Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1930

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§21 Tznn 11.·-——l 'of the District of Columbia, the district courts of the Several {Territories and possessions to which this Act is, or may here after be, applicable, and the United) States Court in the District oi! Alaska, nre hereby made ot bankruptcy, and are hereby invested, within their rmectlve territorial limits as oow‘estnblished,_ or ns they may be heresfterchanged, with such jurisdiction at law andeln equity as will enable them to ` exercise `original jurisdiction in bankruptcy in vacation in chambers nnd during their respective t§ms,1as they are now or may be hereafter held, to (1) sdjndgc persons bankrupt who have had their principalplace of business, re— » sided, or had their domicile within their respective territorial jurisdictions for the preceding six months, orthe greater portion thereof, or who do not hnve thelr principal place of bool: ness, reside, or have their domicile within the United States, but have property within their juriedictions, or. who have been ndjxzdgedhnizkrnpts by courts of competent jurisdiction without the United States and have property within their jurisallct ions; (2) allow claims, disallow claims, reconsider “nl— lowed or disallowed claims, and allow or disallow them against hnnkrnpt estates; (3) appoint receivers or the marshals, upon anpplication ot pnrti& in interest, in case the courts shall End it absolutely necessary, for the preservation of estates, to take charge of the property of bankmipts after the tiling of the pe tition and until it is dismissed or the trustee is qualihed; (4) arrnign, try, and punish bankrupts, otllcers, land other persons, and the ngcnts, o$cers,_ members of the board of directors or trustees; or other similar controlling bodies, of corporations for violations of the provisions contained in this title, in accordance with the laws of procedure oi the United States in force on July 1, 1898, or such as may be thereafter enacted, regulating trials for the alleged violation of laws of the United States; (5) authorize the business of bankrnpts to be conducted for limited periods by receivers, the marshalscor truntew, if necessary in thebest interests of the estatw, andallovv snch odlcem edditional compensation for such services, as provided in section 76 ot this titw; (6) bring in and substitute additional persons or mrties in- proceedings ln bankruptcy whw necessary for the complete 'determlnstion oi a matter in controversy; (7) ~·c&use”the estates ot hankrupts to be collected, reduced to money and distributed, and d&{Bl'M].l1€,`COIl~ trovcraim relation thereto; except as hatein provided ;j (8) close castes, wheneveflt appears that ¤w_ have / been tully administered, by approving the dual accounts and

 the tnmeu, andereopen them' wh&er` it sp
 they were claed (before being' folly edmlntnmcd-; (8)

wnhrm or reject compositions between · dwtors indo their creditors, ’ and set aside mposidona and the cam: (10) consider end condrm, modify or- ovurnle, or retnrn,·wlt1¤ -·· for QITLBQY •>· ~·=·=· a gc twqtds and QI- tihed to wom by veférees; (11) detamlno claim of. rnptsto their exemptions; (12) discharge or retnseto bankrupt: and set ‘¤ldo dlschsrw hm reinstate the cases; (13) enforce obedience by hsnkrnpts, o&crs, and othel·`persons to all lawful 0l'd€1'l,· byhne or imprisonment or ine and lmprisonrncnt; (.14).* extndslte hmrnpts iron. their respective districts to other districts; (15) make ouch ordersr issue such proom, land enter such judgments ln addition to those specid tnlly provided for a.s,1pay`be_heceuary_°fo1• the enforcement Lol Ache,. provisions ot thu title; , (18) punl$ persons for contempta committed before referees; (17) piu·snanf to the recommendation of creditors, or when W they neglect to recommend the uppointmnt of trustees, Zappoint and upon complaints oi , creditors. {cmove trnstzecs for cnnse Upon anddafternoticcsto them; (18)* mx costa, whenever they are allowed by law, and render jmlmncnts therefor amines the unsuccessful party, 'or the sncoemfnl mrty for cause, or in part against each of the parties, and against estates, in` proceedings in bankruptcy]

RANKRUPTCY 1916 (19) transfer msee to other courts of bankruptcy and (_20) exercise ancillary jurisdiction over persons or property within thelrl rwpecuve taerritoriel limits in nid ot e receiver or tmg. l tee appointed in any bankruptcy procwdings peming in any other court ot bankruptcy} · ‘ ' Nothing in this section contained shell be construed to dey prive s court of bankruptcy of any power it would possess .wm·e certain specmc powers not herein enumerated. (Jely 1. 1898,/_c. 54.1, l 2, 30 Stat, 545; Apr. 12, 1990, c. 191, { 34, 31 Stat. 85; Feb. 5, 1903, c. 487, § 1, 32 Stgt, 797 ;, Har. 3, 1909, c, 269, { 1, 35 Stat. 838; June 2o,n1o1o, e. 412, ij 1, 2, §§ Stat, 838,839;May 2iY,1926,`c.406,§2,44Stat.6@.) __ *. Section ll errwe 11 •¤ena¢a.—L-·Sb¢txee 2'ef Act of July 1, mos? c. 541, 3Q Stat. 545, and Acts ameuéstory thereof and mpple- i mentnry thereto, constituting { 11 of Title 11 of the Ceqe, hes been uneneedmy Act ot Hay 27, 1926, e. 406* { 2,, eee? to read as above. The amendment relates to the intreduetory - provision preceding subd. (_1). · ` Chapter 3.-BANKRUPT. V Sec. _ ·_ ’ 21. Acts of benkztuptcy. 25. Same; duties. 30. Compositions; `wkgen conmmed. » 32. Discharges; when {granted. · ' , 2}. Acts of ·b•nkruptcy.¥-—(a) Acts ot bankruptcy bye. person _shall consist of his having ‘ (1) Conveyed, tmneferred; concealed, or removed, or per-

° xnitted to be eonceelod or lremoved, en? peri, of me greperty

{ “ with intent oo hinder, delay, er defreed his creditors, or any ' of tlnem;__or · _ ` . (2) Transferred, while insolvent, any perdon of his prop T erty to one or more of his creditors with intwt to prefer such L creditors over {his other creditors; or ` _ (3) Sutfered or permitted, while insdveat, any creditor to , obtain e preference thronm l¢€¤l'pmceedi¤p,» uml not baring _ at least five days before A sale or other dte§0dtien et iny prep- L erty eHected~ by such preferwce vecated or discharged mh T p¢eterence_;.or`· ~ . ° c _ (4) Suqered, or permitted, while ineolvmt, any creditox to _ obtain through legal _ pgoceedings any levy, sttach@t, judg- _ ment, or other lien; and not having vgmted ear discharged the _ same within thirty days tiemjhe chteamh levi, attachwt, } `jndment, orother lien was obtnim; er e o l"-°(5) M•dee‘generalhssIme¤t_f¤rthebm@tothisc:edi· _, tors; ma while insolvent, g receive: mee trustee bag been`spmicnteé. of out in charge of his vreveits: or e . . { we) Aww an wiitlng ee ummm cape; memo me

 Zhi: wi1lin@m to beedjudgw an bankrinpt on  

L (b) A petftionjmny he Mee agglest s pawn is meoh·@t » _ and who hu committed ee act of bankruptcy 1i·itmn·fem· _ 'montneafter the coxnn*;lseiqn_of stron act: Seen tme &nll not _- ,_ eipire until four months after (1) the`date_ot tee mmm or Z. registering ot toe transfer or asei t’ when the ect; consists L inbhvingmade£u—nngierd¤¤3e!hisPiQ°D¢¥¥! withidtentw _ hinder, deléy, or defraud his creditoxjso or tor` ehe perpoee of ,- gliring a preference age hereinbetom ‘pro7ided, or g general I aésiguinent for the @¤t·‘o£. his uediters, it by law such re- . · mrding or registering is requinedoo; permitted, oe, if it is not, 5 o from the dete when the beneheletytukw notorious, exclusive, , or. continuous possession of the property enleee me petltioeieg , creditors fxavemceived nctrial notice of such transfer or asSi@· .ment., ‘ ~‘ ` 3 '(c). It shall be `a_ complete defense to anypmceedlegs ity . 'bankruptci instituted under- the first wbdivision of this section _ , to allege and preve that the party proceeded egumet was not ,* insolvent as deined ln __ this title at the time o¢.__the ming the e petition against hjm,’ ind if mlveney at isuch eaeejs proved by

the alleged bankruptcy the proceedings shall Jbe euemiesed, endl