Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2012

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§1044 _ _ 2·1r1;E 26.-e-1N1·En thoncxpiration. ot the period of the extensioni _ _(Feb. 26; 1926, c.‘27, § 2;0(e), 44 Stet.`5;1.) _ . " · _ Set? note at beginning of this chapter. _ · d 1644. Same; taxes payible at eon;·ce.—-——The provtsions of this section shei1_not.aPp!y to the myment [of n tax required to be withheld at the._sem·ce \}H.d€1’;S€¢HOI1‘ 221 er. 237. (Feb. 26, t 19*.:6, c. `2`i', § 2`i’0(e)_, 44 Stat, 54.) _ ° _ , See note_at'beginning of this chopter. V ‘. . I ' , Section; 221 and 237, wtiouedjn the text, nre set ont in is 962 , and ¥e,__mpecz2ve1y, 'of this sq_pplemente1,· title: ~ l ' _ _1945; grnminatien of retain and ’deter:nimntion_ of imount of tax.——.&s" soon es lpmcticable after the return is {Bled the ,Commissioner‘ shell exnmine it andehatl determine the coriixzt · ( amount of the tex. ‘ (Feb.—26,"1926, c, 27, § _`271, 44 Suit. 55.) See note lat heglnning of this chapter. ` -· _ U . _ — E46. Gredit or refund of _ ovempayments.-—If‘ the tztxpayer : has paid es mriixstallment-of_ the tax more thhuthe a.m0untdetermined to be the correct amount of such insta11mentQ the excess shall be credited aighiust the unpaid installments, if any; _1£ the amount `inlreedy péid,"Wltthe1?·_0r not on the` basis [of Jnstallments, exceeds the amou11t—dete1imined— to be the cofrect t amountnof the tax, the excess ehall peycredited or refunded as- · provided in section‘284. (Feb. 26,1926, c. 2*315 272, gi-! Stat. 55.) ` See` note it beginning of this chapter. · " ,_ l W '_ ;¢ ‘ _ ·Section‘284_, naentioued in the text, is· set out in $1065; of this supplemental title. = ‘ - N _ . · 1647. Dgécdency in tax; what constitutee.>——-As uéed yin this` _ title in respect or a tai imposed by this title the term *‘ de- ¤<·*¤·=¤r"¤¤€¤¤$— c ‘ 4 , ‘ . (1) The amount hy which the tax iiyposed by this title ex·‘ eeedsitixe amouutshowu as the taxhy the taxpayer upon his ` xetum; but the amountso shown on the‘1*eturl1,shall first be in- .q~eds.éed by the amom1 ts previously assessed (or collected without · hssessmwt) as .a· deuciency, end decreased by the amounts _prex·ions1y abated, credited, refunded, or otherwise 'PBQBH]. in prospect of such tax; or V. “ “ ' ‘ ‘ y _ (2) It no amount is shown as the tax by the taxpayer upon hie return, or if no ·retnrn‘ is made by` the taxpayer, then the amount. by which the tux exceeds the a_ino•:mts_ previously essmd (or collected without aesesneuexxty as a" dedciency; hqt such gmonnts previously assessed, O1" collected withoutk assess? 5 ment, shall Bret be decreased by the mnotints previously abated, t credited, reguuded, G[‘Qth8IWiS€` repaid. in respect of stgch tax. 1 (Feb. %, 19%, c, 27. { ?73, 44 Stat.-55.) ` _8ee noteyat beginning ot this! Ci3tlDtB§’t . · ,. . _ t *‘ This ·tit!e," herein ;refe_g;ed» to,_ coriétitutes c.—19 of this supplenncntal title. ` on . . ‘ · _ [ _ 1048. Sane; notice to taxpayer of aeseaeneygrnamaeeuom on v _~ Iaeemment or collection of acme].--··I§ fin the cnseot any tax-- · payer, the conamieeioner Idetersniues that there is a dehciency in respect of the tax imposed by this titI_e, they commissioner _ is authorized to cendnotiee of such- dehcieucy to the taxpayer by registered mail. Within 60’(i£lYS·BfY€1? such notice is mailed {not counting Sunday as the ‘sixtietl1_day), the taxpayer may 2 me a petition with the Beax·d·0t_ Tex Appeals toc e redeteranine- . _' tion of the dedcieucy. §·3xcept fi3, otherwise provided 'in subdi- 1 vision (cl) or (f) of thliéz section or in section·279,_282,`e: 1601, t no. aewsement ot on deficiency in respect ot the tux imposed by 1 this title and no d isti·eint or proceeding in court for its col-· ° Iection shell be made, Jigegun, or pmeecxitéd untilfsnch notice I has been mailed to thetnxpnyer, nor· until The expiration ot ° synch m-dey period, ner, it at petition has been died with the ~ hoard, unt!] the decision of the board has bmome Qual. Notwithetandinj the pfovisioné of Section $@4 ot the Revised d c Smtntm the making of Such auessmentlr tk beginning of 1 such. pmceedng or ‘distmint during the time such prohibition is 1 t in {once- may be enjoined by a proceediué in the proper court. c (Feb. E, 1926, c. 27, § 2T4(·¤). iii Stat. Qi) s

BNALY REVENUE _ _ 1998 P ‘f ‘1‘hl.s.· title " hereln referred t0_ constitutes c.'1$ ot this supplemental title. .8ecti<m 3224 of the Revised Statutes, mentioned in the tut, is set but ip Q IM or Title 2%, I1|*1'Hl$AL'B»IVIQUl. Semen ../·-.. _279, mentioned in the nxt; is setoafin H 1051 nd·J.0€3 or this supplemmtal. title. Sections 282 •¤'1001, ¤en¤® m the text, are set out in M 1071 sad 1224,. of uid dtie; · See note at begtnaing o; this chapter. Qabdivisious (6) and (if}, mentioned in· the text; are act out hr ${.1MSa snd‘1648b, reapectively, oithis qupplemeatal title. . . . _ _ . - °10.48a. Same; ivaivei of ieérlctiem by `tsxp•icr.——-The tax- _paye1·Q shall at any time have the right, hy a signed notice in writing illed. with the edmmlssipuer, ta waive the rmrtcuems proifided Ain subdivision (a) .6t this mtion `ca the aéemment f and `collectioh df ythe whole or any_mrt ct the Ae§cieacy.` (Feb, 26, 1926, c. 27; § 274 (cl), 44.Stat. 55.) Y . _ A . - t ·New sectiqp. Subd1visio¤.(a),_mentloaed lin the text, is set out ~ in § l048¢dt this supplemental title. ‘ _ \ · . · _ · 1048b. Additional dedéiency ·i¤_ same yur; mathematical errdr.; .n0ti¢e.—I§ after. the enactment dt this Act the meme, sinner hasgmalled to the taxpayer notice ot a dedgiéney as·pm—$ ._ vldediri subdivision -(a), and the taxpayerdlee a petition with the board within the time prescribed _-ia such subdivision, the commissioner shallyhave no right td determine, any additional deiiciency in respect et the same taxable year; except in the case of i§t·aud,·and e;cept as pmvidedlin subdivision (e) of tms section 01;:111 subdivision (c) otfsectlgm 279. It the taxpayer is notified- that, gn account df a_ mathematical error appcarihg _up0n the fade qtnthe return, an amoaat of tai ih excm of that shown 'upouthe retui·u_ is due,.axid_ that an ment ct the ` are has been or. will be made cm the heels ct .what.imuld have been 'thecorrect `andunt of tax but fox? the error, such 1iotlce*shall'·uctrbe·c0i1sidered, for the ai this Sdb-` division bt at subdivision (ad) at thi$ pectloa, er at subdivision (d_)· ot section- 284, as a notice ot a dedciency, and thetaxpnyer shall have no `right te me a petition with the board based em such. notigee; hor shall auch a t ar be pidhibited by the p1*0visi0ae`cf‘subdivisle11 (a) et this section. (Feb. 26, 1:926,`c. 27, § 27{ (f), 4{Stat. 55;)` _' ’ ·' _ ' · Nei seettém. section 279, mentioned ta the text, is iet cat Lu ·

  • J'!. 1051 and 1063 ot this mpplemwtnl title; { 284,* glnllsrly men-

· tionled; is not out in" I 1065.ot said title. Subdivisions (•.) and (e), U mentioned in the text, age setadt in if 1048 and 104§a, 1’¤D¢¢· · ti§ely,.ot said title. _ ‘ S ° 1049. · [Ddciency; assessment nad, nymcat, when petifioa Elec! with b0ag1_,v+·I£~»the7 “f§payer mes a petition with the bdardpthe exitire amount redetermined as the dedclepey by the decision at the board which has become dual shall be aeseseed _ and ·shal1 be paid upon- notice and demand from the collector. Nupart of-the, amount determined as a dedciencjt-by theccmmissimmer huf-disallowed as auch by the decision et the board which has becomedjmi shall be assessed QF be collected by distmiht or by proceeding in éourt with ext without assessment. (Feb. 26, 1926, c. 27,`§·274 (b), 44 Stat. 55.) " See note at beginning of this chapter. e V — 104.9a. Redeterminntioa `of de§$¤cy by bond.-—-The ·b0ard shall have jurisdiction to redetermlae the correct amount at the rleiiclcncy evea it the amount so redetermlued is greats!. than the amount of the detlcleaey, notice 0t~ which has beeamailed to the taxpayer. and td. determine whether any penalty, addi- ` tional amount or addition to the tax should be assessed, it· f elalm therefor is asserted by the commissioner at or before the ¥wm·hig or zi rehearing. (Feb. 26, 1926, é. 27, `§ 274 (e), 44. Stat. 55.) . e . ` New section. 4 ` 1049b. Redetermfnatien of deéciency; cenaideratian bf tages _ sf othexj yeanx-·—·The ·bqard· in redetermiaingh a dedcienify i¤ respect at any taxable ymr shall consider each taets with relaiien to thetaxes for other taxable yam as may be necessary wrrectly to redetermlne the amexmt of such detleiency, but in so doing shall have u0`jm·iedlc·tl0a to determine whether orinot ` ‘ . _ · ‘ O