade, has been mended by Act ot, June 26,·192q,. c_. 695, 5 1, 44 ·8t4ti·_772, to feud an {have. V: . ¢ _ _ 771. Phykl vdussl, t9‘ s¤§¤if td.-—;That ' after the injury the cmviwesshah, as qqquently and alisuéh

     as miba   Q -  bly   iubmit himself

waxaminaticn by A mdiéal ¤¤¢u• ct the United_States pr byn · dwy ¢m•1i@ or pmmwd by `thqcommiadm. , The mpioyae have a. ddliuquslmw physician desik-· nawfsnd pqkfby him mvmt $0 pnrticipntc in smh examinatiou. It the Qployeo mtw`t0` submit him¤elI·tm·` or in my way obstrucu my examination, Hts right to claim compensation eunder this Azct" dull bekmeuwd until nw IQf\188[0¥'·0b· structicu ceases. No bcmpmsatiou be payable while suqp rdus£1orobs¤·¤citme¤¤t1nucs,hMthepe¤icdéts¤&:etuu1 or `·cbst1‘i1c§cn be ·dad‘ucted ’ from the period fb: iihi& c0mpepsn€i>¤ is Pliablg. to him. 7 J ` f"Actf’ _I@1d “·¢h¤§t¢l'." —· ‘ · ¢ P - *_” Bcctian 9,* irthis section before its amendment. , ¤’ “Ae:t"’ his reference to tim sectiqu md section; 771 and 773 which also coastitutcthe "Act."4 _ . ‘- ; . · W · ` " “Act f’ has reference to this section {nd actions 759 h¤d·777 whiéh , a1•¤ constitute tho “Act."' _ _'

I GOVEREHENT OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES 1888 For examination by the the em- ‘ ployeé Shhll be paid all ex@ee incident to meh eaamlnbtion V which, ln the opinion of the commissen, are neomry and reasonable, inclmmmtrhnmortation and loss of wax incurmr ’in‘order to mbmlt to examinetion.‘.A1l ~»=.: When, authorized or approved by the · ¤ · lt  » · ;¤ shall bel mid from the . employee? compensation fund. (Sept. 7, 1816, c. 458, Q 21, ` 39—Stat. 747; June %, 1926,7:. 695, Q 2, 44 772.). ' · _ ‘8eeti•n 771 of has $`·a¤ude¢.¥-—’l'be provlelofot Act ot Sept, - 7, 1616, c. 458, 5 21, w But. 747,·‘comtlmt¤; Q 771 or Title c. of the Codc,’has been amended by Act of June 26, 19%, c. 695, _§ 2, 44 Stat. 772, to read as above. · _ . ' 773. _Same;_ plnysiciam’ _ fees.-QThat tems for exeminatllmg made on the part ot tbe United Stntes under 21 and 22** by physicians who are not alreddy ln the sctvim ot tm United _ States shall be . Bred by the commlsmonf _·.Socb Jees, and any sum‘·myts1e to»theiemployee‘under se`étl6 "a`n”t§I>rizt·d or approved by the commission, · shell be paid from the env -_ployees’ compensation fund. (Sept. 7,1918, c. { @.39 Stat. 747;;Jnne 19%, c. @5, { 3,-44 Stat. 772.) I ` Se¢ti•n7’1:i¢1'ltli6•••i•d•¢.—'1\eprev$¤caeetActe!8e;>t . 7, .1916,-e. 458, 9 23, 39 Stat. 747, constituting j 773 ot Title :. · = of tbe‘Code, has beenamendcd by Act of Jtinc 26, 1926, c. 69;}, ` - § 3, 4·l Stat. 772, to- read as ebove. "  » , , Chapter. 16.“—»·SUBSISTENCE`,. EXPENSE ACT _. OF 1296. · [NEW.], , e Sec._ _.‘ .» ‘ . 821. Citation of Act. 822. Deilnltilms. ·_ _ - . -_ _ 823. Omoeraand mployem oécial business: allowances et ’ actual necessary expenses. ~— . _824. Per diem allowauceln lien ot expenses. , ’ 825. Allowance for traveling beyond limits of United States. , 826. Per diem allowance in Ren et expqseee ” ‘ · 827. Regulations Qovernlngexpeues er per diem; standardisation; 828. Advancementsand deduction · ’ 829. Repeal of inconsistent laws; exceptions. · * 830. Travel allowance of Prwldent not ~ · ‘ 831. Travel allowance ofrailwiy pmtal clerba mt a§‘ected. 882. Approprletioni for year 1897 containing mco&¤t rates. 833. Etectlve date of act; no ln appropriations eutmrlsed. Y Section 821. Citation of Act.-—This Act imey be cited as `tlie " Subsistence Act ot 19263* (Jnne 3, 1826, c. 457, § 1, , ,·14'Stat._888.)_ .· '· ‘__ “ ‘ ` ·_ New section., ‘ e _ 822. Dc§n§tions.4—Wben need in this Act'-, _ The term "·depax·trnents and mtablishments" means any cx- 2 ecutlve. department, l¤dependQt commlxlon, board, bnreen, o¤ce, ewcy, or other establishment of the Government, lnclml- _ lng the municipal government ot the District gl! Oolnmbln. , The tcrm·· “ subsistence ” means lcdglg, and other .neccsm.ryjexpensm incidental to the personal srmenancet or cemt tert of the travelez. · ‘· _ , L _ d_ , ·.'1‘be term ."ectnal expens$" means the actual amounts necessarily eapended by the traveler £or subsistence- and itemdlzw an accounts for relmbnrsemmt. _ _ S _ A .The_ lZ8l'H1’“DEl' —dlem·a1lowence" mmm n daily dat rate of " payment lnglleu of actual expensw. (June 3, 19®, c. .457, § 2, » 44Stat. 689.) U ` . New section. _ V _ 823. · 0B¢ers and employees away enolcial business; allow;} -` ' of actual necessary expenses.-—Clvlllan_ olllcers and cm- » ` Qoyees of the deperdnenw ‘and_*establisbments while traveling ¤‘:Act" sho¤ld‘b•`tnadated “ehapt&.” l· __ ’ _' ‘ *9** Secdenazl and 22 " sbeeld be translated “nec¤ons 771 and 772·" ·•" Section 21 ”· should be translated ·°‘mction 7713* . _- ' ¤·New chapter. This chapter censtltetes Act ot June 3, 1926, c. 457. || 1-18, 44 eetltled “An·Act to regulate subsistence QXIJCBSQU ot civlllan ctc and emplcmw while absent (rom their desisncwl ' ·posts of dutyon ohdal business! 1 ‘