Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1987

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1973 TITLE 26.--»INfl’ER2 902. Same; exemptions,————There shall not be taxed under this s mm" any bond, note, or Other instrument, issued by the C United States, or by any foreign Government; or by` any State, 1) Territery, or. the District of Columbia, or local sulwdivlsibn E thereof, or xnimicipal or other corporation exe1•cisiug'the taxing power; or any bond of indemnity (reqnircd to be iilcd by any c person to secure payment of any pension, allowance, allotment, 1 relicf. or insurance by the United States, or to secure a ( duplicnte fer, or the·[3&ymt·1if of, any bond, note, certificate of 1 indebtedness, waiwsavings certiiicnte, warrant 01* check, issued 1 by the Uz1ited_Sts1tes:`0r stocks and bonds issued by domestic .t winding and loan associations substantially all the business I of which is confined to mnkinglonns to members, or by `mutunl"- 1 dm.}; or irgigatiuu c0mpunies..' (Feb. 26, 1926, c. .27, § 801. -14 Stat. $9.) · · , , _ _ _ _ `This section repealed and rcenactedpsec note ut beginning of_ chapter. _ Q h . G 903. Same; stamps; preparation and distributioh.—'Ihe coing missioner shall cause to be prepared and distributed for they-I pnyment of the taxes p`rescribcd in this ti·tle“ suitable st/zimps denoting theft}: on the documeiit, articles, or thing to which ( tliesnnac rn y be n@xe<l. and shall p;·cscribe such method for { the nillxing ct said stamps fn substitution for or`iu aitldttion, 1 to -bt!.i!1€ulGd `providecl in this title;‘° a`S·l1e`mn-y deem expedient. (Feb. 26. 1926, c. 27, § 805_(‘n), 44 Stat. 100.) , - '_ _ ·. ‘ · j This section repealed and reenacted: see note at beginning of { chapter. " . _ · · __ · ’ 904. Same; cancellation of stamps.—Whencver nn adhesive 1 stnunp is used for denoting ani tax imposgd by this titlc_,“ cx- evpt as horcixznftcr provided, the person Gsing or nmxiug the same shall write U!-‘St8Hl[1 or cause to be written onstaunped thereupon the initinlsof his dr its namennd the datcinppn wlticla the same is attached, or used; so that the same may `uct again be used: Pfotidéd, That the commissioner may pre- _ _ scribe such other method for the cuucellationn 0li'.sucl1- stamps j ns he may deem expedient. (Feb. . 26, 1926,* .c. ..§ 80-4, 1 4-1 `Stnt,100.) · y ‘ , This éécticnrepcnlcd and reenacted; sec note at beginning of ‘ this chapter. - g, ··` ‘ '_ . _ W5. Same; collection of omitted taxes.——All internal reyenuc. A laws relating to the assessment and collect lon_ of taxes; are ·_, l1ez·eb;»· extended to and made n `pnrt of this title,“` so far as , applicable, 1'onthe purpose ot collecting stamp taxes omitted f, _thrcngh imlstake or fraud- from any iI18ti'l1ID€Dt,>rd0CUIi1€Ht, , D3®l',`W'1’ifiI1§, parcel, package, 0l‘{ article named herein. »( Feb. J 26,.1926, c, 27, { 805 (b),_451.Stnt. 100;)- _ , This •éc&onérepealcd and reenacted; see vte at beiinnlng ot ", thi; chapter.- ,· . - ( _‘ l 9%. Same; stamps for Postxnhgter General; distribution end sale.-··—[-Repealed. 1 · . · ‘ _ _ 1 -~ c Section 868 at the Revenue Act ot 1926, -wl1lcl1 in effect reen- · acted Q 896, of thelevenue Act ot 1924,. was repealed by Act ct J May 14, 1926,·whlch‘rm<:l as follows: “That { 806 of the Revenue _ Act nt 1928 be, and is bomb!. l*ep¢¤led." -(Mny 14, 1926, c. 299,1. ' 44 Stat,. 554.) The repealed section (44 Stat, 101) read exactly , the same as t 906 ct Title 28 ot the Code. · ‘ And nee note at th¢_be§·1n'nlug.·nt this chapter. l 997. Same; stamps for designated depositaiiea or State ¤ agents; lvmhérezulatinns.-—»-·(n) Each collector slmlliumish, T without prepnymentgto any designated depositary. of the Uni-tod * States, located in thécdistrlct ot such collector, a suitable quan- ` tity of ndhaslve stamps to be kepton sale by such designated J depositary. , · , _ __ < (b`) (Finch collector shall furnish, wltlmixt prepayment, to any ' personwho is;. (1) located in the district of such collector, (.2) _ duly appointed nndncting as agent of any State for tht? Salt! (tf l ••‘1'his_,tltle coustltutm chapter 18 et teh-1; supplemental title- ;

NAL REVENUE §909 stock transfer stamps of such State, and (3) designated by the eommissioner for the purpose, a suitable quantity of such ndlersive Stamps ae nre required by subdivisions 2, 3, and 4 of Schedule A°° of this-title, to be kept on sale by such person. ` (c) In such cases the c0lloctor,111a1y require a bond, with suffi- ·ient suretieé. ln 21 sum to be fixed by the commissioner, condiioned for the faithful ,retm·n, wl1oueve1·_ so required, of all pmntitiesl 01* amounts umlisposed uf, and for the payment nonthly of all quantities) or auwuutxfsold or not remaining; on 1nud._ The Secretary may from time to time make such regula—

i0ns as.he may tind ·necess
.1ry tolinsure the s&fe—ke<>ping or

Jrevent the illegal usebi all such_."'ndhe$ivc slmnps. (Fel;. 20, L926, c. 27,‘·§ 807, 4·1_ Stat. 101.) X “ ’ · Soo note at beginnimgl of this chapter. 908. Same; offenses.——\’S’hoe$*er— . . _ _ (:1) Makes, signs, issues, or accepts, or causes to Abe mnde, signed, issued, or accepted, any il1StI‘ll1]]9I1t."d0(‘\`iHl€I1l},‘ or paper: Jf any kind or deécription whatsoever without the full amount-of tax thereon being duly paid; · · ` (b). Mnnufactu_rers· ofimports and sells, or 0 ers for sale; or-

0 be xnnnufactured or ilgix-Ytéd. and EQE, or offered for

sale, au playing cards. package, or other article without the Enll ·umg§:t. of tax being duly paid;‘ `_ · .- ·(c) M·_ es use of any adhesive stamp to denote any tar l1:nposed"by this title ‘° without canceling or obliternting such stamp as prescribed in section 804;" _ · . _ · · Is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon `conviction thereof shall. pay :1 line of not more than $100 for each offense. (Feb; 26 [926, c._'_27,=§ 802, 44 Stat. i . . ‘ ` Thin section rupenled and reenacted; see note at the beginning of this chapter. ‘ — — ‘ 901 Same; other 0Eenses.—Wlloey·er— · _ (a) 17`rnndulently cuts, teare, or removesffrom any vellum, pi11f<·hlnent, paper, instrument, writing, package, or arfiele, upon which any tax is imposed by this title,-`xmy`adbesive.stamp or the impression of any. stnnmp, die, plate, or other article provided, made, or uécd in pursuzu1ee'of_ this title ;°’- · ` (b) Fraudulcntly uses, joins, Hxes, or places to, with, or upon any vellum, parchment, paper, instrument, writing, packnge,01·-artiple, npon which any tax is imposed by this tltle,'* (1) any adhesive stamp, br_the impression ot any stamp, die, plate; or other artiqle, which has been cut. tom, or removed from any other vellum, parchment,. paper, instrument, ·writing, gmekege, or article, upon whit·h·.eny tax is imposed by`- this title ;“ or (2) any adhesive stnngp or the impression of nny stnmp, die, plate. or other article; of insnwcicnt value; or (3) any forged er countcrfeited stamp, or the impression of any forged or counter- , feited stamp, die, plate, or other article; _ ‘ e . ” _(c) Wlllfully removes, or alters the cancellation or detaeing · marks ,0f, or otherwise premres, nnyndhesive stamp, with intent to nee, or cause the snmet.0 be used, hfter it has been alread,v“—used,` or knowingly or willfully buys, sells, odors for sale, or gives away, any such wnshed or reetoreg stamp to may mime for use, or,kdow*ingly`uses the same, ; _ —- ·. -` { ·(d)` Knowlngly and without lawful exculw (the burden ot · proof of such excuse being on the accused) has in posseselon nny washed, restored, or altered stamp, which bas been removed from any vellum, parchment, pgperylnstrnment, writing, package, or article; . · '-Is guilty ot n misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall lie pnnished by s flue ot not more than $1,000, or by imprisonment for not more than five years, or both; and any such reu.>4ed,· ~ “";I3his title eonatltuten chapter? 18 ot this supplemental title. _*8chedu1e A is set out under { $@1 of tbl; supplemental title. ” Section 804 is act ont in { R04 ot this supmcmentnl title. , , ¤"*Blx¤ title." boreinlreferred to, constltuteq chapter 18 of this supplemwt;1 title. » ‘ -