Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1949

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1935 TITLE 16.--00. northwest 4quart¤_ of nid section, to the northeast corner oi the quarter otf the southwest qmrter ot section 10, Said .to@lp~; thenee westerly to the northwgt corner ot the § quarts ot the a&thweit quarter otsald section; ' whence northerly to the northeast cormr ot the northwest _ quam ot the aoathwm- geartp ot said, section; thence westerly} paaslns through the northwest corner ,ot the southwest quarter of to the .·‘l}0l’th%t_'¢01’ll€1’ ot the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter ot section 9, said township; thence joutharly to the notthwst corner ot - the t eonthwea quarta ot the southwest quarter of said t section; thence westerly to `thenorthwest_-corner ot the southwest quarter ot the southwest quarter ot said section; `thence northerly along section lines to the northeast corner of the southmst t quarter of the southwest quarter of section 5, said, township; thence weéuly to the northwest corner of the eoutheast quarter of me southeast. of saldysection; thence southerly. to 'the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the south-.- &st outta of aid ‘a&tion; thence westerlyealong section line to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter ot said section; to tha northeast corner oi, the southwest quarter of said section; thence westerly to the northwest coreer of the aouthwwt quarter ct said section; theme northerly "along eeetim line to the northeast corner of-section 6, Msaid townwnfwénee ewerly aloe; the hist correction use north to tm southeast corner of the southwest quarter ot, section 32. townsh.l.p·5 north, range 78 west; thenoe northerly to the so;-www corner or the ¤o:mw¤st.q¤¤axter or we section; www vederly alou section line to thenorthwest corner or sein mwontwenco northerly along aectionlines to the southwest coma: M the mthweat quarter ot. the southwest cnarterl of section E, nid - township; thenm easterlytto the northwest corner of the of the southeau quarter_`ot° `saloaecdon; passing throuihthesouthweet. l coms `oi the aouthast quarter of the .southea¤f.qnarter ot t uid aaactim, to the aonthwest corner or the northeast quarterot tm ofsection Q, said township; thence wsterly to the southeast oornu ot the northmst “ quarter. of the quarter ot said section ;_ thence southerly- to the ‘ southwest coma ot the northwmt quarter ot section said township; thmce aaerly to_,the southeast corner ot the—south— "west of quarter ot said section ; thence ‘¤¤¤·o»e¤·1y.t¤ the of the southwest huarter ot. the northwest quarter ot section; thenee easterly, pawns, tlu·o@ the aootmut eorw or the ¤0i'th& quarter ot thenortheast `ot section, to the southeast corner of ’ the nortmst quarter ot thenortheast quarter ot "éection 27; said township; thence ¤&rly along section line to the northeast eorw ot said section; thmee. westerly 'along section line to the aonthmst coma ot iouthwest quarter `ot the south-.- wveet ooarta? ot section R township; northerly ‘ to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the north-. . wm qnarta of mid, section: _ thence wmerly along aection llnee to- the ao¤th@— corner of the southwest quarter or section 16, raid towmwpg northerly; to the Fhortheast corner of Qc southeast quartu of the eonthwest qaarter or mid. •ection;_th6nce‘we•terli to the northwem corner ot the sonthwea Quarter of we aonthweat l quarter o£ eald section; thmee northerly along section line to the center line of the l north branch o£_ Fall River; thence north@erlY along the t center line ot the north branch r of Fall River to the west line , of the east half of the ast halt of section 17, mid township: ~ thence mutherly to the northéau corner ot the southwest quarter ot the southeast. quarter ot { said 8$¢ti¤I1 ; thence V iwceterly to corner of the southwest quarter ot `the southeast quarter ot aalcl section ;_ thence southerly to the ` southwest corner of the eonthwit quarter ot said ·section;_ thence westerly. along section line to the southeast corner. or

NSERVATIQN , §197‘ section 18, said township; thence northerly nloug ééctton line Q to the northeast comet of said jsectiou _;· thenéo casterty along section 'lino `to the northwest corner of mtimx 16, said town-. ship;. thence southerly along section line to the southwest corner ot the northwest `ejuartor of the northwex `quarter of Said section ;- thence ‘€QSEQ1'1Y§_t0 m:·rthwmt» QGYBQY of fhé southwest ,qua.rte1¤ ot the ‘ northeast quartet: ot @14 seétion; theage southerly to the southwest comet ot the northedst quarter of said sectioni thence [easterly, passing thmugh the south- ., e38t comor of the northeast quarter of said section. to the · northwest corner ot tho northeast quarter oi, the mnthwest quarter of section 15, said township; thence southprly to the sorithwest corntér of the · noi·thedstQ quarter of the omnthwest ·qua1iter_ of said section; thence easterly to the southeast conier ° ot. the northeast `jquérter of the- southwat quartet, of mid . section; thence ¤¤m¤e¤·1y· to the sonthwut comet of the north. east quarter `oi said section; thence mstérty on ·mid·sect1o¤ 4 lines to, S southwst comerQ of the northwm quarter ot section 18, towship 5 ‘-north, tinge 72 wut; thence northerly to_ the sonthwoét corner of tho northwest quite!} of the northeast qunrtér or said section; thence Qstmy to the"iso¤theast corner of the northeast quattct of the norwast qudrtu of . said section; thence `northerly along section lines to the ` northeast corner of `section 7, sold township; thmcs westvly along. Qeétion yliné to the southwst comet of southwm »qusu?ta·1·;oI section 6, mid u>w¤smp_;· thence northerly to the northeast come; of the southénst quarter of the southwmt- -quarté1•· ot said section ;· thence, westerly to tm" mrthwést ··corner‘_ or the sonthr ast quarter of the quarter ot ma moon; mance °¤m·zm*ry to me mm or we `éectiou, being a" point on ttic‘pi·$¢¤t boundary Hm or Rocky Mountain _·Natior;al Pdrk 4 th` md io! w manga of sold boundary: Prolétdéd, h , That tho following mow shall remninnntt be_ a p¤rt·ot' the Boon Hmtnh `Nauoul t Park: Tho; northwest quarter of the northeast quarter ind ; the east hull ot the northwstf quarts ot qua- ` ter of section`34, township·5 north, wm; nh ot that portion of the following described lands located to tommy 4 north, range 78 .w 't, lying wwt of the, divide that forujxns the stém boundary of the watershw tot Cow Creek ond lAspeu.Brook;_ the` &st halt ot the northeastqxmrt Nsection 35; tho east hal! of the pouthesst Quartet! and the` southeast ot the northoost qu¤.rtm·° `ot motion ,26;_soction 24; section-25;théesstha1totse¢tian§: P , {ortho?. Tut thme portion; ot the tonowimducfihcd thet h¤·eby__ éxcimiod hom the licmtah National Q Park, on hereby transferred to and mode a part of m Gow ·rsdo Nntioml Eomd. shhjeqt to- All laws and regzbstiom { 'o,pplio¤.b1o¢to National Forebtn; the northwoat quarter ot the

 quarts- and @heést .quarter of thonorthwost

qunrte§r,· section 33,-township·7_ north, T4 intent; séction 6, township; 5 noiith, rings 72 wut; tho soutmast quarter of the `southeast quarter cd pgction 34, toimship 5 north, range ,73 west; sections--3,10, had 15, toiénship 4 ` west. (June 9, 19%, c. 515, ’§ 1, 44 Stat. $12.)) ,_ ' V New section. - I » *,196. Use of park land for Arbuckle regenoirq-·'1‘he Secx·o· _· tai? ot the Interior is hofeby authorized 'in his dtscrétioin. to " permit, by lioenée, lense, or other authorization, the use of neoomry land in thé (Rocky Mountain National _Park‘ for tho lmaintenauce a operétion in its presentheight hud capacity, of the Arbncklté Number .2 reservoir. (June 9, 1926, c. 515, { { 2, 44 Stat; _71 X) ° ‘ I . New motion., . _, ‘ 197. Appliénbility of other live.?-·The provisions ot the Act of January 26, 1915, entitled "An Aof to cstnbush thezliocky 1(guntain National Path in the State of Colorndo, ond, for